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2:44 AM
Any other ROs mind if I pin an advertisement for the comp sci educators beta when it goes public in a week or so?
1 hour later…
7 hours later…
11:26 AM
Wayne's running channel, more info is better is say :)
11:48 AM
Good morning rails chat
2 hours later…
2:17 PM
hihi, how's your Friday?
Thursday? You got me all excited
(just checked calendar...ugh...)
Indeed... one more day left =\
i'm doing 90+ hours on schedule this week so it's all a blur for me
really thought it was Friday
2:22 PM
with 90+ you should at least get friday off then ;)
Yea, I would make a terrible manager hehe
2:59 PM
@thesecretmaster I think it's better as a star than a pin--I see pins as for stuff that's important for Ruby or for the room. But, realistically, this is a quiet room and it would do no harm to pin it. Your call.
@Jared 90 hours is not good for a project, most of the time. You'd make a great manager by putting a stop to that.
I'll be sure to put that on my resume for when I move up to management ;)
"Stopped team from working persistent overtime, simultaneously increasing code quality and decreasing turnover."
3:41 PM
i was auditing a stanford course for programming - quit because I couldn't be bothered to learn yet another fake language...i'm trying to stay under 30 for this last 9 months
(i'm counting all tech's with their own dsl here - just so no one thinks i'm bragging)
Fake language?
Do you recall what the fake language was?
I like their review summaries - didn't realize ford paid for 6 days a week
sec - i'll see if I can get in via edx
I'd say programming knowledge is language agnostic
Since it's largely problem solving
Anyone can learn a syntax, not everyone can build a website
@Mirv Feels embarrassed about writing my own DSL
3:52 PM
Good programming is always, in a sense, creating a DSL (almost always an internal DSL).
NO! It's not negative fake
I'm sorry - I didn't mean to be insulting to anyone
I mean as in they made their own language
I'm not insulting
People make a living off of fake languages
Look at php developers
Beginning Student Language (BSL).
3:52 PM
I don't think anyone was insulted. I'm not.
My first language was quick basic
I like how MIT starts out with LISP. Go MIT!
The short version of the take is I was on in standford, some oneline only school course & a berkley doing audits....the guy in the standord one was all like, we wrote our own language to represent every programming language you'll ever deal with ... at which point I was like, "nope" I need skills this year - not in 4 years when I can finally start learning ruby or c++
@Mirv Is it this one?
Looks like ... lisp?
3:54 PM
Yeah, it's a SCHEME variant.
SCHEME is in the LISP family.
This is the opposite of what I was imagining when he said fake language lol
I don't know if that's the one @Mirv means.
@thesecretmaster Anyhow, if you want to go the star-route, I would star it for you (since you can't star your own messages). If you want to go the pin route, you have the power.
No idea - didn't go that far into it - was into the second week barely installed the complile - sec i'll get the name
OK. Expect a message about it in a week or 2, when it goes public.
runs on dr. racket
(i'm not saying it's a crap language - just they were telling me upfront I couldn't make a living off it)
4:05 PM
Racket (formerly PLT Scheme) is a general purpose, multi-paradigm programming language in the Lisp-Scheme family. One of its design goals is to serve as a platform for language creation, design, and implementation. The language is used in a variety of contexts such as scripting, general-purpose programming, computer science education, and research. The platform provides an implementation of the Racket language (including a sophisticated run-time system, various libraries, JIT compiler, and more) along with a development environment called DrRacket (formerly named DrScheme) written in Racket itself...
ah, so anyone who writes a language can run it via racket - got it
You can't make a living off of it, except for the professors :)
To be fair, I don't think many people make a living off of the language they learned at school
@Mirv I don't think that Racket is a general purpose runtime, if that's what you mean.
I learned assembly/c/c++ - not saying i retained it all - but probably could have made a better living if I hadn't gotten distracted
4:09 PM
I retain nothing, and live in documentation
roger @ wayne - also on a subject change ... I'm auditing this one before I goto their advanced, just so I have something for my resume ... what do you guys think? courses.edx.org/courses/course-v1:BerkeleyX+CS169.1x+1T2017SP/…
Is it... free?
I can't say whether it's a good course or not, but I like the subject matter.
I agree with wayne
Yes, it's free to audit & there's a test to get your certificate after if you pass or you can pay upfront
it's the first one of two courses with a certificate test - normally i'd skip the beginner one by now, but i just want this on my resume .... courses.edx.org/dashboard/programs/…
4:13 PM
I don't know about certificates, just thought the syllabus looked okay
yea, I wanted an issuer with a name people would know & it's a bonus that this course is Agile w/rails
When I'm reviewing a job candidate, I put the most stock in job experience with a technology. Second most is hobby/self-teaching. Third most is certificates. Certificates do count for me, but they're pretty far down the list. For a Junior candidate who hasn't had the chance to get the on-the-job experience, they show a willingness to learn.
except w3schools certs, which have negative weight
There's a muddy line between self-teaching and certificate, of course. They kind of blend together.
@JanDvorak :D
4:19 PM
The art in the Adobe HQ reminds me of audio tatoo's time.com/4781519/tattoo-plays-audio , dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3059048/…
I wish more companies took a more vibrant approach, most things here are black and white walls with cubicles..hate it
It's a Portal-themed decoration
@Mirv yes I saw that! interesting stuff
Yea @WayneConrad I feel about the same - I've been ccna x 2, a+ lifetime, mcdba, mcse etc ... I met guys like me who could move images, disassemble anything & get it working again, then met guys can't plug servers into a rack or hook up the kvm to install windows
(certs are relatively worthless, except they show effort like college classes for poor people)
as I pour over the photos without reading the text of the message - I think, "look at all that wasted space...wish I could ride someone else's law teams to riches on the copyright road too"
4:56 PM
Are we pretending adobe doesn't make good software?
made good software in the 90's no doubt!
(back before other people entered the market they were the Word, now there's alternatives for 1/4th the cost in submarkets of their software that in half the cases I've seen far surpass the functionality of adobe, but a few years later adobe will incorporate those good ideas & continue plodding along)
oh man, trouble shooting this rails api with json guide ... found 2 typo's so far, but in fixing them I accidentally nixed the rspec tests somehow (forgot which step) & so nothing gets tested...I really need to start git pushing every step
5:13 PM
Google maps is so inconsistent, the geocoder and reverse geocoder gives different locations..this is a headache
5:28 PM
are you using cordova?
not at all
what's your setup like?
(if you have time that is)
just making a basic web app using the rails gem gmaps4rails that relies on accuracy, the thing is when a user enters an address google doesn't place the marker at the correct place. I allow the user to drag and drop the marker at a specific location and get the lat and lon from a hidden field and reverse geocode it then use that address in the gem
is it an value overflow issue?
hmmm not sure, only thing I can put it down to is that Google doesn't have 100% info about my country so all the APIs are basically wonky which is understandable
5:38 PM
(I always wanted to do a board game app on a custom googlemap, so I'm more than a bit interested)
interesting, have you tested it against the google hq in silicone valley?
just to see if it's a country/data issue
No I haven't, I should to make sure
let me know! do you host public repo's?
(i'm looking to learn - not really much beyond the beginner stage)
but I think I found a better solution, just use javascript and loop through the lat and lon values using embedded ruby instead of relying on address
no I don't sorry
is it something you could shove in json to serialize?
hmm I could but is there any true added benefit from just pulling from the db
5:46 PM
just good encapsulation & flexibility so far as I know
i figure you are going to use javascript at the end user app anyways of course
true will look into it, time to redo my entire logic -_-
sadfacing, but happy hacking
(or goodluck)
haha thanks! man the things I could develop if we had street view here
maybe one day
where is here...and why can't you get out there with the camera or develop the stuff for location somewhere with the streetview?
6:03 PM
man - I just keep realizing how different ruby & rails are ... I keep reading you shouldn't really ever need a switch/if statement in rails - it's codesmell. Then I go back to some of the basics in ruby & here's this awesome case, when, then structure ...
that would be a looooot of work lol my friend and I tried doing a 'street view' map for our university to make finding classes easier
needless to say it wasn't continued due to the level of work for just a team of 2
oh yea - but how cool would it be to do the 'quick & dirty streetview' ala DND/mud/larp style with only 4 directional pictures taken and served on a carousel?
(n, s, e, w) ... anyone?
would be cool! we had an idea of adding a 360 degree view of each classroom..ohh to be young and naive computer science students
might be a project to just create the uploader on a webpage and allow students to tag their geoposition or read it via the metadata (if they have gps turned on) & let the courdsourcing fill it in?
then maybe carousal before on coordinate points within a certain distance?
lol that would make more sense instead of us walking around xD
crowdsourcing sometimes can be a hit and miss
6:19 PM
definitely & with college students I'm sure you're going to get a bunch of NSFW type situations involving alcohol/drugs/nudity/animals
so probably for the best...
yes! that leads me to another point, in the app I'm building how do I prevent NSFW posts without having to go through all of them
not even facebook has that down
right...okcupid crowd sources, the images that get reported are referred to a voting system...it prioritizes certain categories of reported offenses to come up first ...but once again, are your users bored or not
filtering all of that out is best done with some Machine Learning, but that requires a ton of training data, but there are always ways to game the system
I heard the ibm matching one is really good & plugs in very easily as a service, dontpay uses them
yes I was thinking about machine learning after seeing that silicon valley hotdog episode but yes training will be time consuming
maybe a scare tactic could work "posts are screened and details logged for quality" lol
nice solutions indeed, found it funny that they had examples and was expecting to see nudes lol
6:49 PM
I'd go permissive myself, photo doesn't go up till a human or AI says its cool
and just keep track of what humans do and then use that as data for your future robot overlord
2 hours later…
8:35 PM
mysql's syntax error messages are spectacularly unhelpful.
...check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4
Oh, near the empty string? That narrows things down. Thanks mysql.
line 4 :-D
Yeah. Still not helpful.
anything before?
CREATE TRIGGER del_tbl_smartpanel_user BEFORE DELETE ON
tbl_smartpanel_user FOR EACH ROW
  INSERT INTO deletions(table_name)
ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 14: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4
The first line (CREATE TRIGGER) is line 14.
What I'm doing now is adding junk to the statement to try to bisect the location of the actual error.
Aha. That insert statement is OK outside of the trigger. So It must be something about the trigger.
I wonder why MYSQL is letting me insert NULL into a non-nullable column. What a confounding beast it is.
My NON NULL columns are being created as nullable. And it's inserting a blank string into the unspecified columns instead of NULL anyhow.
I don't like mysql, nope.
9:11 PM
Note to self. Keep my databases simple
"I don't always use SQL databases, but when I do, I use PostgreSQL" -- The Most Interesting Programmer In the World
Is PG that nice? My work is Oracle/MSSQL/MySQL =\
Oracle is awful by any measure. MsSql is acceptable, but very expensive. MySql works, but it's quirky. PostgreSQL works very well, with fewer strange quirks than the others.
Yea, our MySQL is the go-to unless you're mission critical as its 'free'
MySQL is the PHP of relational databases.
9:21 PM
It isn't that bad...
I'm not saying it's bad. I'm saying that its defining characteristic is a kind of disregard of strict correctness that makes getting started easier. Like PHP.
(I took care of that stray ' before it drove @JanDvorak crazy)
Thanks :-)
The hole digger provided with MySQL rivals that of PHP
got it
Cool. I have a working trigger calling a stored proc. The magic sauce was, for no apparent reason, to surround trigger and stored proc definitions with DELIMITER $$.....$$ sugar.
Because why make things simple?
10:12 PM
@WayneConrad LOL! I used to use those quotes all the time...love the one where he shoo's the tiger off the kitchen counter! :)
MySQL has been really good to me, I hated MSSQL7 & '03 ... MS SQL '07 wasn't horrible as it finally adopted some of the nice stuff MySQL had since '99 (my years might be a bit off).
...though the errors in MYSQL are absolute trash, MS SQL is way better in that aspect across the board
ouch Wayne...did you inherit that codebase?
What languages did syntax sugar originally?
The databases I'm working with are all legacy, yes.
In computer science, syntactic sugar is syntax within a programming language that is designed to make things easier to read or to express. It makes the language "sweeter" for human use: things can be expressed more clearly, more concisely, or in an alternative style that some may prefer. For example, many programming languages provide special syntax for referencing and updating array elements. Abstractly, an array reference is a procedure of two arguments: an array and a subscript vector, which could be expressed as get_array(Array, vector(i,j)). Instead, many languages provide syntax like Array...
10:38 PM
ooOOooo lambda calculus sounds pretty cool...no wonder they invented syntactic sugar :)
I've never aliased my git shell...am I a complete nub to just use autocomplete?
I don't even use the commandline for git
My need for productivity outweighed my need for internet cred
@Cereal thank god! I type it as I use cloud9 for almost everything so I can't use the git app on that, but I manage my repo's via the windows thing or use the github page to do alot of stuff versus cat'ing or tail'ing my repo files
but like pushing commits or getting latest version & rebase, I'm cmdline (thanks wayne, i never used to use rebase)
Last week, I was worried I wouldn't get a job because I didn't feel comfortable enough to toss bash & vim on my resume.
(pretty much due to reading internet posts from people)
I use sourcetree for anything other than pushing/pulling, which I just use my ide for. Sourcetree has the benefit for letting me use repos on network shares without a headache
Hey ... I found the watson AI thing from earlier today @the_islander

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