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1:00 PM
!!doge delphi, oracle, cassandra
@mikeTheLiar Command doge cannot be used in /tell.
               such delphi
                         so  oracle
very  cassandra
@KevinTinnemans Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
1:03 PM
               much fail
                        such user
so pro
I sometimes miss those old, over-the-top, tacky Windows XP themes.
In web.config, appSettings has a configSource attribute. Is it possible to get that same functionality for other sections? I'm thinking about system.serviceModel.
You could download from all over the internet.
@Proxy the most wat is at 12:00
(having trees, clouds and city in one picture.)
just by changing the palette.
1:06 PM
it isn't that assembly is faster, it's that people using it use clever tricks to optimize performance.
brb meeting
So no else worked with SharePoint then ?
just ask your q
1:27 PM
@RoelvanUden it will be ignored if I couldn't find someone who worked on SP
sure okay
back i am
@Proxy do you also like green eggs and ham?
but are you in black?
(It rhymed, first thing that popped into my head when i read it)
also what @satibel said
1:38 PM
truth to be told, i am
be careful of Kieran's Komplicated Konstruct. (KKK)
hopefully noone is rising flags anymore
he is a pirate so it is good
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free
1:46 PM
yo ho a bottle of rum
gotta love dem alestorm
@mikeTheLiar be careful of /pol/ they will steal it.
Alestorm is legit
Alestorm sounds like something I can get behind.
I've cut my finger an i have no idea how.
I've been trying to get Entity Framework to play nice with my Web Forms project, and I've been getting this error: Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider. The first five google results for that message don't seem to be helping, so I'm trying to debug it further on my own. Is there any way to tell precisely what .Net Framework Data Provider it's trying to find or load?
I would expect that it's trying to find or load Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll or Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework.dll, but both of those are plainly registered in my web.config and sitting in my bin folder, so I think there's a possibility it's trying to find or load something else entirely, for some reason.
1:57 PM
what is the convention for a REST API endpoint that returns a bool/flag?
Have you added it as a reference? @Kevin
standard practice is to have your APIs be resource based with eg. \api\users or \api\users\123
What's curious, but possibly not relevant, is that the data model is defined in a solution "A" that's independent of the solution "B" holding my web forms project. I've confirmed that the data model works if I reference it from a console project in "A". I've also confirmed that if I generate a data model from scratch in solution "B", then my web form can use that data model just fine. The problem seems to only occur when bridging the gap between A and B.
Morning people... Come, Embrace the Infinite...
2:09 PM
stupidity of humanity.
what, I wasn't supposed to continue that sentence?
Mike I don't trust your links
@Kevin what does dumpbin say?
you say that you are the liar... if I click on them I'm not sure what will popup
2:18 PM
@007 only on Fridays
Tigg Old Bitties I suspect...
ahh Fridays..
nvm. dumpbin is not much of a help in that case
Just as well, because I don't know what dumpbin is.
Any intelligent DnB listeners / House Music people here?
2:20 PM
You can check the exposed functions of a dll or exe
or do you guys just listen to midi files
My .NET education was 90% "just do it like this and it will work" cargo culting, so if there's something obvious I should have tried, and nobody has suggested it to me because it's so obvious so obviously I must have tried it already, please assume that I don't know anything about obvious things and suggest it anyway.
.Net sucks Kevin!
That always a good starting point
plays a tiny violin
2:22 PM
Don't encourage him.
Oh goodness look what the Rat dragged in :)
Good Evening Steve
lol hai
btw, .net is awesome
is it?
lots of people are leaving it
2:24 PM
at least that's what you read
seems like Ruby is picking up then you read that Ruby is dead
so I guess it's all about what your needs are
what language is perfect?
how do you guys make my name turn green and my machine beep??
2:26 PM
The Perfect Language is Maths
perhaps you could ask the ruby room
then Maths sucks.
Math does suck
I agree
Well Steve this is stackoverflow
2:27 PM
and you know how I feel about stack
have you every done Maths nyconig
I mean real math... like complex maths
Hmm, there's no way to step into a .dll, is there...? I only need to check the value of a parameter.
If I could just figure out what string is being passed into System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory.GetFactory, I feel like it would really narrow down the problem
So who here was the ajax expert? I have a question I'd like to ask
then make a derived of DbProviderFactory?
2:32 PM
Sure, I guess I could do that. But how would I trick System.Data.Entity.Dll into using my derived class instead of its own class?
I'll guess I'll put music here too. youtube.com/watch?v=-0Ao4t_fe0I
what? I just cant debug or modify whatelse the other family does to their own family. unless they are virtual or protected on class who calling GetFactory()
My coworker tells me I can step into a dll if I have its pdb file. Does System.Data.Common.dll have a pdb file? Do I need to download it from somewhere? Do I need to build it from source? Is the System.Data.Common source publicly available?
or you should reverse engineering them if they are simple.
pdb file always will not published.
What does "them" refer to when you say "reverse engineering them"? The GetFactory function?
2:38 PM
the DLL.
@Kevin put the .pdb into the folder of the debugged exe. nvm. no pdb for You
Well it's a system dll so I would expect it to be insanely complicated
hmm looks like the kids in the java room don't do ajax to let me ask here... is ajax only something that can be used during a httppost as I don;t see any httpget examples... if I am understanding the difference between the two as the concept of how it works in mvc confuses me some.
system DLL? you should look at your own family instead.
or tried using other DLL? (I dunno what problem exatcly)
look at Your daughter, and check the number on her forehead.
2:41 PM
What does "family" mean in this context?
Are you trying to say "system dlls are very well tested, so if your program isn't working, it's exceedingly likely that the bug is in your code and not the system code"? I agree completely. But the only way I can get a clue about the problem in my own code, is by stepping into the sytem code.
Does anyone know what encryption algorithm SQL Server's EncryptByKey function uses?
All the namespace you have is your family.
Well the string I'm trying to find is six calls deep away from the code I have control over, so there's no way I'm going to find it there
Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> symbols and check the "Microsoft Symbol Servers" might help
I just now noticed a "Enable .NET Framework source stepping" option in tools -> options -> debugging -> general
I'm waiting for it to "download public symbols", but this seems like it's exactly what I need. Or am I wrong? Is there a reason nobody suggested it?
2:45 PM
I haven't stepped into system code ever
pdb include all symbol of System.Data.Common.dll
I haven't stepped into system code ever
Hmm, alright then.
That gives me hope that the option may in fact be what I need. It would have been bad if it wasn't suggested because you both step into system code all the time and you were sure that the option wouldn't help
hi guys can a string be conveted to timespan? I tried using this Convert.ToDateTime() but I dont see a timespan option...
2:51 PM
is that an option.. I will do a search
Usually I don't use Convert.. Rather the type I need.Parse()
so I should not use convert to make a string a date?>
DateTime.Parse is the way I do
You have much more control to choose from TryParse/Parse/ParseExact
ok I will look that up to understand what better
2:53 PM
by control what do you mean
Web.config has these sub-files, Web.Debug.config and Web.Release.config. I'm assuming that these are for different config settings depending on what Configuration you're in, right?
just to understand the context better
I have never heard of the parse option
until today, thanks for that
2:56 PM
TryParse will return a bool wether the string -> DataTime was successful or not. The result will be an out parameter
hmm ok... I will need more study on that for sure.. I did find this : stackoverflow.com/questions/199470/…
ParseExact will need a format string by the string -> DateTime will be processed. Like a pattern
thanks again... that guys is booked marked!
thanks ntohl... that is a bit beyond my skillset
But it's good to know their are other options
2:58 PM
no problemo
@Kevin holy molly... That symbol loading made the program super slow
it just hang up for a break all button
didn't yet open the main window
I'm happy with any speed as long as it solves my mystery.
we will hear about your oppinion tomorrow, when the program loads :D
yaay. I have a main window
hmm. There are no step intos that I would expect to perform. Good luck
I tried to step into System.Data.DataRow.Delete()
it gave me disassembly, or the option to open DataRow.cs.
I can step into some things but I'm not sure I can step into the thing I need. It turns out that the call stack is actually 28 items deep between my code and the system call I want to inspect.
I'm hoping that debug -> new breakpoint -> function breakpoint -> break on function name "GetFactory" will break on the one I've got in mind
Ah ha! It worked. GetFactory is being called using the string "Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client".
3:10 PM
last time I used conditional breakpoint, it made the program also super slow. The combination of the two must be over 9000 slow
that was fast
But... wtf, because I have Oracle.MangedDataAccess.Client plainly registered in my machine.config.
<add name="ODP.NET, Managed Driver" invariant="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client" description="Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver" type="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" />
I suggest a cup of tea, and a hammer
Or, hmm, maybe I'm misunderstanding what "invariant" means here.
the name should be Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client?
I doubt it. None of the other db provider factories' names have dots in them.
They're all human-readable titles.
3:14 PM
check the working mini example
Do config transform files work in debug mode? I know they used to not, but is that still the case?
What working mini example?
> I've confirmed that the data model works if I reference it from a console project in "A". I've also confirmed that if I generate a data model from scratch in solution "B", then my web form can use that data model just fine. The problem seems to only occur when bridging the gap between A and B.
private static TTypeType GetType<TTypeType>(int id, Dictionary<int, TTypeType> typeCollection)
    if (typeCollection[id] != null)
        return typeCollection[id];

    return default(TTypeType);
what have i done
> TTypeType
Also can you not use ?? ?
3:22 PM
I could.
return typeCollection[id] ?? default(TTypeType);
Doesn't work.
typeCollection[id] ?? default(TTypeType) is better than SomeClass.GetType(id, typeCollection) in the first place. isn't it?
Error CS0019 Operator '??' cannot be applied to operands of type 'TTypeType' and 'TTypeType'
ohh. You have to narrow down TTypeType to something, that have default
3:25 PM
where TTypeType : new I think
Still doesn't work because TTypeType can have private constructors.
Oh well.
so I was just over at the javascript room... I don;t think the kids there know mvc all that well...
I can just use ternary operators I guess.
so my ajax question did not get much traction so Now I am back here...
@ntohl Oh, right. Ok, I'll check the providerString there... It's Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.
3:28 PM
return typeCollection[id] != null ? typeCollection[id] : default(TTypeType);
can some one clear up the get and post thing for me.. does a page have to be submitted to use httpget?
...works, but VS shouts at me for not using the coalesce.
I mean post
But, executing my broken example a little further, I see that GetFactory is actually getting called more than once. It gets called with Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client, and then later gets called with Oracle.DataAccess.Client a little later. In my working example, it never gets called with Oracle.DataAccess.Client.
@Kevin so it's not depending on that exact parameter...
hmm. It tries to use a more generic provider on the second run?
3:30 PM
The whole reason I'm trying to upgrade to managed data access in the first place is because Oracle.DataAccess simply fails to work at all on my machine, so I'm not happy to see it insinuating itself back into my code
no love on the httpget vs httppost?
so guys here is another issue I am having... I have this url: '@url.Action
that points to the function you wantto run and the the controller
but it will not find the controller function any ideas?
It's like it ignores the the url
3:43 PM
we have url rewrites in the IIS config. But I doubt that it's the case for You
So guys I finally found right term form my question... my ajax is not going to the mvc controller action... any one ever had this issue happen to then? If so how did you trouble shoot it?
you have you action decorated with post or get?
I don;t know which one to use
I put httpget
3:52 PM
I get the 500
if I put the httppost I get a 404 error
if I put the same function in the controller with no parameters it goes to that
but as some as i try to use the parameter it goes all wacky
I found something on routing... and tired that
3:54 PM
but I may need to remove it has Iam not sure what it does sadly
i hear vb6 is better than .net
it is
i would have been done by now
god how'd i know you'd agree lmao
3:56 PM
this stuff is so complex
im on week 2 of solving this bloody problem
I will win!
There has to be a solution
mvc can't be this limited
formatting web pages by tables, or w/ css
3:59 PM
Is that the issue you thing?
i bet you're a table guy huh
no I don;t know database all that well
I keep telling you man I am not a programmer LOL
3:59 PM
I just work with this stuff
and some how I find solutions

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