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9:06 PM
Why does Stack Overflow have so many douche bags, they constantly condescend to new users or simply vote down without an explanation. This is harmful to the community.
To punish dumb
I think there's a perception that quality questions get lost in the noise, I thought the site's design was supposed to avoid that
Unsure, really. There is a lot of garbage, but I'm undecided on whether that matters
@KendallFrey - In what sense ?
@TravisJ answers no longer sort by time, only score
@Greg No, plz-gib-teh-codez questions are harmful to the community
@KendallFrey - The FGITW issue I was referring to was that people will answer as fast as possible to be the first answer and then continuously edit their answer to make it correct.
that's really a different issue than the original
9:22 PM
That is what it became though
There are multiple problems with FGITW syndrome
You can see that from the sheer amount of meta posts on the topic
Please give me all your codes
@Tokencodingnewbie I can't, company policy
Well off to class.
feel free to browse my github
The following is a list of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) response status codes. This includes codes from IETF internet standards as well as other IETF RFCs, other specifications and some additional commonly used codes. The first digit of the status code specifies one of five classes of response; the bare minimum for an HTTP client is that it recognises these five classes. The phrases used are the standard examples, but any human-readable alternative can be provided. Unless otherwise stated, the status code is part of the HTTP/1.1 standard (RFC 7231). The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority...
9:23 PM
I have a few old ones on codeplex too
I didn't really want code lol
I'm one of those weird ppl who is trying to learn.
I got a whole box of schwag from SE yesterday :)
Square enix?
I want stuff.
It took a lot of effort
I don't want stuff that bad.
2 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
take em all
no stahp ur drunk
9:27 PM
Kendall, stop trying to share your offspring. You have to keep them separated.
drunk on code
wait, it's after 5 now
drunk on rockets
only 228 here
fucking hell, our days only go up to 24 hours
Heh, you got the subset version of hours
Technically 228 is low, it is really 1428
This is one of the ugliest rockets I've ever built
9:32 PM
irl rocket?
I should fly irl rockets again...
Is there a way to determine what time a file is being read?
awesome thank you!!!
btw, has anyone used ComponentOne for anything?
9:47 PM
Nope, looks interesting
I just learned that xmlns only works on foreign assemblies, which is why I couldn't use it to load content from a separate XAML file. Is there another way to hook the content from one XAML file into another, similar to how xmlns works? This is what I'm talking about: stackoverflow.com/questions/2760504/…
it doesn't only work on foreign assemblies
@FizzledOut see ^
and if you're doing custom controls, you can create an XmlnsDefinition, so that you can use:

Is this really a question that qualifies for a downvote? stackoverflow.com/questions/25511703/…
10:02 PM
what are you doing Fizzled? that's not even a namespace
@Greg "Why would you use ToString(); when you you have a SELECT which passes two parameters." is subjective
@NETscape being terribly confused, then.
you can't have namespace MyApp/ProjectA { public class A { } }
you're thinking too hard
delete tab1
@Greg obviously debatable, but the question itself is quite misguided
go to your toolbox, drag and drop the control you want, onto the design, and see what it adds for a namespace
10:03 PM
It's worded strangely too
> throw a null
I assume that means a NullReferenceException
there's a big difference
@NETscape What? I'm trying to define a separate XAML file for each tab item's content. Dragging and dropping the control in or whatever effectively destroys the point by putting it all into one big file again.
oooh ooh pass it to my i'm open
you don't want to do that
you create another XAML file
then you usually do something like
then <local:FirstTabControl />
@NETscape You can name the namespace whatever you want, so what's with local? Also, why does it need to be prepended with clr-namespace: when it's not defined as part of the CLR?
clr-namespace signifies a .NET namespace, as opposed to an XML one
@FizzledOut the local portion is how you refer to it within the xaml file - it's mapping from a CLR based namespace (a namespace in .NET) to a local XML namespace
10:08 PM
@ReedCopsey so it exhibits different behavior than, say, if I named it localgfregfre?
it's just a conventional name
Okay good. I hate implicitness
@FizzledOut There's no behavior there - it's how you use the controls defined in that namespace - say you have a usercontrol named "Foo", you'd do <local:Foo /> to create it
@FizzledOut that's half the glory... wait until you learn implicit styles :)
if you used your version, you'd have to write <localgfregfre:Foo />
10:10 PM
What do you mean by 'to create it'?
It doesn't like clr-namespace: when put in front of the xmlns declaration. I'm going to fiddle with it and come back
Create a user control somewhere
you'll see x:Class="WpfApplication1.YourControl"
then create another one
you'll see x:Class="WpfApplication1.YourControl2"
WpfApplication1 is going to be the namespace your controls are being declared in
Oh, it doesn't set x:Class like you're talking about when I create user controls because I'm creating them in a ResourceDictionary
I looked at that style of patching together XAML and it has a lot of plumbing
10:14 PM
now, in YourControl.xaml, in the declaration etc. do xmlns:something="clr-namespace:WpfApplication"
then in the content of the UserControl do:
<something:YourControl2 />
and that will create the user control and set it as YouControl's content
don't create custom controls
just add a new UserControl
as @Reed always says, "There is rarely a time you ever need to create a custom control" :)
@NETscape I know that I shouldn't create custom controls unless they're actually custom controls. I thought about making one for a dragging canvas design, but then found that it already existed (in a different project, of course). My main concern with having Separate user controls is having separate code-behind that cannot access all the other stuff in my application, like names from other xaml files and whatnot.
if you have a control in another project, its not problem
that's when you introduce ;assembly=WpfApplication1
@FizzledOut Separating your logic leads to better maintainability in the long run
things shouldn't access everything everywhere
10:20 PM
keep all your xamls in one solution
@NETscape You don't need to do that... any reason you suggest that?
i meant project
and for starters? why start creating many projects when one hasn't learned how to manage a single one? (no offense).
@ReedCopsey My logic is separated using what I think is the MVVM model
i'm just saying, get the hang of it first
+1, good to hear!
@FizzledOut If that's the case, you shouldn't need code behind (much)
10:23 PM
@ReedCopsey Indeed, I rely very little on it.
However, I just want to make sure everything is going to work and won't have issues later
(technically, you can eliminate it completely - but in practice, that's often more painful than its worth)
@ReedCopsey Wouldn't that mean parsing it manually?
no - I mean other than the InitializeComponent calls
no "custom" code behind that's not auto generated
(though, to be fair, with F# and FsXaml, you can eliminate that completely too, if you want ;) but that's a bit different of a conversation.... )
@ReedCopsey When you said wait until you learn implicit styles, I already know them (sorry I passed over the comment), but I was talking about implicit *behaviors* instead. @NETscape When you said "then you usually do something like
xmlns:local="clr-namespace:MyApp.Namespace" then <local:FirstTabControl />" I then got my namespace to work exactly as described, except that nothing appears for the intellisense and when I type it in anyways, it can't find it and throws an error. So `<local:Whatever>` isn't working for me, which has been the root of my problems from day one.
10:50 PM
@FizzledOut Just type and build - and it'll work or error
the designer sucks :p
(I turn it off now... it's 100x faster if you just use the XML editor instead)
How do you turn off the designer in VS?
Just open the file in the code editor
(I think via Open With...)
feed me Swedish
det var svengelska
10:59 PM
Vem bryr sig?
Google Translate actually translated "svengelska"
01:00 and still at work !kool
@JohanLarsson Open With... and turn on "Make Default"
if you open XAML with the XML Editor, it's great
waiting for TFS to accept my check in
11:02 PM
oh man I love swedish
I can guess the words for different languages
just do xyzska. easy
And why the heck is "parleyvoo" a legit translation of French lmao
Finally! Nite sirs.
nite sir
11:22 PM
Had to figure out how to validate an input based on an ajax request when the only hook i had was return true or false
Was fun, I think now I understand why so many people ask questions about returning a boolean from an ajax request
sounds like what we'll have to deal with eventually. asynchronous value converters
I basically set a data attribute on the element to reflect its validity, suppressed the natural validation from jquery, and had an onchange event which controlled the data attribute and manually called the validation when complete.
This allowed the field to be validated while the user was still using the UI, and also at the end of the form when submit was used, using a minimal amount of ajax requests.
11:38 PM
coding or gaming, hrmmmmmmmmm
!!coding or gaming
@KendallFrey coding
That thing is rigged I think.
rigged how
To always pick coding.
To never stop coding.
but I did have some questions since I google coded this part a bit.
public void clickBtn(object sender, EventArgs ea)
            Button thisBtn = sender as Button;

            if(thisBtn == Button1)
                isX[0] = true;
                Button1.Content = "X";
11:41 PM
!!coding or gaming or eating
@KendallFrey eating
object means it could be any type right?
you mean for sender?
11:42 PM
It will only be whatever is firing the event
if it's used for button click, it will always be a button
Is that what the sender as Button part means?
That casts it to a Button type, so you can use Button members
and EventArgs...is that how it knows I clicked on it?
EventArgs is the event data
for a button click, there's nothing interesting there
For KeyPress event, you'd have a KeyPressEventArgs or something
Well in the parameters it's called ea, but it's never used I noticed.
11:47 PM
No, it's just there because that's convention for events
So if I removed it?
It wouldn't let you assign it as an event handler
Oh ok, gotcha.
I was thinking about this code while at work, so I guess it's time to put it into practice.

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