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1:05 AM
lifehacks: eat chips and popcorn with chopsticks so your keyboard doesn't get dirty
Life hack: put popcorn and potato chips in blender and make junk food smoothie so you don't get crumbs anywhere ever
Hello guys, sorry very noob question. I am unfamiliar with Python but really want to hit this API: github.com/KartikTalwar/Duolingo
Reality hack: as a phoenix, soar into the sun and be reborn as the dust of the universe
@Phil okay, what code have you written so far
Do you think I must learn python to be able to utilize this/
1:13 AM
@Phil yes
but the results are in JSON, are they not?
i already gave my answer
yes, to use a python library effectively, you should learn some python
don't need to learn python
just found their source URLs
i'm happy for you
1:25 AM
Java's so awesome.
sorry wrong chat, everyone is entitled to their own opinion *whistle
1:37 AM
I'm at the programmer meetup that I talked about yesterday. There are about 40 people here, which is 35 more people than I expected there to be
I didn't think you could get this many introverts to congregate together.
I feel like the walls should be bulging out from the fundamental repelling forces
I like how you went to a meetup and opened up chat.stackoverflow
People are a lot like magnets: I don't know how either work.
I'd find a scientist, but he/she would probably lie and piss you off.
I talked with one person about how good Majora's Mask is, and attempted to explain the rules of Set to somebody else. I have exceeded my conversational quota by two.
Frankly I consider it a triumph that I showed up.
Quick, ask someone about politics
1:41 AM
"politics...do you..like them?"
"What's your favorite... statute."
of limitations. obviously. next
Oh. Read that as statue and thought I could power through with a joke.
The Statue of Limitations will be built next to the Statue of Liberty and be labeled with "abandon all hope, ye who enter here"
the asterisk atop the statue of liberty
1:44 AM
that was pretty good, great first comment to read when entering the room
Ok I've re-centered my chakras by retreating to the familiar comfort of chat. Now I'll go back to being marginally sociable. Ok bye.
2:00 AM
@Kevin why do you go to the meetups? Might sound sarcastic, but I am genuinely curious. I have never been to one, but slightly want too. What do you like about them?
1 hour later…
3:23 AM
In [8]: line
Out[8]: 'motion a[0]=2190 a[1]=2853'

In [9]: matchObj = re.match(r'a[0]=(.*)', line, re.M|re.I)
I wanted to get 2190 but it returns nothing, what am I doing wrong?
There are lots of problems there. You shouldn't be using match, but search; you should escape the brackets; and you're going to grab too much.
@DSM Thanks! I tried this: matchObj = re.search(r'a\[0\]=(\d+)', line, re.M|re.I) line[matchObj.start():matchObj.end()]
but it gives the whole string instead 2190 although I have mentioned it in the capturing group.
3:39 AM
You can get 2190 directly via .group(1), you don't need the start/end stuff.
okay thanks!
4:03 AM
4:26 AM
Anyone here knowledgeable in Tkinter?
4:37 AM
hey tristan!
what's going on?
just got back from hockey...Just watched the second episode of silicon valley.
S01E02 or most recent?
most recent
4:40 AM
that episode gets pretty....raw.
as for what's going on with me: rewrote my deployment setup for side project last night and tonight. almost done
yeah raw is a good way of putting it. I was cringing during that whole sales meeting scene.
oh cool. Are you able to share your new deployment steps?
That sales meeting scene was too real. My current deployment setup is push from local to the git repo, jenkins on a local laptop polling the repo, pulls down from a candidate release branch, runs tests, packages, and drops into a dir (this will later be push to the internal apt repo).
nice. pretty straight forward. Using anything special for your apt repo?
oh nvm internal apt repo
got it
My previous setup was a clusterf*ck. I'm hoping the end of the above workflow is "new dockerfile gets generated with the right packages pinned at a target version, deploy is pushing the containers out to all the target hosts, coordinate haproxy cutover"
and yeah, i'm shooting for straight-forward / simple to reason about
4:47 AM
what are you doing at the proxy level to make sure you don't deploy to all boxes at the same time?
oh, that's the thing. i want to deploy to all the boxes at the same time so they all have [$current, $current - 1].
for most of the architecture it's
[ user-frontend template server]<--->[versioned api]<--->[queues/persistent storage/nosql]
there's no concern of boxes not available for a period of time?
i'm kind of kicking that down the road, but for now, two instances of each stack can run concurrently on the box
when i have more time, i'll make it more mature in that i spin up new hosts, direct N% of the traffic
4:52 AM
in reality, the architecture is

users ---> [api]<---------->[db]
users ---> [web]
thar we go
yeah. that's a good plan for those details to be worked on later. more critical pieces to solve before getting there.
I just saw a talk on a very interesting implementation of distributed systems for containers using coreOS
the guy who gave the talk was fantastic
when i deploy web, it starts exercising a new endpoint on api, wherein if it fails, it just goes to api/v/<latest>/path, but otherwise, it's like api/v/<06-05-2016>/path
let me see if the talk is available. This was talk was at the openstack summit last week
4:57 AM
cool, thanks
and yeah, 100% on more critical pieces.
i'm frontloading a bit of the non-feature work so when i'm on my 80 hour workweeks, i don't have to think carefully about deployments or failed rented boxes
awesome. The talks are up
thanks! going to check it out this weekend
let me know what you think. The locksmith piece was pretty interesting for me. We just went through an interesting exercise ourselves with a distributed locking system. So it was neat to see that approach.
5:02 AM
my first big ugly compromise is load balancing outside of AWS -- ec2 is spendy, so i'm going to migrate some stuff to digital ocean, but unfortunately, that means rolling my own LBs
sticking with haproxy right?
so you're going to have your LB direct between AWS and digitalocean instances?
oh, interesting. nginx has a url rewrite. was going to use haproxy so i could fail-fast on obviously/intentionally bad requests
probably going to do Route53 healthchecks on a DNS loadbalance setup to send requests to LBs in DO with a backup in ec2
that way if DO or EC2 fall down and go boom, i can still direct traffic
stupid question, because I never had hands on with route53 healthchecks. Are they usable against non Amazon services?
5:09 AM
i hope so!
because I like your approach. I hope that works out too :)
self-healing mechanisms are freakin' awesome.
yeah -- exactly.
yeah, you can healthcheck external hosts with r53
that's awesome!
I was in a design discussion on how to get hardware reports to see trends in hardware for particular nodes in your datacenter to better predict when a node might be going down and trigger self-healing procedures to bring the node in to maintenance, or do something to possibly bring it back up.
5:18 AM
How do you define "going down?" SMART errors / network error rates / all of the above?
Right. So, for example, your hard drive is about to die, so when you try to spin up an instance on that node and, you boot up in to your bootstrap OS to trigger the client request to install their image, the hard drive that is damaged will just cause it to possibly boot back in to bootsrap OS and never deliver...and it takes manual intervention to finally go in and say: "OH! You broke!"
Or if your RAM is messing up, it will just keep trying to boot in to your bootstrap OS but never make it out of the BIOS boot and just failback in to its parking vlan network and sit there doing nothing
Oh, interesting, so if you have a reasonable positive-match rate on your tests, you could live-migrate and knock the HV down
exactly. Also, by setting that node in to maintenance, it removes it from inventory, so no one will accidentally get to it through the filtering process of trying to choose a node to boot off of.
how does that usually coordinate, through a central registry host? wondering if you could emit an event to that central registry, which could either emit an event to customers directly or make that info available via an API (this is sounding suspiciously like how amazon handles instance maintenance events)
e.g. if you were my host and told me i could receive a callback when underlying hardware is busted, it would be awesome if i could receive that callback and POST a "complex" request to your API like "bring up new box; terminate old at 0500UTC unless i cancel that action"
5:29 AM
you got it exactly
however, disclaimer. This is not available yet. It was discussed in the design session on how to best approach it.
so far the consensus is emit thing, so user can use thing to provide complex solution of said thing
aka what you just explained :P
the problem with "customer handles thing" is that if i send a request to $webhost_api and $webhost_api barfs on it, then i'm paying for new host, old host, and i'm in some undetermined state
I should correct myself. customer -> operator. So this is admin level stuff.
oh. i was talking end-user customer. if it's a seamless live-migrate OMG NEAT
so in my world (baremetal) you specify a flavor. There is a pool of hardware that will match this flavor
when you boot an instance, it will find the next available node that matches that flavor.
so let's say you are doing some work, you throw your image in to backup, tear down and move on.
is it os->hw matched because known-good performance/compat characteristics?
5:34 AM
flavor specifications are hardware
cpu, ram, hdd mostly
image is separate. Because you should be allowed to install, teardown and re-install whatever you want
you are paying for the node, not the instance (unless you take a windows image...but that's your own damn fault :P)
and you have to match that flavor because it's already set aside to be managed like that?
i would have assumed it's just a pool of i-can-be-whatever-OS hosts listening for tftp
let me back up a bit to explain high level how it works.
you have a bunch of machines. You create metadata for these machines to specify their hardware characteristics. So let's say you have 10 machines in total and split down the middle are two hardware type categories
so when you as a customer go to buy a baremetal machine lets say. You specify what hardware features you want. That ultimately sets the 'flavor' you are looking for
so now when you get that machine and you try to boot whatever instance you choose. The filtering process in the openstack world, will know what flavor to look for, find the next available node with that spec
and then throw your image on there
the flavor is the hardware characteristics?
5:38 AM
ah, okay
look at this simple example. It shows explicitly what is happening when setting a flavor: docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/install-guide/…
and there is a link there to flavors if you happen to be interested to know more about this stuff.
Oooh, what it supports, e.g. CPU arch
yeah, sorry if I didn't express that properly :P
Got it. Pre-defined hardware "sizes" and you can filter by spec.
Oh no worries, thanks for teaching me this stuff
5:43 AM
no problem :) I've really come to love this stuff. So I tend to like talking about it
and to go back on when we spoke about containers, scaling, etc.... kubernetes.io
that is one impressive piece of technology
I started messing around with it this week.
i never understood how one could use kubernetes for a workload that's on customer-demand.
I think it is meant more to help you keep your stuff up to make sure customer-demand is met fur whatever current load it is under.
Go to bed.
but I am very new to kubernetes. It does support some kind of scaling.
fair enough. i've always had it in mind that nodes die too often for that
5:50 AM
oh look..fizzy is here...everyone start getting mad and kick things.
kubernetes just screams "i will spend all your money and laugh at you while you don't understand how quickly i've done it"
I'll be your guinea pig for this.
I'll let you know what it does to me
awesome. if it's HA, i could run it as an API-work dispatcher as long it has a way of returning a response to the requester through the coordinator
haha the bottom of the page has a link to SO for the kubernetes tag stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/kubernetes
this is the technology equivalent of speaking in terms like leveraging cross functional synergy traction
5:54 AM
yep. It totally is. But I understood that. That's the difference.
oops. 2am. have a good night idjaw. morning fizzy
good call. I'll do the same
enjoy your morning Fizzlepuff
night :)
6:10 AM
Finally some peace and quiet.
6:23 AM
Cabbage :-)
1 hour later…
7:29 AM
morning cabbage
8:13 AM
I want string interp in 3.5 D:
8:49 AM
Morning all!
Reading about context switching with half an eye on this chat :p
Only half an eye? That's impressive.
My rods and cones move independently, I control each one for maximum swivel-eyed lunatic effect ;)
Hi all. I'm having a problem with code below. How do I decode the binary text.
with open('./target.txt', 'wb') as f:
with open('./target.txt', 'rb') as g:
	a = g.readlines()

@Ming readlines() returns a list.
Morning @bereal o/
9:01 AM
@JRichardSnape morning!
@bereal I tried this. but still does not work.
with open('./target.txt', 'wb') as f:
with open('./target.txt', 'rb') as g:
	a = g.readlines()

UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\x96' in position 8: character maps to <undefined>
You saw nothing. Your half eye was too busy re-arranging itself.
@bereal this is my actual byte string. Is it to do with some of the characters in it?
9:04 AM
Are you on Windows @Ming. In a command line terminal?
BTW - a good jumping off point is often googling the exact error message. Which in your case would yield : stackoverflow.com/questions/14630288/…
Cbg @RobertGrant
@JRichardSnape yes. of course. I tried googling. but didn't seem to be getting any results.
works for meâ„¢
9:06 AM
@Ming So that answer I linked doesn't make sense to you? Or didn't work?
@JRichardSnape Still reading it
I'm created a package to add current task. and now I want to trigger a background task when task added
$ begin "Hello World"
Cool - no problem. My point is to literally google the entire error message (taking out any program specific details like the position 8 in your example) - it's just a top tip for getting help on stuff that people have undoubtedly seen before.
so which is prefer way to trigger the background task ? I mean when the message added i want the process should be start and it will complete in one hour and I will notify to the user...
so in that case ?
@RajaSimon what do you mean by background task?
9:10 AM
I mean without user waiting...
when user issue the command ` $ begin " Message " `then it will return to the normal state. but the background task should start
Q: Run a program from python, and have it continue to run after the script is killed

JamesI've tried running things like this: subprocess.Popen(['nohup', 'my_command'], stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=open('logfile.log', 'a')) This works if the parent script exits gracefully, but if I kill the script (Ctrl-C), all my child processes are kille...

thanks i'll check it out
@JRichardSnape I saw a couple links with exactly same problem as me. but still it does not work.
with open('./target.txt', 'wb') as f:
with open('./target.txt', 'rb') as g:
	a = g.readlines()
	b = a[0].decode('latin-1')
	print(a[0], '------------')
driving me crazy. any ideas.
my output
b'\x1a0\xf8\xde\xf1\xea_\xd8\xf5\x1c' ------------
[Finished in 0.2s]
9:19 AM
It depends on your terminal code page
In windows cmd, if I set codepage = 850, I see:
>>> a = b'\x9e\xcd{\xa449[\xee\x01w'
>>> a
>>> a.decode('ISO-8859-1')
>>> a = b'\x1a0\xf8\xde\xf1\xea_\xd8\xf5\x1c'
>>> a.decode('latin-1')
However, with the default codepage (437), I see:
>>> a = b'\x9e\xcd{\xa449[\xee\x01w'
>>> a.decode('latin-1')
>>> a = b'\x1a0\xf8\xde\xf1\xea_\xd8\xf5\x1c'
>>> a.decode('latin-1')
For the two examples you've given.
To change terminal codepage on windows, you use chcp. The idea is covered in that answer I linked. I have to go now, but hopefully that will set you on the road to sorting out your problem.
@JRichardSnape thanks very much for your help
@JRichardSnape will take a look at your code.
@Ming No problem (turns out meeting cancelled). This answer might help you too, it explains a little the conceptual difference between your bytes object (which has a specific encoding that you may want to decode()) and what you can then encode it to.
Another useful little library: timedata! A library which returns generators that return the different time "names" depending on your region.
For example timedata.get_days(short=True) would return a generator that yields "Mon", "Tues", "Wed", etc.
I should write these ideas down somewhere...
thanks @JRichardSnape hopefully I'll get the answers. appreciate it.
9:35 AM
Basically your original error was telling you that an encode() was throwing an error, because whatever encoding scheme it was trying to use did not have a mapping for that character. I strongly suspect it was trying to do encode('cp437'), hence my initial question about windows terminal. Note that encode call would be implicit when you do the print in a terminal - python has to encode the bytes in some way to allow Windows to show them to you as a meaningful string.
@Ffisegydd You're on fire.
I'm spending next week on FizzyTraining on Apache Spark.
Woo Spark
4 day course from Cloudera.
Who're you training?
Oh I see
Means I've got to spend the week in Lahndahn though.
9:38 AM
Dahn sarf. Unlucky.
On expenses at least. Steak o'clock.
I always like the game - how many alcoholic beverages can I get the restaurant to put on the bill simply as "drinks" or "other". Often zero, but non-zero results are pleasurable.
In other news, I have inherited a suede-covered in tray. Peculiar, but somehow I think it's going to stay.
We have separate allowances for food and drink.
You have a drink allowance!! Wow. My game is declared null and void, then.
Jooooooiiiiiin uuuuusssss.
9:44 AM
I think not, but I appreciate the attraction now.
You'll turn, one day.
You'll look around at the snot-nosed, ungrateful students and wonder what you're doing with your life. You'll look at the mountain of paperwork you have just to get a grant to do a minimal amount of research - not that you have any time for research with all the department admin and politics. You'll sit there, in despair, an empty bottle of whiskey by your desk. Then, from a far, you'll hear the barest whisper on the wind... Fizzzzzzzzy...
And I'll be waiting. With open arms.
And a referral bonus in my pocket.
I await that day. And how do you know about my whisky bottle? I think we should be told.
Damnit it's too early in Canada and I need pandas help.
After tha discussions with Ming this morning, it strikes me that the internet is missing a canonical, language independent, guide to strings, bytes, encodings, unicode, how terminals actually display characters etc. I just looked and the Java tutorial, Go and Python references all have holes IMO.
@Ffisegydd Look to China - they've been up for hours.
I'm no expert, but happy to be a mildly well-informed rubber duck for pandas problems if it would be helpful. Yes, I'm procrastinating again.
@JRichardSnape I'm sure I've seen something that is a decent subset of that before
9:53 AM
I'm grouping by the hour of the day on the animal rescue data, looking at the number of events that occur throughout the day. No events occur in the early morning, as you'd expect, but when I do a df.groupby(...).count() it removes those hours, rather than leaving them as 0
So my plot goes 0, 4, 5, 6 rather than 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
And it angers me.
Ah, now I have had that before. Let me try to remember how (if?) I solved it...
I think I can solve it by using apply rather than count and using a custom function.
But that's not as purdy.
Narp, that didn't work.
There are definitely non-pretty solutions (at it's most basic, use range(24) as your axis data and have the value default to zero if it's not in the count), but I'm sure there's a nicer way.
Possibly I could do a resample.
Or a re-index in this case I suppose.
Yeah - I think you could re-index the series.
indeed - there is a Series.reindex() function, I see.
9:59 AM
Yeah that did it.
Rubber duck high five!
@RobertGrant The Python "how to unicode" is pretty good, but misses the bit about how a terminal actually displays the string to you, which seems to be where a lot of people hit problems (c.f. this morning's discussion).
too broad / unclear / OP suffers from CHDS stackoverflow.com/questions/37045918/…
I'm wondering! Is classobj in Py 2.X an instance of type class?
Have you booted up Python 2 and looked?
10:16 AM
   >>> class A: pass
   >>> type(A)
   <type 'classobj'>
   >>> type(type(A))
   <type 'type'>
@PM2Ring CHDS?
Apr 11 at 8:42, by PM 2Ring
CHDS = Coital Hint Deficit Syndrome. I.e., they don't have a fucking clue.
Got it. :D
I am disappointed that BBC Worldwide have blocked 30 year old content on Youtube under copyright. Fine, it's their right to do so, but y'know we all kinda paid for that once. Where we = UK telly watchers.
10:20 AM
The confusing thing here is that, object class is an instance of type class and object also serves as its base ~~
On the one hand, the OP says "I've been working with Python for quite some time and I've also written my own modules" But OTOH he's mystified by for name in [" foo", "bar", " quux"]:
@JRichardSnape It wouldn't surprise me if it's because of the new pay for BBC Archive service - where you can get digital copies of old shows...
@PM2Ring yeah - I saw that.
@JonClements I'm sure it is. It's a bookmark that worked for me last August - now blocked. It's just, well, a bit money-grubbing for my liking. Ho hum.
Bloody socialists trying to get things for free...
I thought it was bloody socialists, supporting the biased left-wing state subsidised BBC...
10:31 AM
Consistency is overrated.
Ahh UKIP got seats in the Welsh Assembly - congrats Fizzy :p
UKIP gaining seats stops Labour getting a majority. It's a tough choice.
You know you watch too much Star Trek when you think blog.stackoverflow.com/2016/05/… was the appointment of a new Chief Medical Officer :(
Nah, kidding. I am pragmatic in my political choices and so just choose based on my favourite colours. My favourite colours, unfortunately, are blue and purple.
(Just for the actual record, I in no way support, like, condone, or anything about UKIP)
10:34 AM
@Ffisegydd which I believe make a brown - so if I make a party that's coloured like dog poop - you'd vote it on that basis? :p
Depends on whether we're working with additive or subtractive colours old bean.
purple - blue = ?
Are you insinuating that if you combine Labour and the Conservatives you get UKIP?
Ye gods, I despair of politics the world over at the moment, TBH. The UK is no exception.
Drump has backed Brexit.
Definitely on-topic question: Is there a common term for spaying/neutering that is gender neutral?
It seems that "neuter" should technically be gender neutral but is used to refer to males specifically.
10:47 AM
I've heard "desexing", but not sure how common that is.
I think I've only heard that in relation to male dogs, too, TBH
@Ffisegydd But this Borris fellow is really pushing for the brexit.
He isn't UKIP, and some of his stances are liberal.
A lot of politics doesn't align to the "traditional" sectors anymore.
Apart from JezzaC who is running naked wearing nothing but a red rosette towards the left.
And Nigel Firage who is sat in the right nursing a pint.
Then you've got Cameron who just dances around everywhere in the middle-rightish, trying to placate everyone.
And then you've got Boris who is just Boris.
Boris is hilarious though.
It's an act.
So I've noticed.
10:51 AM
I'm not saying it's wrong that it's an act, but it is an act.
But he does play the fool very very well.
Hey man, you never know but he could very well be a future prime minister.
I would be extremely surprised if he didn't end up one day either being PM or LotO
His story is interesting. Went to Eton on a scholarship, then went to Oxford. From what I understand, he comes from humble origins.
Its hard to fight a backstory like that.
Humble origins!?
well, humbler than Cameron at least.
Remember, he is a tory.
And for a tory, I assumed that his origins were relatively humble.
He didn't pay for eton outright :P
10:55 AM
Humble origins!?! Hmm. His real name is "Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson". His dad was an MP.
His Dad's quite funny as well :)
But aren't all tories like that?
As Fizzy says, he has an act. It's very convincing and all-encompassing. His real friends / relatives don't even call him Boris - he's known as "Al". Boris really is like a stage name and persona.
Al? As in Al Capone?
I don't know the stats but I doubt the majority of Torys went to Eton etc.
A lot of the top ones might have.
10:58 AM
@GamesBrainiac No - there is a definite working class Tory element, too. Particularly post Thatcher.
Hmm, that makes sense.
So, what about this Corbyn guy?
He looks like the bernie sanders equivalent in UK.
In fact, thers's something of a swing back to the "posh" with Cameron, Osborne, Johneson etc. Look to Gove for the humbler Tory element.
Corbyn is way left of Bernie Sanders.
So, which politician is actually okayish?
You're assuming that someone that is left or right is not "okayish" :P
For me, Corbyn is OK, but I accept entirely unelectable.
11:00 AM
Left and right are neither good nor bad, they're simply different opinions and views of the world.
Extremes of either I would argue are bad.
One could look to a lack of corruption as a measure of "good", I suppose.
That's nothing to do with the opinions defined as "left" and "right" though.
I'm not saying that left or right is good. Frankly, I think I lean more towards the right than the left. But the question is, which politician is actually "good" in your opinion?
None of them.
In which case, look at for instance the jobs that MPs take post-parliament. You get some dodgy deals on both sides of the "left/right" debate.
11:02 AM
I wouldn't trust a politician as far as I could throw them.
To be honest I think this dichotomy of left and right is a red herring.
hey guys!
I disagree with Fizzy there. I'm highly cynical about nearly all politicians and their motivations, but I think there are good ones.
Absolute right or left I think would be a bad idea for any nation.
Oh I'm sure there are good ones, on all sides, but I just struggle to trust them :P
11:03 AM
@JRichardSnape I agree with you, and I think deep inside fizzy does too. He's just a wounded optimist.
@Ffisegydd Yeah, agree with that.
And because I struggle to trust them, even though they may be good, in effect for me they're not.
here's my issue: I get data from device in binary and I need to map to my screen size
Politics is weird.
If pushed, I'd cite Andy Burnham, Paddy Ashdown as well motivated and high profile. I admit to having such a mental block about Tory mechanisms for change to struggle to classify them good. I think Iain Duncan Smith had good intentions and integrity, although I profoundly disagree with his policies / mechanisms.
11:07 AM
Now the data from the device is 15 bit. But it is decimal converted from binary so 'a.b' where a ranges from 1 to 125 and b from 1 to 255
Which person is sort of like the inheritor of Tony Benn's ideals?
So I need convert it is a continuous decimal system.
Pub lunch soon.
I'm thinking mixed grill.
Though the place we're going does a damn fine southern fried chicken burger.
does this make sense? :)
@GamesBrainiac probably Corbyn, roughly. There is great debate now, because Tony Benn was hugely Euro sceptic and Corbyn used to be, but has come out anti-Brexit to hold party together. Thus negating one of the main reasons we think he was elected as party leader - i.e. that he was steadfast and consistent in ideology
@AbhishekBhatia No
11:10 AM
I've got a friend who is a staunch Tory and genuinely likes Jeremy Corbyn.
@Ffisegydd Love a chicken burger. We got taken out for a nice burger yesterday.
Mostly because he thinks that Corbyn has doomed the Labour party :P
@JRichardSnape I see, that makes sense. Flip-floppers are not good choices, unless they have very good reason to change.
I'd rather have someone that changed for a good reason, than someone who stuck to their guns beyond all reasonable discourse (SCIENCE!)
@Ffisegydd My own opinion - it's a high stakes game at the moment. Could be that the rise of Corbyn will drag us back from realpolitik to ideology based and tories will miss that boat. Could be it just torpedoes the labour party.
We'll see. Anyhow - lunch beckons.
11:16 AM
so I have a touchscreen I get coordinates from it and I have simply map them to my screen coordinates.
If touchscreen gave in decimal it would be easy.
but it gives in binary
so what I get is a.b where a ranges from 1 to 125 and b from 1 to 255.
the problem is the b part.
@JRichardSnape does it make sense now? Sry I am a bit dumb with notation.
Well - it's impossible to say from your description, but it could be that b is a binary decimal, i.e. the first bit represents 2**-1, the second 2**-2 and so on. But that's pure speculation. Without reading the spec of the device / API, you're not going to know, so if I were you, that's where I'd start.
morning everyone
@JRichardSnape there is no docs. I have to reverse eng. it.
11:32 AM
@AbhishekBhatia In that case, google binary fractions and start reading. But that will be a guess at how it's encoding the data. But probably a good guess.
@JRichardSnape it is what you are saying.
I am sure I have checked with hit and trail.
so now I have to binary shift a to make the numbers sensible.
I can figure that out
it should be a<<8+b, a varies from 1 to 127 and b from 1 to 255?
11:49 AM
@Ffisegydd I'm also in London next week :)

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