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4:07 PM
is the @ for sql variable names just a common practice?
4:21 PM
@misha130 That's a very ambiguous request
Entity Framework with SQL, Oracle, NoSQL, MySQL... are SQL Tables pinned to ram? ARe you running exaData on Oracle? Is your NoSQL system running locally on the same IIS box?
4:35 PM
Hi Guys.. What are d advantages of using code first migration in MVC?
Advantages over what?
Best way to reference .nET assemblies - NuGet or "add reference"?
for assemblies Like System.Core, FSharp.Core etc.
@RyanTernier I'd prefer NuGet if there's a package available, unless you want to use the GAC.
I have this issue where we're referencing an assembly that needs Fsharp.Core
and ever since we added it, I have had issues with our builds
if I do a change and just build the web project, it won't work. I have to build the Web Project, and the WebAPI projects as well.
it's really anoying
5:40 PM
Arrays are pointers but pointers are not arrays. End of debate.
....there was a debate?
@MoonOwl22 This isn't the C room...
@KendallFrey no, let him speak. I could use a little surreality right now.
@mikeTheLiar You need to hire a type developer for times like this.
Forge relationships where none previously existed.
5:47 PM
But what is the difference between **word and word[]?
@TomasZubiri for one, the first one points to a pointer, and the second one points to a word.
Pointers don't have a length, arrays do
o/ hi i have a Functional Area ID on a Page like: base.FAID = MasterRef.Functional_Area.Site_Configuration; In my particular case though my link Panel is failing - in this one case it is not a Page but a User Control:

_funcArea = ((PageBase)this.Page).FAID;
how would i get the FAID off of the User Controls Parent Page?
look what I found: Page page = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page
6:11 PM
posted on September 29, 2016 by Phil Haack

In the beginning of the year I announced a .NET Port of GitHub’s Scientist library. Since then I and several contributors from the community (kudos to them all!) have been hard at work getting this library to 1.0 status. Ok, maybe not that hard considering how long it’s taken. This has been a side project labor of love for me and the others.

1 hour later…
7:37 PM
Does anyone have issues with (And ideally a fix for) Visual Studio community 2015 over indenting code? I have my tab stop set to 4 and smart indenting, but my case statements are being indented to 8 spaces.
Auto indentation is a mean beast, and it has its way with everyone in one form or another.
How do I set the value of the id of a html.ListBox dynamically?
i am getting an error with this.
@Html.ListBox("multiSelect", new List<SelectListItem>(), new { id = "multiSelectVal"+ obj.id, Multiple = "multiple" })
@MorganThrapp That's intentional.
@KendallFrey Wait, really? Why?
Because that's how most people do it
Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Formatting > Indentation
7:46 PM
switch (foo)
    case "bar":
That seems insane, but okay.
That's how most people don't do it
I like that approach, but I usually don't bother fighting the editor to use it
That's what my editor is doing.
I figured it would ignore what's outside the braces if you use them
I want only 4 spaces of indentation from the case.
try turning off Indent case contents
7:49 PM
Yeah, I tried that. It aligns the case contents with the case label.
even inside the braces?
that's fucked
Huh, just toggled the setting and it works now. :P
Well that was fun.
2 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
I like that approach, but I usually don't bother fighting the editor to use it
now you understand why
7:51 PM
Yeah, Visual Studio seems to be very opinionated about code formatting.
And this is coming from a Python dev. :P
You ever work with someone who does braces wrong? It's awful.
# fuck you this ain't K&R C DAMMIT
# pylint: disable=invalid-constant-name
@GrantHill yeah my orthodontist sucked
@GrantHill Yeah, our entire legacy Delphi code base.
Does c# have a native CSV writer? I can't find one.
Something where I can pass a file path and a List and have it spit out a properly commented/delimited csv.
string.Join(",", someStrings);
Ah, really? So nothing that will handle imbedded quotes, etc?
7:57 PM
@MorganThrapp Not really. There are some libraries out there but nothing like what you'd find in python
@mikeTheLiar Gotcha. Oh well. :/
I need help, my calling object is a web control: ((PageBase)this.Parent).FAID Cannot cast '((System.Web.UI.Control)(this)).Parent' (which has an actual type of 'ASP.usercontrols_settings_brandingimagesactions_ascx') to 'ProjectII.PageBase' Co.MasterRef.Functional_Area is there any way to get the public property on the main parent .aspx page?
@MorganThrapp You can just handle the quotes yourself
escape them or whatever needs to be done
I would be very surprised if you couldn't find something on nuget
If you have Excel, I think you can use that.
7:58 PM
@KendallFrey Yeah, I know. I was just hoping to find something built in.
@MorganThrapp So you can reduce a one-liner to another one-liner?
I'm just used to Python where there's an existing class that will let me do things like pass a dictionary/hashmap and abstract away quoting, escaping, etc.
@mikeTheLiar Yeah, that looks like exactly what I'm looking for, thanks!
np, cheers
Plot twist: it works with Crumpet Slapping Vigor files.
8:02 PM
There's some oddly handy stuff hidden away in the VB namespace
There's some date handling stuff in there as well that we've had to use
All in all I think the github library is probably the way to go though
@mikeTheLiar jesus fuck
@GrantHill Awwww man, I needed Croissant Smacking Villager files.
@KendallFrey Quite
why would VB specifically have that
VB has a lot of Excel-like things in it, I'm guessing that's where it came from
The namespace I mean, not the language
But there are some excel functions that don't have a native equivalent in C#
8:10 PM
You want the quotes? You can't handle the quotes!
If your host server has MS Office installed you can use the Excel namespace.
8:39 PM

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