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4:00 PM
dekabytes I'd understand...
@PM2Ring Thanks! Good to see some familiar faces here =D
I meant "decabytes" but I decided to leave it as-is because it's still technically correct. one tenth of a byte, ten bytes... You'll save both by having fewer bosses.
*deca, right
I just got the Power Bomb upgrade last night, which is traditionally only conferred towards the end of the game, so I expect to meet the final boss soon.
I wager fifteen quatloos on "it's a metroid bigger than all the other metroids"
while we're at SI prefixes
4:04 PM
@Karin It's great to see that you've become active on SO and have started earning some serious rep. Well done! BTW, you should take a look at our room rules. And the page on Salad Language :)
prefixen. Prefictopodes.
@AndrasDeak Acceptable, but non-standard.
@PM2Ring yeah I googled it, lest I make an octopi-grade language faux pas;)
I have a mild obsession with pluralising everything in the original language, like plateaux
and I know plateaux is way more standard than prefices:)
@AndrasDeak I can relate to that. In Australian English "plateaus" is very common these days, but my mum (who was a top French student in high school) would never accept it. :)
4:19 PM
does anyone know of any good screencast software for mac that's actually free? Gotta record some lessons.
hey guys. want to ask, why does this code not remove the vowel 'o' in 'words'??
list2 = []
string1 = "Hey look words"
for x in string1:

# print(list2)
for y in list2:
	if (y in "AEIOUaeiou"):
my result
['H', 'y', ' ', 'l', 'k', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'd', 's']
ignore me
Iterating over a list and changing the contents of a list at the same time, tend to have hard-to-predict consequences.
@Kevin you mean this code should actually work, but its just due to random error?
If you have five dollars and someone asks you to count them out one by one, but then they steal one while you're doing it, you won't count to five, will you? — DSM Dec 28 '13 at 21:23
4:27 PM
im running it synchronously though
No, not really. "hard to predict consequences" doesn't imply that Python is somehow broken or wrong, merely that it behaves differently from an ordinary human's expectation
@Ming why not just do string1 = re.sub(r'[aeiouAEIOU]', '', string1)?
this works though
string1 = "loko words"
@RobertGrant yeah. but i just want to understand why
Consider the simpler example:
>>> x = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> for item in x:
...     print(item)
...     x.remove(item)
it does not work
@Kevin i see.
thanks. so i guess, theres no way to fix it?
using similar code
4:30 PM
def is_vowel(letter):
	return letter not in 'AEIOUaeiou'

word = 'Hello, how are you?'
word_without_vowels = filter(is_vowel, word)
you can create a new list to iterate over instead of the original, like for y in list(list2):. but list comprehension will probably be more Pythonic here
@Ming Calling .remove on a list you're iterating over is a bit like sawing off a tree branch that you're sitting on. :)
right - got £50 spare for a new game or two... what should I get for something multiplayer?
Basically this happens because the for loop effectively keeps track of where you are using a counter. "we are at the fourth element of the sequence", it thinks. Then you call sequence.remove(whatever), and the third element gets deleted. When the for loop ticks over to the next iteration, Python does not notice that what used to be the fourth element is now the third. It happily moves to the fifth element, not noticing that what is now the fourth element was never actually iterated over.
@PM2Ring bingo. thats why
@Kevin thanks. yeah didnt realise that. haha
4:33 PM
In your actual example, the second "o" in "look" is skipped over because the first one is removed. Then, later, when it finds the "o" in "words", list2.remove("o") removes the second "o" in "look"
yup. just realised. such a silly mistake. thanks
The sensible way is to just create a fresh list. However, there are alternatives: 1. Iterate over a deep copy of the list, so when you remove stuff from the original list it doesn't affect the contents of the copy you're iterating over. 2. Iterate backwards over the list so that the items you remove aren't in the part of the list you haven't iterated over yet. To continue my tree analogy, that's like sawing off bits of the branch further away from the trunk than you are.
remove muddies the water a little bit by making you think the problem is in "words" and not "look". Perhaps an example that uses del would be more instructive
>>> list2 = list("Hey look words")
>>> for idx, y in enumerate(list2):
...     if y in "AEIOUaeiou":
...             del list2[idx]
>>> print(list2)
['H', 'y', ' ', 'l', 'o', 'k', ' ', 'w', 'r', 'd', 's']
Hey guys, I am on osX and wondering if there is a module that can easily capture keyboard events?
For instance, when I click a I want it to output something etc
@tomSurge Tkinter
4:38 PM
@tristan up for worms?
Does tkinter actually have that functionality? o.O
A somewhat less sensible way is to use a while loop whose index you have full control over. Then you can prevent it from skipping over an element by iterating when it shouldn't
seq = list("Hey look words")
i = 0
while i < len(seq):
    x = seq[i]
    if x in "AEIOUaeiou":
        del seq[i]
        i += 1
bad day - need a realease
Thought Tkinter only was a module used for GUI
@tomSurge Yes, but only if the Tkinter window has keyboard focus.
4:39 PM
@Kevin that's horrible code :)
Ah, that might be a problem
@tomSurge PyKeyLogger is on pypi
@JonClements Yeah.
thanks, @corvid I will check it out!
@tomSurge Do you want to intercept all keyboard events?
4:40 PM
@tomSurge Perhaps this will be useful to you:
Q: Python read a single character from the user

Evan FosmarkIs there a way of reading one single character from the user input? For instance, they press one key at the terminal and it is returned (sort of like getch()). I know there's a function in Windows for it, but I'd like something that is cross-platform.

You can only do so on the main thread IIRC
@PM2Ring I need it to intercept all keyboard events, yes. It needs to be run on a seperate thread. I am trying to make an autoclicker which you can pause/start by clicking a key on the keyboard
This might be a dumb question but... on a "deeper down" level, how do functions as first class objects actually work?
@tomSurge the signal is only sent to the main thread/process
So basically, on the main thread the autoclicker is running as long as a boolean value is true, on the seperate thread I am listening for a specific keyboard event, so when that key gets pressed, the boolean value is false
4:42 PM
This sounds exactly like the autoclicker I wrote myself, except mine was Windows-only.
Mine aswell kevin
I have a working autoclicker for windows
but I am on a mac now
I used pyhook for the keyboard events
@tomSurge so you can await it and make it async if needs be
I used pyHook and pythoncom modules for mine. Wonder if they also work in a cross-platform environment.
@corvid I don't recall having to do any particularly "deep magic" for first class functions when I integrated them into KevinScript. They behave pretty much like any other built-in type.
@corvid I can´t seem to find PyKeyLogger anywhere, not even on pypi o.O
4:49 PM
Every function object inherits from object, has a handful of user-accessible attributes, etc etc... Nothing special there. The only exceptional behavior is that when you call an identifier, it checks if the object is a function object, and if so calls it directly instead of invoking its __call__ method. IIRC.
So I guess the "deep down" parts are just 1) special behavior for call syntax; and 2) an invisible attribute that points to the code that is supposed to execute when you call it
The pyGame module can also be used to detect keyboard events very well apparently. Will give that a try.
pyGame may or may not have the same "must have window focus" restriction that Tkinter has. I can't recall.
I will test it out now
Couldn't hurt.
Ok, my actual call handling code is just a little more complicated than I've described it here, but the fundamental concept is the same. Function objects get called directly, everything else gets __call__ed.
@corvid Even C allows you to pass around functions as pointers. You can represent any function by a pointer and its parameters (which are static in C, dynamic in Python).

To make a lambda you just make a class which contains a function pointer and parameters for whatever fields you bind to it and an execute method. At that point you're just passing around a struct and one of its members is a function pointer.

"Deep down" functions as first class objects is just calling functions, except you're defining the function address dynamically. Everything after that is a corollary of that concept.
I hope I expressed that right.
4:59 PM
I got to handwave a lot of complexity away since KS is written in a high-level language. I'm pretty sure I'm doing dirty things with Python closures in a couple places.
lol i just did this with one of our juniors
@QuestionC That's pretty much how I imagine it works when you can't cheat like I did :-P
groups = groupby(sorted([e.as_dict() for e in Event.objects.all()],key=lambda e:e['extra'].get('visit_details','').rsplit(" ",1)[-1]),lambda e:e['extra'].get('visit_details','').rsplit(" ",1)[-1]))
speaking of evil closures
The C++ concept of "Functors" is like the middle ground between low level function pointer stuff and functions as first class objects. A functor is like a function as a first class object, except you had to build the class for it yourself instead of the language taking care of all the details. It boils down to a class that overrides the operator() method.
There were a few little-used functions which took functors and returned functors too like bind1st which says "Give me a 2-argument functor and its 1st argument, I'll return you a 1-argument functor".
One of the things I found most bizarre about C++ was that you could have variadic functions, but the function body had no way of determining how many arguments you passed to it.
5:05 PM
@Kevin I was lucky to get to learn this stuff in school. I wrote my first raytracer in C and this stuff was the right way to do it so I got to learn it.
I could explain that. It's about how functions is called really.
I'm guessing that C++ function calls are basically just "push arguments onto the stack, jump to address" in which case it makes sense that you can't tell where the "argument" part of the stack ends and the rest of the stack begins
A: How to implement LIMIT with Microsoft SQL Server?

Leon TaysonStarting SQL SERVER 2005, you can do this... USE AdventureWorks; GO WITH OrderedOrders AS ( SELECT SalesOrderID, OrderDate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY OrderDate) AS 'RowNumber' FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader ) SELECT * FROM OrderedOrders WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN 10 AND 20; or some...

Well, MS SQL server, good job at being the wrong thing
grumble grumble
Maybe there's an alternate universe where it's "push arguments onto the stack, push an integer representing the number of arguments onto the stack, jump to address" but we don't live in that beautiful world.
And maybe that world sucks because every function call has an extra machine code instruction that's almost never useful
It's like I said about how the parameters are static in C. When you call a function, all you're really doing is pushing its arguments on the stack and pushing the function address to the instruction pointer. Typically you get the parameters for free because they're part of the code, but variadic functions are you omitting that information and letting the function itself figure out how to turn the stack into variables.

`printf` is the canonical example of a variadic function and its motivation. The first argument to the function (bottom of the stack, easy to find) defines the rest of the
A variadic function where you don't somehow specify the number and type of arguments is possible but meaningless because there's no way to interpret the stack.
The number of arguments isn't really enough because I dunno if you pushed an int or float
5:14 PM
Makes you appreciate being able to do type(args[0]) in Python.
Most things in C make me appreciate Python ;)
Kind of. Code that actually uses that tends to be awful. C# before generics was very dependent on using RTTI (RunTime Type Information) to infer type and it was *awful*.

If you're ever in a position where you need to ask an object its type I think there was a design issue somewhere, either at the application or language level.
I have never needed type in Python and like it that way. =)
It's definitely not something you should need, but it's useful to have when you do need(want) it
just like regexes
I can only think of inspecting type when writing "magic" or making a construct nicer
I don't use type but I do use isinstance when I want to implement memoization for functions whose arguments aren't necessarily immutable
5:19 PM
It's one of those things where I'll do it, but only after I spend a little time soul searching to understand where everything went wrong.
and what is it, type(iter) is iter?
From some Pycon talk
ah, no, type is wrong
iter(foo) is foo
so nope, don't need type there :P
In the project I'm working on, (C# generated some code from a wsdl) I actually need to use that stuff. The only way to tell if the response I got from the service is an error is
if (cast_me is HelpCMS_soap.ErrorInfoType)
    var error = (HelpCMS_soap.ErrorInfoType)cast_me;
    throw new ErrorInfo(error.errorMessage);
> If you're ever in a position where you need to ask an object its type I think there was a design issue somewhere
Isn't that the definition of wsdl?
5:23 PM
@QuestionC yeah that totally makes sense, I think I had some knowledge of the function pointer being how that part worked, but didn't know you also passed the parameters, which makes concepts like bound functions make a ton more sense. Maybe I should just try implementing it in C at some point.
Worst Stupid Design Logic (Lunchbox? Losers? Lulz?)
I Spilled wAter On My keyBoard and now the ShiFt key is ScrEweD.
I have an opportunity to call something nucleus in my project....I really want to. But I can't bring myself to commit to this.
I'm just trying too hard to demo this using any reference to silicon valley.....
Your past has the answers
thanks past idjaw. You are wise
5:38 PM
Aug 19 at 18:41, by idjaw
you're welcome
Jul 31 at 12:01, by idjaw
Maybe we should give Terry my posts to use for its response-bot features
@JonClements cough
@idjaw I don't want him to be that sorry
5:45 PM
Terry will be Canadian. Stay away.
also, recbg
6:02 PM
Who wants to take a trip? Should only take 20,000 years or so with modern tech.
anyone else use flake8
started incorporating it recently for upstream projects inside tox. Pretty funny how many things I kept violating (mostly alphabetical ordering of imports and not putting imports on individual lines).
from foo.bar import a, b, c <= got yelled at

The intention I believe is to force you to do:
from foo import bar

@JonClements sorry, had fun in here earlier instead of working. i have to be stricter about getting stuff done during the day instead of just throwing nighttime half-focus hours at things
Would it help if we ignored you during the hours of 10 to 4? ;-)
How would that be any different?
@idjaw nope.
from foo.bar import (
(and I use flake8 all the time)
6:11 PM
flake8 wants you to use redundant parenthesis?
@MartijnPieters oh, how odd. So if you use parentheses, flake8 is happy with that?
We use flake8, but E501 can go hang.
@tristan try that without parens..
@DSM hiss
3 open text buffers side by side, all neatly fitting in 80 cols each.
I couldn't even begin to guess where the 80th column on my text editor is.
@MartijnPieters from foo.bar import a,b,c am I missing something?
6:14 PM
I'm not going to break a perfectly readable line into two so that Martijn can have three windows open.
so, @MartijnPieters what would be more acceptable, then since flake8 accepts that way of writing imports?

Is this OK?
from foo import bar

My vim tells me where I am.
flake8 doesn't yell at me for that. So I assume, yes?
Honestly, if I worked with Martijn, I'd just shut up and follow whatever convention he says I should be using.
@idjaw it's okay, but that gets tedious when bar is longer and laced throughout the module.
6:15 PM
With vim you always know where you are: on the home row of keys.
To the right of the file ending type, there's column number [ current row/total row ] . bottom right is battery life
@MartijnPieters yep. that is true. I'm going to have fun with some of these imports now and change them around
@tristan what is that health bar you got going on there?
@idjaw Battery life. I'll unplug my laptop for a bit and take another shot later
6:17 PM
(although the mercurial project implements a few exceptions to PEP 8. No, not line length).
And what's the smiley face next to it?
Why split per line? Just concerns about line width?
@MartijnPieters yeah, that looks clean. Thanks for the input
Which smiley?
Ziggy Stardust with bunches in an elevator.
6:19 PM
@tristan what are you using? I want this
@tristan ["0"]
@idjaw the bottom pane is tmux and the inner that gives file, detected type, in-file detail is vimrc
@KevinMGranger oh, the name for the tmux pane. defaults to 0
sometimes i'll rename panes to things like "this is prod"
I was asking specifically for the battery heart-bar
6:21 PM
> Although Proxima b orbits much closer to its star than Mercury does to the Sun in the Solar System, the star itself is far fainter than the Sun.
Hopes dashed.
@idjaw one sec bud.
Back when I still used tmux, I immediately made the windows 1-indexed. Easier keyboard reach
Do you have all of your dotfiles on github?
@KevinMGranger I did, but made them private when I realized I was revealing a lot about my workflow.
I do 0-indexed for tmux, but shift+left/right arrows for quick switching through. meta+up/down for pane nav
wtf: H301 one import per line doing
from foo.bar import (
6:23 PM
I stopped using it because I rarely needed to have long-running processes open in ssh, and all the copy+paste stuff wasn't helpful anymore (either it worked fine from my terminal emulator, or it wouldn't work anyway because vim would be in the way).
If I really need splitting, neovim does that now :/
i mostly just use it for quick filesystem navigation and quickly switching between running procs/outputs
@tristan awesome! Thanks. Oh you wrote this up yourself?
change fg=whatever_color. i do white because i have a dark bg and it calls out that the heart is missing
6:27 PM
@corvid oh, for viz stuff. that makes sense.
@idjaw i honestly can't remember. probably stole the idea from somewhere
no they're programming all their rockets in Node.js, it's gonna be so webscale
haha. the new planetary landers won't actually function and do anything serious, but gosh darn if their interfaces aren't 2016 as heck
NASA's primary priority is making their stuff interesting enough that taxpayers will continue to tolerate paying them
NASA: Better the tax money go to us than secretly shipped to Iran
6:32 PM
They should guilt trip high tech manufacturers into donating money since many core products were invented by NASA
If they build a sleek iLander with brushed aluminium finish and a fifteen minute battery life, and it generates enough good PR for two actually useful expeditions, then so be it
think about those sweet CSS transitions. If they find any aliens, they will be so impressed
Especially super cars manufacturers
Weird, I don't have a /proc/acpi/battery.
@corvid Whatever display aliens have got, that menu should scale smoothly
6:33 PM
I wonder how much in tax dollars will be spent investigating one of our presidential candidates for treasonous behavior? I bet it's more than what a handful of scientists would be paid a year
oh no when we meet aliens we will have to update our UIs to be reactive with their devices
There was a poll that indicated most taxpayers thought that NASA had ~30% of the national budget when it's really more like 0.003%
I don't know about that, I think Apple and Microsoft will go super sayan and convince aliens to take advantage of the benefits + It's supposed to work like that
Why don't we just make a space Australia? Send all our felons to Mars and check in on them in 50 years
6:34 PM
Because then we'd get space koalas.
Spacedrop Bears
they'll probably have a pretty sweet accent
@Kevin Well it's not like NASA ever got a decimal point in the wrong place, right? ;-)
Just beware of sending Johnny Depp there without double checking his pets
they'll just send him into the atmosphere of Jupiter
I'm surprised it's that high. Also, americans are stupid.
Whoops my anecdote about misconstrued statistics itself was rife with misconstrued statistics
wonder what the figure for Fermilab is
Probably less than spent on state-funded dinners for politicians
@ZeroPiraeus Wasn't that the Eurospace agency ? I think NASA got its probe blown up because Boeing or whatever manufacturer used good ole' imperial inches
6:36 PM
uninformed is probably a better word, but that doesn't preclude your description.
Ah, was that it? I'm vague on the details.
I only know that it was a Mars orbiter, I think
We're joking but we're not far from NASA kickstarting a new telescope or something
and it tried to orbit a few dozens of kilometers beneath the surface
give or take an order of magnitude
The Mars Climate Orbiter (formerly the Mars Surveyor '98 Orbiter) was a 338-kilogram (745 lb) robotic space probe launched by NASA on December 11, 1998 to study the Martian climate, Martian atmosphere, and surface changes and to act as the communications relay in the Mars Surveyor '98 program for Mars Polar Lander. However, on September 23, 1999, communication with the spacecraft was lost as the spacecraft went into orbital insertion, due to ground-based computer software which produced output in non-SI units of pound-seconds (lbf s) instead of the SI units of newton-seconds (N s) specified in...
6:38 PM
@AndrasDeak Haha ! Yeah that was it. But I think Piraeus was mentioning the Ariane 5 incident
@Kevin Well it pounded into the planet in seconds, am I right?
"Bug report closed. Working as designed"
@randomhopeful oh, possible, I might be unfamiliar with that one
We should defund NASA for telling us lies about the shape of the earth though.
> Post-failure calculations showed that the spacecraft was on a trajectory that would have taken the orbiter within 57 kilometers of the surface, where the spacecraft likely disintegrated because of atmospheric stresses.
seems I've been misinformed yet again
6:40 PM
I read Feynman's account of his participation in the Challenger inquiry recently. Apart from his obvious contempt for politicians and administrators, one thing that struck me was that he was very impressed indeed by the programmers on the team.
The JPL coding standards document is like three hundred pages long so this does not surprise me
Yeah. I struggle to write code that runs at a speed that I find satisfactory. I can't imagine having that task when I'm sharing time on a 100mhz processor.
I told you to use numpy
Actual "ha he hu ha" happened
@Kevin Quality assurance documentation seems to have been copious throughout the project. The difference seems to have been that engineering management tried to bury problems that would cause them to get chewed out, while the software devs tried as hard as they could to break their own systems in testing.
6:43 PM
Hmm I was going to link said document but all I can find is this which is only 22 pages long. Did I merely imagine the much longer version...?
Even accounting for the fact that reading one page of C documentation feels like reading five pages of regular documentation, there's still a discrepancy
@AndrasDeak Here's about the Ariane 5 incident. I remember some video mentioning that it was a problem with a floating point converion.
"Engineers bury their mistakes in a safety factor, doctors in the ground"
Floating points, amirite
@AndrasDeak lol Sorry
6:45 PM
no worries:)
> [...] led to four variables being protected with a handler while three others, including the horizontal bias variable, were left unprotected because it was thought that they were "physically limited or that there was a large margin of error"
famous last words, eh?
should've used a ShouldNeverHappenException
what does protected in this context?
Oh, the Java standards doc is 300+ pages long. There's an opportunity here for a "Java is hilariously wordy" joke...
"JPL Java Coding Standard" a.k.a. the "JPL Java Script"
History will repeat itself when the 2026 orbiter crashes due to the ground/onboard systems using java/javascript respectively, and not accounting for the difference
New podcast. It says:
> Finally, Jay talks about our recent decision to stamp out use of the term “rep-whore” in the community. From now on, “rep-whore” will be treated like any other term that’s inconsistent with Stack Overflow’s “be nice” policy: it will be removed.
6:50 PM
Someone should tell them to stop repwhore shaming
I'm pretty sure I already knew it was impolite to call someone a whore.
yeah, i actually don't have much of a problem with that term being considered coarse
Now establishing a betting pool for "Help Vampire"'s time of death...
i'm more concerned the long tail effect of adding no-no words and policing user response and interactions under the banner of "be nice"
@tristan that's exactly what's being discussed on that meta thread
And I prefer Seth's point
6:53 PM
i'm getting better at staying the fuck away from the dumpster fires that are edgelords vs. the professionally offended
I need to up my vocabulary if I want to keep up with your general loathing of multiple layers of online society
I also find your previous message exclusionist.
@tristan I feel what you want to say. What's sadder that it's just the same thing everywhere, and I can't see where to begin to solve this ego-driven sensitivity.
@user51819 cbg
I started living a much happier life once I decided to ignore politics and global tragedies and people that are wrong on the Internet and people that told me I'm a bad person for shutting out all of those things and not trying to fix them
6:59 PM
no, it's simply this: if someone is being racist/sexist/seriously shitty, deal with that behavior. demanding censorship and running around with a fascist little gang of "i'm offended so my feelings override the discussion/facts/reality" bullies just polarizes a community and makes everything terrible.

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