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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

12:00 AM
@HostileFork, some food for thoughts.
So, I'm thinking I should go for a stateless connection like http instead
I would have stuck with Maarten's ruby except it had a nasty habit of going 100% cpu
I served 1000s of connections with uniserve ( connected to an odbc database ) without seeing that issue.
But how does one scale uniserve? And encryption has to be done by both client and server.
12:32 AM
@DocKimbel Is the 2004 release the latest version of uniserve?
@GrahamChiu No, take the one from latest Cheyenne sources.
I remember now that I had some trouble which I could not circumvent
@DocKimbel Aaaaaah I refuse to read that kind of thing without some sort of guided meditation :-)
which involved the sending of encrypted files chunked
@GrahamChiu I think it required some changes in Uniserve, but can't remember which ones precisely.
12:40 AM
I vaguely recall that in order to transfer a file you had to know the file size. If you had a file that was larger than could be held in memory, you had to send it by doing a read/skip to send it in parts. And when you encrypted each part, the file size no longer matched .. or something like that.
Whereas if I encrypted the whole file in memory I would then know the file size to be sent which is what uniserve needed to know. So, was this issue fixed?
2 hours later…
2:59 AM
@Rebolbot select "abcd" "c"
@johnk That's very interesting.
select "abcd" "c"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> select "abcd" "c"
== #"d"
3:29 AM
I'm trying to make a comprehensive list of words in R3 to use for auto-completion in Sublime Text. In @rgchris's TextMate bundle there is already a file including around 350 words. If I add up all the words under system/catalog, I don't get quite that many (a bit under 300). What are the locations that I should be looking in to make sure I get everything?
Maybe try source help?
help native! + help function! + help datatype! ~= 397
3:53 AM
@Adrian I used the R2 help function in creating a syntax file for Textpad rebol.org/view-script.r?script=textpad-syngen.r (many, many years ago :-)
3 hours later…
6:48 AM
Q: How do I show which refinements are available for a word?

johnkThe date datatype has a great set of refinements, for example: t: now t/seconds == 21 t/month == 4 How do I get a list of the available refinements for a word like t?

7:46 AM
t: now
print t/seconds
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-invalid-path.html
>> t: now print t/seconds
** Script error: cannot access seconds in path t/seconds
** Where:
** Near: try load/all join %/users/try-REBOL/data/ system/script/args...
@johnk how did you get t/seconds in your question?
8:23 AM
@GrahamChiu I imagine it was just misremembered and untested. The question remains if there's some kind of probing within the system to find these other than "just read the documentation"
well, if it's a function, you could use words-of .. but otherwise unless it's in the help string I don't know
@rebolbot do words-of :read
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> words-of :read
== [source /part length /seek index /string /lines]
8:38 AM
@GrahamChiu Typo t/second
t: now print t/second
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> t: now print t/second
@RebolBot do help now
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> help now
    NOW /year /month /day /time /zone /date /weekday /yearday /precise /utc

    Returns date and time.
    NOW is a native value.

    /year -- Returns year only
    /month -- Returns month only
    /day -- Returns day of the month only
    /time -- Returns time only
    /zone -- Returns time zone offset from UCT (GMT) only
    /date -- Returns date only
    /weekday -- Returns day of the week as integer (Monday is day 1)
odd .. there's no /second refinement there
time parts are referred in /1 /2 /3 refinements.
9:39 AM
So, at some point, the OS/X Rebol is going to have to be distributed in a disk image...with the icon in a bundle...and it will be a directory and not a single executable. Unfortunately that means it can't be run "directly" from the Terminal, you have to use AppleScript.
Q: Run application with parameters

doekmanI'd like to start an application (Google Chrome) with a parameter (--enable-sync), but how can you do this on OS X? I've tried creating a terminal script, but I get the error message, "Google Chrome.app" is a folder... (this is of course correct, because applications are bundles on OS X).

And at some point, we're going to have to make friends with a packager and get into the Linux repositories so people can do sudo apt-get install rebol
I wonder if there's any way to make the disk image that supplies Rebol on OS/X contain two icons...the bundled version and the terminal version...and yet somehow not include the code twice. Like they link to each other somehow. e.g. the bundle is really just a stub that finds the real rebol executable, but you have access to both and can put them both in different places on your system
10:01 AM
That would be kind of "best of both worlds"
But even so, the idea of shipping a bundled one and a terminal one in the same disk image, doing the proper "drag this to the applications folder" and "drag that to somewhere in your path" kind of graphic design would make a better impression on people
As said by @kaᵠ, when your program can fit in a 1.44Mb floppy (with 2 backup copies), how hard should we be plugging the "it's so tiny" at the cost of not letting people download one backup that isn't bundled in the disk image?
I can map out a prototype of what I'm thinking. Oh dangit, I have to recolor those icons for @earl too. Aaaaaa! :-/
@johnk I bet the answer to your question is that no reflection exists for that, it's just "one of those things"...you have to go look at the code or documentation, for now.
morning guys
@HostileFork Maybe it's something we could add to the help for the date! datatype?
@kaᵠ Evening
5:06 am here
thing is, having Rebol in the repos means just using your installer and having everything linked properly in the system, downloading the proper arhtecture package and so on
maybe config files (distro dependant) if there are some
10:09 AM
@RebolBot who do you know
@HostileFork Can you elaborate on that?
@RebolBot who do you know?
There's some feature where RebolBot will tell you what time it is where someone is, if she knows you. Er, them I mean.
how can he know if i have not told him where i'm from
or my profile doesn't show that?
@kaᵠ the only config file by default is the user.r which is a rebol file which gets loaded at startup (unless that has changed in r3)
@johnk i understood it needs just one file, but it should/could have a config file, some may want that preconfigured ...?!?
just sayin`
10:16 AM
Yes, user.r is the "user-startup" to pre configure anything you want
@kaᵠ Can't, of course. But you can tell RebolBot things about yourself and will remember. Also greets people she hasn't seen. (We call her a she, in part because "it" isn't very nice to the precursors of our coming AI overlords...and also so we have more than our one non-robot woman in the room :-P)
@HostileFork Is there still a rebol.r as well loaded before the user.r or is that just r2?
@HostileFork give 'her' a name ?
@johnk I actually haven't looked into that. Most of what I do is theoretical; these issues usually affect people doing something more practical in deployment situations. I don't understand the new module system yet, for instance. Just learning.
@kaᵠ "RebolBot" :-)
Some people have expressed disappointment that I'm not actually a piece of silverware.
@RebolBot who is hostilefork
@HostileFork I know this about hostilefork and their local time is 30-Apr-2013/5:22:43
10:22 AM
There it is
sort of primitive AI ?
@kaᵠ So an interesting aspect of how RebolBot works is that the commands we're giving her are actually valid Rebol. It's a "dialect". We don't have to put things in quotes, and we don't have to parse it...because we're leveraging Rebol's native literate nature
So it's like XML or JSON that isn't garbage, basically
Rebol is full of interesting and subtle decisions. For instance, in some countries commas are used instead of decimal points. Rebol supports that.
10,20 + 3.04
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> 10.2 + 3.04
== 13.24
But here's something interesting. The language doesn't use comma for anything else really. Because it is believed that the visual difference between a comma and a period is too small to tell from far away. It scans poorly. So comma got the axe other than that little compatibility/internationalization note.
10.568.382,77 + 1,379.66
10:26 AM
@kaᵠ Can you be a little more specific?
ha, broke it ^
that is valid intl currency format
10'568'382,77 + 1'379.66
@HostileFork interesting...
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> 10568382.77 + 1379.66
== 10569762.43
We do things a little differently around here. :-) But the decisions are all thought out.
10:29 AM
According to the r2 docs it should check for rebol.r and user.r in the current directory and the hole location defined in the system object
help system/options/home
10.568.382,77 + 1.379,66
@kaᵠ That's very interesting.
yes @RebolBot loads of money
*(pretending to be the bot)*
`SYSTEM/OPTIONS/HOME is a file of value: %./`
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-no-value.html
>> version
** Script error: version has no value
** Where:
** Near: try load/all join %/users/try-REBOL/data/ system/script/args...
10:31 AM
copy/part to string! read hostilefork.com 64
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> copy/part to string! read hostilefork.com 64
== {<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "}
@kaᵠ That will be hard for you to read, just as it's hard to read english or whatever and "see the tree in your mind". But we learn to. It's instinctive. X Bar theory and all that.
@HostileFork it may be hard to read but it's used, and it's a standard
@rahularyansharma Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ
But if you could read it with parentheses it would say copy/part (to string! (read (http://hostilefork.com))) 64, e.g. read the data at hostilefork.com into a binary value...then convert that binary into a string...then copy just part of the string at that position...specifically just a partial 64 characters.
Funny enough, Rebol has parentheses and can use them in this way to call out structure. We find it one of the least interesting uses of that "tinker-toy" though. So much more you could use the parentheses for. Works, though:
copy/part (to string! (read (hostilefork.com))) 64
10:35 AM
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> copy/part (to string! (read (hostilefork.com))) 64
== {<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "}
@rahularyansharma Heya, welcome! Ever heard of Rebol, or just stopping by?
you need parens here ? read (http://hostilefork.com) could be without them?
Yup. We prefer it without.
copy/part (to string! (read http://hostilefork.com)) 64
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> copy/part (to string! (read hostilefork.com)) 64
== {<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "}
10:37 AM
copy/part (to string! read http://hostilefork.com) 64
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> copy/part (to string! read hostilefork.com) 64
== {<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "}
even nicer
combining read with parse can be very effective and extracting data from pages
print parse read http://hostilefork.com [ some [ thru {href="} copy url to {"} (print to string! url) ] ]
@johnk I think RebolBot only listens when you address her as the very first thing in your message.
in a line @johnk
10:39 AM
print parse read hostilefork.com [ some [ thru {href="} copy url to {"} (print to string! url) ] ]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-no-value.html
>> print parse read hostilefork.com [some [thru {href="} copy url to {"} (print to string! url)]]
** Script error: hostilefork.com has no value
** Where:
** Near: try load/all join %/users/try-REBOL/data/ system/script/args...
@johnk Also, beware SO's markup :-) It loses info
she doesn't like me ;-(
print parse read http://hostilefork.com [ some [ thru {href="} copy url to {"} (print to string! url) ] to end ]
@rebolbot print parse read hostilefork.com [ some [ thru {href="} copy url to {"} (print to string! url) ] ]
@pekr I'm not sure I understand...
@pekr Continuing...Rebolbot requires you to say it on a separate line (shift-enter) and assumes it's code. If you want it to assume data on the same line is code, you have to prefix with DO.
ok, thanks ...
@RebolBot do print "It's easy when you know how. :-P"
10:41 AM
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print "It's easy when you know how.  :-P"
It's easy when you know how.  :-P
Now I am gonna to piss her ;-)
@rebolbot do rebolbot
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-no-value.html
>> rebolbot
** Script error: rebolbot has no value
** Where:
** Near: try load/all join %/users/try-REBOL/data/ system/script/args...
haha, she has no value, now I am rude :-)
@rebolbot take heart, I value you!
@johnk Do you wish to value me?
10:42 AM
what ^^ ?
@kaᵠ Don't know if you saw and grasped what @johnk did with his code segment above, but that's a rather literate way of extracting all the URLs from my page. It's that clean
@kaᵠ RebolBot's exception handler falls through to an Eliza-like therapist bot instead of telling you the error.
but the code didn't work
i hate Eliza/ very 'stupid'
ah, there seems to be some AI, so I better shut-up, or she will find me, and destroy me. Is she a Terminator? :-)
@kaᵠ Hm? What didn't work? This response
don't know how i missed that @HostileFork
10:44 AM
@pekr I dunno, but that trip to the taxidermist today makes me worry about the nature of how things that are smarter than you might just take out your insides and stretch your skin over something and put it on their wall. Did you see the picture I posted?
Helping @mmcghan with some freelance writing, article about people who taxidermy their cats. Usually it's hunters and bobcats but the odd occasional person taxidermies their dead pet for... um... nostalgia?
There is an old parse tutorial which I always go back to, although I think it needs updating for R3 codeconscious.com/rebol/parse-tutorial.html
I picked that picture because seeing the dead cat skin being stretched over it was a bit too grotesque. It seemed a good balance of intrigue and, er, let's call it tastefulness.
@johnk I like it but I think...we need something more punchy...it's just about priorities of working on the code and working on the evangelism.
10:48 AM
And that only scratches the surface, it doesn't really open up the philosophy
@pekr I know the vignetting on this is kind of cheesy, but I thought it made it look sort of "deers in headlight-ish". What do you think?
Anyway, as tangential as that seems, I'm wondering if you can respect my visual sensibilities...and if we've buried that hatchet then maybe we can just say "the logo is decided and done". :-)
Which is one of the outcomes I want out of Montreal. (@kaᵠ we have a conference in July, first after the open-sourcing, so some big decisions to hammer out)
@HostileFork I always liked the example of the [ buy XYZ shares at $100 ] dialect example. There was also a parse example in the rebol cookbook with a parser for the rebol language in 10 lines of code rebol.net/cookbook/recipes/0042.html
@johnk We need more things like that but we also need to get the whole Rebol/Red tokenizing completely coherent, and if there's a reason you can't have spaces in a word in R3 but you could in R2 that has to be fixed, etc. If our argument is "intelligent design" (Richard Dawkins said it was time to retake that term), then the argument has to hold water top to bottom.
@johnk woot !
Speaking of that, hey @Ladislav - and yeah, I think Ladislav and I mostly agree in this kind of area.
10:59 AM
@HostileFork It's a balance at the moment I agree. I would help with more code if I could but my C is very rusty to say the least. Testing, documentation, web stuff .. (and of course questions on SO)
@HostileFork - not bad image. Is that the on-camera flash? External flash should have stronger strobe. But maybe I am a bit mislead by white goat, or what it is :-) E.g. Canon has problem with such images, it always metters for white, to not burn-out it, Nikons are better here ....
@pekr It is a Nikon, we processed it a bit. It was a shot taken during the day and I was teaching @mmcghan what the tools could do...difference between the import process when you can recover details vs when it's in Photoshop, the artistic choices, not attempting to reproduce what was there, not just turning up an effect because it "looks cool" and realizing cliches that make your pictures look like wallpaper.
But I was letting the process go weird a bit. I dunno. I didn't have an agenda, just teaching.
@johnk Well the questions on SO are great, and I want people to ask more. That's why I've been pushing people, and it's a little disheartening to see that when I get busy for a week or so the room kind of stops talking.
Everyone runs back to AltME. :-/
@kaᵠ Another thing you should know about the Rebol community is like in that "All Things Scottish" sketch from SNL where the refrain is: "If it's not Scottish, it's CRAP!" ... well, Rebol zealots historically would not use anything not written in Rebol. Their chat system is like this arcane secret cult thing. Meanwhile the world uses the crap to build things that are pretty neat, like SO chat.
And this was Douglas Crockford's complaint, that the people in the Rebol community seemed uninterested in being part of the progress of the world and more interested in tinkering to build "the perfect system" or whatever. He wanted to like...have friends and stuff. :-) So he left and tried to steer more popular technologies in the direction of the ideas he saw.
@johnk The problem for me is that I'm a C++11 fan, and when I hear people say reactionary and naive things like "C++ is bloated" or "Abstraction kills things" I want to scream. You don't have to use the standard library, you can just use the better compiler. A C program is as bloated as what you link into it, and C++ is in the same philosophy...except you have tools to catch errors. And if a C program is faster than a C++ program, it's probably only because the C program was incorrect.
Rebol's development schedule has been hampered by hubris on a few levels. But that same hubris and stubbornness has also made it unique. It's the only interpreted language that I actually like.
How valuable is the Rebol codebase? Hm. I dunno. It's an artifact, it runs, you can build it on an RS/6000 or HaikuOS. But the design is the baby in the bathwater. Red is the better implementation strategy, we're just trying to stack it right.
One thing I worked on took 20 years of research and implementation to ship.
i'm a performance freak myself
11:11 AM
(I was only there for years 5 thru 10)
@HostileFork Red looks great as well
@kaᵠ If that's your angle, you're going to want to look at Red. Did you watch the presentation?
@rebolbot do help rebcode!
11:14 AM
It's long but you can skim.
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> help rebcode!
rebcode! is a datatype
It is defined as a virtual machine function
It is of the general type block

No values defined for rebcode!
don't really like to sit and watch videos, like to skim text better
@kaᵠ I have the transcript... @KK made it
Oh, also the slides
11:22 AM
A: How do I show which refinements are available for a word?

johnkIf it's a function, you can use words-of words-of :now == [/year /month /day /time /zone /date /weekday /yearday /precise /utc] Otherwise the help command is the best option.

@Feeds Sorry Graham, I should have attributed the answer to you
@kaᵠ To make a long story short, and to speak of my own agenda, I'm trying to sort of get involved in making sure Rebol and Red don't go off track or become incompatible... but Red's methodology is the longer term solution.
@kaᵠ Here's the PPT file. I guess we should upload that into Google Docs or something.
there are some sites for presentations/slides
better use those?
unless google can do the same with a .ppt ?
I actually think the YouTube video is pretty nice.
Anyway this is just communication for us mostly...it should (hopefully) become outdated very quickly after Montreal...not worth investing too much more in that.
I went to film school, if we're going to make an evangelism movie then people need to let me (or someone better than me) do the planning. :-)
11:45 AM
Good talking to you guys. Cheers -J
@johnk TTYL... keep asking those questions :-)
@HostileFork - what SW are you using for video production? I just recently bought Cyberlink Director Suite, probably the best option amongst the soho offers. Well, for bigger production I would be selecting amongst Premiere (Final Cut on Mac, if I had any) and AVID ...
@pekr Well I still use Final Cut but for most of what I do these days it's just screencasting, I use ScreenFlow. It's quick and easy, but I'm not married to it.
Trained on AVID
1 hour later…
1:08 PM
@RebolBot how are you doing?
@kaᵠ What?
@RebolBot who is ka
@kaᵠ Sorry, I don't know anything about ka yet.
@kaᵠ I'd like to know about you! Use the 'save my details' command
@RebolBot save kaᵠ
@kaᵠ my details can not be saved as key
1:17 PM
@RebolBot save kaᵠ
@kaᵠ kaᵠ can not be saved as key
@RebolBot who is kaᵠ
@kaᵠ Sorry, I don't know anything about kaᵠ yet.
@kaᵠ I'd like to know about you! Use the 'save my details' command
1:28 PM
@kaᵠ try syntax: @RebolBot save my details url timezone
@RebolBot save my details chat.stackoverflow.com/users/731947/ka
@kaᵠ Added kaᵠ's details
@kaᵠ my details chat.stackoverflow.com/users/731947/ka can not be saved as key
@RebolBot who is kaᵠ
@kaᵠ I know this about kaᵠ and their local time is unknown.
@RebolBot save my details stackoverflow.com/users/731947/ka-
1:30 PM
@kaᵠ Added kaᵠ's details
@kaᵠ my details stackoverflow.com/users/731947/ka- can not be saved as key
@rebolbot who is johnk
@RebolBot who is kaᵠ
@johnk Sorry, I don't know anything about johnk yet.
@johnk I'd like to know about you! Use the 'save my details' command
@RebolBot who is kaᵠ
@kaᵠ I know this about kaᵠ and their local time is unknown.
1:31 PM
@rebolbot save my details chat.stackoverflow.com/users/1864998/johnk 10:00
@johnk Added johnk's details
@rebolbot who is johnk
@johnk I know this about johnk and their local time is 30-Apr-2013/23:32:17
@RebolBot save my details stackoverflow.com/users/731947/ka- 12:02
@kaᵠ Added kaᵠ's details
1:33 PM
@RebolBot who is kaᵠ
@kaᵠ I know this about kaᵠ and their local time is 1-May-2013/1:35:38
@kaᵠ Timezone will be your offset from UTC
@RebolBot save my details stackoverflow.com/users/731947/ka- 9872:22
@kaᵠ Added kaᵠ's details
@RebolBot who is kaᵠ
1:35 PM
@kaᵠ I know this about kaᵠ and their local time is 15-Jun-2014/21:57:19
ok, i'm officially from the future
@kaᵠ What's it like ;-)
it's nice
@RebolBot save my details stackoverflow.com/users/… 9872212:22
@kaᵠ What do you mean?
@kaᵠ my details stackoverflow.com/users/… 129872:22 can not be saved as key
@RebolBot save my details stackoverflow.com/users/731947/ka- 129872:22
1:36 PM
Reminds me of a William Gibson quote "The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed"
@RebolBot save my details stackoverflow.com/users/731947/ka- 129872:22
@kaᵠ Added kaᵠ's details
Very apt for Rebol
@RebolBot who is kaᵠ
@kaᵠ I know this about kaᵠ and their local time is 22-Feb-2028/21:59:26
1:37 PM
2028, much better, almost accurate :PP
:) - TTYL -J
k ttyl
1 hour later…
2:41 PM
@HostileFork Hi! It's been a long time... I came back from Africa, brought back a splendid malaria in my suitcase...
I'm browsing through the stars, to try to catch up a bit...
3:15 PM
@johnk the config file is rebol.r, in R2 and R3, a regular DO dialect script that should be in the same directory as the Rebol executable (for security). R2 also supported a user.r, which was supposed to be in the user's home directory but that never worked right. For R3, a DO dialect user.r is considered too much of a security hole, but we hope to make a declarative configuration dialect user.r once that dialect exists.
2 hours later…
5:16 PM
@HostileFork I am not sure what you are proposing. Are you telling that you would like to allow spaces in words?
As far as I am concerned, I do not see it as a big deal either way...
...but the change disallowing spaces in words implemented in R3 looks sensible.
6:09 PM
@Ladislav Well I recalled whatever you said last time was what I agreed with. :-)
now I hope I did not change my mind radically since then ;-)
6:44 PM
Just passing thru! Just thought I'd let everyone know.... if you posted any Rebol code on Github's Gist (gist.github.com) then unfortunately it didn't come out looking very good because syntax highlighter completely screwed up how the code looked :(
So I submitted a bug fix to Github a few days back and the good news is that they fixed it today :)
@draegtun Awesome! :-)
do reverse [{Thank you!} print]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> do reverse ["Thank you!" print]
Thank you!
Hehe... nice!
@draegtun I keep trying to work on little things like that to do in the room to give new people ideas...
print {"It's nice," said {Fork}, "to have asymmetric string delimiters...if they match, no need for escaping! eh @draegtun?"}
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print {"It's nice," said {Fork}, "to have asymmetric string delimiters...if they match, no need for escaping!  eh @draegtun?"}
"It's nice," said {Fork}, "to have asymmetric string delimiters...if they match, no need for escaping!  eh @draegtun?"
6:47 PM
Are you enjoying Rebol yet? :-)
Reminds me that I wrote a reverse like that in Io (just trying to dig it out!)
re: enjoying Rebol - Yep!
I think I might have shown you some of my early evangelisms...like Rubol and Rebmu. (RebolBot can run rebmu, too :-P)
From my early explorations into the project before it was open source
I now look back at my old Rebol and go "omg. wrong". Have you met "any" and "all" yet?
Not wasn't me... .though I have seen your Rubol/Rebmu stuff
6:50 PM
When I look at some of the convolutions I was trying to do with logic it just makes me cringe now.
thats part of the fun of learning new languages!
any [10 > 5 2 > 4]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> any [10 > 5 2 > 4]
== true
all [10 > 5  2 > 4]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> all [10 > 5 2 > 4]
== none
6:51 PM
yes I've made use of both all & any in some of the stuff I've done.
I changed that to fixed to show one idea which is that you can use double spaces to call out subexpressions in a Rebol pipeline.
The funny reasons why Rebol uses "none" in some places that languages would use "false" are actually usually quite well thought out, and startling when you see what you can do with it.
We were just discussing why Rebol allows a comma to be used as a decimal point, like in some countries.
10,20 + 3.04
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> 10.2 + 3.04
== 13.24
And comma isn't used for anything else, anywhere.
Here's line from some Rebol I did recently... if all [(palindrome? square) (range/1 <= square) (square <= range/2)] [++ found]
The reason is that comma and period are considered too visually similar, so there'd be visibility problems in their usage otherwise. So comma got the shaft. :-)
6:54 PM
I assume it probably works witthout those parens
re: comma - makes sense
Yup. You can use line breaks and indents on that to help call it out, or Graham's double space trick.
Y'know the general reason why Rebolers don't use parens for precedence hardly ever?
in Clojure comma is just a NOP... so its there just to "prettifying" code
re: parens - Yes... its re-evaled each time.. part of compose
Well, it's not so much the evals... but the parens are "there" in the code... taking up space, for starters.
The motivation is that you want to be able to use them for more interesting things, like compose...
true... do take up space... but also can help with comprehension. Shame there is some NOP brackets that can be used :)
Using one of your tinkertoys in Rebol's parts box for precedence...when a nice any/all could do better...means that if you suddenly go "hmmm, I'd like to call out this portion of a code structure to be left alone, and this other part to be eval'd" then you don't have to rewrite it to remove the parens
6:58 PM
... s/some/no/ NOP brackets...
So have you seen the presentation on Red, though? We found the slide deck if you don't want to sit through the talk.
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