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2:00 PM
so third party software can't obtain the GUID
so how would I identify the client in other ways
What's wrong with that way?
"third party software can't obtain the GUID" we have another application developed by my company which needs to communicate with my application
that is the problem....
What kind of third party software?
Can the app send the GUID to it too?
the app cannot send it..
Because the guid is stored in my app
which is inaccessible from the outside
but it sends it to the service
2:04 PM
wait let me try to explain it better
my app holds a GUID which is send to the Service at logon in the application, this way it is connected with the Service and can send messages to the service. Should be clear.

Now this second app, this app needs to communicate with the Service. It must send a message to the service, from where the Service will send a message to my app.
but the second app doesn't have the GUID which is stored inside my app
Oh so the app doesn't actually communicate directly with the client?
it can't.....
So you'll need to get the guid from the service
yes, but here is the thing... There could be multiple clients connected with the Service.
Would be weird that I send a message from the app to a whole different client xD
Think about this logically
2:08 PM
So what would be the best way to identify the client so the other application can identify it..
How does the app know which client it wants to send a message to?
indeed that is my question haha
I would say by using the computers ip..
but it doesn't know that
It doesn't connect to the client at all
but if I use an ip adress which both applications can obtain then it would be good
how would the app obtain it?
2:11 PM
I have to ask the other dev here, since it is programmed in a different language
but that shouldn't be a problem
Seems to me the only way it can get the IP is by asking the service
at which point it might as well just not bother
the app can get the local ip adress then sends it to the service so that the service knows which client to contact right?
ok, let's be clear here
we have 3 things, client, service, and app
app wants to send a message to client, ands tells the service to send it
2:13 PM
how does the service know which client to send it to?
I would say by using the local ip address of the computer, the client uses that ip to connect to the service and the app uses the ip to identify which client should be contacted by the service.
But how does the app know the ip of the client?
because the client and the app are running on the same computer :p
forgot to mention that lol
oh lol
2:17 PM
my bad sorry...
Does this communicate across the internet, or just a LAN?
LAN or VPN but with VPN it's lan
then using IP should work
okay great! But what about security. Could there be a problem using the IP?
Not given the information I have
2:19 PM
Awesome! Thanks for clarifying :)
hey Kendall and Razor, i need a little help
i have this in my code
case "CP":
Invoke(new _ControlPanel(ControlPanel), i, cmd[1]);
and this is the code with delegate
delegate void _ControlPanel(Info i, string username);
void ControlPanel(Info i, string username)
foreach (ListViewItem item in listView1.Items)
if ((Info)item.Tag == i)
cp.form1 = this;
cp.Text = "Control Panel - { " + username + " }";
but this can open the control panel's form just once
if im doing it again it says: "you cannot access a disposed object"
you're reusing cp it appears
You need to create a new instance every time
here? cp.form1 = this; like cp.form1 = new this;
i said cp, not cp.form1
learn to read
2:33 PM
Geez kendal ;)
Looks like someone has a case of the Tuesdays =P
@ton.yeung oh shit...
@ton.yeung oh shit...
happy hump day!
@KendallFrey thank you it worked, i wrote before line: cp.form1 = this; cp = new CP();
looks good
2:39 PM
Kendall is in a teaching spree :p
@KendallFrey and Kendall, if i want to put the location of the form appearing somewhere exactly on the desktop? i mean for everyone own desktop size how to do it? like putting a form above the clock (windows 7) ?
i tried
this.Location = new Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width - 285, Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height - 140);
@RaZor ja :p
@user3313264 did it work?
it doesn't
What happens?
Oh em gee, .MSI with custom updates or ClickOnce, cannot decide must decide should decide need to decide can't decide grrrrr ugh.
2:42 PM
@KendallFrey i putted in form_load and it and the form is like "not reading the code" it pops up not in the same location every time the form loads and that location however isn't the right one
the form is like "not reading the code". What does that mean?
@user3313264 I bet it's executing the code in InitializeComponent() after your Form_Load event.
@user3313264 Check your Form1.Designer.cs code and put the location stuff in there where it sets the form location.
@EvanL yes but if i put that code or not, is the same thing
@EvanL oke let me try
@EvanL It shouldn't be
I thought form_load fired after the constructor... but I could be wrong in this case...
2:44 PM
Load runs after the constructor
I also remember reading something about having to get down in the WinAPI to override where Windows puts your application by default.
Anyone aware of how to leave a data file behind when uninstalling a ClickOnce application? If not, this could be a deal-breaker.
Can't find anything on this from Microsoft or even SO.
@user3313264 try this.DesktopLocation = new Point(etc etc)
@user3313264 also you need to set the start position to manual this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual
@user3313264 are you dutch xd?
german and hungarish
ah thought you were dutch since you said "ja :p"
@RaZor na ja danke, aber die deutschen sprechen auch wie die holland :)
I don't like it very much when people say "Holland" while it is actually: "The Netherlands"
ja i used to say it both
I always say The Netherlands
2:51 PM
okey ^^
@EvanL thank you, seems this works
@user3313264 no prob
@EvanL Evan i have a question about this
is there something on the internet or some kind of method to grab from the desktop the right points (x, y) to know where are the points exactly on the desktop where you want to position your form ?!
Have you tried setting it just to 0,0?
Just to make sure nothing is wrong with your coordinates
@user3313264 I'm sure there is something on the internet about that. Maybe try searching?
ja Kendall it's ok, and Evan thank you
3:04 PM
@user3313264 it's ok meaning what? 0,0 works?
@KendallFrey no, the this.location = new Point(x, y) doesn't worked (it's do nothing) so as Evan told me, i used this.DesktopLocation instead of this.location and it worked
@user3313264 you can use this.Location if you set the StartLocation = FormStartLocation.Manual
@EvanL it was manually
3:30 PM
Has anyone added a new property setting to Settings.settings that persisted through multiple executions?
is there is a way to render a partial without sending a model? I just have a part of my html that I want to reuse
@AmmarAhmed - ... You should avoid sending html if you can. Can you send a structure or build it on the page once and re-use it?
@TravisJ to elaborate, I want to build a "email us" component that displays a pop up with the form for the subject and content
but I wanted to create a new file for it for easier support in the future
I am looking at "DisplayFor" right now
So basically you want to be able to say @EmailUs in razor and have it spit out the component?
ugh... procrastinating again lol, this project sucks. On the other hand, the c# implementation for DataTable is pretty interesting ;)
3:47 PM
@TravisJ close. I want to be able to add one line in my index.cshtml and detail.cshtml and have one place to edit the form if I need to.
Go to your shared folder, right click, add partial, name it _emailUsPartial. Click okay, and then use @Html.Partial("_emailUsPartial") where you want to include it
crap.. I was using "@Html.RenderPartial" all this time
hello guys, is there some one who knows what's the equivalent of this visual basic code in c# ?
@TravisJ thanks man!
3:52 PM
@Steve hello Steve, maybe you can help me?
@user3313264 what have you tried? I am willing to bet you can find that answer fairly easily and no one wants to do code translation for you...
@EvanL i tried converting but there's no real solution
@user3313264 yes there is. The code you are showing is getting a value from the registry. Try looking for that with a c# tag...
3:55 PM
@EvanL lol Evan :|
just a guess, except instead of My. it should be this. ...... but i could be completely wrong too, and i'm not going to google it for you
it's not
ok np i thought you guys already knew :)
@user3313264 the line you are showing checks if the registry key at that location contains "x86" (meaning it's a 32 bit processor). I do know the answer but you should be able to find this and actually learn from what you find. Rather than just having someone spew out code for you.
@Steve No, My is a VB thing. Me is this
@EvanL My apology
3:57 PM
vb.net and C# both use the same function calls, the same names, the only diff is the syntax, and "My" is a vb syntax for "this" if i'm not mistaken, so if you changed it to "this" and it still didn't work... then idk, poke at it more
@KendallFrey oh, what does My mean again in c#?
There is none
It's a VB thing
My is this Me idk
oh, theres no mapping to c#? weird
whats it do?
Actually there might be, but I don't know where it is
Kind of like conversion functions map to Convert
He could always include using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices, then you can use My
4:00 PM
That's probably it
eating beef n cheese
What do you use for code coverage?
I played with the vs thing today
losing my minddddd
4:15 PM
Was the cheese bad?
well, it was vacuum sealed with that beef for god knows how long, so theres a good possibility
twas one of those beef jerky n cheese things
You should have dipped it in some batter and deep fried it :P
haha.... wish i could say that sounds gross, but nothing battered and deep fried is gross
mmmm i should batter and deep fry bacon
good morning @ReedCopsey
Or.. you could deep fry jalapeno bacon wrapped bacon
Hi all :)
4:20 PM
place jalapenos on the bacon, and then wrap another piece of bacon around that to keep it together
Hi @Reed :)
meh, i'd rather just have like a dozen slices of bacon
Not a fan of spicy?
i love spicy, just not whole peppers
I'm not a fan of jalapenos, but I like spicy :)
jalapenos are great
4:21 PM
i once ate a raw habbinarrow (kendall, spell this right), and it was terrible
habanero, that does sound terrible
especially for the entire next week.... going in was bad, coming out was worse
@Steve - I meant to slice it thin so it sits nicely though, not just the whole pepper
ohhh, that might not be too bad
Yeah whole pepper would be kind of overkill lol
4:23 PM
lol yeah
I have never eaten a whole habanero, they are kind of terrifying
At least you didn't eat a ghost pepper
it was when i was in the marines, i didn't know what a habanero was, and somebody had a couple and no ballsed(dared) us to each eat a whole one
well at least you suffered as a group
lol yep
ghost peppers... whew
hi all, any advice on converting this string #0CFEEB09 which is alpha hex value to read as rgba for CSS3 or rgb & opactiy for CSS2, in asp.net mvc. There are some solutions to refer systems.drawing namespace. is there any other way?
4:25 PM
we have this really amazing pizza place in my hometown, tiny town
@yoda alpha hex? I don't think I have heard of that. I know that regular hex can be converted to rgba by using jquery
and wow they have the best food i've ever gotten from a delivery place
they had these ghost pepper wings, really good
Nice, it is hard to find ghost pepper anywhere really
sounds hot
Especially to find places that don't overdo it
4:26 PM
Medium wings are hot enough for me
@TravisJ its used in android for colors.
@TravisJ even in wpf i think..
i never used to like spicy food, but when i started smoking my sense of smell diminished significantly....and spicy is what i can taste best now... ever since then... i can down some pretty harsh stuff
4:27 PM
@Yoda - I would probably trim the last two "alpha" numbers off, treat it as hex, convert to rgba, and then set the transparency to the trimmed alpha
@TravisJ yeah thought abt this and kept for last option. Seems there is no direct option in .net!!
How can I get a SqlException that contains a line number or something indicating where the error occurred?
Apparently the first two are the alpha
thanks :)
Right now I only have a message
4:28 PM
yeah first two is alpha
@Yoda - Yeah, color management can be pretty manual at times
yeah cheers
@KendallFrey - Inner exception?
good afternoon/evening @RoelvanUden
4:29 PM
The message is simply a list of "Invalid column name 'Foo'."
I want to know where the errors are from
Hi Steve
@KendallFrey this is through EF? or are you doing it old-school?
straight sql or sproc?
4:31 PM
@KendallFrey - That to me sounds like the SQL Provider got hung up. It could have been from a typo where Foo was supposed to be in the database but someone put Foi in there, or that typo could be in the model used.
Oh, I know there are errors
@Steve Speaking of old school, I read an answer on SO the other day that said you're a dinosaur if you write your own SQL queries.
It's not broken
EmlpoyeeId got me once
I just need to know how to find them
4:32 PM
@Breems meh, there are pros and cons to it
There are lots of names that have been changed and I have to update them in the script
i think as EF gets more and more verbose.... the pros columns seems to be getting a little short for straight sql
@KendallFrey - Is the exception occuring inside of a using block?
If it isn't caught, the finally may be eating it
I started with straight ADO.NET. Figured I should learn how it works under the hood before I comfort myself with ORM.
don't think so
I'm getting the exception just fine
4:34 PM
It just contains nothing?
I just need to find where the errors are
Was it a custom throw somewhere?
@TravisJ It contains a message
@TravisJ No
So the message isn't specific enough? Sounds like it could have been caused from the SQL executing in your database
In which case I am not sure how to get to that.
You could always dump the constructed SQL and manually sift through it
Invalid column name 'Name'.
Problem is, where in the file did that reference error?
4:35 PM
Yeah, are you 100% that the column name isn't Naem or something on accident somewhere?
@TravisJ The SQL isn't constructed
@TravisJ I know the column names are erroneous
They have been renamed
I need to find out where I need to update the script
I realize that, but what I am saying is that it is possible there was a typo involved somewhere. Perhaps on the db table, or perhaps in the sql.
you can catch the exception with sql and manage it that way, i did this in a sproc before... might be really gross looking in .net code though:


/* Your code here */


SET @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE()
SET @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()
SET @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE()
RAISERROR(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState)

@TravisJ Why difference would a typo make?
@Steve That still wouldn't give me a line number
4:37 PM
@KendallFrey - It would cause the sql to fail when trying to access the column since it technically doesn't exist under that name
No, it doesn't
It is failing
@KendallFrey there is a lot of data provided in SQL Servers error handling... so yeah, i'm willing to bet the line number is something you could easily grab
Okay, that does happen. It may not be part of what is happening in your situation it was just the easiest thing to check first.
I must not be making myself clear.
The column names do not match, typos will not affect anything
posted on April 16, 2014 by DanielMoth

Less than a year ago, I gave you a quick overview of the many investments we made to debugging and profiling in Visual Studio 2013 RTM and got some great feedback from you about what we’d done. Now, with Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC available for download, I wanted to run you through the enhancements we have made since last summer. We’ve done a lot, so this summary post mostly lin

4:39 PM
I simply need to find the bad column names in the SQL
Can you select all for the columns and then check there first?
so, you changed a bunch of column names, and want to fix all the old code that references those bad column names?
search and replace is not an option?
4:41 PM
I have a shitton of SQL that I think is gonna be too hard to rewrite
regex it
@Steve I have a shitton of changed column names, also some of them match across tables
For example, where do I look for a Name column?
I just want the line number
4:43 PM
this is why i try not to change column names :p
ohhh derp
SqlException does have a LineNumber property, but Exception does not
Alright, line 69
Is it possible to save a PNG file, with a format that windows 7 can view/open?
Yes, save it as a PNG file
Theres a game, in it's cache there are images, that my windows cannot view or read, but it says PNG
4:45 PM
@user3123545 windows 7 already can view a PNG
They must not be PNG files
Can you open them up in a text editor of hex editor?
Times up
I dont speak that language, but it opens
@user3123545 Luckily, I'm fluent in PNG hex.
4:47 PM
@Breems lol
That's not even hex...
Red, red, green, red, orange, line, arc, blue, red.
I dont know but I need somehow to view these PNG images, what can I do?
yeah, use a hex editor, since it's binary
Even photoshop denies them! (obv)
Interesting to note that it uses big endian
4:48 PM
There are .dat files next to each png too, with the same name but .dat
@user3123545 they are likely not openable for a reason. Is this a game you created? Or one you are trying to "edit"
@user3123545 Where did you get them? They may not be images at all
@EvanL It's not my game, but I am trying to kinda "edit" it for my screen, not for public.
@KendallFrey It's in the cache of some game.
Also the game is running on java, not C#
It's probably not an image file, some odd way that the cache is associating something with those .dat files.
By the way, it's located in a folder that's named Components
4:50 PM
Opinion: Should an update dialog for a desktop app point to the download page or download the new setup file automatically?
But not without asking
Users panic when files just start downloading without prompt, and get impatient when they have to navigate a bunch of screens just to get the file.
@KendallFrey @EvanL So perhaps the best course of action from within my app is to prompt the download, download if it exists, try to open it after downloading, and if it succeeds, close my app and let the user continue?

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