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1:15 AM
@earl where is your r3 server?
@GrahamChiu hm? which one?
The stupidly simple HTTP thingie? shttpd.r
@earl httpd
I'm thinking of using a standalone server to service the tagging, connected to a redis db
will have to open up a port for it of course
2 hours later…
3:10 AM
posted on May 08, 2014 by CarlRead

On 6-May-2014 Graham wrote, >Rebol/VID and Desktop was the first attempt to reboot the web. >Didn't quite work! I use VID apps every day, and it wouldn't surprise me if you do too. However, like Rebol itself, the Desktop, (tsk. "Type desktop to start the Viewtop"!), had multiple issues. Firstly,

3 hours later…
6:07 AM
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 177 so chat away!
Problem with running red on linux mint olivia
tmp/red/console: error while loading shared libraries: libreadline.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I was on 64-bit this fixed my problem .. sudo apt-get install libreadline6:i386
3. Cross compiled a hello world from Linux and tried to run on windows 7, programs runs but prints nothing.. :(
6:27 AM
@Ryu_hayabusa so what does it do?
Do you mean red/system?
6:38 AM
I just started with the RED language today,
Downloaded binary from here http://www.red-lang.org/p/download.html
Ran a 'hello world' program from linux and it worked fine
now i cross compiled it foe windows using "red -c -t Windows hello.red"
It runs on windows but does not prints anything!!
6:49 AM
I'm not a red user.
The red binary you download is the red interpreter.
If you want to cross compile, red can't do that.
you can cross compile red/system scripts
@pekr is that right?
Thanks @GrahamChiu
Solved my problem with "red -c -t DOS hello.red" , now it prints on the console on windows.
May be "-t windows" switch is only for GUI programs.
the red interpreter is actually rebol2 I think
actually it's a bit confusing! Red doesn't have any GUI yet
@Ryu_hayabusa so any experience with Rebol?
7:11 AM
Nops. Came from C to java , then to python , now just trying to fool around some new languages.
@RebolBot tutorial for @Ryu_hayabusa
@GrahamChiu Nick's Great Introduction to Rebol2 @Ryu_hayabusa
@GrahamChiu Introduction to Rebol @Ryu_hayabusa
the second link is a quick intro
if you want to start out learning, it could be slightly easier to start with REBOL and investigate Red later, as Red is not a completed product.

There are two REBOL versions: REBOL 2 and REBOL 3. REBOL 2 is the most complete, but getting rather outdated. REBOL 3 is less complete, but supports more modern platforms.
So, the aim for Red is produce a binary like Rebol2 with built in compilation, and an intrepreter for those that can't be compiled
Red/system is another dialect to allow the creation of cross platform binaries
7:19 AM
@GrahamChiu Great.. thanks for the docs. And @Henrik thanks for the quick info.
In the long run, I think Red will win as it has the best architecture, IMHO, but we'll see if the development momentum stays.
@Henrik are you still doing any r3-gui stuff?
@GrahamChiu Sorry, no. I'm out of that for a long time. I only work on R2 stuff right now.
Just curious
So, basically it's just rebolek and cyphre?
Yes, and whatever development requirements come up.
I really want to move to R3 and Red, but the product I'm working on continues to grow a lot and will probably do so for the next year, and it's 100% R2 based.
7:31 AM
@GrahamChiu - no, I think not. Red is much more than you think :-) Red simply compiles to Red/System, which is its intermediate language. And as Red/System cross-compiles, Red cross-compiles too :-)
@pekr oh well, too complicated for me
someone should write an explanation :)
@GrahamChiu - Red interpreter is not R2. It has its own interpreter. Red uses R2 to compile Red/System to native code. But there is also red.exe, which is encapped R2. It is a shortcut, so that you don't need to lookup R2, download, install, put into particular directory, invoke compiler script, etc.
@GrahamChiu - it is in fact not that much complicated. Do you remember Amiga and the Tao Intent OS? They compiled their apps to intermediate language too. Just consider Red/System being a kind of a virtual machine ...
@pekr well, encapped red.r is r2
You simply have the choise. If you want to use Red/System, you can. It is Rebol like C language syntax. It has some strong interfacing. Think of R2 library interface on steroids. But - you can't enjoy many Rebol like datatypes. Simply Red/System is more for a system programming ...
Do you want to write some page on this , and rebolbot will link to it
7:37 AM
Then there is Red. Red provides you with additional stuff, simply put - Rebol like, but with several modes. So far, it can interpret, but it can also compile. It will add also JIT compillation in future. Red programs are compiled down to Red/System ...
@rebolek do you know how to access r3-gui from inside a module?
I thought it is so easy, that it does not need further explanation? But maybe I am wrong :-)
@pekr yep, wrong
I don't think about it very often, but we get people asking about red coming here so if we had a clear explanation that doesn't need me to explain it, it would be good!
AFAIK, Red will eventually be as simple to use as REBOL2? The difference is we can pry it apart and use individual components for performance.
@Henrik yes, and using Rebol2 symantics
But I've moved onto Rebol3 ( when it works )
7:42 AM
@GrahamChiu - there is nice introductory video about Red, althought it might be longish ...
8:04 AM
@draegtun if the jQuery guys can use jQuery without loading it, you don't need to load-gui either
8:28 AM
@earl Thank you.
@GrahamChiu And thank you too. Now down to 197 chars :)
@GrahamChiu I tried different types of compose etc to shorten it but always ended up making it longer :( This solution of yours gets it down to 208 chars. However doesn't trump our new combined version.
I wonder if you can use 'stylize to make it shorter still
ie. factor the check widget
@GrahamChiu Hmmm that would bring it down to 188 chars! I'll leave it in for now but when Rebol 3 View comes out properly then I can amend.
@GrahamChiu I'll have a look when I get a moment.
stylize [
     k: check [
            on-click: [
                  x face
I certainly need to get into R3GUI more because I've got potential work on the near horizon whereby a Rebol r3gui app on Android maybe a possible option.
doesn't work ...
maybe need to throw an actors: [ ] block around it .... but it's getting too long
@draegtun why not sl4a ? :)
8:39 AM
@GrahamChiu I haven't touched Android at all yet! So not sure of best approach. Going to install Android on VMWare and see what I can or can't do with Rebol 3.
@draegtun the issue with r3/droid is that the GUI is not accelerated
Way too slow
and no access yet to the sources to fix it
@GrahamChiu ic... however that may not be a problem for me for this job.
Easy install on users Android devices is the key concern.
So Saphiron Android encapper / APK might be best option (if it works!)
Anyone know how the demo-encap.apk from Saphiron works? Is it an encapping app or just an example of how to do it?
BTW before I did the R3GUI version of the codegolf I did this in Rebol 2 View...
Rebol []

t: func [c t] [
compose/deep [
check [x(c)] text (t) return

x: func [v] [
if all [a/data b/data c/data] [v/data: false]

view layout compose [
h1 "SELECT ANY TWO" return
a: (t 'a "FAST")
b: (t 'b "CHEAP")
c: (t 'c "GOOD")
@draegtun AFAIK their encap has not been released. And it's not being released they said.
@GrahamChiu Not good news :(
Well that would stop that option in its tracks :(
OK I need to get Android up and running and see what this demo-encap.apk is.
If you're not on altme, you can read the group here rebol.info/altme/150/android
8:52 AM
Nope I'm not on AltMe but thanks for link.
oops, that's a private group ... shouldn't have posted that link otherwise I'll be castigated
@GrahamChiu Don't worry I'll keep the information just between us :)
9:38 AM
@rgchris can you your altwebform.r be used to decode strings such as "a=1&b=2" ?
load-webform doesn't work
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 1594 so chat away!
1 hour later…
10:47 AM
>> dt [call {echo "Hello" && sleep 2}]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== 0:00:02.010763
>> dt [call/wait {echo "Hello" && sleep 2}]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== 0:00:02.010761
@all Do You know, why call doesn't return immediately
Is this a known bug? Or why do both statements have nearly the same timing?
11:11 AM
@TGD Known bug, for non-Windows platforms.
@earl Any fix available?
Hmm, I think I may actually have one lying around unpublished.
Let me check.
@TGD You need the fix primarily for Linux?
@earl Yes, for RPi.
@earl Thanks:-), I will have look at.
11:16 AM
@TGD You build yourself, IIRC?
@earl Yes
@TGD Ok. Then just cherry-picking that commit should do fine :)
I'll try to later on test on OS X as well, and submit a pull request.
posted on May 09, 2014 by abolka

[Comment] Preliminary Linux fix (untested on OSX or other POSIX platforms, for now): https://github.com/earl/r3/commit/be85f117

posted on May 09, 2014 by RobertS

one reason I still advocate for web use of MIT Curl as a PL is that you can start with declarative mode and only later move to functions and instances of classes ( explicit objects and messaging) . that said, a NEWBIE_Red with functions with "English-like" naming will leave the user with the wrong

12:02 PM
posted on May 09, 2014 by CarlRead

On 8-May-2014 Brian Dickens wrote, >Random example: I have argued against REJOIN...which I find not intuitive >as a name, I'd always assumed it meant reduce and join, though I don't think I've seen it in print anywhere. 'concatenate' would be the appropriate word - but it's not going to happen!

1 hour later…
1:20 PM
@GrahamChiu Turns out I tried to get the module thing working on the wrong build yesterday. Doh! The following should work:


import module/mixin [
	version: 0.0.0
	type: module
	exports: [test]
] [
	test: does [view [area]]
] self

The central issue is using module/mixin [...] [...] self to export the current USER context into the inner module.
@TGD Sorry, had to do a slight clean up to the CALL/wait branch. Here's the current version: github.com/earl/r3/tree/fix-1861-call-wait
posted on May 09, 2014 by earl

Currently, on POSIX platforms, call/wait and call both block until the called program finishes. This PR fixes plain CALL to be non-blocking on POSIX platforms as well.

1:45 PM
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 1030 so chat away!
2 hours later…
3:37 PM
posted on May 09, 2014 by qtxie

TESTS: Added unit tests for SWAP action. FIX: Calculate new position incorrectly in func 'poke-char'.

Hi. How should be encoded a unicode string using the C API?. I mean, I have a

REBSER *s = RL_MAKE_STRING ( 10, 1 );

where "1" shows that it's a unicode string. Now suppose that I have to write the Euro character with code point U20AC. How should I use the RL_SET_CHAR instructions?
I tried with:

RL_SET_CHAR ( s, 0, 32 );
RL_SET_CHAR ( s, 1, 172 );

that is setting the first two bytes to 20 and AC respectively, but I didn't succeed.
posted on May 09, 2014 by draegtun

[Reddit] MySQL extension for Rebol 3

@kronwiz could you try: RL_SET_CHAR(s, 0, 0x20ac)?
I have ported the old mysql scheme to R3: github.com/zsx/mysql-r3
3:53 PM
@ShixinZeng Yes, it works. Thanks. But then the next character is at position 2?
@ShixinZeng Interesting. I'll give it a look.
@kronwiz no, next one should be 1
it's counted in characters, not in bytes
@ShixinZeng Ah, ok. I thought that being multi-bytes I had to account for the different length.
that's not the way how unicode works
you are thinking of encodings with variable length
@ShixinZeng Hmm, yes, I think so. It's because MySQL returns me UTF8 and I have to build a Rebol string from that.
Now I have to leave. Goodbye.
@kronwiz in that case, you need to first decode UTF8 strings to unicode strings
2 hours later…
5:42 PM
Hey guys android might be in trouble...
posted on May 09, 2014 by draegtun

[Reddit] MySQL scheme (driver) ported to Rebol 3

6:01 PM
Https crash fixed but still bad TLS handshake causing timeout
6:34 PM
@GrahamChiu It doesn't?
>> do reb4.me/r3/altwebform load-webform "a=1&b=2"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== [a "1" b "2"]
2 hours later…
8:12 PM
@earl Confirmed to build and work as expected on: RPi (Linux libc6-arm)
8:29 PM
@rgchris probably helps if I used the R3 version, and not the R2
@GrahamChiu Sadly not one of my hybrid scripts.
@ShixinZeng Rebol3 is different from Rebol2 and can determine whether to use a scheme actor, or the system/contexts/lib ( aka lib FYI ) so I don't think there's a need to use aliases as Dockimbel did in Rebol2 mysql protocol ( and most other Rebol2 protocols ) as you've ported here github.com/zsx/mysql-r3/blob/r3/mysql-protocol-pre.r#L759
When REBOL evaluates an action, and the next value is a port, that action is dispatched to an actor func for the port. For example

   read rebol.com

would call the READ actor func for the port opened using the HTTP scheme.
@GrahamChiu thanks for the tip
Unfortunately docs are all over the place :(
I wasn't paying attention to that, actually a new engineer ported it from R2, and I just took over from him
@GrahamChiu on the https problem, once I fix the crash, I can build from saphirion source and it works
8:44 PM
@ShixinZeng nice .. new builds for all platforms soon then?
@ShixinZeng How many engineers are working on Rebo3 at Atronix?
So next step would be comparing what changes are there causing this problem on our build
@ShixinZeng oh .. ok :)
About 6 people here can code in Rebol
@ShixinZeng impressive
some hope for the future after all
But I am the only one who works on the interpreter
8:51 PM
@ShixinZeng 100% improvement over what we had before!
Everyone else here are hobbyists ... not paid developers
Do you code in C?
I just wish we had more people working on the interpreter
@ShixinZeng no, never
@GrahamChiu OK
All right, going home. Talk to you later
8:56 PM
@GrahamChiu Not quite true—some of us get paid for work that we use Rebol for...
@rgchris but not on a full time basis ?
I mean you're not in a position where you're paid to do core interpreter work ?
No, but then that suits me right now—means I can still work on pet projects at other times.
Do you need more pets?
; key requests GET start=n&end=n
; classify key PUT class=rebol&start=n&end=n
; remove key DELETE start=n&end=n
No, quite enough pet projects for the moment.
Current quick idea of how to interact with the SO message classifying API
8:59 PM
(and no pets, thanks—maybe the odd plant)
I'm hacking @earl's httpd.r to do the message classification
There's no HTTP Move so it will be DELETE followed by PUT
So there's a separate service to handle some of our extra metadata?
@rgchris yes, a server running on rebol.info
That's the idea
At present I will just use in memory blocks .. someone else can port it to redis or mysql
Which is why I was looking at altwebform.r again :)
9:21 PM
>> do reb4.me/r3/altwebform load-webform "1=red&2=test"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/user-message.html
    *** ERROR
** User error: "Not a URL Encoded Web Form"
@rgchris Hmm. I wasn't imagining it
I guess I shouldn't use numbers
10:08 PM
@GrahamChiu Ah—yes, not really a common pattern that one...
It's limited to name/value pairs. If you want to suggest a model for handling that form, let me know. What would be the result of:
that's okay, my api won't need to use n=text
10:30 PM
@earl type: module/mixins works .. thanks
10:46 PM
@ShixinZeng @GrahamChiu @Cyphre has come up with a fix for the HTTPS crash as well.
With that, reading stackoverflow.com seems to work fine.
11:01 PM
Is rebol.info down?
@johnk restarting Cheyenne...
@ShixinZeng I code in C - not a guru, but can work a little on interpreter.
Ah, I see—I broke it trying to serve a static .r file (all .r files set to cgi).
RebolBot bookmarks as a reb site.
Incidentally, the Desktop site has a Make-Doc viewer with Bootstrap styling. Here's Nick's Multi-Client Databases article re-rendered.
(responsive too—should work on phones, as indeed is the site)

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