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2:29 AM
how do someone knows if it's a good programmer?
5 hours later…
7:38 AM
countdown started. 10 days until 'Fanatic' badge :)
@Bart Wearing exclusively black t-shirts and a beard.
100 kg plus and smells like a ton of rotten ham
flinches in daylight
Lot's of stickers on his laptop, none of them reads 'Windows Authenticity Certificate'.
1 hour later…
9:05 AM
@yas4891 4 days for me
2 hours later…
10:57 AM
1 hour later…
12:02 PM
@username cool thing, bro :)
can any one help me here in asp.net mvc
12:46 PM
1:18 PM
Hi guys.
Is anybody here alive? :)
Alive & working.
How much time on your clocks? :)
12 hours +-
24 on my digital watch
Mine is 8pm
I struggle with Repository pattern
Trying to deliver perfect software again and again :)
1 hour later…
2:52 PM
3:40 PM
2 hours later…
5:33 PM
hI everybody
5:59 PM
in .net DateTime Picker date is appearing as:
12/ 9/2011, when i want it to be 12/09/2011
(At least it's not 9/12/2011...)
If I have an asp.net app published somewhere that has a WCF service reference - and then I move that service to another location. Is it enough to change the endpoint address to that service in the asp.net app's web.config? Or do I have to change it in all the generated wsld/xsd/svcmap files as well? (usually as metadata/schema locations)
@ANeves was that suppose to be funny?
@jaminator it was a source of problems for me in the past. Several times, and some of them in unexpected ways: enterprise WPF app deployed, and a week later some (few) users start complaining that the application is exploding all over the place when the app can't read 2/13/2010 as a proper date.
Or the other way around, can't read 13/2/2010 as a proper date. Either way it's the same problem.
@ANeves appreciate the clarification
@JeffDalley i would put that on SO.
[LOG] coding seems more easy after eating a free pizza<br>
6:22 PM
I find it frustrating that the where T : new() constraint is only available for parameterless constructors
Is there some workaround / pattern for creating instances whose type has a constructor with parameters? And enforcing the signature of that constructor?
Why not MyClass.Create<T2>() ?
Similar to Tuple.Create
I'm not sure what you mean -- that's still parameterless
public class ContextFactory<TContext> : IContextFactory
    where TContext : IObjectContext, new()
    IObjectContext IContextFactory.Create()
        Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<IObjectContext>() != null);
        return new TContext();
I want to pass a string to the TContext constructor.
I'd like to modify the classes implementing IObjectContext to accept a string in their constructors, but that would cause the where TContext : new() constraint to fail -- and simply allowing a parameterless constructor presents a dependency problem
Ah, I understand now.
Is it okay to ask about help to refactor a method here on SO?
6:33 PM
ah that looks just like what I need :) Thank you very much ANeves!
@robjb AFAIK, you can't enforce this at compile time. You're stuck with using reflection or factories :(
@RMartinhoFernandes I thought that might be the case. Thanks for taking a look :)
It may be that the CLR supports this but the language doesn't. But that would require some big hacks to get working.
I know for a fact that enum or delegate constraints exist in IL, but not in C#. Jon Skeet once hacked them in.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yea, I've seen unconstrained melody: code.google.com/p/unconstrained-melody
6:39 PM
Haha, yea that's an interesting project. Shame enum and delegate constraints didn't make it into the language proper.
2 hours later…
8:28 PM
Yo whazzup!
2 hours later…
10:55 PM
hi everyone
whats up

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