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10:00 PM
Couldn't I just set all namespaces to the root namespace? Would make things easier and doesn't seem to matter much in terms of organization.
@SpencerRuport the thing is... I've said so many times that it sucks and I want off of it. And yet I'm still on it
As long as you don't have naming conflicts.
and I'm continuously being thrown at shitty, shitty, shitty situations
@Pheonixblade9 - Because they have no other option.
They backed themselves into a corner and are trying to make you pay for it.
As long as VS keeps its little down arrow for all currently open files I am good.
If that arrow weren't there then everything would be a lot harder.
10:04 PM
@SpencerRuport sure, but what do I do about it?
my buddy ^
@Pheonixblade9 - Quit.
ctrl+comma is awesome, as is ctrl+Q
This is really confusing, coming from java. Folders don't match to namespaces and file names don't match to class names.
@SpencerRuport yeah. probably. ugh... having to go through tech interviews. just kill me
10:07 PM
They are supposed to
at least in general
and ctrl+D,Q
try ctrl+,+,
@FINDarkside I keep that convention in my code, but it's not a required thing.
@Pheonixblade9 - That's what I did. I'm not catering to this kind of thing anymore. Companies should know that they can create environments so bad that programmers will outright refuse to touch them.
That's the only way anything is going to change.
C# gives you just enough rope to hurt yourself with. C++ gives you enough rope to kill yourself and your entire team with. Java claims that there is no rope, but kills you with rope anyway.
10:08 PM
@BradleyDotNET Doesn't help if it should when visual studio won't refactor class names or namespaces when you move the file.
@Jeremy Java is missing some stuff that C# has, but it's not so messy :P
Java is extremely messy.
Meh, two steps
JVM is a joke.
rename file and if it doesn't automatically refactor (which it often will)
just right click on the class name and go Refactor->Rename
@FINDarkside - Besides you're talking about moving classes from one namespace to another. It's painful primarily because it should be. If your library has a flaw there's some very careful steps you need to take to deprecate the old namespace name and encourage the use of a new one.
10:11 PM
But seriously no one at microsoft ever thought that some kind of view where you see your stuff where folders would match namespaces and file names would match class names would be really useful.
Hi everyone, I was wondering how I can develop a deep knowledge of C# and .NET. I know that this will involve a ton of programming, so I am more specifically referring to knowledge of behind-the-scenes workings of .NET. How do people know the answers to the obscure questions that you might ask?
For example, if I wanted to know everything there is to know about AutoEventWireup="true" would the best course of action be to hit the documentation? Or are there expert texts that can tell you all you'd ever need to know about the ins and outs of building .NET apps?
@FINDarkside - They do. But they don't force you to stick with that convention in the event that you don't want to. That leads to even worse issues.
@SpencerRuport Lmao, tell me about it. Open netbeans, move anything to anywhere - BAM! You're done.
@FINDarkside - And BAM everything that's dependent on those libraries is now broken.
@SpencerRuport Yes same thing happens if you do it manually :)
10:13 PM
@HandleThatError - Aside from buying a book and just reading it from end to end most of the little tidbits of knowledge people are able to provide come up on SO because they've run into a specific issue that required that knowledge.
@HandleThatError PluralSight might be a good place to start
@FINDarkside - The difference is the .Net developer has some indication what they're doing could be bad.
@SpencerRuport Moving a class is not always bad you know, that's a really stupid reason to miss some feature.
But what about the people who knew the answers first, when the obscure questions were first asked on stackoverflow? The people who know the design decisions and best practices and why certain controls were designed the way that they are. Did they just read books?
Thanks for recommending PluralSight, I'll check it out.
@FINDarkside - It's not always bad. I didn't say it was. But it's always a big deal.
10:15 PM
But of course it's a good thing that you can't do that since visual studio is better than netbeans right ;)
hey, question... does string.format work with split replacements? e.g.:

string.format("hey {0}" + Environment.NewLine + "you are {1}", "dude", "awesome");
@FINDarkside - /shrugs mock all you like. You're complaint is that the onus of the work gets put on you, the library modifier, to make the appropriate changes. Java puts the onus on everybody using the library which is backwards.
Maybe there should be a factory to move the class.
@SpencerRuport Well visual studio puts it to you AND everyone else you know...
10:17 PM
Ah there is ClassView
@Pheonixblade9 Don't overthink it. It's only working with what you pass into it. It doesn't know how that string was formed.
That's what I was looking for
@KendallFrey that's what I thought
sorry. I'm just an idiot these days. this project is sapping me of any creativity and intelligence I once had
Get out man
string.Format(string.Format(string.Format("hey {0}{{0}}you are {{{{0}}}}", "dude"), Environment.NewLine), "awesome")
10:20 PM
@Pheonixblade9 sounds like you need to visit careers.stackoverflow.com
hate me
Don't let it burn you out.
haha I don't know if I'm just weak and can't handle 6mo of a shitty project or if the project really is that bad
They promised you'd be done after 6m?
What magically happens at the end of 6 months that changes the situation?
10:23 PM
different project?
different more shitty project?
yeah who knows
I just asked a good friend at groupon to give me a referral
I know a guy at HBO that runs an engineering team too
Don't fall for the sunk cost fallacy
get out while you can
10:24 PM
well the messed up thing is
the other guy on the project could finish it himself
but maybe not in the time period prescribed
@Pheonixblade9 - What's "finished"? :P
released into prod?
I'm just gonna troll my LinkedIn for all my engineering manager friends
hopefully I haven't used up all my goodwill
@Pheonixblade9 - You could always try Silicon Valley ;)
@TravisJ LinkedIn tried to recruit me to silicon valley
but no
my GF is here, my family is here
my GF is freaking out badly enough not having a job
yeah that would be a large barrier
she is unemployed?
10:36 PM
and she lives with her parents 90+ minutes away already. though she is staying with me like 75% of the time at the moment, she's not officially living here
and I think she would have a very hard time living somewhere and not paying rent... she feels shitty about everything I do for her, lol
yeah, she graduated college this december. BA in Art.
I'm encouraging her to apply at museums and art galleries around to be an assistant curator or something
she's set her sights at Starbucks or something like that... trying to get her to understand that job reqs are complete BS and that she needs to not give a fuck
Yeah, a degree in the arts is hard to get a career job with..
Oh god tried to change the namespaces to root namespace so everything would work again but now I get 7 errors. But at least visual studio shows me what is wrong right?
Man, if you can't get namespaces down then you have larger issues than visual studio
@TravisJ yeah. she is quite talented, though, at least.
I feel if she had a fire lit under her ass, she could run a successful Etsy store
she likes making pop culture/nerdy stuff, and that sells like hotcakes on Etsy
original art takes longer to sell
@Pheonixblade9 - A friend of mine is trying to run a business on etsy
10:41 PM
well, the fact is, I don't mind supporting her in the least. I mean... my roommate/best friend wasn't paying rent, and I don't even get to touch her boobs! I mean, come on.
@Well it would help if I knew that visual studio doesn't refactor namespaces when I stared to move stuff
(I haven't made that joke, as it's probably insensitive, even for me)
original art is also a lot harder to make and has a higher bar of entry
Yep. And she's good enough to do it. She has some pretty serious multimedia skill
She has the knowledge and skills to make things happen. I think she could have some success working in a museum, or in a theatre making props, or anything really.
Unfortunately the only art which is worth serious money is done with a paint brush.
10:42 PM
oh, she knows how to paint
she made me an absolutely gorgeous original piece for my birthday
Thing is, museum jobs are extremely hard to come by. There are almost no openings that come up, the museum tends to only employ a few people, there is a very small budget, and often they will ask for volunteer work first.
@TravisJ there is a position open at the University of Washington - that's where she graduated from
There is a museum there?
actually, several positions open. One for asst curator, one for collections manager
it's a huge university, there are several museums/galleries
Wow, yeah she should definitely apply.
Especially since she is alum there
10:44 PM
yeah. she's just really depressed about jobs and I'm having a hard time getting her to apply. She thinks there's just no point
it's incredibly, painfully frustrating for me
My fiance was like that for a while
because of course I can't just do it for her
I told her, if you don't apply there is a 0% chance of you getting a nice job. If you apply then there is at least some chance at getting employed.
I think its because of some g.i.cs file I can't see in solution explorer
yeah that is similar to what I said
you miss every shot you don't take
she just closes up and gets really quiet and runs away from me when I try to talk to her about it
I think her family is not very supportive and she's not used to somebody being encouraging and doesn't know how to react to it
10:46 PM
Women tend to categorize stuff like that differently than men do.
We organize all of these things into logical bins, and nothing can overlap. So it makes sense that not having support from an emotional bin wouldn't affect our employment bin.
for reference, she painted this (original art, not copied from a scene/concept art, but using the universe as a base):
But for women, they organize all of these things into emotional bins. Employment is linked to negativity if that is the only emotion it elicits.
That's pretty nice
somewhat based on this:
@Pheonixblade9 That's anxiety.
10:49 PM
@TravisJ and us programmers, we just have two bins: Debug and Release
reminds me of this:
@KendallFrey don't forget x64!
I am intimately familiar with anxiety and how different people deal with it... and that's what that is...
@Pheonixblade9 oh god stop
10:50 PM
10:50 PM
@TravisJ I think it's meant to be a parody of Christ the Redeemer
so I left LINQPad open from earlier
and I look over at it, and my computer just says to me:
> hey dude
> you are awesome
10:52 PM
gotta love nested string formatting professing their bromance for you
@KendallFrey hahahahahahaha
@Pheonixblade9 - When was the last time she went to one of the museums there? Maybe just take her to a few for fun to check out the displays and stuff. Make it have a stronger positive emotional tie.
@TravisJ most of them are private collections, not public museums. They're used for grad students to study, etc.
although, this one is, it seems. so good idea :)
10:54 PM
@Pheonixblade9 :D
"First Thursday: on the first Thursday of each month, admission is free and the Burke stays open until 8 pm." burkemuseum.org/info
indeed :)
Although that isn't for a month =/
Maybe just pay the $10 lol
it's not the admission, it's that they're only open til 5
I'm certain she's been there before
10:55 PM
But not with you :)
but maybe I could nudge her to chat with one of the employees there
There is the History and Industry one as well
> overriding equals, no override GetHashCode
MOHAI is weird
well, okay, I'll just implement it for him. How hard can it be?
10:55 PM
> Equals override is 100+ lines long
I would just go there and have fun. I think if you challenge her on it while you are visiting it could deter her. Maybe if she brought it up it would be okay though.
@Pheonixblade9 what does she actually want to do
like, if she was superwoman
use the invisible toilet on her invisible plane?
@Jeremy I cannot get her to answer that question
10:57 PM
lol i just notice i am just sitting here for past 15-20 min and reading comments w'o saying anything :D
@Pheonixblade9 Sounds like anxiety all around.
It's what 18-25 is all about! :D
yeah, I've jokingly said a few times when she said she doesn't know what she wants to do "WELCOME TO YOUR EARLY 20'S, WHOOOOO"
today is her 23rd bday actually
@Pheonixblade9 same with my wife. Doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up, despite her MBA
@Jeremy Bro , Do u Think SuperWoman/Girl also Bleed ? :D
I knew what I wanted to do for a career since I was 13
@Pedram Yep, on a schedule :P
10:58 PM
Hey you guys remember my son?
@KendallFrey Troll C# chat?
11:00 PM
nobody knows wtf they want to do when they grow up. Just go for something that sounds cool and if it supports the lifestyle you want to live and doesn't suck, keep doing it
@KyleTrauberman yeah, cute little fucker
well, I had two more
twins, I remember that
11:01 PM
Since i was a kid i wanted to be a freelancer or the boss of myself :D
i actually didn't knew the word freelancer back then tho lol
@Pheonixblade9 For a single guy, you have a lot of girlfriends
@Jeremy I am recently un-single.
11:02 PM
The main reason I don't want to be my own boss is that it might mean I need to be my own manager, C*O, and accountant
@KyleTrauberman Wait! I'm allergic to adorableness.
@KyleTrauberman - Nice, they look real healthy :)
I don't wanna be my own boss because I'm worried about being sued for sexual harassment. Sorry, sexual hisassment
just curious, how many people here have problem with small talk?
11:04 PM
and how
the language, or the concept?
like socializing with people
I'm really terrible at small talk
@JackyNguyen everyone does. It's all bullshit. Learn how to talk about sports. It's the only safe topic.
I don't know shit about sports so I talk about the weather.
> Nice day innit
11:05 PM
@KendallFrey here's him now: imgur.com/TepMEGE
How to win at conversations: ask questions/be interested in the other person
and how many people here enjoy being at a crowd place like bar/club
I always ask how someone is when i saw him/her , then keep on saying , Soooo what up ? what else is up ....
@Jeremy being interested in the other person makes me lose
11:06 PM
It's really that easy.
I like small talk, bars, clubs, walks on the beach, coding, and living adventurously!
everyone: homework is reading Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People
I like video games
@KendallFrey I think you could easily be taught how to be interested in everyone.
Your mom would give great lessons
11:07 PM
@Jeremy You don't know the people I do
room topic changed to C#: Kendall's Mom has got it goin' on (faq: csharpchat.com) [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
It's hard to be interested in someone that can barely speak their native language
Keridall's Morn
@KendallFrey lol , i am like a Boss with Girls in University , but There is this 1 Girl i like since ages xD so i always so bad with her , i just gave up trying to get closer to her total :D university end in less than a year now :|
english is not my native language
I guess it's with most ppl tho , More or less
funny we both thought of pom
Oh, yeah. Porn juice.
11:10 PM
What's Porn ? it's Eatable ?
some of it may be
I'm so glad my office left. I'm giggling like a 10 year old.
As long as it isn't in a cup.
Banana ?
@Jeremy s/like//
11:12 PM
I'm giggling a 10 year old?
you are? I'm calling the cops
@TravisJ or that lol
Can i Post a Gif that is SFW but Not good to be seen while seeing it ? xD
make sure it doesn't onebox
11:13 PM
@Pedram: NO!
lol :D
@Pedram Isn't that kind of the essence of the NSFW tag?
Someone Sent to me Today :| Anime Girl and Ice cream ! :P
@Jeremy i tho NSFW = +18 Material :D
for these days, i would put it as +15
some places, cleavage is nsfw
11:16 PM
Or a thong
I think that NSFW is probably anything past PG unfortunately
Or perhaps not unfortunately, but either way
room topic changed to C#: Being better than Java since 1995 (faq: csharpchat.com) [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
11:17 PM
Here's someone making a glowing miniskirt: reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/3c9l2m/…
I thought that was pretty cool
just curious, is it ok to chat in stackoverflow room while at work
lol that asked me if i am +18 or not
@JackyNguyen depends on your boss
Yeah, reddit marked it as nsfw. I don't think it really is, personally - your call to go in or not.'
11:20 PM
@KendallFrey: lol yeah he is
my boss is ok with it
@JackyNguyen - I auto collapse all of the images in here
lool :D funny pic xD and I am currently alone in my house and its 3:50 AM so who cares xD
@Pheonixblade9 Drown yourself in booze later, you code ninja you.
!!doge fulfillment, satisfaction, happiness
11:22 PM
               very fulfillment
                        so  satisfaction
such  happiness
@Pheonixblade9 Congrtzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
!!doge doge, doge, doge, doge
many doge
              such  doge
                        much  doge
so  doge
how do you pronounce doge?
11:23 PM
I used to pronounce it doge, with a hard G. But I've since been convinced it's dohj
I say Doh-gay
that just makes you sound like Tommy Wisseau
11:26 PM
Didn't this doge stuff come from japanese commercials anyway?
@Jeremy it came from a picture of a shiba inu
!!image shiba doge
@Pheonixblade9 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!gif shiba doge
!!help doge
@JackyNguyen doge: so shibe, much doge, wow `/doge one,two,three[,nth]
@CapricaSix: does not work
!!help image
@Pheonixblade9 Command image does not exist.
!!help picture
11:27 PM
@Pheonixblade9 Command picture does not exist.
!!help google
@Pheonixblade9 google: Search Google. /google query
I was positive there was a caprica image search...
@Jeremy Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
11:29 PM
@Jeremy 666, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, ban, unban, convert, define, doge, google, hang, jquery, learn, put..it..back...ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ, phucket, gtfo, moneycantbuylove, catmode, coffeetime, lifeban, stopmyself, instagram, kendallfrey, excited, manigga, meinneger, dgaf, infiniteriot, okay, feelsgoodman, fabulous, sausage, playerpimp, installjavascript, moarkittens, kendall, kfc, uwot, nsfw, facepalm, somekittens, erase, fry, dudeism, hahastillhere
onebox, morecoffee, steve, whoosh, burn, woosh, roomowner, phony, really, inur, coffeescript, macaroni,
Doesn't look like it.
what does this commands actually do ? shwo u picture ? lol
WTF ? :|
dude, GMILFs are hot, don't hate
11:38 PM
@Jeremy That's the classiest miniskirt I've ever seen.
@KendallFrey You're making me blush :3
the last one XD
err this is awkward
when I open a file in solution explorer, the tab opens, but nothing shows up in the editor
11:51 PM
@Pheonixblade9 - turn it off, and then turn it back on again
@TravisJ I have
Did you try unplugging your router?
just random question: how do i unbake a cake?
ray gun
11:57 PM
Add some water and spin with a spoon enough
Put it in some hydrochloric acid until it melts back down to liquid, and then balance out the acidity with some sodiumhydrate
Add some sugar to taste.

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