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5:01 PM
Yikes... this potential new company wants to do a full day interview with me ><
bah, this complex model is spiting me
Sheesh, insert problem
@EvanL - If you stay the night will they cook breakfast for you?
@TravisJ Lol no but they do cater lunch every Friday and have free beer ;)
.ogg is a video format?
5:02 PM
Ogg is a free, open container format maintained by the Xiph.Org Foundation. The creators of the Ogg format state that it is unrestricted by software patents and is designed to provide for efficient streaming and manipulation of high quality digital multimedia. "Ogg" is derived from "ogging", jargon from the computer game Netrek, which came to mean doing something forcefully, possibly without consideration of the drain on future resources. The Ogg container format can multiplex a number of independent streams for audio, video, text (such as subtitles), and metadata. In the Ogg multime...
Is java really more efficient than C# for GUIs?
Like IDE programs etc
ugh - no
where did you hear that?
.NET GUIs are superior to virtually everything. I'm not even sure you can call that an opinion.
Well I was surprised that PHPStorm was written in Java, and then someone laughed and said, "Well it can't be written in PHP, can it?" And I said there are more options such as "C#", when he heard C# he laughed and said java is better
5:10 PM
Java has improved a lot in terms of GUI development, but it's basically now to the point where C# was at in 2005
I'd put modern Java GUI development on par with Windows Forms/.NET 2
(which is pretty decent, until you know better)
lol at the latter part of that
so true
@user3123545 And, when it comes down to it, I'd bet $100 that the core of his argument as to why Java is better is "it's not run by Microsoft"
@ReedCopsey Yes he actually not using windows, uses Ubuntu
My personal git folder is 12 GB of random stuff
yeah - and, to be honest, C# on Linux for GUI work (via GTK#) is pretty close to equal with Java
5:13 PM
do you use Java Reed?
I have used it - I don't normally, though
my company is windows specific, so there's really no point
I do most of my stuff in C#, C++, and F#
I have a Java portfolio somewhere. So happy that I haven't seen it in years
You guys are making me feel great about my upcoming job in a Java shop.
At least the biggest product we support is in c# :)
5:19 PM
Seriously, data binder never gives me issues and now this one time it wont recognize anything =/
I see so much ugly C# in my daily that I would prefer nice Java I think.
Swithing to F# would be nice to keep the code safe :D
@JohanLarsson - Yeah but consider the opposite, nice c# vs ugly Java
better :)
I dislike Java.
That was all I had to say
I don't really have an opinion but I enjoy when you guys hate on it :D
5:21 PM
I really have a deep hatred for it as the result of having it edge us out of a coding competition with the ACM once
But the guys in the c++ room does a better job at that
hooray, down to only 30 breaking tests

Java Sucks!

JavaScript Sucks!
They have a subscription for singleton questions to keep extra angry :d
@JohanLarsson - C++ is waay better than Java. Runs faster, is overall much nicer of an environment.
I don't know c++ either
pretty sure I will never know it
5:27 PM
Apparently c# outperforms both and is advanced enough that the ACM does not allow its use in college contests.
Frankly, if you need to target the JVM, use Clojure, or at least Scala
at least they're decent languages -
and you know them both?
Reed knows all teh things
@JohanLarsson Not well, but I've played with them - Clojure is a good language (even if I'm not a fan of the syntax, really)
Scala is just like Java that doesn't quite suck anymore - and actually has some really nice features on top of it
I heard good things about Clojure but never tried it
5:30 PM
It's a very nice language, but I get lost in the parentheses (that's a personal bias/issue, though)
but that's just its lisp heritage
Is there a way to search for uploads made by me on imgur? I don't have an account.
prolly not but checking any way
Did you ask google?
no why? :)
Because I didn't have time to :P
Seriously this model binder is freaking crazywtfarghbuttonspam
5:48 PM
Can you not store a URL in an XML file as plain text?
(-_-* )
o┤*`□´ *├o
Well, I know you can, but XmlDocument.Load doesn't seem to like it.
⊂ •͡˘∠•͡˘ ⊃
@Breems Depends on the URL - it may need escaping
@ReedCopsey Perhaps the '&' in the URL is causing the trouble?
6:02 PM
it'll need to be escaped
I miss. INI files. :(
@Breems you could still use them with WinAPI
@EvanL I'd feel like a dinosaur, but I suppose it's my app, my rules.
I love speeding up a JS page 100x by adding a single line of code
@Breems yep lol, it is archaic but hey if someone else uses the app they might think it was written in C or C++ ;)
6:09 PM
@Pheonixblade9 -
1 /*
@EvanL Which looks good on me, of course.
@Breems or overly complicated depending on what you app does ;)
How's the useless app app coming?
@EvanL Oh, thanks for asking. I've actually had to suspend development for a while due to the development of a useful app.
Bummer! I really need a readonly notepad! like now!
@EvanL hey Evan, sorry for disturbing you, im wondering if you know a method to maintain the text of a win form always in the middle even when im resizing the form. i found on the internet but it's set the graphic too
6:12 PM
@EvanL Still in the planning phases after you and @KendallFrey helped me redefine useless. So far, I have Read-Only Notepad and Money Printer. Can't remember our other ideas right now.
@user3313264 I have no clue what you mean. What is the "text of a win form"?
@Breems Silent audio player!
@EvanL sorry i mean the title
@user3313264 hmmm not sure hang on. I will try it.
@EvanL oke thanks
@Breems cursor debouncer
6:15 PM
@KendallFrey Over my head.
@user3313264 You would need to create a customer Form class... can't do much with the text. How are you accomplishing it now?
@EvanL okey thanks
debouncing is something to eliminate keys or buttons bouncing (and therefore registering multiple presses)
good answer >.>
@Breems the other one was Local Desktop (remote desktop that only shows your current desktop)
6:28 PM
6:43 PM
protip: if you're debugging JS performance issues, TURN OFF BROWSER LINKING
Or use chrome with the build-in profiler?
@RoelvanUden still messes up perf profiling
I'm using Firebug's profiler.
7:09 PM
what is .stamp?
an .stamp file
what is it ued for
!!google .stamp file
7:25 PM
anyone know a simple tutorial for adding an update/edit link next to items in a gridview without using a stored procedure?
I do my own SQL queries and binding in a method, hoping just to have the button/link feed the id column to a method so I can do what I wish with it
7:50 PM
I need help creating an analogy between a heavy night of drinking and the stack/heap. This is important.
8:00 PM
@EvanL - The heap would have observed every drink you drank whereas each stack would only have observed one drink.
in general
Depending on how long lived your threads (bar visits) were and how complex your night (application) was.
But if my bar visit is one application lifetime, would every order be a reference to a drink object on the heap? And then when I perform DrinkBeer() this is adding a call to the stack? Also if I throw up, is that a StackOverflow?!
@EvanL - I was thinking the whole night was the application lifetime, and each bar was a thread
@TravisJ Ah good point
So drink orders would go on the stack for the thread
If you threw up it would definitely be a StackOverflow
And then be removed when the drink has been "Finalized" by the "Bartender"? (GC).
8:06 PM
Excellent, thank you.
@EvanL - So if I have this correct, I believe that the heap would be holding the structure for the bar, drink, and all that good stuff. And as you went through to different bars, you would instantiate these structures on the stack
Correct, with different properties per instance.
The stack would hold any actions performed on the particular instances, until I leave the bar (close the thread).
8:09 PM
I believe that is accurate
Unless of course I throw up... then I'm afraid the entire application would error out.
It depends, there may be ways to recover from that particular exception.
learned to use windbg today
which yes, I pronounce as 'windbag'
@TravisJ BootAndRally()
8:12 PM
I was going to write out a Bar class which implemented IDisposable and had a reference to people, but then it got too verbose so I typed this sentence.
I was hoping that it would be nice to use
using( var bar = new Bar() )

which could close out your tab and ask for phone numbers on dispose
lol! That's great!
Bar probably needs a couple initializers...
I've installed the Camera codec pack, and still cant view .RAW files, why?
the Camera codec pack? What does this have to do with C# or programming?
C# is Microsoft, so is the Camera codec pack
so ask Microsoft
8:24 PM
Office is Microsoft, does that mean I should ask random programmers how to open Word? I guess what I'm saying is this seems a little off-topic for a programming chat room. Maybe ask on SuperUser?
You will also want to be alot more specific... no one will be able to troubleshoot your issue without any context.
!!google cannot open RAW files with Camera codec pack
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
Welp... that's about all I will try ;)
public static IEnumerable<TSource> DistinctBy<TSource, TKey>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector)
   HashSet<TKey> hash = new HashSet<TKey>();
   return Enumerable.Where<TSource>(source, (Func<TSource, bool>)(p => hash.Add(keySelector(p))));
Coworker was getting an IEnumerable from that, calling Count() on it, and then foreach-ing on it.
And was extremely puzzled over why the foreach wasn't iterating over anything.
Took me a minute to realize that the hashset is being tethered to the Where's lamba expression, retaining the state of "seen elements" between enumerations of the resulting IEnumerable.
That hurts my brain...
do you need the explicit generic type parameters on that method call?
8:31 PM
It's the decompiled source from some library
WebGrease apparently
ReSharper warns about "possible multiple enumeration of IEnumerable" in cases like this, but usually the only side effect is bad performance
sigh, this fails
var data = new function () {
this.Goals = [{ Week: 5 }, { Week: 6 }];
actionresult (vm model)
class vm{ List<Goal> Goals }
class Goal{ int Week }
this works
var data = new function () {
this.Goals = [5,6];
actionresult (vm model)
class vm{ List<int> Goals }
@TravisJ what error or symptom??
Model won't bind the objects in the Goals array in the first example
8:37 PM
Wait, is that javascript or C#?
Okay guys. I have a Question for StackOverflow but i dont know how to formulate my question. Could someone possibly help me ?
@TravisJ I have trouble understanding what it's supposed to be. Is that multiple different files? Is it some razor syntax?
@Mike -
It is js construction, then an ajax call hits an actionresult. The modelbinder in the actionresult method is supposed to bind the js object to the c# object, in this case it is vm which holds a list of goals. When the list of goals is typed as int, and an array is sent, everything binds. When the list of goals is typed as Goal (where Goal is a class with property int Week) then the binding does not work.
@TravisJ TypeScript?
8:42 PM
@TomW - Nope, that is just the convention I use
or is that markup for some view engine?
Overall, it is just psuedo for the c# end since it would have gotten a little verbose
2 data points suggest your convention is difficult to understand; you should refactor :P
lol sorry my pseudo was too vague
@Burmeister go ahead and describe it. Worst case, we'll ignore you.
8:45 PM
var data = new function () {
 this.Goals = [{ Week: 5 }, { Week: 6 }];
            url: "/Target",
            type: 'GET',
            data: data,
            traditional: true,
            success: function (result) {
        public ActionResult Target(VM model)

        public class VM
            public List<Goal> Goals { get; set; }
        public class Goal
            public int Week { get; set; }
data doesn't return anything?
you've set the data property of the ajax call to be a function
console.log(data): Object {Goals: Array[2]}
what does that even mean?
note the use of new
nope, don't know enough js to know what that means
8:48 PM
It basically means it is constructing a function object. I do that so that I can use var in the same context as this. instead of only having access to property:5, inside of the object.
even if it does what I think you're suggesting, all you're doing is setting Goals on the request, no?
rather than setting data to be...well, the data
data is the data
Try something like data: {Goals:[{ Week: 5 }, { Week: 6 }]}
8:49 PM
I did, it is the same thing
The weird thing is that {Goals:[5,6]} if Goals is typed as List<int> will bind
But when it is a complex object in there it gets all pissed off
@MikeAsdf I think I wrote that bug a while ago
I'm sure you'd be able to write a unit test that exercises just the json serialization bit that seems to be objecting
my hunch is that for some reason the serializer can't grasp that {Week: 5} is a Goal
I will try List<object>
It blindly bound some objects
I wonder why it has issues determining that
what is it?
8:57 PM
It is a "transatlantic son of a bitch beer"
Coffee Badger is a collaboration between BrewDog and Stronzo. Stronzo have produced some tip-top treacley stouts and meads (they feature twice in our new guest beers blog), and this braggot (mead/beer hybrid) is set to continue the trend. Based on Honey Badger, this immense black beer has been fermenting for a month already and is approaching 16% ABV. Brewed with over a ton of honey, it's now nearly ready to be supercharged with a massive (read: nearly half a ton) of coffee. Yup.
This beer is going to be aged in Scotch barrels and should be ready to go at the end of 2014.
sweet jesus.
@TomW - Your hunch might be correct, I am going to see if I can somehow type the js array (wish me luck lol)
related reading if anyone was curios perfectionkills.com/…
9:12 PM
so I'm a shareholder in that brewery. I get an invite to the AGM which is literally a piss-up in a brewery
9:25 PM
!!google piss-up
uh oh
"The MSO/MSE Split is soon underway. Please bear with us while this is completed."
Batten the hatches...we are in for a rough ride :P
@Pheonixblade9 then your culture is missing the phrase "couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery"?
9:34 PM
no idea what that means.
well you'd think that would be pretty easy
therefore someone who can't is grossly incompetent
somebodys in a bad mood :p
@Steve yes I am :(
people asking me stupid questions they could go Google themselves
this isn't even domain knowledge, it's literally shit you could google
it was really hard not to lmgtfy them
9:38 PM
and my lead is focusing on random shit in a code review that I didn't touch, but he thinks should be fixed
and my shit is going to be late because he can't complete a code review in a timely manner to save his life
that def. sucks
hate being late because of others, if i'm going to be late it should be because of me, at least i'd have some sort of control over it
I have waited over a month for a code review several times before
thats ridiculous.
it was a big thing
but IMO code reviews are high priority. They're low effort and they block QA.
yep, and it shouldn't be a big deal
as in: hey, i changed some shit, want to take a look at it for me?
at my last job we had this whole process where we had to submit documents requesting a code review...f'n stupid.
9:44 PM
here we make a pull req on Github and attach it to the ticket. that's it
see even thats not bad
i don't want to fill out a 5 page word document for a review.
no. and he even complained about that for a long time. He thought doing a git difftool with a bunch of commits was easier
i might be embellishing that a little bit because i don't remember the exact pages, just how pissed i was.
it's just bureaucracy. it's a sign that managers don't trust their engineers.
thats what we do, just beyond compare any changed files
don't tell the reviewer what you changed, if the code is good they should be able to figure it out without having to ask
9:46 PM
well that's the thing. Github gives you a diff right in a web browser, you can comment on it line-by-line and it automatically emails the committer. How much easier does it get?
really? thats pretty sweet actually, some of our stuff is on github
When in doubt, hack.
yes. it's been very difficult to get him to stop giving me the "throw it over the wall" code review comments.
if I'm going to have to wait a week to get a code review, I'm going to be working on something else and it's not necessarily my responsibility to document any desired changes
when I get a code review, I address it within the hour. Seems silly to do anything else.
yeah lol
we do a lot of stuff in pairs, so whenever you want a code review, you just ask another free dev to come over and look it over, and he does and thats it
or she
not to be sexist :p
do you have any she's?
9:51 PM
yeah, 2 on my team
omg, one writes the best code i've ever seen, i went into this complicated process, looked at the code for 30 minutes and knew exactly how everything worked
very rarely do I finish a game. woot
@Steve I wish we had those people on our team. Both ways, I mean.
I always suspected you liked it both ways, but didn't really know until you said it just now. Way to own it @Kendall.
thought about making a joke, but then i remembered: i suck at jokes.
I always suspected you had a learning disability causing difficulty reading, but didn't really know until you said it just now. Way to own it @Travis.
@Steve I bet that's not the only thing you suck at.
10:01 PM
no its not, i suck at a lot of things, should see me try to hit a baseball
Yeah it did sound a little strange, I must have read it wrong. No way you would be into women.
Can't even beat up on an inanimate object. So sad.
yep :(
I love conversations like this
chirp chirp
Also, why the fuck is Minecraft advertising another game?
> Also try Terraria!
because it sucks almost as hard as i suck your mothers snatch
10:03 PM
What makes Minecraft so fun
it wasn't, but hey, i tried
the caps question was kinda funny
it was pretty good, don't beat yourself off
too late
@TravisJ I like games where I can do whatever the fuck I want
10:04 PM
see, that wasn't funny either, more just awkward
The explanations are better than the punchlines
lol sad, right?
I mean, you just gotta recognize where your talent lays
im funny, when i'm not trying to be, but the instance I try..... BAM, look like a fool
even IRL too
class is a reserved js word? dafq
10:08 PM
Want to cut down trees? Want to build a house? Want to get rich mining precious metals? Want to kill zombies? Want to slay dragons? Want to build a giant TV screen? Want to build a computer? Want to blow craters in the earth? Want to visit Hell? Want to play light cycles TRON-Style? You can do all that in Minecraft.
That's what makes it so fun. :)
@KendallFrey - Do you know how to assign class to javascript functions?
excuse me?
JavaScript functions already have class.
A lot more than you do.
@TravisJ just to stop you using it, I bet. It doesn't actually do anything ;)
Oh, wait, missed the first message
Yep, class is a reserved word. Use something else, like $class or _class
@KendallFrey - How can I make
var Class = function(){};Class.constructor = Class;Class.prototype.toString = function(){ return "[object Class]"; };
console.log(toString.call(new Class()));
result in [object Class]
10:12 PM
change it to Class.prototype.toString.call...
I tried the toString to override but it didn't work
Internally, the type is being inferred from that call
or just new Class().toString()
I think
It has to use toString.call(new Class())
Why, pray tell?
Or don't you know?
I am not 100%, but it is basically the convention being used to create the request HTTP headers for an ajax request.
So what happens is that an object comes in classed as Object. And that is all that is available to bind to
10:15 PM
Yeah, prototype.toString works
i hate that this amazon prime thing shows seasons individually
thanks for making me page through 20 extra pages
Yeah but that isn't what is used :( Is there any way to trick the toString.call() method?
I know that Array is classed as [object Array]
Wait, how much of the code do you control?
Only the definition of the Class object.
Oh, I think I see
toString is a variable, not a reference to a property
you're fucked
and I have to go
10:17 PM
@Kendall - Thanks for the ideas :) Going to try to overwrite Object.prototype.toString
10:32 PM
@TravisJ lol, good luck
@KendallFrey sleep well my love <3
not sleeping yet. go to bed
it's bedtime in Europe
31 mins ago, by Steve
see, that wasn't funny either, more just awkward
10:39 PM
doing another Google research study next week :) should be fun
@Pheonixblade9 research about what you said yesterday?
yeah, that should be... fun
@RodrigoSilva nope. unrelated
ah I see
Best way to code: 10% coding, 90% reading the manual.
You learn a lot of shit
@KendallFrey I just got a 80% speedup for the JS on a page by reading the YUI2 docs...
10:46 PM
9 hours ago, by user3313264
you have no idea how much I'm tempted to flag that
I was being helpful, and he seemed to like that
I know :) plus I don't abuse the flag system like some apparently very sensitive people do
I tried to help about 5 people this morning, including 3 at once
I don't know what got into me
> Doesn't avoid double negatives!
crap, my brain asploded
holy crap, a girl I know has to go to Germany for surgery. jeesh

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