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4:42 AM
posted on March 27, 2017 by Scott Hanselman

I've installed .NET Core 1.0 on my machine. Let's see if I can get a class library and tests running and compiling automatically using only the command line. (Yes, some of you are freaked out by my (and other folks') appreciation of a nice, terse command line. Don't worry. You can do all this with a mouse if you want. I'm just enjoying the CLI. NOTE: This is considerably updated from the proj

1 hour later…
6:12 AM
6:42 AM
good morning :)
@War Thanks for your answer. Is this library able to modify exiting PDF as well?
God dammit. InDesign Server is uselessly expensive ...
@WilliamMariager what's the difference to "normal" InDesign?
Quotes are $20,000 - $30,000 ... and on top of that, my clients still needs to shell out for their own InDesign license to make their designs in the first place.
No UI and it can be used for automation.
And much more, like web access.
@WilliamMariager that price is insane :O
6:51 AM
Yeah, I'd need a lot more customers to even consider going with that.
If I want position to only be modified by Unit, is this a good way to still allow read access to position? gist.github.com/jhmckimm/2d3897905b612340d6749dadf2f0dc57
I wonder if there's anything in the ToS that prevents me from using regular InDesign for automation. I don't really need any of the other features.
@jhmckimm nothing wrong with doing it like that
@jhmckimm you can use private set maybe.
Ah, well I'll need that too, yes.
6:55 AM
though I'm not sure if you could modify it, but not replace it if you have read access to it.
If position is a class, then you can modify it.
If it's a struct, then you can't, since it's exposed as a property.
What he has right now, returns a copy/clone, so it's safe.
Would a struct be more suitable for this? Vector2 just contains two floats and a bunch of methods.
Sounds like it yeah
To me, a vector is always a struct, since it makes sense.
I would also make X/Y/etc, readonly, so it's immutable.
@WilliamMariager better check that, new might not clone it.
Ah right, didn't notice.
struct Vector2 {
  public double X { get; }
  public double Y { get; }
  public Vector2(double x, double y) { /* assign properties */ }
7:01 AM
it is implemented as a struct in unity for reference.
class Unit {
  public Vector2 Position { get; private set; }
Since Vector2 is a struct, it's a value type, and you'll always get a "copy".
So that private set essentially carries through to the struct members?
No, but since it's a struct, it'll give you an error if you try to assign to X/Y.
Only from outside Unit, though, right? Structs confuse the hell out of me.
From the inside as well.
Only way to change the position is Position = new Vector2(x,y);.
Which is good.
Don't be scared off by the new keyword, nothing "new" happens, since it's a value type.
7:05 AM
rule of thumb : structs behave like ints. (because ints are structs)
Ooh, okay.
Well that works out for me then, thanks.
Yeah, thinking of them as basic types is a good idea. They don't have a reference either.
though if you use pointers, public int* myptr{ get; private set; } will allow you to modify what's behind the pointer but not the pointer, the same happens with classes (because they basically behave like pointers to structs.)
Morn all
Morn you
7:20 AM
Ah, .NET 4.6 has Vector2 already. Neat. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
Wonder why it uses floats.
Maybe they just ripped it out of Xna.
@WilliamMariager is there a need for double or decimal? if you don't work on nuklear physics you don't need such precision
You'll constantly be casting everything to floats, since everything else in the .NET Standard uses double.
And everything will automatically cast up. Lots of moving back and forth.
@WilliamMariager that may be true, but i don't think that is an issue
What's the issue with using doubles? I doubt there's going to be any signification performance difference, and any gain will be ruined by all the casting.
7:27 AM
Hey, Proxy.
@WilliamMariager i think so too, except you're working on low spec arm or avr devices without a floatingpoint processor
That's a very narrow requirement though, and if that's the case, then there are other considerations as well.
good morning
@WilliamMariager this was the first case, which came to my mind, where it actually matters ^^
7:30 AM
Right. :P
7:48 AM
Guys, might anyone please check this query?
DELETE ca FROM CommonAmounts ca INNER JOIN Product p ON ca.ProductId = p.Id  WHERE p.Plu <> '90900'
Everytime I get 0 rows affected, what am I doing wrong? :)
try with a select before
seems you might need to use DELETE ca.* FROM [...] on some sql versions
Q: SQL DELETE with JOIN another table for WHERE condition

hszI have to delete rows from guide_category that have no relation with guide table (dead relations). Here is what I want to do, but it of course does not work. DELETE FROM guide_category AS pgc WHERE pgc.id_guide_category IN (SELECT id_guide_category FROM gui...

@WilliamMariager Floats are used for performance reasons. It uses less memory, less CPU cache, you can parallelize more on the FPU (8 as opposed to 4), and less bandwidth is used over the main board. Overall, floats are far more efficient if you tend to calculate a lot (and since vectors are also used in games.. well, you do use them a lot)
@WilliamMariager oh and my GF mentioned it is easier to work with floats if you need to compute things on a GPU Cluster
8:06 AM
You have a smart GF. That's right, e.g. CUDA is faster with floats than doubles, and there's much less bandwidth consumed (and thus less spin up time)
I suppose that makes sense.
@RoelvanUden How does this work when C# defaults to double in all it's Standard parts?
I makes sense to use floats if you have better control, but the fact that all math functions upcast to double before doing their work, means you lose it anyways.
Sure, if all you're doing is basic operations, floats can be optimized.
But often you'll mix in a ton of trig as well, which only works with doubles.
Vector2 includes a lot of that.
As do the others in System.Numerics
@WilliamMariager Whenever a function uses doubles, it makes the performance (and accuracy) trade off. For the most part, that's fine. But when you need the sheer speed, you'll stick to the basic operations of floats, e.g. vector computation is a mere matter of + - * / etc.
And vector has that.
Since one of the major parts where vectors shine is 2D/3D (e.g. games or 3D visualization), you want the speed and you will probably stick to vector calculations instead of fancy stuff like getting the square root of a position
This conversation has been awesome. Makes me feel like I've accomplished something today despite forgetting my meds and getting no sleep.
Learning is cool. :3
8:13 AM
@RoelvanUden But those vector calculations will often involve trig, especially sin/cos, which as mentioned, uses double. It'd take some careful design thoughts to get the potential from the floats you're talking about.
Hey guys, quick question, can i set my datagridview to fill in each new row with some text selected in a combobox?
You can see the amount of casting back and forth going on in here when it uses Math.
@WilliamMariager You will probably use the helpers, e.g. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb196336.aspx
@RoelvanUden Feel free to look at the same link. It still uses doubles.
Some things do, some things don't. It still doesn't negate the other benefits.
Also, hardware acceleration is a real thing.
8:15 AM
shrugs - It'll do me for now. :) I gotta head out for the day. Later, folks.
Definitely, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying, it'll take very careful design to get those optimizations.
Yeah, it does. Absolutely, you're not wrong there.
All this talk about optimizations reminds me that I should really optimize this sometime: github.com/TinkerWorX/AccidentalNoiseLibrary
It's made pretty naively right now. Not a single consideration about performance.
Do it when and if it matters. Premature optimization and all that.
Yeah, well, it's a library for procedural generation and fractal noise and such. Any optimization is a good idea.
Could be interesting to do a comparison of float vs double.
And see if I can optimize it to different cache sizes.
Had a few courses on computer architecture since, so it's possible I can put a few of the things I've learned to use.
8:53 AM
with floats there's 0x5f3759df
float Q_rsqrt( float number )
	long i;
	float x2, y;
	const float threehalfs = 1.5F;

	x2 = number * 0.5F;
	y = number;
	i = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking
	i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck?
	y = * ( float * ) &i;
	y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration
// y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed

	return y;
lol just googled it and its kind of awesome ^^
That looks like Quake
yes it is
I stumbled on that snippet at some time and went completely WTF as well
but the one who invented this was a genius ^^
8:59 AM
And yet he doesn't even know himself how he did it. :P Sounds more like luck or bruteforcing.
"Some engineer out there has solved P=NP and it's locked up in an electric eggbeater calibration routine. For every 0x5f375a86 we learn about, there are thousands we never see."
@WilliamMariager dichotomy ?
basically, how that works it that taking a floating point as an int without casting it results in having ~ log_2(x)<<1 where x is your float
Equip the baguette!
9:11 AM
for the explanation of the 0x5F[...]
> Anyway. Following the rest of the equalities is straightforward. The magic number, denoted by R, is just a constant appearing in the equation. The interesting thing, which is not in the wiki but you can figure it out yourself, is that R only depends on number of bits in the float you started with, the number of bits in that float that is reserved for the exponent of the float, and the term σ. Following the wiki, one can calculate R this way:

n=32 (32 bits float)
b=8 (8 bits in die float are reserved for the exponent)
ahhh math
a universe where random numbers make sense
they are not random, they are convenient constants.
Any lawyers in here? :P
I am a (search-engine)-er, close enough
Trying to figure out the ToS for Adobe InDesign. It states that I cannot make the program available to others. So if I allow clients to give me an InDesign file, and then use InDesign to create a PDF from the file, does this mean the program is available to others? They would still need their own InDesign license to create the file in the first place.
We're talking an automated environment, not me personally using InDesign to create the PDF.
9:22 AM
if you are using your own licence to do that, you should be fine.
but if they want to screw with you they will always be able to anyways.
Thing is, they have an InDesign Server version as well, but it is extremely expensive($20,000 - $30,000), so looking for alternative options.
if you want to be sure, just ask them by e-mail if it's ok.
InDesign Server does come with a ton of other options though, including a web interface version of InDesign. But I don't need all that. I just need to make a few modifications and then spit out a PDF.
I'll try emailing them, assuming I can find an email. :P
@WilliamMariager i think you're out of luck if you provide it as a paid service
@War I have bumped into the ninject FromAssemblies("MyCorp.*.dll") solution of Yours
that's nice solution. Do You happen to know, how to check the dependency graph that Ninject resolves to?
9:28 AM
@WilliamMariager but you could implement your own modification algorithm without using InDesign link
if they use idml, you can do whatever you want.
Weird Json.NET error. I'm serializing a complex object (array of key-value pairs whose value is an array of custom objects), and getting a the exception "Cannot cast System.String to System.Enum".
I have several enums in the custom object, true, but why would it care - I'm serializing, not deserializing.
for example I have a mess in my BindingsNinjectModul, which loads the bindings, and I want to show when I resolve a T1, which Ts are resolved with it.
all of the dependencies are constructor dependencies
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan There is a setting for serializing enums as values, default is int
@JohanLarsson I have an attribute on all the enums there telling it to use StringEnumConverter, but still, why would it throw an exception?
It shouldn't be assigning anytying into an Enum.
9:34 AM
Have you added the StringEnumConverter to the serializer (via settings)
Oh, wait. It looks like someone added the [JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter))] attribute to a non-enum property.
So it would take the string and try to convert into a general System.Enum, which fails, naturally.
@SebastianL Using IDML I would still need InDesign to render the PDF though, right?
Yeah, that fixed it.
@WilliamMariager i do not know if there exists other software than InDesign to convert idml to pdf, but since idml is documented there is hope, that you don't need to use InDesign
when you misspell coming as comming and then the auto correct "fixes" it to cumming
and then you submit the comment :(
9:43 AM
Aren't auto corrects based on what you often type? ;)
i hope not
sent to [mother] "you should have told me dad was cumming too."
nah luckily was only a pull request
ah god damn
Rejected for not being serious enough?
i'm illiterate
9:54 AM
sent to [git] "added cool shader so the whole scene is cumming onto the users view"
how to mess with people:
int ʰᵉᶫᶫᵒᵈᵃʳᵏᶰᵉˢˢ = 0;
(yes it compiles)
Depends on the language/compiler I assume?
I'm in the C# room.
in c#
in java too
10:10 AM
just not to put a name to mess with other int a;int b; int c; class a;class b;...
most languages that supports unicode support these horrors
dynamic ᶜₐᶧᶣᶸLᶸʷₐˢᶣₑᵣₑ; should also compile
I wonder if there are any non-renderable characters that are valid. :P Nice obfuscation.
I seen full japannese naming in code.
include class, method, enum......
10:14 AM
int あ; etc. looks even more horrible
int H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎Ȩ̬̩̾͛ͪ̈́̀́͘C̷̙̲̝͖ͭ̏ͥͮ͟Oͮ͏̮̪̝͍M͊̒ͪͩͬ̚̚͜Ȇ̴̟̟͙̞ͩ͌͝S̨̥̫͎̭ͯ̿̔̀ͅ= 0;
@nyconing ^^
@WilliamMariager nonprintablewhitespaces
			int H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎Ȩ̬̩̾͛ͪ̈́̀́͘C̷̙̲̝͖ͭ̏ͥͮ͟Oͮ͏̮̪̝͍M͊̒ͪͩͬ̚̚͜Ȇ̴̟̟͙̞ͩ͌͝S̨̥̫͎̭ͯ̿̔̀ͅ= 0;
            for (int H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎Ȩ̬̩̾͛ͪ̈́̀́͘C̷̙̲̝͖ͭ̏ͥͮ͟Oͮ͏̮̪̝͍M͊̒ͪͩͬ̚̚͜Ȇ̴̟̟͙̞ͩ͌͝S̨̥̫͎ͯ̿̔̀ͅ = 0; H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎Ȩ̬̩̾͛ͪ̈́̀́͘C̷̙̲̝͖ͭ̏ͥͮ͟Oͮ͏̮̪̝͍M͊̒ͪͩͬ̚̚͜Ȇ̴̟̟͙̞ͩ͌͝S̨̥̫͎ͯ̿̔̀ͅ < H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎Ȩ̬̩̾͛ͪ̈́̀́͘C̷̙̲̝͖ͭ̏ͥͮ͟Oͮ͏̮̪̝͍M͊̒ͪͩͬ̚̚͜Ȇ̴̟̟͙̞ͩ͌͝S̨̥̫͎̭ͯ̿̔̀ͅ; H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎Ȩ̬̩̾͛ͪ̈́̀́͘C̷̙̲̝͖ͭ̏ͥͮ͟Oͮ͏̮̪̝͍M͊̒ͪͩͬ̚̚͜Ȇ̴̟̟͙̞ͩ͌͝S̨̥̫͎ͯ̿̔̀ͅ++)
is this working in the powershell console?
10:21 AM
that would make for a pretty annoying read, especially if you replace standard functions.
PS C:\Users\Administrateur> $H???¯?"????E????'´¸???C???????_??O??????M????????E?????????S??????????=0; echo $H???¯?"????
Jeton « ???¯?"????E????'´¸???C???????_??O??????M????????E?????????S??????????=0 » inattendu dans une expression ou une
Au niveau de ligne : 1 Caractère : 74
+ $H???¯?"????E????'´¸???C???????_??O??????M????????E?????????S??????????=0 <<<< ; echo $H???¯?"????E????'´¸???C???????
@SebastianL nope
adb shell
pm list packages -f
linux supports anything in a file name except null and /
so you can have some pretty freaky names x)
@satibel it's not linux it's ext vs ntfs here i think
@SebastianL nope, I created a filename with < in linux on an ntfs filesystem.
@satibel oh okay :D
10:36 AM
just noticed you can do some filename injection with shares.
a file named ".\..*.*" in a samba share is a-ok, but copying it in windows will copy the parent folder.
and explorer just stops you from adding these characters, but you can rename a file with those.
@satibel :D can you prevent securitychecks with this?
        [Index(IsUnique = true), StringLength(50)]
        public string PlateNumber { get; set; }
Column 'PlateNumber' in table 'dbo.GENVehicles' is of a type that is invalid for use as a key column in an index.
I specified the length and still getting the ame error in migration
key column needs to be incrementable i assume
@SebastianL I haven't found a way to change drives yet.
10:54 AM
I Update-Database but the above error occurred at the end, for one column, if modified it. but I can't add new migration because there is pending migration not updated. Should I delete the migration file?
Hey guys I am starting to learn c# at google i get many tutorials but u guys are more advanced with c# . do u hguys have any suggestion of learning c# or just follow tutorials from youtube and google ?
set a goal
lets say a program you would like to write
and work towards it
@namzaG have one or more projects
@namzaG I read the official MSDN C# reference
my first goal is to learn the basic
10:59 AM
then make a simple calculator.
you programmed before?
but u guys all starts as a junior what have u been using to get where u are now
i programmed before
javascript jquery
html css
couple months php
but i decided to learn c# to be a senior
as @satibel said, maybe make a calculator for start
so the company i work is gonna move and we decided to use c# know do i have the time to learn it
if i google i get many sites that learns the basic
to be a senior you will need at least 2-3 years of work
11:01 AM
it's good but hearing from ppl who are longer in this language
is more important than google some words
and its not only about programming
I'm in c# since ~ november
@Proxy ? what more ?
@satibel did u have some experience before u started
well i'm in since may. soon my 1 anniversary will arrive
11:02 AM
but it's pretty easy since I both have some c and java experience
than it's simpel
i have only have experience in html css javascript jquery
when i open microsoft visual studio
i got stuck
thats why i need to learn basic first
but was just wondering what u guys had to tell me
Thanx for ur time guys
if u have suggesting or tips
you'll need to learn console vs WPF vs winforms
@namzaG you say, you used javascript and php before, do you have any computerscience education (bachelor etc)?
a little bit
(im asking because if so you are familiar with basic general programming concepts)
11:05 AM
not bachelar
so selftaught?
i have learned on internship
you know functions, classes, structs etc?
nothing about c#
my knowledge about c# or .net is 0
in javascript, you used functions, right?
11:06 AM
then you can start with c# :p
whhahaha thnx
it's a little bit different than i am used to
and i dont use the drag and drop thing of dotnet
just pure code
@namzaG if you want to work as a programmer effectively you need to know abstract concepts (like trees, flownetworks, graphs, shortestpath ...)
like javascript
oke @SebastianL i keep that in mind thnx
you'll quickly need to learn what "static", "class", "public" and "private" mean
the drag and drop thing is winforms
11:08 AM
unless it's a for a quick tool, don't use it
or for a personal project
the "pure code" is called console application
static void main(){

is your starting point.
can i add javascript
in there you call the rest of your code.
@namzaG not at your current level
but it is possible
oww oke :(
glad to hear it's possible :)
it's not easy as adding in html
11:11 AM
c# and javascript/nonOP-PHP are fundamentally different
basically you need something to interpret js.
and what about functions what if i have a file full of functions
in html the browser does this for you.
in c# you've to do it yourself
in c# you need something called a library (those are the .dll)
for example
11:14 AM
do u guys have a site where u can learn it from scrath ?
i have sites from google
but sites that u guys used
using this for know
duck duck go (aka not google :p)
@namzaG on youtube are plenty video courses on c#
I know but was just curios what u guys used but this information is good to spend some days on c#
if you are good and you follow along, you can finish a "30 day course" in a couple of weekends.
Thnx u all for ur times
will keep that in mind @satibel
11:18 AM
what you need most is to learn how to debug.
whats debug ?
@namzaG to remove bugs
you have the debugger to help, but it doesn't do most of the work.
basically, you can get to speed in less than a month, but you won't be able to find dumb stuff until you are 10 years in.
like if(test=0) instead of if(test==0)
you can also note in your todo list once you'll have the basics, to learn linq queries.
first project is create webpage with database connection and database information (easy i think)
i am gonna use c# webbased
11:23 AM
then you'll have to learn linq quicker :p
thnx @satibel for ur help
also I suggest doing coding challenges, it's fun and helps you code "on a budget."
is using a ; must ?
; after each line of code ?
11:27 AM
it seperates your command from others
in theory you can do
command1; command2; command3;
a thing that I don't see much, is that c(#) syntax is built by blocks
[public|private] [static] int myfunc(int parm1, int param2=0){}
[] denotes that it is facultative
similarly a variable is
[public|private] [static] int myvar;
then you have properties.
oke (know i don't understand it but i'll be back )
[public|private] [static] int myprop{
@satibel you are generating a bufferoverflow ;)
11:36 AM
too much information
he's bombarding you with info about c#, more than you can comprehend in such a short time ^^
then copy paste it, and check it out later™
thnx @SebastianL
i will
11:39 AM
hi there, so I have this intermediate proj which has all common code and which references outside dlls (such as netjson)
I need an attribute which I can access in other projects, only by referencing this common proj, and not the external dlls
i.e., I do not want to reference netjson in all other projects, only in Common
@pemq like a global context between multiple processes?
@SebastianL yes
write a udp/tcp listener which allows querying for different properties
also how you will learn @namzaG depends if you prefer learning from the metal up or from the glass down. (you prefer learning how it works before using it or you prefer to use it before learning how it works)
@SebastianL the problem is: when I try to access MyAttribute which extends NetJsonPropertyAttribute, from outside Common.csproj, the intellisense displays an error indicating it cannot access the namespace NetJSON
11:43 AM
@pemq so not IPC. if youre referencing the common proj, the netjson dll will be copied anyway, so just reference it too
@SebastianL and shouldn't, that is the idea, that is why I created MyAttribute extending NetJsonPropertyAttribute,
@SebastianL but the difference is, when I have to update the nugget, I only do it to one proj, the common, and not to 4 different projects
@satibel I want to learn how it work while using it
first read it than understand than trying it
@pemq then create a viewobject which doesn't use netjson
@SebastianL how
Hi all
11:47 AM
@pemq ASP.net or plain C#?
@namzaG codingame.com it's a good start ^^
@SebastianL asp.net
@pemq and you're serializing something and it contains a NetJson attribute?
@SebastianL yes
hi alex
11:50 AM
@satibel looks like a nice place to start
@SebastianL but my idea was to create a bridge between the original netjson attr and the consumer, which is MyAttribute, which extends the netjson attr
@pemq then you have two options: use NetJson in all your projects or don't serialize the NetJson attribute
it's like you're asking how to bake bread without flour
@SebastianL ok, so without referencing netjson, even if I am using the so-called 'bridge', given that it will still need to access the namespace NetJSON (and it can't), there is no other option to, say, point calls to MyAttribute to the NetJSON's, right?
@SebastianL an assembly or pointer of some kind?
Hi Proxy
@pemq no there is no other way to get it done in clean and safe code
11:56 AM
@SebastianL ok, thanks for your help :)
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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