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12:39 AM
@Tom there's a room for basic?
I want an ubuntu vps hosting my asp.net core project to automatically git pull and rebuild when my github repo is pushed to. Problem is I have no idea how to do this. github.com/aspnet/WebHooks exists but isnt ported for Core. Can I simply take the json github is post'ing and manually work with it somehow?
1:02 AM
I could use some help with high-performance C#. I have a tight loop (10ms/iter) with about 7ms of work. Occasionally I'm getting large delays, causing the loop to take longer than 10ms. I've narrowed the problem down:
Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();
int nextFrameTime = 0;


for (int i = 1; i < rows; i++)
	nextFrameTime += 10;
	int delay = nextFrameTime - (int)timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Why would delay ever end up negative?
I tried suspending GC collections, and the problem still occurred.
2 hours later…
3:21 AM
1 star = 1 prayer
3:33 AM
is anyone about to give me a hand testing something with IIS8?
Anyone with MVC experience in here?
4:04 AM
I have a bit, ask away and if I can help I will
Is it possible to do ternary operation inside string.format ?
like this? string.Format("{0}", b ? "a" : "b");
2 hours later…
6:06 AM
I have to head home from work. If anyone has IIS8 installed and wants to help a brother out: Can you set CPU Limit Action to Throttle (or anything other than NoAction or KillW3wp) and then instantiate a Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager object with the applicationHost.config constructor. Then attempt to retrieve the ApplicationPools property. I get a COMException due to the action value not being NoAction/KillW3wp. I believe this is a bug because those enum members were added in IIS8.
sorry, Application Pool CPU Limit Action.
6:36 AM
Good morning.
@hello It would literally be faster to check this that it is to log in and ask.
Good morning.
guten morgen
6:56 AM
God morgen.
Well ok then.
7:08 AM
@KendallFrey Thread.Sleep is not reliable.
Sleep only accurate within 16.7ms
I remember Thread.Sleep being considered not reliable for anything under even 100ms, but that was many years ago.
Brandon said 16.7 because of 60 Mhz of dunno what
7:31 AM
@KendallFrey seems plausible to me: blogs.msmvps.com/peterritchie/2007/04/26/… not authoritative but an MVP so should know what he's talking about. Summary: the delay argument means at least this long.
1 hour later…
8:53 AM
Hi everyone. I was thinking what kind of practical questions might ask during interview to a dot net programmer who has 2 years of experience??
What are the programs or module interviewer might ask to perform during interview?
@Orion what position are you interviewing for?
@Squiggle application developer (aap.net mvc and 3 tier architecture?
Hm. There'll probably be a few "easy" technical questions to assert that you're not a fraud, basic stuff about the tools and frameworks you'd be using - like "explain generics" or "describe MVC"
and some discussion about your previous projects
will they give a technical interview? Like, will they present you with a problem to solve, or some code to write?
Hello chat
You are the interviewer, or interviewee?
9:00 AM
Mmm. Chaat.
i forgot what i wanted to ask lol
oh yeah
It's a face to face interview.. interviewee. He might ask me to write some code or problem to solve. Generally, I want to know on what topic he might ask me to write or solve the problem
@Orion we can't tell you what he's going to ask! But it will probably be relevant to the work you're applying to do
When you are validating entities on Business side, are your validations in constructor based on If...Throw, or using Contracts. or you are using some custom validation library?
unless he's an arse and and asks you questions like "Why are manhole covers round?"
9:03 AM
Oh, I guess it's the regular 'ol talk about projects you did, perhaps things you made in your spare time, and some questions about the things you said you know in your CV.
Yes I got you..
@QuietNaN DataAnnotations for contracts and UI, if you're talking about validation
I've written domain logic that throws ArgumentExceptions in constructors, but I wouldn't class that as validation
@Squiggle and what about Domain model side?
9:05 AM
although C# Code Contracts are cool, they're not really supported so well
@Squiggle may I know why
@Orion why what? sorry
You said you would not that class that as validation. So asked..
ah sorry I thought you were still talking about interviews :)
@Orion throwing NullArgumentExceptions etc indicate an invalid state of the application. Personally I think of "validation" as something that gives feedback on invalid input rather than crashing the app.
"Hey, you didn't supply a date of birth!"
"Oh sorry. Let me try again."
"OK that's fine. Carry on!"
rather than "You didn't specify a date of birth. Unable to process user. Aborting."
@Squiggle I agree. Throwing ArgumentNullException is sanity checking for a method. Validation is a logical phase in your application flow.
9:13 AM
hooray! Validation validity validated.
Hey hooo
Hip hop hip hip hop is deaaaad
asking for a mvc coding question does anyone here?
Just ask
@nonstop328 I persume Yoda you are.
Good morning Sensai o/
9:22 AM
i have a folder name as user inside it have
2 sub folder name as user management and user log
how do i use URL ACTION go to user management index page
now mine is like this how do i edit it
<a class="defaultpage_menu" href="@Url.Action("Index","User")">
clarification: You mean a route, not a folder?
/user/management and /user/log?
where /user binds to UserController, with /management and /log as actions within it?
so i need to create a route?
@ntohl Ntohl, are you here? May I disturb you once again?
I'm here
Sorry for pinging you. Do you stil lremember our caht room you had created?
I have soem more questions now and if you could spent some time during the next days, i would like to ask you them
9:42 AM
Hey, guys, If I have a web API with windows authentication on localhost User.Identity.Name will give me my name. If I deploy it to production on a server and call this web API what user will User.Identity.Name return? Will it return my name if I make a request to it from my computer?
@JoãoPaiva Is your computer part of the same domain as the server?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I'm not sure. But I think so. Would that matter?
Anyone worked with AutoMapper ? What am i missing?

public void AutoMapperMapping()
            var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
            {   //Source = OrderRequest, Dest = CustomerOrderRequest
                cfg.CreateMap<OrderRequest, CustomerContracts.OrderRequest>();

            config.CreateMapper(); //
            var orderRequest = new OrderRequest();
            var dest = Mapper.Map<OrderRequest, CustomerContracts.OrderRequest>(orderRequest);
hi guys when i use this code
Q: Backing up Database in MySQL using C#

Alfel Benvic GoI created a Winforms in order to backup my Database. Then When I run my program it gives an Win32Exception was unhandled. "The system cannot find the file specified" Although the file is already existed and resulted to that exception. Here is my code regarding my problem using System.Diagnostic...

second Answer
to back my mysql database
it sa "Access Denied"
any idea?
why is ur path string so looooooooooooooooooong
9:57 AM
What is your first question ?=
thats the screenshot
You are not authorized to the destination, it says clearly
solusion? :)
10:00 AM
Get permission
getting permission would be a good start.
where i get it?
In Windows.
from the man in blue
10:01 AM
You're running that thing as regular user, that means you can't write into C: by default. Try that in explorer, you get a UAC prompt.
Some people were born with permission, some people get permission and some have permission thrust upon them.
So give permission so your executing user can do that.. or use the whack-em-all approach and run your app as admin
or export to a location to which you actually have read/write access
dont make me crazy
what i do :)
what Roel said. Or what I said.
10:02 AM
u do write access
You have options. Choose.
give permission to the executing user OR write to a different location.
is only readerino possibbbru right nao
because Windoze rootey-writey-no-likey
when i change the path
it shows samething
10:04 AM
Is it a path you have write access to?
how do i know i have write access to it?
+1. It's basic Windows functionality you really should understand.
but iam using File Chooser to select the destination folder
Saint Roel van Uden
10:08 AM
Understanding first, then the solution comes naturally.
@RoelvanUden iam using file chooser the user may select deferent folder
do i need give permission to all folders
its not possible
or if my program executed on another computer is he need give permission also?
Read the article. Understand it. Come back enlightened.
@JoãoPaiva Windows Authentication only works if the client's domain and the server's domain have a trust relationship. Otherwise the server won't know what the client use ris.
Added a brand new SSD. Put brand new Windows 10 on it. Installed brand new Visual Studio 2015 on it. Solution still loads slowly, VS takes 1.5GB RAM, and occasionally freezes when reloading solution. :(
I'm pretty sure TFS is at fault.
For some reason, our hosted TFS is located on Azure in South Central US, not the nearest or fastest Azure region.
10:23 AM
Is that because it's the default?
I don't know. It was created before I started working here, and there's no automatic migration path.
psst...git isn't better
its just different
Git is better at working offline. It doesn't try to contact the remote server as often.
But the problem here isn't with TFS, it's specifically with hosted TFS on a high-latency server.
Hmm, it seems that Hosted TFS isn't available outside of the American datacenters. North Central US, South Central US or Brazil.
10:40 AM
Well that's terrific
any reason why this textarea and input values aren't assigned?
my company does a lunch and learn thing that they call ".NET flix and chill"
<td>@Html.TextArea("@row.Notes", new { @class = "form-control-sm", rows = 5, style = "width: 300px",  })</td>
<td><input type="date" class="remediation-datepicker" value=@row.Date></td>
Why yes it was thought up by a millennial
10:46 AM
dot net
it's a pun
they watch a new tech video together and discuss it after
it's a fill-in for nobody having their own presentations to do
Ugh. Tech videos.
I've started to instate a monthly TechTalk thing here, but we never really find the time.
what do you talk about
normally if you set a text area you would set the text like this right?

<textarea name='awesome'>@model.Chicken</textarea>
10:50 AM
sort of...?
but what's the equivalent using a @Html.TextArea?
This was my attempt at setting the text which didn't work:
                        <td>@Html.TextArea("@row.Notes", new { @class = "form-control-sm", rows = 5, style = "width: 300px" })</td>
what kind of html did you get
The text area is rendered but the expected value is not in the text area
10:51 AM
checked that the value is in the model
why is it in ""?
shouldn't this be @Html.TextArea(row.IT_Asset_Owner_Remediation_Notes, new { @class = "form-control-sm", rows = 5, style = "width: 300px" })
if I remove quotes I get a syntax error on the element definition
@misha130 I've done one "benefits of async/await" talk.
yes thats an automatic topic to talk about
10:52 AM
And I want to have another one, even more basic, about LINQ, EF and lazy evaluation.
but thats really basic stuff
That you shouldn't assume people know.
my coworker likes to use static async small methods
I tend to argue with him about the time it takes for the cpu to setup the actual tasks is the equivalent of the benefit you might get
@misha130 that definition without quotes gives a server error
@BrianJ well then I suppose it's telling you you're doing it wrong?
10:55 AM
well atleast its not compilation error, right?
yeah with quotes around "row.IT_Asset_Owner_Remediation_Notes" doesn't give a server error. But it doesn't display that value either
without quotes
I dont understand the logic of putting the quotes there
you are telling razor to treat it as a string
not a value
The first argument is the name of the area
Not the content
so its @Html.TextArea("awesome",row.IT_Asset_Owner_Remediation_Notes, new { @class = "form-control-sm", rows = 5, style = "width: 300px" })
ah ok
should have read the docs,
                    <td><textarea class="form-control" style="height:100px;" id="ProblemStatement" name="ProblemStatement">@row.Notes</textarea></td>
that worked too ^^
11:01 AM
I wanted to say htmlhelper is good practice but I dont even think mvc is good practice...
so cheers~!
Why do these people that have had their answer just disappear without even saying a goddamn word about it? Not even a thank you? A-holes.
11:16 AM
@RoelvanUden What are you talking about?
@RoelvanUden A)one reason can be the answer is too complex for them to assess. B)another is that for some reason the problem no longer exists in their environment for them to test the answer C)They are new to the site and since they don't get email notifications and haven't yet developed the addiction the site intends them to get, they haven't returned to the site
@scheien how can you not understand what he was talking about. What did he say that you were not able to understand?
I'm talking about these goddamn vamps in chat. Main SO can just burn in a fire.
@RoelvanUden sometimes it takes ages between an answer being given, and an answer being tested
@barlop Who are "these people" for instance?
Not in main SO...
This chat.
11:18 AM
@scheien well it's not a list of famous people is it.. do you expect anybody to remember a list of random very irregular people that come and go?
I guess I'm missing some context, that's why I asked.
I think it's self explanatory even if you haven't seen it.
Are you trying to pick a fight?
Also sometimes a perso nanswering might not want a notification saying thank you, or feedback saying it worked. 'cos they know it'd work, and 'cos thank you is small talk and they have more important matters.
I love how the website is designed partly to get rid of written "thank yous".
I'm talking about chat.
11:21 AM
but look at the bright side really, everytime you help a newbie you remember some kind of ancient technology you will never use again
and it kind of refreshes your memory
You tend to find newbies use ancient technology? why?
like webforms
asp classic
@RoelvanUden Rude people are everywhere :-/
11:23 AM
winforms, the list goes on
Fuck people.
lol why did you star this
oh yeah and thanks for lending an ear :P
I starred it, but it didn't look good out of context.
I laughed too hard at the starring
11:24 AM
@ntohl thanks. it's working fine most of the time, so I'm not sure why it would have delays sometimes. I know Windows uses preemptive multitasking, but 1ms is a really long time in processor land.
I once heard somebody argue that in some ways winforms was better than WPF
@barlop they were full of shit, unless this was back when WPF was a new technology
When Implementing DDD, i have BusinessUseCase namespace with EmployeeService(e.g New Employee Registration, Change Contact Info) and when it comes to Querying List of Employees i should have that logic inside EmployeeService, or i should Create Queries/Reporting namespace where i will have EmployeeQueries which will handle list requests with offset/fetch, searchString, etc?
I mean should i split Persistence/Querying or i can have 1 Service which Speaks to Repository/Dao and they handle Persistence or Querying
11:42 AM
is BusinessUseCase a placeholder for the real thing or are you actually calling it that?
I believe in DDD with the notion of bounded contexts you're allowed to have a BusinessUseCase.Employee and a Reporting.Employee if those contexts have different requirements of the same thing they call Employee
BusinessUseCase Grabs Employee, Makes Change (e.g. Change Contact Info) Saves back to DB
Query/Report side, GetAllEmployees(int offset, int fetch, string searchString)
"Persistence" is just a thing that happens once the state of the domain is resolved.
IME the domain shouldn't know about it at all
when i am looking on CQRS, i can easy understand Commands Do one thing change state
Queries Do another thing
When i am looking on DDD samples, i see some ppl have EmployeeService, which handles state change and persistence, and also handle Reporting
some have Split, BusinessUseCase.EmployeeService and Reporting.EmployeeQueries
so i got confused and asked that if those both ways are ok
11:49 AM
the answer with DDD is always "it depends"
When i look at Repository pattern, some say it should only handle persistence, some say you can have it combined with reporting
but responsibility should be very clearly defined and well isolated
I've read the blue book cover to cover twice now and still struggle with most of it
heh I'm with you on that, @TomW
DDD helped me articulate the business problems at let me write some really elegant code
but persistence was still "tricky"
and I didn't go full CQRS
11:51 AM
i think thats why they say, when you are working on domain dont think about persistence
cuz that side is brainpain
The only bit that's really stuck with me is the hypothetical conversation "What are the things that can happen to this object?" "First of all we [verb] a [noun]" "OK so call it that. [BusinessObject].[Verb][Noun]"
"Making implicit concepts explicit" - IOW "Just call it what it's called"
@RoelvanUden Okay i will, when?
12:01 PM
@Nerdintraining Please go and play in the Sandbox
that was easy
12:17 PM
cats or dogs > people
I proposed getting a catflap for our office kitty
she's always curled up on the mat outside the door and mewls whenever you open the door to go to the break room across the courtyard
its a signal to your boss that you are going to take a break
@Squiggle Yeahhh and how was the response? Getting a catflap so she can come in?
"I'm allergic to cats" :(
Fuck people.
12:21 PM
Who said that? Your boss?
Some coworker?
Is that person really going to be bothered so much with giving a cat some comfort?
She/he doesn't have to pet the cat
Guys when i am selecting list of Stock Items to show them on Web so user will select which to add to cart, selection of stock items is considered as Report? StockItemsReport?
in DDD
StockItemList? :P
12:25 PM
why not?
@Squiggle tell meeee about the cat-hating person
he's generally lovely. He's just allergic to cats.
my gf is also allergic to cats
So for Query side: UI => Reporting and for Persistence side: UI => Application Service (using Domain) => Repository, right?
@Squiggle But.. would he have such a problem if there's a cat somewhere in the building?
I mean, the cat is by the door when he leaves anyway, does he suddenly burst out in tears and sneezes or what
12:41 PM
Why does this show on
@RoelvanUden we didn't get that deep into his reasoning.
I had a cat once.
What happened?
my wife's friend's husband was super allergic to cats so they could never hang out, but he started doing bi-weekly allergy shots and now the cat can sit on his face and he is fine
12:58 PM
Internet of Cat https://t.co/OZxVnZIY6M
@RoelvanUden the ex took him and renamed him.
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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