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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

1:16 AM
posted on October 27, 2016 by Scott Hanselman

This time last year we did a Microsoft Virtual Academy class on what was then called "ASP.NET 5." It made sense to call it 5 since 5 > 4.6, right? But since then ASP.NET 5 has become .NET Core 1.0 and ASP.NET Core 1.0. It's 1.0 because it's smaller, newer, and different. As the .NET "full" framework marches on, on Windows, .NET Core is cross-platform and for the cloud. Command line concepts

3 hours later…
3:49 AM
Anyone alive?
4:08 AM
4:20 AM
Can you tell me something simple?
Why cant i make string.Contains take more than one input?
I am trying to make a StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase - and everywhere i read i should be able to do that in string.Contains, but my compiler is being an ass about it..
4:36 AM
i dunno what you mean, sorry
can you paste the line that's an issue
A: Case insensitive 'Contains(string)'

Colonel PanicTo test if the string paragraph contains the string word (thanks @QuarterMeister) culture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(paragraph, word, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) >= 0 Where culture is the instance of CultureInfo describing the language that the text is written in. This solution is transparent about t...

does this do what you want? afaik string.compare only takes one string
you could do string.toupper().contains(match.toupper()) too
2 hours later…
6:37 AM
6:56 AM
7:29 AM
Hi guys
nhibernate.exceptions.genericadoexception could not execute query
Any idea on this error
I am getting this error message in the event viewer
7:48 AM
@tHiNk_OuT_oF_bOx any content with the error?
could be anything - bad mappings, bad connection, disconnected thing
typo in your config?
leaves on the line?
or perhaps you got the red and blue wires mixed up and your faucet has sprung a leak
Morning all
Goooooooooooooooooooood morning.
Last workday before the day with work right in front of the weekend !
8:03 AM
for now and forever
having the friday off is much better than having the sunday off
you guys with your western culture
so you have friday&saturday free?
well it doesn't matter really does it. If we were to suddenly get Friday off it would only make sense for everyone to have it off otherwise if I got it off and the rest of my family friends were at work it would be shite.
It's just where the cracks formed I guess. They probably did it so that Christians/other religions can go to church on Sunday morning
I wouldn't care. A day off is a day off. It's not like I have friends anyway.
Not factual, just a thought :)
Saved Roel
That little wall of shame on the right is hilarious
8:07 AM
hey guys
hello all
Hello guy
I am new here ,anybody tell me the rules?
*shrugs :p
Rules in a nutshell: Don't be an ass-hat. To elaborate: Don't spam, don't randomly ping people, don't paste large chunks of code, don't be a whiny little bitch demanding others to solve his code problems. Welcome! :-)
Aha ok
but what's ping people?
like this :12345678 ?
8:13 AM
@Statham Addressing them with a name like this, or clicking 'respond to message' on a message
Which goes 'Ping!' as a sound
@RoelvanUden aha , I got this
Can we send pictures or screenshots here?
Yeah, you have an upload option on the right. Or use imgur or something and paste the link to the image here to have it automatically expanded to an image.
Word of warning: we hate screenshots of code.
I hate that too ,hhh
You'll fit right in ;)
btw, what the time in your time zone ?
8:22 AM
Yes there is error along with this
Error related to the specific network or instance while establishing one with SQL Server
@tHiNk_OuT_oF_bOx does that perhaps provide a hint as to what is broken?
Not much
But hopefully I believe it is related to some named pipes set to disabled
thats why
8:25 AM
Anyone know what may cause a missing primary key error with EF other than a missing primary key tag? I have:

public uint Id { get; set; }

is it bc its a uint?
its saying TaskMaster.Library.Models.Todo: : EntityType 'Todo' has no key defined. Define the key for this EntityType. but thats bs
Any other suggestion ?
@TeeSee Show the entity type todo
@tHiNk_OuT_oF_bOx possibly. Check your connection settings, ensure you can actually use those settings to query the database...
manually, that is.
@Statham Everyone is from different time zones. I'm in CET, but we have Americans, Asians, Europeans, etc.

class Todo : ITodo
        public uint Id { get; set; }
        public ITask Task { get; set; }
        public bool isDone { get; set; }
        public bool isVisible { get; set; }

        public Priority Priority { get; set; }

only thing new is uint for me there
8:27 AM
@TeeSee You have an interface in your entity? Wow.
Does that work?
Its worked before hm
That may be whats causing it though
POCOs, man.
I cant execute those queries manually here
connection problem, innit
either way, it's not something I can really help you to debug :(
Cant debug
as it is in production server
8:32 AM
and you can't replicate the problem locally?
How could we possibly help with this? :-/
waves magic wand
Gah EFs bein dumb lol
@MarkPhillips pleaseee :(
8:42 AM
You the same guy with the batch file from yday?
or is my memory making me weird again? lol
yea yea haha
i mentioned you before
ah hello :)
told you i lost that code :(
START "" "C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe"

PSLIST wordpad >nul 2>&1
) ELSE (
ECHO Wordpad is still running

oh man
you pasted in th private rom another one after this
8:43 AM
I still got it
you're lucky!
because you said PSLIST doesn't work on all machines
yay for Terminal Servers.
or somthing
there, lol
save that link :)
8:45 AM
C# has beautiful Process.* functions.. and process.WaitForExit()
@RoelvanUden, Agreed yes - however this was for an autoupdater to update the running process with a new exe
17 hours ago, by Roel van Uden
@Slashy Add a simple MyApplicationUpdater.exe which waits for 'MyApplication.exe' to exit, extracts 'MyApplicationUpdate.zip' and then launches 'MyApplication.exe' when it is done. Now your application can simply download an update into 'MyApplicationUpdate.zip', launch the updater, and exit.
I honestly have no idea why anyone would lower themselves to batch files.
Yeah but the guy doesnt knowhow to code that well
so a batch file seemed the best solution
8:50 AM
I am well aware of that fact. Regardless, a batch is never the solution.
I normally call the update program then launch the application (its been updated if it needed it to latest)
Yeah i wrote a few update programs in the past that do just that
then I got silly and got the application to check the updater
One Click Deploy is also a beautiful thing.
batch files are okay, if written well :P
8:51 AM
anything is ok if it works
I guess PowerShell would be better.
except if its Biztalk that needs set alight
guys how would i be able to use " " in a middle of string? i tried backslash.. and @.. still error
this is the string
Press space?
i minified it
this is the real string
echo Waiting for the process iFilter.exe to exit...
tasklist /fi "imagename eq iFilter.exe" 2>nul | find "iFilter.exe" >nul
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
goto :waitforpid

echo Process Quit, updating package!
del /q iFilter.exe
rename iFilter_new.exe iFilter.exe
START iFilter.exe
9:07 AM
He's asking how to escape the "'s in the string C4u
Not how to add a space to it.
good (ugt) morning
so no one here uses python then ?
I would expect not many, no.
I was right, I don't need to learn it then xD
9:24 AM
Hello i am using SqlClient and when i am using JSON_VALUE in CommandText, i get this error: JSON_VALUE is not recognized built-in function
no problem with executing query on database side
9:35 AM
i am using localdb
how to check what version is it
damn sorry, it is 2014 :))
G'day folks!
So this worked before but now its throwing a "Second path fragment must not be drive or UNC name" error. Anyone that would happen to know a way around it or, why it worked before and not now?
var imgList = Directory.GetFiles(@"\Images\CustomerImages\", code + ".").Select(item => item.Replace(_environment.WebRootPath, " ")).ToList();
9:53 AM
Alright well, after like 1.5 hrs, now I know you cant use uints for ids in EF
In case anyone else didnt know lol
there is tutorial and example codes for using ints for ids in EF instead of String don't know about uint tho, i always use string xD
You use strings as keys..? Are you mad?
10:10 AM
@Pedram what like a guid but a string
@RoelvanUden lol i meant guid and stuff they count as string right ? xD
Most certainly not.
A GUID is a 128-bit integer.
But using a GUID as PK has severe downsides
Does EF use GUIDS as default?
What does EF use as Default ?
lol let me check my database i got confused
10:24 AM
EF uses int
as default
or default string you mean? no idea
what id are you guys even talking about ? xD
i am talking about database IDs and in my 2-3 ef site i made they all nvarchar(128)
yeah but you usually use int
well, the very first non self made database i use was using Identity 2's Code first method to make me a database and it used nvarchar(128) so i keep on using it like that thinking its the standard then xD
wow haha\
To each their own I guess, 99% I use ints
Anyone here that have any experience with mailgun webhooks? I am struggling reading the data that is attached, Request.Query["event"]; returns null. If i make a postman call with the same parameters, everything works as expected.
10:32 AM
And this is for the Id # I mean, not necessarily all the keys
@Frey if postman shows the right output I suspect a problem in the code that reads the response
Hi. This is a question for all you NHibernate experts! stackoverflow.com/questions/40179771/…
also you could use fiddler and your own code to look at the requests to the service and the response you get
@Serban I have only used postman to make post requests to the webhook url. The closets i get to seeing what mailgun actually sends is this: bin.mailgun.net/64d6976e
i'm talking about calling stuff from your own code and looking in fiddler
10:36 AM
@Serban But that shows nothing when it comes to how the call is structured
@Serban i will have a look at fiddler
Microsoft Identity uses GUID (varchar) by default for their primary keys. @RoelvanUden Such a pain.
@Euphoria probably to optimize concurrent insertions - inserts tend to be in separate pages then - you don't have all the inserts fighting over the last page
it's a bit bloated though
there's a more efficient way to optimize insertions though, use bit-reversed integer primary key. spreads them out across the pages
Yeah I would tend to use ints...am sure XML project I did the keys were all MSSQL GUIDs
I would never use strings for a PK
Hmm I'm tasked with setting up Identity on our current project next week. That's the first thing I'm going to be doing other than overriding the 50 different interfaces for it to fit our required model.
10:43 AM
GUIDs arnt bad for PKs.
Quite everything in here is referenced by guids.
@Euphoria really varchar? they aren't even variable length
They aren't saved as the GUID data type
It's either varchar or nvarchar (without looking)
Fiddle is a nice tool, thanks for the heads up! It shows the information structured like this: http://pastebin.com/stMyVFqd
But i still can't access it trough the request
@Euphoria wirth's law strikes again
@C4u - do GUIDs not affect indexing etc.?
10:46 AM
guys, the reason they use guids is so that you (the user) will not have key conflicts when moving your users from one db to another
@Euphoria would you really iterate in guid order?
and that's about the only legit reason to use guids as identifiers
I just Said it few min ago , It use Nvarchar(128) Guid, i using Identity 2 for a while now
how to use automapper to mag two class objects
10:47 AM
@Euphoria they improve concurrency and put a lot more pressure on caches. less lock contention, more cache misses
you can add ram to improve cache hit. nothing you can do about lock contention other than spread the data out
@Pedram perhaps this was a new change with Identity 2.0 and what I was thinking about is another version?
I see doug, sounds about fair.
@Euphoria didn't u also said the same thing as me
@Euphoria here xD
either way i am new to identity 2, only around 2-3 months i am using them
didn't use identity 1 till now either
So i don't know if there was changes
:) It's good now, it's very customizable
11:29 AM
@Euphoria Sorry I was out for lunch.
@C4u GUIDs only cause constant reordering when PK
Which is quite terrible if you have a sizeable table
@RoelvanUden Are you using a clustered index? Or why would stuff be reordered?
11:54 AM
@RoelvanUden cough identity cough
is there anyway to use "operator" as property name in a class?
I wonder if odata will recognize it
12:19 PM
I have 3 VM iis servers running on a box. (1 for dev, 1 for test, and 1 for prod) For some reason when I remote into any one of them, and open up iis manager, the Connection Name to (localhost) is named as one of the other servers...

For instance I might remote into Production server and the IIS locahost connection name will be 'Development' or if I log into Test server, the connection name might be 'Production'.

Now, although the connection names are incorrect the actual sites and applications under the connections are what they are supposed to be.
Anyone have any ideas?
A: How do I use a C# keyword as a property name?

SamuelYou can use keywords in C# as identifiers by prepending @ infront of them. var @class = new object(); To quote from the MSDN Documentation on C# Keywords: Keywords are predefined, reserved identifiers that have special meanings to the compiler. They cannot be used as identifiers in your ...

ay cool
12:42 PM
Ow cool thing virus!
that's a cool virus
1:22 PM
new ToolbarButtonThatOpensPane((Stratus21Core.Intentions.Intention)Intention.ViewPan‌​e1, this.Url.Action("Pane", "Home"))
1:35 PM
it bad practice to put string format in a property get?
But if it uses other properties should it not be a method instead?
do any of you guys have a try catch wrapper that you use for calling code?
wrapper as in function in a static class
ToolbarButtonThatOpensPane lol. Couldnt be called in a more generic way...
talk about tying into specific implementation, jesus christ
should fire the person who wrote that
1:46 PM
That's too extreme.
you don't need people who write shit code
@Nathvi You mean like Try(tryFunction,catchFunction,catchType) ?
Yeah, I already have something like that
do you use something like that in your code?
I don't
Nope. Don't see much benefit other than flattening code. But it increases the learning curve for coworkers.
Also it might not be flexible enough to replace all try catches, so I might be stuck with using both versions of try
1:50 PM
The benefit is the plug and play functionality of exception handling
have a bunch of code that sends the exception to the db? now it can send the exception to disk, instantly
without having to rip out a bunch of other code
hmm. If You follow a function should do 1 thing only, than it looks like this:
try {
} catch(SomeExceptionType ex) {

So it's same "plugable", just change the function call.
sure, but I don't like looking at the ugly try catch everywhere in my code.
I'd rather it be contained in one place
try catch, try catch, jesus christ, I don't want to type this everywhere
how much parameter tryFunction have? Is it variable?
just a static method call
call to a static class
nearly all of Your code is static?
1:58 PM
why would nearly all of my code be static?
because You are running code in a static tryFunction. Which might instantiate non static code yes, but you have to do it somehow
or not have many try catch in the code
not all code is using the try catch wrapper though
@ntohl I don't follow
I'm not wrapping every single call in my program in the static try catch wrapper
just the calls that need the try catch wrapper
@TomasZubiri in my version You can change FunctionCall() to FunctionCall(myArg1, myArg2, ...), but this Try(tryFunction, catchFunction, catchType) will call a static method with 0 parameter always, where You can't call non static methods.
static classes are also harder to test, because not having 2 instance. One faked, one real in one time.
2:05 PM
@ntohl you dont need a try catch here.
or testing them parallelly
@codebrain when I need a try catch I do it that way. How comes I don't need a try catch here?
@ntohl Can't you pass a lambda function that calls your function with arguments included?
If you have a statement inside the function which might encounter a exception, write try catch inside the function for that statement. Try catch for just a function call is meaningless.
@codebrain yeah try-catch should be placed where the exception could appear, not around its method.
Like anyone can anticipate where any and all exceptions are going to happen in a function XD
2:10 PM
opposite. I refactor a code, to have an inner function which doesn't include try catch
That doesn't make sense if the function is the one that is throwing the exception.
so a function does 1 thing only.
1 function for try-catch, one function for the thing it does
true. its like you write a bunch code not knowing what would happen to it, writing a try catch will not save you.
Either handle exceptions in place or make sure they cant raise. If surrounding methods with try-catch you could also surround the MainForm.Show() in your program.cs with try-catch.
exceptions are different from errors.
2:11 PM
Try catch isn't meant to save you
nothing can save you
@TomasZubiri You would need variable amount of parameters.
It can save you. In case you arnt writing a catch { MessageBox.Show("You are fucked"); }
You could still start plan B ^^.
I keep getting a "Unable to create a constant value of type '...'. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context. " error.
I'm trying to do something similar to what this guy is doing stackoverflow.com/questions/16615803/…
The difference is that I have to check against two values instead of just one.
In saleCount?
2:15 PM
I'm not talking about error levels or anything. For example take an already written code, where the code is handled in it's right place, just the try { ... } code is longer than 1 line. Than the function does multiple things. try catches, and does the "...". It's cleaner to just read what the "..." does. @Nathvi also states that, he wouldn't like to read a lot of try catch. So You refactor -> extract method...
I'm not sure how to do that. I mean, I could concatenate the two values into a delimited string, but I really don't want to do that except as a last resort.
That just comes off as kind of icky to me.
If I get it right, you are trying to count objects from a collection that exist in another collection right?
@Hypersapien So the result of a inner join (over the id) on 2 collections? Oh no. From that matching objects you want to sum another property :D.
Q: Is it a known good practice to use a big try-catch per method in java?

Adrián PérezI've been interviewed recently and the interviewer wanted me to do a technical test to see my knowledge. After I finished it he gave me feedback about how I did it, which I didn't expect and I appreciated, since few interviewers do it if they don't want to hire you. One of the things he told me ...

"if the keyword 'try' exists in a function, it should be the very first word in the function and that there should be nothing after the catch/finally blocks."
what the frack
I have CollectionA and CollectionB that have two fields in common in a one to many match. I need to get a grouped list of CollectionB based on BOTH fields.
2:22 PM
OK A and B 1:n where B has 2 fields? Whats the condition for grouping/joining?
actually, no. I haven't even gotten to the grouping yet. This is just pulling the relevant records out of the database.
So the join is your current mission?
No join. I tried a join and it took way too friggin long.
From informations of A you want to pick elements out of B right?
As a first step of picking up the right items.
There still has to be some kind of criteria.
@KendallFrey are you fracking kidding me :/
2:25 PM
CollectionA.Where(a => CollectionB.Any(b => a.field1 == b.field1 && a.field2 == b.field2))
Ah ok both are having 2 fields. They have to match.
But.... there is your filter?
Should work shouldnt it?
Unable to create a constant value of type 'B'. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context.
Ah there your error raises. What are the types of the fields?
2:29 PM
A string and a short
I'm pretty sure you'd be better off if you tried a join
XY problem, you're asking about your solution, not your problem.
I tried that first. It took way too long. Not to mention that there's actually a CollectionC that I'm doing the same thing with (albeit with one field)
"It took way too long." Well considering where you are right now, that doesn't seem so bad.
I tried setting field1 and field2 up in an anonymous type, I tried giving them their own class. Same problem.
Hmm. Tried reproducing it, no way.
At least not that easily. Created a class, given props of the same type, called the same linq.
2:42 PM
@C4u I think it's because it's EF
do you guys use the repository pattern?
@Nathvi no
@RoelvanUden, do you think you would benefit from it?
@Nathvi absolutely not
why not?
is it specific to your application, or do you think it's just a worthless concept?
2:47 PM
because its pointless when you have an uow
and ef is an uow
and i use ef
what is a uow?
I should really record a fucking video about the pointlessness of repositories when you have EF. This is a common theme and recurs every few weeks at least.
Please do! I am still curious about what an uow is though...
unit of work
He's got it going
3:04 PM
@RoelvanUden, so, EF is an ORM which basically does all the nasty bits of mapping
code to a db. In the repository pattern, you are basically providing a way to generalize persistence, which EF does for databases, but not for anything else.
What's wrong with what I said?
I guess EF does :
Code => DB
DB => Code
In a UoW
my colleague calles EF DbSet a repository. In reality there is not much difference between repo pattern and using DbSet.
"The repository pattern is an abstraction. It's purpose is to reduce complexity and make the rest of the code persistent ignorant. As a bonus it allows you to write unit tests instead of integration tests"

That's the definition I'm going off of
This is how I'm using it
3:10 PM
There is a huge difference. A repository provides methods to get information, or persist information, atomically. That means that if you need to persist two entities, and one fails, you have to roll back the other manually (and pray that doesn't fail). Repositories are really dumb, and are made intentionally so. It also exposes relations and relation ordering, because, what happens if you want to save a player into a team?
Right, so, that seems like a useful concept
OTOH a UoW is literally a unit in which you place 'work', either commands for removing entities, adding entities, or updating entities, and the entire 'unit' is a single piece of work. Thus, if you go ahead and save everything you've done, it either succeeds or fails. There are no half states like failing one or two entities, but succeeded others. It also doesn't expose relation ordering (e.g. SQL) or whatever.
Now imagine what happens if you put a UoW in a repository :D
so... a uow is an attempt to do something, in which, all subroutines within the ow must all be successful for the whole uow to work
which makes sense. It's just a logical way to make logical operations atomic
which sounds like what a repository does
To me, it seems like EF could be an implementer of some sort of repository interface
and then doing disk operations on that same interface would be another implementer
and so on
For example,
Redis provides a generic persistance provider interface
this could be implemented by something that persists to Redis, or to a text file, or to a database using EF.
Now you can inject the IBasicPersistenceProvider into the ctor of your classes
and swap out IBasicPersistenceProvider's as needed
What's wrong with doing something like that?
When I said, "
To me, it seems like EF could be an implementer of some sort of repository interface"

I meant it could be used in something that persists to a db
@ntohl "my colleague calles EF DbSet a repository. In reality there is not much difference between repo pattern and using DbSet."

A DbSet does repository operations for a database. Which is in fact, what repositories do. However, it is not the general case of what a repository interface is
It is an instance of using the repo pattern
For example, one of the methods is
in EF, this only ads the object to a db. but this could be abstracted away to an interface, to add objects to disk
or to redis
or a floppy disk
"Which is in fact, what repositories do" I meant to say what instances of repositories can do
I don't like the name "Repository Pattern"
I like the name "Persistence Provider Pattern" better
3:45 PM
Q: NoSQL with Entity Framework Core

Bassam AlugiliI need any NoSQL provider for Entity Framework Core. Can I use the EF-Core version with MongoDB /Raven or anything?

this shows how DbSet used as repository. Switched out classic MSSQL with mongodb
I gtg
Yes. DbSet is an instance of the repository pattern
"...are still in EF Core team backlog and has not been implemented yet and will not be implemented for Core 1.0.0 release."

Great. Because I tied myself to this framework, I can't implement other things I want and have to wait for them to do it for me
Glad I'm not tying my repository pattern to EF
The idea of generalized persistence isn't addressed by EF, at least, I didn't see any interfaces they provide to address this issue
The idea of generalized persistence is however addressed by ServiceStack Redis
The "IBasicPersistenceProvider" is general enough to use with redis, databases, disks, etc
Of course, I don't have to use the IBasicPersistenceProvider, but I can make my own version of something like it that I find useful
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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