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7:00 PM
So we can be inevitably disappointed N seasons in?
Get out.
It's phenomenal.
@Ffisegydd The cast looks amazing from the quick google I just did.
It's fricking INCREDIBLE.
3 episodes in and I'm hooked.
I've been looking for a new show. I'll have to give it a shot.
Hmm, I almost forgot JJ Abrams did Fringe. Maybe I'll reconsider
7:02 PM
I watched the first episode of Dirk Gently this weekend and it was... Interesting.
Seriously. Try the first episode and you'll be hooked.
It's about cyborg cowboys.
@Ffisegydd episode 4 was really good
finally out of the slow build into "things are happening"
Netflix's "Narcos" is muy entretenido (the dialogue and subplot gets a little "color by numbers", but they have historical events to keep them on the rails)
7:03 PM
@tristan True ! Although I'm wondering how they're planning on stretching what remained of the story into a season
@randomhopeful Are you up to date? They didn't drag it out as much as I expected
I'm also enjoying AHS6, and finally watched AHS5 (Hotel) and didn't think it was nearly as bad as the reviews it got.
I couldn't sit through hotel. It was painful.
@tristan Ouh, I didn't know season 2 is out yet. I will check it out
7:05 PM
The acting was some of the worst I've seen and the scripts made even less sense than normal.
The main cop was especially terrible.
I thought AHS5 was pretty bad. We sat through it, but I think a realistic 2-5% of the time, we were laughing or yelling at it
There was a main cop?
Murder House > (Asylum == Hotel) > (Roanoake == Coven) > Freak Show
That's the level of impression it made.
The main character.
7:06 PM
Speaking of horror, and only @Kevin might appreciate this, but I finally got through School Days just for the ending.
You gotta love that season with the cool hip witches, though. The burning scene was fabulous
Oh yeah, Gruff McDisconnected Dad
Well all I can say is that both of your opinions are categorically wrong.
Love you too
My media queue is first-in-first-out so I'm looking forward to watching all these recommended shows once I finish the remaining eight and a half seasons of Stargate.
7:06 PM
Shouty guy who was perpetually confused and angry about something.
Sounds like Tristan.
Just pretend his script said (angry, shouty, and confused) before each line of dialogue
Thanks for thinking that I'm smart enough to get confused. And/or thinking I still have enough emotions in me to get angry
@Kevin SGA?
Speaking of spoopy houses, I just finished House of Leaves
7:07 PM
that's even better than SG1
Lady Gaga and Liv Taylor were the only redeeming parts of that season.
'cause no more sand
@Kevin I don't recommend School Days by the way. Not only is it extremely uncomfortable and scummy as it follows a bad ending, but the art and acting are terrible. It's only worth it for the ending.
@AndrasDeak Atlantis will have to go to the back of the line. Doubly so because my library doesn't carry it.
@Kevin aww:(
SG:U is very dark and depressing, if they have that
7:08 PM
@MorganThrapp I thought lady gaga was awful. I think Evan Peters carried it whenever Liv wasn't.
might be too new?
@davidism Noted. I still need to watch Erased, incidentally. Definitely going to do it the next time I don't have a busy Sunday.
@tristan I thought Gaga was really good.
And Denis O'Hare (Liv Taylor) is just an amazing actor.
@tristan Eh, I enjoyed her performance. I thought her character was pretty dumb, but she did a good job with what she was given.
Well yeah exactly.
Given she isn't an actress I thought she did really well.
7:10 PM
does she have a good Poker Face?
My biggest complaint was that the whole season felt like Ryan Murphy going "LOLOLOL can you believe what they'll let me put on TV now?".
Erased was definitely good, for some reason people didn't like what happened near the end but I thought it made complete sense.
@AndrasDeak Eyyy : D
Not that he's ever subtle, but wow.
@Ffisegydd Fine fine, with "well, for a fine actress" and her only really being given a script that says "and then a sex happens", I'll agree she was alright
7:11 PM
What, you didn't love the constant blood/vampire orgies?
God that season was weird.
Like living near train tracks. They just become irritating noise in the background.
@Kevin Wayward Pines? Short but interesting. Well, season 1 is great, season 2 starts very rocky but it gathers a decent (although weird and confusing) ending
@tristan you don't even hear the noise
I'm re-watching Westworld now. It's so good.
It felt like they ran through a reading of the script and realized they were hours short on run time, so just deployed blood/vampire orgies to slow the pace of what little script they wrote.
I'm going to wait on Westworld and then binge.
7:13 PM
That's how I've felt about every season.
So many unresolved subplots.
@tristan NO! BAD!
Watch it now so we can discuss it in the Super Secret RO Room.
@Kevin please tell me you've seen all the new Hannibal series
Hannibal is so good.
The first 2 seasons of Hannibal were great.
7:14 PM
@AndrasDeak Nope. I watched Silence of the Lambs recently though.
I got lost during Season 3.
19 secs ago, by Ffisegydd
Hannibal is so good.
I was peripherally aware of that fact before, I think
bit philosophical/too psychological at times, but still, so good
S3 was weakest, but damn it was good anyway.
7:15 PM
@MorganThrapp Yeah, I think they probably just remind themselves that they're writing for TGI Fridays ads and not for the criterion collection
I bought Civ VI D:
It's better than V so far.
Remember to stay hydrated.
I still haven't played a lot of V (only 47 hours, so like...3 times)
I'm rubbish at strategy games, judging by my inability to beat Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, or chess.
Moving things through tessellated shapes just isn't my jam, it seems.
late-game Advance Wars gets hella hard
7:16 PM
You're not meant to beat chess, you're meant to beat your opponent.
With chess pieces.
I think you might be doing it wrong.
I thought the object was to fit as many pieces in your mouth as you can.
Times that I play chess: when bored on an airplane. Times that I stop playing chess: when the onboard chess game easily destroys me.
You can't even tech up or skill tree in chess. What a stupid game.
7:18 PM
Shown: A chess loser.
I declare this new chess rule tough yet fair
Maybe Knightmare Chess would be more your speed.
It is thought that white has an advantage over black in chess, as the taste of the extra lacquer on the latter is likely to make you dizzy.
@MorganThrapp Haha ! Nice : D
Chess meets the 1990s
7:22 PM
@randomhopeful It's very little like chess, but it's a ton of fun.
is there a way in vim to split the screen in to two and using one for coding and other one as a output screen
@MorganThrapp Ouh, that has to wait until testing : D But I can imagine the troll twists
@tristan how can i do that?
7:24 PM
Probably with some vim configuration, but this is the Python room.
@Ananthu ask a question on main or google. this is the python chatroom. for python programming discussion and discussion between the regulars
me using w !python
no, wim is different
Isn't that just vim with a russian keyboard?
7:31 PM
Oh, it's latin vim. Sorry
much better
7:57 PM
cabbage all
cbg wayne
dumb things: hot water heater issues
@Ananthu I use tmux for that
because eevee
I am watching Tmux tutorils :)
and they're right - tmux is sweet as heck
can u tell me the way to running the code in one and showing the result in another in tmux
8:02 PM
@tristan as an aside i wonder how many of us are in that sweet spot agewise that played that game during our formative years
@Ananthu here's my secret sauce:
@davidism howmany "how do i exit the program" questions are on that forum? :P
func! BindTest()
    call inputsave()
    let session = input('tmux target session:pane> ', ':1.1')
    let command = input('test command> ', 'py.test --cov')
    "let global = input('bind for all windows? ', 'y')
    call inputrestore()
    execute "nnoremap <cr> :w!<cr>:!tmux send-keys -t " . session . " \"" . command . "\" C-m<cr><cr>"
nnoremap <leader>st :call BindTest()<cr>
my leader is set to ``
wut is that monstrosity .... ?
it's glorious magicks
8:05 PM
you type \st in vim (for "start tests" or some mnemonic like that)
is this shell script?
That goes in your vimrc
You could do the same thing in anything else that can call a shell script
8:07 PM
man my skills in vim end at :wq!
or maybe just :wq ... now i cant even rememeber
The Most Important Bit™️ is the tmux send-keys -t :1.1 "do the thing" C-m part
C-m? sounds suspiciously like emacs
@JoranBeasley it was a little before my time
i just like the art style/picked it for an avatar for idk what reason. i first played it as a collection of retro games, maybe 5-8 years post-release
You mean Keen? I played that a lot as a kid, and we're almost of an age.
8:14 PM
@wim: you do keep finding the interesting corners of Python! :-D
then again, maybe propagation to the East plays a role
@MartijnPieters Yes, I collect "wats" ...
after all wat is the unit of programming power
@wim: and it is Decimal that got fixed, not complex.
See hg.python.org/cpython/file/3.5/Lib/_pydecimal.py#l6021, that's the Py3 version that converts values for comparison. It supports complex.
The Python 2 version does not.
When Decimals get fixed, don't you lose precision?
8:19 PM
Hey guys. Do you know of any good tutorials for numpy broadcasting in python?
(Python 3 added the _convert_for_comparison function to handle these kinds of exceptions especially).
@AndrasDeak received a bugfix... :-)
Right, so complex just returns NotImplemented and lets Decimal do the legwork?
8:20 PM
assuming complex is on the left side of the comparison
8:31 PM
@wim exactly.
>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> x = 0j
>>> y = Decimal('0')
>>> x.__eq__(y)
>>> y.__eq__(x)
(Python 3.6 beta 1)
is the broader topic "non-symmetric equality operator"?
@AndrasDeak try 0 == Decimal('0') == 0j in Python 2 and 3.
Then add those to a set for giggles.
What wim unearthed is that set literals actually add the elements in reverse order.
nice, thanks
at least 50 wats of power
(I'm not giving up)
is there an IPython equivalent to tkinter.filedialog.askopenfile? I'm starting to worry I'm going to need to wrap some convoluted javascript around an input call to make it work...
Are you using the notebook (Jupyter these days) or are you really using one of the IPython versions (console, QT, etc.)?
8:39 PM
using jupyter, but if you ideas for something else I'm open to ideas
I know I've seen upload widgets for Jupyter notebooks.
Googling is the best solution.
Oh, welcome back, Fizzy!
Working on a Flask app at work, spending my evening reading the sopython code trying to grok it
8:43 PM
I have a bunch of coding to do, but I also want to go to the gym. So: go for a few hours now, or code now and reward myself with a gym trip later? Decisions, decisions.
Heh -- I used the sopython code as an example myself when I wrote my first Flask app!
I wrote ffisegydd.com in Flask a long time ago, but this is much more complicated.
@Ffisegydd I've seen that but is it possible to stop execution until a file is selected?
@TadhgMcDonald-Jensen why did you ask for a generic solution when you already knew one existed?
..... maybe because I don't fully understand what I actually need...
idk, I'll think about it more
Well if you don't know what you need, I doubt we will either D:
8:48 PM
that would be my point, I will figure that out first then either find the solution or ask again with better MCVE
@Ffisegydd I sort of remember us talking about laptop bag Kickstarters a long time ago. Did you end up getting one? I think it's time for a new one.
@davidism Well I got my Everyday Messenger Bag. Truly the greatest bag ever made.
Expensive though.
That's a few grocery bills.
Depends how much gin you buy, but yes it is expensive.
8:53 PM
Yeah, that one looks really nice, but I think I want one that's slimmer. Can't really tell how bulky it is from the pictures though.
There's a reason it's won so many awards though
I got my current one for $40 five years ago when I started my job. It's a pretty narrow, basic laptop bag.
@davidism it goes very slim depending on what you pack in it, it expands/contracts easily.
@Ffisegydd thats quite expensive
brb a sec
8:54 PM
i bought an eastpack bag that has plenty of pockets for 80 euros
I just bought a new bag the other week because my last one was about to become unpatchably (sp?) weak. I spent 30$ or so, and I was annoyed at how expensive that was.
I think my EDM15" is maybe 2-3in deep at the "narrowest"
@DSM $30 bucks?
that seems like a decent price for a decent bag
$30? That's like £5.
9:01 PM
I really want to like LibreOffice, because it's FOSS and all that. But it has decided that the 3 values it's going to give me for a column that consists of "Divide this column by another one" and (TRUE, FALSE, #DIV/0). NONE OF THOSE ARE NUMBERS.
I wish there was an alternative to Excel, but seriously?
Just give in and use Excel pandas.
@MorganThrapp so excel would be better?
@Ffisegydd at that price range, why don't you get a tumi or a samsonite?
excel would give ?#ERR
@Games because this bag is nicer?
9:03 PM
I second the Tumi recommendation though
@Ffisegydd I am really happy with my Chrome messenger bag. I have this one
I use it for so many different things. Work, small weekends outings, daytrips with the kids.
carry on bag for the plane
@idjaw it holds clothes well without wrinkling shirts?
If you're good at folding :) (I suck at folding and I'm happy)
hmm, then thats pretty good
It expands nicely and you can adjust the bag to close pretty well.
I've really packed that thing. However, when I did pack clothes in there, I really did not care for their wrinkly state, because it was usually more like tshirt, jeans.
9:08 PM
In a Flask app, is there an obvious place to put shared Python services? Say I've got some logging code or database stuff that might need to be shared between multiple different blueprints (assume sopython for the layout).
I gotta say, though, Fizzy's bag is damn fine looking
In an Angular or Node app I'd just have a services directory, would that by...flaskonic?
I'm tired of gym-coroner-bag looking bags
Ah ok, I wondered what ext was meant to represent.
9:09 PM
Although nowadays I just omit the "ext" and put them in the base package.
well, my eastpak bag has a 30 year warranty
cbg all
so thats pretty good :D
i just can't find it on the internet
How long do you think we have to wait for that Trello post for the ROs to read it?
It's sort of ugly.
9:13 PM
this is close to mine, but mine is blue -> eastpak.com/oc-en/backpacks/shop-by/premium-c203/…
I have another bag that is more of a classical laptop/messenger bag like davidism's, but the site that carries it does not seem to have anything that resembles it anymore
I have to say, today's activity of writing bash unit tests for a bash_thing turned out to be pretty fun :D
Mine is a Wenger's backpack. It fulfilled 4 criteria: it is a backpack, it didn't break when I took it in my hand, it fits a shitload of stuff when needed and it was cheap.
who cares how does it look.
Well, not all of us are as handsome as you, Antti. So we need to make up for it with a good looking bag
: D So true
I don't have to be handsome either (that's why I've gained some kg since the avatar pic)
9:21 PM
Wenger seem to have some much needed wallets
Do some of you use bottle ?
You should ask your question without a preamble sopython.com/chatroom
Unless that's the actual question of course
it was more or less the actual question ;)
wondering which module you use for websites
9:29 PM
Don't worry Antti, it's on the list.
@davidism wow that's a bad page
It could definitely use some cleanup.
turbogears popular, my ass :D
turbogears is popular with your ass? ?___?
I used Bottle in the past and contributed a few patches to it, however I don't feel like using it ever again
9:32 PM
and pyramid is about as much full-stack as turbogears...
@Ffisegydd i was going to wait 48-72 hours or so, then go for it unless there was a strong response to the contrary
They updated the year in August (lol) github.com/bottlepy/bottle/commit/…
I'd like to do a simple chat room in Python using Bottle
+ something else, but I'm wondering
should I ues polling, long polling or websockets ?
This is pretty interesting : meta.stackexchange.com/questions/81078/… :)
This chat (the one here, yes!) uses simple polling!
re: bagchat: i have a nice leather messenger bag that i bought 6 (7?) years ago and use a laptop sleeve. i'm very happy with this choice and the bag has carried everything from freshly dug potatoes to microcontrollers over multiple continents.
The main file is stuck in 2015, come on github.com/bottlepy/bottle/blob/…
9:44 PM
@vaultah: still, it's working great, I use it in a past project
yeah, it works but it's being developed carelessly
@vaultah : how would you develop a chat room?
I mean in python
do you mean with native clients that are written in python or with JS?
@tristan client in web browser in JS
using AJAX maybe?
server in Python
I'd use asyncio and websockets, for the purpose of learning
9:49 PM
@vaultah Have any feelings about what's on Trello?
that's a good suggestion (async + websockets)
@davidism holy shit, people still use turbo gears?
@GamesBrainiac no they don't
i'd never heard of it
@tristan thats cuz you're a n00b, and we're all batmen.
9:53 PM
I did use it some time ago, it never gets anywhere.
@GamesBrainiac that's probably true.
it is like "oh we start turbogears 3 using these libraries", then all those underlying libs die...
9:54 PM
then ... "oh we announce turbogears 4.0"
> If you are using Python 2.4, such as on RHEL 5, see Python 2.4 Installation
good to know
@idjaw the turbogears 2.0 used Pylons under it; Pylons was pretty much replaced by Pyramid...
i like pyramid
i think its rather underrated
so instead of them embracing Pyramid, or staying on Pylons they went for yet-another-stack...
9:58 PM
YaS they did
that should have been their slogan
I'm here all night.
I'd like to thank this year's flu vaccine for a two day headache and muscle aches.
rbrb @AndrasDeak
10:30 PM
@tristan sounds like the flu ;)
TFW you go through and mark all the failing tests with @pytest.mark.skip
10:55 PM
hey JRS
hey tristan
I haven't been around much, lots of teaching. What's occurring? Any juicy happenings?
evening cabbage, J Richard
For my part: none, really. Just doing a lot of web dev/mostly javascript. How about you?
You've changed colour, I see.
11:04 PM
Halloween costume. This is about the level of effort I can give right now :P
only juice in my neck of the woods is lack of hot water juice, because our pilot light assembly died :rageface:
I'm mainly teaching 1st years that are either terrified of university maths, or bored by it.
@WayneWerner :(
at least it's still under warranty
That's something, I guess.
so far 2 days of something :P
cold showers aren't much fun
11:06 PM
Indeed not
2 days of no hot water is enough to make anyone rage.
and a few more left to go
because none of the shops around here have the part in stock
you don't like dancing around in the shower, trying to only get hit by the amount of water required to clean you?
not so much. It's somewhat refreshing... definitely fuels one with adrenalilne
TGIWR (Thank Goodness I Work Remote)
why not put the water in a bucket and allow it to come up to room temperature?
to bathe the kids my wife actually put the kettle on. i think it took her 4 loads of boiling water to bring the tub (at about 3" deep) up to almost warm enough
11:12 PM
you're a gentleman :)
yeah, that works. putting the water in the tub in advance is just a bit more eco-friendly
Ah misread that, thought you were boiling the kettle for your wife, but actually her for the kids.
i hope he's not boiling her for the kids
You're not a gentleman :D
11:13 PM
@tristan That would be the worst, I agree
tristan's joke strategies: ["puns", "dangling participles", "TODO add more strategies"]
anyhoo - bedtime. Night rhubarb, nice to pop in.
heya @thefourtheye
11:57 PM

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