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12:22 AM
anyone else care to help?
it actually is WP based because you have to use the WP ListView which isn't the same as WPF ListView
i'm looking at it though, don't get your hopes up
@NETscape If you could help, it'd be great.
here's one way of doing it: stackoverflow.com/questions/21968941/…
but from what I understand you want to not remove the other items
so what you want to do is all going to be in the codebehind @DemCodeLines
You're going to want to add a TextChanged event
@NETscape Yup, the problem is scrolling to the group
I need helping matching the text in the textbox and finding the right group and finally scrolling to it.
when the text changes. You're going to want to do something like:
var item = listView.Items.FirstOrDefault( x => x.ToString().StartsWith(_textBox.Text));
if(item != null)
    listView.ScrollIntoView( item );
12:36 AM
@NETscape But what if I only want to search for the groups and not all the items?
don't? lol
the best you can do is if someone type "E" save the index of where that was, then if they type "Em", only search from (items[index] - items[count - 1])
or you allow the user to show only 1 group, then search the Items
@DemCodeLines watch from like the 25th minute: channel9.msdn.com/Series/Building-Apps-for-Windows-Phone-8-1/04 they do it with the gridview. You need to Filter the collectionview if you want to easily search a specific group
1:48 AM
@DemCodeLines ...
@NETscape The problem is that if I filter the group and change the collectionviewsource's source to the filtered group, then all of the items that were selected before the list was reset are gone.
are you binding IsSelected?
They're using semanticzoom. I'm using it too, but I have taken out the ZoomedOut part of it, so when you click on the group, nothing happens.
I am trying to take search bar approach instead.
each item in the list should have an IsSelected property
Ok, but what about it?
2:03 AM
actually the grouping would set it to false, so that's probably a no go
2:16 AM
@NETscape if there can be a live-filtering, then it would be fine.
3:01 AM
Should I even bother trying to learn data binding/MVVM stuff as a beginner? It's just confusing as fuk and I just want a way to update my UI so I can continue working on my shitty form game to learn.
it all depends, but i would say yes, it'll only benefit you
I'm just not comprehending it.
there is a WPF chat room too, but we don't know all
Hrm I might try there. I dunno I tried to learn it a few months back and got super discouraged and ended up walking away from coding for a few months.
Steam sale didn't help either.
4 hours later…
6:43 AM
hey can anyone help me to get the authorise atttribute in mvc to use role from user table.here is my attempt pastie.org/9509229
I'm getting httpunauthorised result always
1 hour later…
8:14 AM
ive created a zipper and i need some help to figure out something
8:36 AM
@D3l4n0 You might need Tailors.SE for that.
Tailors. Zippers. *sigh*. Nevermind. Bad joke.
ah lol
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan no its new
can someone point me to some site that implements custom authorisation from tables
8:48 AM
@D3l4n0 What do you need to figure out about your strangely software-related zipper, then?
@GotalovePHP how about this logcorner.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/…
well when i zip a file it always comes out as a 291 bytes file

This is the whole program in pastebin
@Shell I had a look at that but browsed through since I couldnt find how its geting roles from table
let me read through to the end
@D3l4n0 Are you zipping the contents of a textbox? How big is it?
8:56 AM
No the textbox contains the path to the file
@D3l4n0 English language: A witch is a being with "magical power", alchemy, etc.
You probably mean "which"... ;-)
yes roel you are correct sorry, my english isn't that good
You'll have to break down that code and find the problem. There's too much of it, and very unclear, for someone to dive in and understand it.
9:13 AM
Coding standards really help. There's a lot of implicit stuff being made explicit, and naming conventions are off on many places. It's a bit hard to follow. Give ReSharper a try, it can do a lot of normalization for you.
9:25 AM
Ok ill go and try to get it right
9:41 AM
@RoelvanUden - Hi
@bhuvin Hi
Guys have any idea about a tool which can help with some possible exception which could occur on a method !
Hehy @Denver
A debugger..
haha ...
No i mean just on a general scale what i want the help with is that the how to go about adding handles for different exception which could arise in my engine ...
Its like there are some crons , which for some cases should retry for a particular error like the Web Service call timed out , whereas if in case of the Machine is disconnected from the network it should just throw out a message to the user ...
So i need some general help on going about this
9:48 AM
Err.. I actually don't know of such tools, mostly because of how much everyone hates that in Java.
Java /
bad keyboard .. :(
Enforcing to deal with all possible exceptions is part of Java language design.
It's such a hateful thing.
hey :)
ohh ...
Man its terrible .. .dint know about it ...
@RoelvanUden - I am confused with this ... Exception Handling ...
9:53 AM
We're currently 'redesigning' the way our development environment is set up. Mainly how to handle assemblies that are used in multiple projects (for example a 'tool' assembly that has helper methods).

Currently everyone has a 'dll' folder on his C partition and dlls are referenced from there. When a project is build, a post-build script copies the new assembly in to the local dll folder. Multiple problems arise from that configuration, main one being that Visual Studio will always use a relative path when the .csproj file and the referenced assembly are on the same partition instead of usi
Now, I thought about putting all assemblies in a shared network folder and that those are only created by our build server. Which sounds nice until you realize, that there's no 'easy' way to do that, since the output of a build process is organized per teamproject, which is not what I want.
@SteffenWinkler Uh. Make a private NuGet repository?
Then you can all reference to all versions of your shared libraries.
@RoelvanUden One can set up a private NuGet rep?
@SteffenWinkler Yes. The 'feed' can be as simple as a shared folder with packages in it.
@RoelvanUden uh, do I really need to change the versionnumber on each build for a assembly to be 'updated' in NuGet repository?
10:01 AM
Yes, that's the principle of basic version management o_o
You can make automatic build numbers but that's kinda meh.
that's kind of bad...
we only ever change the versionnumber when a product update is released
not when we change something inside a tool lib
Your helper libraries should have their own version numbering.
You just said multiple projects use them. It's weird to tie them to a single product.
erh nvm
If project A and B reference helper modules 'C', how can 'C' have the same version number as either 'A' or 'B'? It makes absolutely no sense.
10:06 AM
I did really phrase that entirely wrong
We really don't change the version of our tool libs. Or only when there is a really major thing added/changed in them
We only change the version numbers of the 'real' projects and only when we release a patch/update
You just said you were 'redesigning' the way your development environment works. If you don't want change for normalize and streamline the process, why bother at all? :-/
Somebody kill this code pastie.org/9509756
@RoelvanUden hmpf. I wanted to change the way assemblies are referenced/organized...not our versioning
anyway seriously how can I get the code to authorise
@RoelvanUden but I guess I've to do both
10:12 AM
mvc pros ?
@Gotalove Authorize.. or authenticate? What is your goal :P
@RoelvanUden hi and yes authorise
user is already authenticated but am not able to get request to authenticate based on role in users table
@RoelvanUden well, may I ask how you managed to get TFS build server and NuGet to play with eachother? From what I found (in form of HowTos), that's kind of complicated/time consuming
@RoelvanUden my goal is to limit views based on roles.I am using a single user table with the role in it.I am able to get HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated but how to get AuthorisationContext.Result to be authorized based on this role
10:34 AM
@RoelvanUden uhm, does the NuGet client automatically updates the 'installed' packages when a new one is available?
(we already use NuGet for some third party libs and apparently have to click an update button to get the latest version)
11:16 AM
THANK YOU EVERYONES FOR YOUR HELPINGS! I finally managed to get my account merged, even though I couldn't remember any of the details of one of the accounts!
@RoelvanUden I think their goal is to Authorcate.
11:40 AM
Hey guys, since the chat room is idle, if any of you are geeks who are really interested in science as a whole, check out this new Area51 proposal Scientific Imagination, and how it is supposed to be like.
12:03 PM
@baeltazor were you merge delete?
12:13 PM
Q: Custom user authorization based with roles in asp.net mvc

GotaloveI have created a custom authentication and authorisation for my users.The problem I am facing is how to get mvc to check that role from inside my users table matches the [Authorize(Role)] on my controller so as to set httpauthorised to true.Below is my customauthorise class. [AttributeUsage(Att...

2 hours later…
2:03 PM
so empty here
Quick question, can anyone help?
Is it possible to have an instance of a class send itself to a method? For example, if I had a static method that required the instance of the class to send it's class instance to the method. Is that possible?
@FatalSleep Sure. You can pass references around as you please. You're after the this keyword.
Oh awesome.
Never use that, so I didn't consider it.
2:10 PM
black humour is like something to eat
not everyone has it
@FatalSleep You're using it all the time; implicitly. :P
Good point. :P
@AlexanderBottlang hahahahaha
still stuck in my question up there.someone help
@KendallFrey you probably got both :D
2:20 PM
I'd help, but I don't know anything about ASP.
@AlexanderBottlang yeh
@FatalSleep ASP.NET :-P ASP is a whole different beastie.
@FatalSleep thanks for the concern
So I changed it to this pastie.org/9510205 still no luck
@RoelvanUden +1
Pfft... meant ASP.net. Too lazy to type .net. :)
2:40 PM
Morning everyone.
I'm over 3K rep now, nice.
u suck dikk now, nice
@Greg 3K reputation? Pfsht, reputation whore.
@RoelvanUden Under 2K? Pfsht, noob :)
@KendallFrey Hey! I was expecting @Greg to make a snappy comeback, not you!
Is rep mostly gained by answering questions?
I always check the new section of stuff but its always too complicated for me to answer, or already answered
2:49 PM
@RoelvanUden I'm not in the mood to be sarcastic, too tired.
@VictorioBerra Sometimes answering doesn't even help.
@VictorioBerra Asking good questions gets you upvotes, too, and therefore reputation. Too bad the entire system basically promotes simple questions and simple answers since simple people can only manage to upvote that. Complicated questions rarely get upvoted, let alone answered, and if they do -- they get what, one upvote? Broken system for the win.
@RoelvanUden I do agree, the dumb questions are voted on more example:
Q: Asp.Net does not contain a definition for buttonClick?

JaGoI am attempting to build a program on visual studio asp.net but whenever I try to click a button with an OnClick event I get the following error: "CS1061: 'ASP.test_aspx' does not contain a definition for 'buttonClick' and no extension method 'buttonClick' accepting a first argument of type 'ASP...

That question and several answers have received a ton of votes, the answers are good and solve the question. Except it is relatively easy.
It makes sense simpler questions get more upvotes, since they probably get more exposure
Are all you guys at work right now?
I am
2:57 PM
What is this work you keep talking about?!
I mean I'm at work ...
Yeah... Not doing any actual work :P
Im raging over some JS so I need the chat diversion at times :P
Yeah writing Jack Shit that's me nine days out of ten :)
Jack Shit... JS... JavaScript
3:03 PM
Welcome to the club! I'm blocked by our SDK team... and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight...
Word play, a Punn
I sometimes really hate MVVM....
@RodrigoSilva no not coincidence
I knew it ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)‎
@JLott MVVM loves you no matter what
MVVM is love. MVVM is life.
3:06 PM
What would Jessica do?
Sounds like something I would follow... and @RodrigoSilva No.
!!urban WWJD
@RodrigoSilva WWJD The first 4 letters in WWJDFAKB.
Hm... That's nice
3:07 PM
no shit, Sherlock
!!urban WWJDFAKB
@RodrigoSilva WWJDFAKB Abbreviation: "What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar?"
!!urban WWJD 2
@JLott W.W.J.D. What would Jesus Do? Used on Christian bracelets,necklaces among other things.
Was expecting something much more offensive
3:09 PM
Wow, people actually wear stuff with that written in them?
my code analysis window pops up everytime i stop debugging. how do i stop dis? VS2013
@RodrigoSilva I was one of those people in my naive Southern Baptist youth. That stuff is everywhere here.
Kenuckety ftw
That's odd, I don't think I have ever seen someone wearing that here
!!urban jw 1
3:16 PM
@KendallFrey jw just wondering
@KendallFrey Kentucky... Geeze... Canadians...
@KendallFrey jw A shortened version of the words "just wondering", it is normally used in chatrooms and online typing communications.
@JLott You think that was accidental? Cheese... Americans...
Something I read on IFL's comment section: "Another dumb post about how man made Global Weather change, dumb people" These were not the exact words, but you get the meaning.
3:33 PM
Is this really the best way to use FTP?
public static bool DisplayFileFromServer(Uri serverUri)
    // The serverUri parameter should start with the ftp:// scheme.
    if (serverUri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeFtp)
        return false;
    // Get the object used to communicate with the server.
    WebClient request = new WebClient();

    // This example assumes the FTP site uses anonymous logon.
    request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential ("anonymous","janeDoe@contoso.com");
        byte [] newFileData = request.DownloadData (serverUri.ToString());
@KendallFrey I am here to ping you.
3:46 PM
@KendallFrey to answer my question. Dost thou accept the challenge?
Q: Scrolling a ListView CollectionViewSource to a group of items based on a search textbox's text in C#

DemCodeLinesI am working on a Windows Phone 8.1 app in XAML and C#. I have a listview, whose item source is set to a CollectionViewSource called MusicSource. On the backend in C#, I have an ObservableCollection called source and the following code populates it by getting getting all the music files on the p...

ehh, I don't feel like writing a ton of code for free
Can you narrow it down?
lol, um how do I narrow it down. It's already quite specific.
3:53 PM
no way
It's a huge task
I just need to scroll to a group based on the textbox's text.
Too big for a SO question
Not sure if serious.
What have you tried?
Both the answers (which don't work) in that question as well as trying to figure out the indexes of each group/item.
Ok how about this:
Not sure why, but when I integrate your code with what I have, I get the following error as soon as I type in the textbox, Additional information: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable'2[System.Linq.IGrouping'2[System.String,Beta.Musi‌​c],System.String]' to typeDemCodeLines 10 hours ago
That's quite specific.
3:56 PM
It doesn't have enough information to properly reproduce
Well, the following is the code that deals with the text:
if (Search.Text == "") { return; }

            ObservableCollection<GroupKeyList<Music>> list = (ObservableCollection<GroupKeyList<Music>>)MusicSource.Source;

            Music sr = SearchData(ref list, Search.Text);

            if (sr != null)
If you can come up with a question that doesn't involve me writing lots of nasty code, that would be better
anyway I can get MSVBVM60.DLL into something other than disassembly?
What does "get it into disassembly" mean?
@KendallFrey why is ObservableCollection<GroupKeyList<Music>> list = (ObservableCollection<GroupKeyList<Music>>)MusicSource.Source; throwing a casting error?
4:02 PM
decompile into C++
I feel like this is a dumb question, but is there a format string to show trailing zeros only if there's a non-zero value?
@DemCodeLines Because it isn't what you're trying to cast it to, most likely
@mikeTheLiar I think so, but check the docs
EG: 0 -> 0.0, .4 -> .4000
@KendallFrey MusicSource is a CollectionViewSource so...
The groups are created here.
this.MusicSource.Source = GroupKeyList<Music>.CreateGroupList(this.source, (Music sd) => { return sd.Artist; });
this.source is a list of type Music.
The next part that happens is the error above in the textchanged event.
@KendallFrey sometimes I'm a dummy: stackoverflow.com/q/16471662/1015495
4:16 PM
Nice, I didnt know about ';'
@VictorioBerra you didn't know about semi-colons?
Anyone ever do FTP request with C#?
@Greg I have
        private bool DownloadPod(Uri server)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(server.ToString()))
                return false;

            WebClient request = new WebClient();
            request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(@"ac", @"ac4");

                byte[] data = request.DownloadData(server);
                string file = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
                return true;

            catch (WebException ex) { return false; }
When ever I hit byte[] data = request.DownloadData(server); it fails.
4:24 PM
@Greg Can you use a 3rd party library? The builtin .Net stuff sucks.
Ftp-lib is really easy and works well. There is also a good SFTP library I can find for you (can't remember the name).
@evan :D
@greg i m not sure, but isnt there a special ftp download method?
Was following MSDN
@KendallFrey lol did you just leave?
4:31 PM
@DemCodeLines He was never actually here
@RodrigoSilva But I was talking to...oh.. sigh
@DemCodeLines He whose name shall not be said works in misterious ways
Can anyone tell me what is the best method to get the processorarchitecture? (32bit || 64bit)
@RodrigoSilva do you mind helping then?
If I'm able to, sure
4:35 PM
Q: Scrolling a ListView CollectionViewSource to a group of items based on a search textbox's text in C#

DemCodeLinesI am working on a Windows Phone 8.1 app in XAML and C#. I have a listview, whose item source is set to a CollectionViewSource called MusicSource. On the backend in C#, I have an ObservableCollection called source and the following code populates it by getting getting all the music files on the p...

Specifically this:
Not sure why, but when I integrate your code with what I have, I get the following error as soon as I type in the textbox, Additional information: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable'2[System.Linq.IGrouping'2[System.String,Beta.Musi‌​c],System.String]' to typeDemCodeLines 11 hours ago
How about this guys:
        private bool DownloadPod(Uri server)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(server.ToString()))
                return false;

            var request = WebRequest.Create(server) as FtpWebRequest;
            if(request != null)
                request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile;
                request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(@"dev", @"ac400");
                using(Stream response = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
                    using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response))
@DemCodeLines to type what?
> Additional information: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`2[System.Linq.IGrouping`2[System.String,Beta.Musi‌​c],System.String]' to type 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[Beta.GroupKeyList`1[Beta.‌​Music]]'.
Could it be that you're trying to assign an IEnumerable where an ObservableCollection is expected?
because that's impossible
4:47 PM
Here is the first part of the code:
ObservableCollection<GroupKeyList<Music>> list = GroupKeyList<Music>.CreateGroupList(this.source, (Music sd) => { return sd.Artist; });
this.MusicSource.Source = list;
Then this:
private void TextBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            // todo: trim
            if (Search.Text == "") { return; }

            ObservableCollection<GroupKeyList<Music>> list = (ObservableCollection<GroupKeyList<Music>>)MusicSource.Source;

            Music sr = SearchData(ref list, Search.Text);

            if (sr != null)
this.source is declared a list, like here: List<Music> source = new List<Music>();
what type is MusicSource.Source?
MusicSource is a CollectionViewSource, so...I guess it's an object.
when you put in a breakpoint.
put a breakpoint on Music sr
by the way, thats the same thing as checking all the items, which is what I told you to do yesterday
A breakpoint just before the casting line reveals Music.Source to be: System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable<System.Linq.IGrouping<string,Beta.Music>,string>
4:55 PM
Whoever invented predication should be punched in the throat.
what the heck!!!!!
then do this
ObservableCollection<GroupKeyList<Music>> list = new ObservableCollection<GroupKeyList<Music>>(MusicSource.Source);
or make
Throws error
Argument 1: cannot convert from 'object' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Beta.GroupKeyList<Beta.Music>>
okay, but you do realize you don't have to do any of this, right?

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