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3:01 PM
Did you guys see what Putin said
its probably late
it happened yesterday
@NicolásCarlo imgur.com/hYTQCpz
To Forgive The Terrorists Is Up To God, But To Send Them To Him Is Up To Me
two list boxes, and a form bound to the selected item
data model looks like:

public class DataNode {
		public DataNode() {
			this.Saved = false;

		public int Id { get; set; }

		public string Name { get; set; }

		public bool Saved { get; set; }

		public int DisplayPriority { get; set; }

		public string Content { get; set; }

		public int? ParentId { get; set; }
Decimal attributes - is there really no better solution than this? stackoverflow.com/questions/20558193/…
when you click an item in either list, it binds those values to the form on the right
3:04 PM
@CuddleBunny nice, are your lists related or they're working separately?
I need to pass a decimal to a NUnit test and apparently decimal literals aren't compile time constants (since they're not primitives to the CLR)
if that item has children, it populates the second list with those. If the item you selected was in the second list, that list moves to the first list and then the newly selected item's children populate the second list
with breadcrumbs at the top following your path through the children
@Failsafe astounding hypocrisy considering that Russians were responsible for doing more or less the same thing not too long ago
that are all clickable to go back to that point
@TomW Im not saying whether it's hypcritical or anything
that's just some coldblooded shit to say to a group of people
3:06 PM
this was for a troubleshooter app we did, where the user would pick a category and a problem and then be guided through a decision tree that gets them to the solution to that problem
before you more or less bomb the shit out of them
@CuddleBunny makes sense, thanks, i can use it as a reference
@NicolásCarlo parents and siblings - maybe not everyone but the main characters in the babies life.
posted on November 19, 2015 by ericlippert

In the previous exciting episode I ended on a cliffhanger; why did I put a loop around each wait? In the consumer, for example, I said: while (myQueue.IsEmpty) Monitor.Wait(myLock); Let’s consider some scenarios. I’ll consider just the scenario for the … Continue reading →

@ntohl any good pointers for computer usage while watching the baby?
3:08 PM
@Failsafe Lol
Very Putinesque
@Failsafe nice
@mikeTheLiar clever
@juanvan :D Your hobby will be not computer usage, but sleep
3:09 PM
my viewmodel is really complex because it has to track the history and stuff, but the gist is that you have a kendo.Observable with a DataSource and a variable to keep selectedItem in. Form is bound to selected item and list is bound to datasource. When an item is selected store the reference in selectedItem and it will automatically reflect in the list. You can also bind the form's visible property to whether or not selectedItem is null.
Hey everyone.
@ntohl no time for sleep as it is - well I did get 8hrs last night.. but that was the first time all month
Gmoring Gregg
@juanvan :) Well... Try to get the child use to sleep not in Your bed
wow. That grammar...
so child => other bed
that way it will be easier to do what You want at night.
Ya be easier, and better for the baby too
we were lucky. My boy slept all night since the beginning
ofc first few month cry for milk every 3 hours
other than that very calm baby
a real MAN. Cares only for food. Always happy.
3:18 PM
careful, you might get in trouble with non PC language...
a nip with some food, think that is the best forevery man
Think its more how out of hand they were getting
From reading those links
from teh SFF chat
oh no, not talking about that room, they were outright at war with each other, it seems
ya trolling the day is long
3:22 PM
Why we talking bout feeding kids from nips?
was a joke about men
but if it offends you I am sorry
cmon at last a decent topic
because "nips" and "kids" might be offensive...to uh martians
Why would I be offended, just confused
a topic that a MAN should talk about :D
and beer
3:23 PM
ahh - there is some watching going on - make sure the ducks are in a row
and beer
I wanna get in my room but i'm getting a vent installed so I'm stuck talking to you lads ;)
How can i know the name of js files that were loaded for a particular page in IE
the dev tools will show you
yeah but where in dev tools?
On a more serious note, i'm trying to make Snake in C#. How can I make it so that boxes eaten are added to my snake?
3:25 PM
@Obviously the network tab is best for that.
that sounds cool, and I have no clue
@MaartenWachters you probably have a size property, when your boxes disappear, add their size to the length of the snake
@MaartenWachters I made snake in C++ as a console app once, I ended up keeping a linked list of boxes to render to the screen on each draw.
making snake is an awesome idea by the way just to get comfortable with a language, wish i had actually done it rather than just think about it
Well I was thinking make a box with a set width and add like 20pixels when they have 'eaten' a box. Would such a think be possible?
3:28 PM
it would be, but since your snake can bend I think it is best to have independent nodes
Idk what nodes are.
in this case
I made the mistake of looking at our infrastructure diagram for one of our legacy sites
@CharlieBrown Are you ok?
3:29 PM
Is there an easy way to put breakpoint on the class
instead of the methods?
need to find my happy place now
Do your thing man we're here for you.
@Obviously with your goal being what?
so if i do not know what method is called
3:30 PM
i can just put a breakpoint on the class
put the breakpoint before the call would happen and just step into it
and easily go through the method?
F11, go through the whole thing
Or just put a breakpoint on every method.
@MikeAsdf Well, that solves the product backlog problem for 2016
3:31 PM
you will actually learn how the program works
There's a debugging add-on, OzCode, that can do that for you with a click.
@Obviously found this for C++, not sure if C# works too stackoverflow.com/a/15026899/251011
@MikeAsdf i know about this method, somehow it does not works for me
But seriously, if you have so many methods that you can't just manually add a breakpoint to them all, you probably have bigger problems.
It is just lots of methods for modals etc
Also I am lazy, do not want to click five times for five methods
5 clicks are just too much for me
3:37 PM
monads are so awesome
@NicolásCarlo My former college just tried mobile app dev and TDD out with snake
I dont think sooo? Why create the monad concept while we have interfaces, types, classes and other tools to create abstractions?
@Obviously monads aren't a replacement for types
They're a way of designing types to be highly composable
Has anyone here made a C# calculator i'm stuck ony my formula (homework so more important than snake)
sure have
3:45 PM
let me link you my gisthub
Hey all. Could someone help me in accessing HTTPs resource via HTTP webproxy?
So I'm stuck on how I get the 'click' to then add up another 'click' if that makes sense. But I'm probably going to make an if statement that just saves click as clicktot and wipe click
Helps if I don't link the wrong thing XD
oook. So Optel = plus
Yes i'll edit it to english names forgot
my bad
It's updated
4:02 PM
it's not clear what would You like to do with the click.
this.click += should be followed with a method
Well this.click +- just adds the content behind it
So if you click 3 - 2 - 1 you enter 321 in the calculator, like a real one
that does something with the sender (the button that was pressed), and with the state of the click
now I see. That naming tricked me
I thought that is a click handler
mmmmm bacon
just save the whole expression into click (rename click to expression), and when You press = parse that
4:06 PM
Well the problem is when "+ - and = " come into play
As they're chars
expression is a string
no problem
Parsing strings is the wrong way to make a calculator :P
Inside Telerik grid, I can't combine two strings, I have to display something like this:
Country (CountryCode) = Germany (DE)

columns.Bound(@:Model.CountryDefinition + @:Model.CountryCode);
It probably is since numbers aren't strings. But it seems the easiest way to me if i'm fair
4:09 PM
currently I have two separate column inside grid, one for Definition and one fro Code, they should be combined into one.
than later. When You pressed = it will be like build an interpreter (design pattern) for the string
So how would you guys go about it then? Start over?
@KendallFrey May I ask why is bad implementing calculator with int parsing? With my former senior developer we used a lot of expression parsing
@ntohl What the heck is int parsing?
So kendall you reckon strings are a no go? I'm not sure how to do it otherwise with my XAML
I'm trying to use the least amount of code I can think of
4:17 PM
@KendallFrey I don't get it. The string have some ints. Surely there will be int parsing too in the expression's parsing.
decent string parsing is a lot of code
best way to solve a problem is not necessarily the "least amount of code"
@ntohl You're still talking about string parsing
Welp but I can't think how else I can make it in 1 event handler?
Should I just use 10 event handlers? Isn't that a load of repetition / clutter?
We store the ints and transform the last one every time we press a button? Store the operators as well, and at the end we calculate the result? Am I getting it what You suggest?
4:20 PM
@MaartenWachters Not sure I understand the full problem without scrolling up for 10 minutes, but I'd recommend separating the UI code as much as possible from the "do interesting shit" code.
is it a 2 line calculator?
agree with Mike
Not sure what you mean with UI code though @MikeAsdf
can You correct in the middle of the calculation? For example 33 + 11 / 3. Can You correct the first 33?
No only clear it
Once you typed it you can't change the value anymore (except clear and start over)
Create some classes that encapsulate the information entered from the UI. Then create a class that takes such data and outputs other data.
4:23 PM
Yeah I was planning that. Save Click as ClickMath for example and use that to make the equation ,
ClickMath = Click;
Click = ""

Equsion = Clickmath "char " click
Like that's the general gist
4:40 PM
When I create a Repository to hold my collection of data that's persisted in memory, should that be on the webclient or web host? (That is .net mvc side or .net web api side)?
so if i dont care about open source..... dont care about max or linux. should i care about asp.net 5 or core or all this stuff MS is doing now?
are there multiple clients accessing the same api and data? if yes, then you should cache it in the api, @KalaJ
@Bubbas yes, they're changing things to be more plug and play kinda deal, you only add the libs and resources you want
look into it because a lot of things are going to change, regardless of which system you're on
isnt that how its always been, or no?
i cant wrap my head around it all. i read and read and read but i cant tell why its important
i just keep hearing all these new things and i dont know what they are
i use asp.net 4.6 right now. then theres 5, then theres... roslyn? and core? what?
@Bubbas perhaps watch a channel9 video series on it
4:44 PM
Well no, no multiple clients at the moment but if I needed multiple clients in the future, would putting it on the web api end be best practice?
@KalaJ if the data is client specific then do it client side, if its general and everyone accessing the api should get the same thing then do it on the api side
mvc in this case is a client
@NicolásCarlo thanks
I wish I understood SignalR better
That is to say, the configuration of SignalR that my coworker set up
@NicolásCarlo, okay gotcha. Just having trouble getting my crud methods to work
Do I need use an update method when I'm adding a record
no right?
@KalaJ Web API is pretty specific, you have Get, Put, Post and Delete
if I'm not mistaken, hold on
get(), post(), put(id), and delete(id)
you can have others as well obviously
4:50 PM
Okay, so here's what I have done sample project: dropbox.com/s/f160z71pk87gtdw/CustomerWebService.zip?dl=0 if you want to take a look at it. I'm having issues with add and delete. I'm not sure where I have gone wrong
just so its clear though: get = read, post = create, put = update, delete = delete/destroy
yup I got you
@KalaJ i'll take a look but what specifically is the problem?
I can't add or delete records
The collection does not get updated
Try to run it
and add a new record
@ton.yeung lol
4:52 PM
it does not get added to the table
aww why @ton.yeung? lol
I figured it might be easier to show you my whole project
no errors which makes it super hard to debug
Ok I'll gist the controller
@KalaJ debugger usually helps you with that and also fiddler
which controller, the one on mvc or web api?
Adding try catch now
... is it just me or you should have db.SaveChanges() in your repository?
well no I'm not using db
only persistence in memory
Is that why?
oh right
sorry you said that already lol
4:56 PM
It's no prob
however, it could be an issue because I did follow a tutorial using EF for this
so idk
question, is there a way to union two queries which share a common value but don't query the exact same columns?
@KalaJ what kinda viruses do you have in this zip file?
no virus
@ton.yeung I have an order table which does a select comp_ID and count(*) then I need to query the company table by comp_ID selecting the comp_ID and company name
because i think my computer got infected with the "I don't want to work anymore" virus
4:58 PM
So I can get the total orders and the client name in place of the comp_id
good or bad thing? :S
lol horrible
wait seriously? What happened to your machine?
i'm just kidding, i should be working right now but helping people is so much better!
4:58 PM
I have mandatory overtime to "earn our holiday PTO" I've still got 9.5 hours left to work today D:
I was about to say @ton.yeung was right!
yeah, unlike him, i just downloaded the file like an idiot
definitely don't want to work anymore D:

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