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12:06 AM
Has anyone tried using ser2net with Rebol3 to provide access to a serial device via TCP?
12:21 AM
@JacobGood1 Yes, I use Rebol at work all the time. :-) I also have to do a lot of work with lesser technologies, like Windows and stuff.
1:09 AM
@earl do we have new linux binaries now?
@rgchris ok, very cute
@Respectech looks like all you need to do is write a scheme for it
posted on May 09, 2014 by fork

[Wish] The sensible purpose of ALSO is that you have two code paths...and you want both to run, but the first code path is the one with the result you want. You are trying to avoid a temporary variable, so basically a nicer form of this pattern: tmp: do [some various stuff] some other stuff tmp I thought it was a nifty idea when I found out about it. But when I tried to actually use it for

Looks like @HostileFork is now obsessed with using/only.
I have a plan to subvert the SO for P2P games :)
I'll setup a chat room for GoMoku and moves will be passed as chat. I'll use R3GUI to display the board.
Then if that works, I'll add 圍棋
Pity we don't have a sound:// device yet ...
1:59 AM
@Respectech did you see that oracle won their lawsuit against google?
2:50 AM
@JacobGood1 some parts of java can be copyrighted
is this the end of the story?
unlikely .. just more money for lawyers
@GrahamChiu I just wonder what effect it have on android
It will prob go to the supreme court
@JacobGood1 Google just has to get big enough to buy Oracle .. end of story
@GrahamChiu maybe ART is the answer for all of this anyway
Or, they could donate the rights to Android to the Catholic Church ...
that would be interesting
@GrahamChiu what the... where did that idea come from?
2:54 AM
@JacobGood1 Larry would then be excommunicated
life in hell
@JacobGood1 seek protection from bullies from a higher authority :)
instead of atheist programmers we'd have Catholic ones :)
@GrahamChiu I am not sure I follow you lol but oh well
anyway, if you can flash your phone .. install Sailfish and be done with all that nonsense
My phone uses meego .. I don't have an Android phone
Actually isn't windows 8 phone now free to OEMs ?
I think so
Oh well, I gotta get back to subverting enhancing SO chat :)
3:02 AM
handle-request: func [config req /local uri type file data] [
	print [ "Request: " to string! req ]
	either parse to string! req [
		copy verb to space space [
			copy uri to " " if ( remove uri equal? verb "GET" ) to end
			thru separator copy URI to end
		either find [ "DELETE" "PUT" "GET" "POST" ] verb [
			probe load-webform uri
			data: {"ok"}
			data: {"notok"}
		data: {"notok"}
	reduce [200 type data]
That's my code skeleton for handling POST, GET, DELETE and PUT requests
Going to return JSON
3:19 AM
samitha, Sri Lanka
3.2k 1 5 33
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 3244 so chat away!
@earl Now I get a lot of defunct processes using the "fixed" call.
If I run >> loop 10 [call {ps -ef | grep defunct | grep -v grep} wait 0.1] I get 10 zombies.
@earl It is on RPi, can you check on other POSIX platforms?
@RebolBot who is @earl?
@GrahamChiu I know this about earl and their local time is 10-May-2014/4:26:22
4:11 AM
@GrahamChiu Thanks for the link to your excellent article on writing schemes.
@Respectech you're welcome
We're supposed to be rewriting it .. but never finished it. BrianD wanted a more basic introduction.
@JacobGood1 That could be a bad precedent....
1 hour later…
5:37 AM
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 500 so chat away!
5:49 AM
@Melbourne2991 really chat away if you have questions!
2 hours later…
7:27 AM
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 110 so chat away!
7:40 AM
First attempt at the chat classifier github.com/gchiu/RSOChat/blob/master/httpd.reb
Feel free to add redis:// or mysql store instead of Rebol blocks
hmm.. not the same as my one on drive ..
Must have pushed an older version
@rebolek did you post an example of chat widget with word wrap while i was asleep?
8:15 AM
@johnk would you open up port 8080 on the ec2 firewall for the classifying server. Thanks
8:36 AM
@TGD Thanks, I'll check.
@ShixinZeng Thank you again for your help. Now my mysql extension (github.com/kronwiz/r3-mysql) handles all utf8 characters correctly (well, at least as far as I can test it).
posted on May 10, 2014 by fork

[Comment] WHILST added to incubator.reb, the much lamer WHILE-MU dead: https://github.com/hostilefork/rebmu/blob/14dc62b1e1b72c5362e4b33155e77a2cfefeb447/incubator.reb#L53 Having worked in the medium, I think it should exist. I just don't know what it should be called.

posted on May 10, 2014 by fork

[Comment] @maxim glad you like it, I needed it for Rebmu in puzzle solving so that is where I put it for the moment, in "incubator.reb" https://github.com/hostilefork/rebmu/blob/14dc62b1e1b72c5362e4b33155e77a2cfefeb447/incubator.reb#L24 It's unfortunate that we don't have an incubator somewhere in the repository proper. :-/ @rebolek offered the beginnings of the implementation, and built it

9:48 AM
@grahamchiu re 8080, yes, but the web interface to ec2 is unusable so I will have to do it tomorrow night
Login into your AWS control panel
Go to EC2 dashboard
Click on Security Groups
Check the Group Name that corresponds to the group you're using
Use the Edit button at bottom to add a custom tcp rule
10:08 AM
@RebolBot Present?
@Graham GrahamChiu johnk Respectech JacobGood1 rgchris giuliolunati ShixinZeng pekr ingo DarrellBrogdon rlemon
10:21 AM
Hi Graham. Done
bit late now so I'll try something tomorrow
Much more useable from a tablet
@johnk were you using a phone?
view [
	title "Main Window"
	button "Open" on-action [
		cmd: none
		view/modal [
			title "Child Window"
			hpanel [
				label "Cmd:" field on-action [
					set 'cmd get-face face
					print cmd
					close-window face
		print "this is not evaluated, and how do I set cmd in this context from the modal window"
Code after the view/modal seems to be ignored
10:55 AM
Fwiw, I pushed another rebol- Webserver yesterday. github.com/IngoHohmann/websy it serves 404 errors out of the box and is meant to be easily extendable.
@ingo what happens if you send an HTML verb such as HEAD, TRACE ?
Your switch statement lacks a /default
7 hours later…
6:17 PM
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 76 so chat away!
1 hour later…
7:43 PM
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 178 so chat away!
8:07 PM
posted on May 10, 2014 by fork

[Nuts] I'm self-categorizing this as "nuts", but then again... maybe it isn't nuts. It was some time before I learned TO existed. Before that, I thought that TO-STRING and TO-WORD were foundational, so I'd write case statements on types which would test the type and use the right hyphenated TO. Once I found out about TO then I thought all the TO-*** functions should die. How much more typin

8:43 PM
@GrahamChiu right now it falls through to a 404 error, but it may be better to catch it to specifically return 405 ...
I changed mine to have a default as well
>> a: "abcd"
take/last a
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== "abc"
>> a: "abcd"
head remove back tail a
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== "abc"
Is take/last the only quick way to remove the last element of series?
Seems odd that the only specific function that removes the last element in a series is part of a function which has a different aim.
@ShixinZeng Is there a new Windows build with the https fix?
I'd suggest we add a refinement to remove
remove/last which returns the series at its head
8:55 PM
posted on May 10, 2014 by Graham

[Wish] at present we have the following ways to remove last The common idiom is: head remove back tail series We also have take/last series series We should have remove/last series to be equivalent to the idiom

9:15 PM
@kronwiz glad it helped you
@GrahamChiu it's still not fixed in atronix build
@ShixinZeng are you still timing out in the TLS handshake?
@GrahamChiu yes
And the linux builds are in the same state?
@Cyphre's fix, which is the same as mine, fixes the crash. and their build doesn't suffer from the handshaking problem. I must have missed some changes from their repository
Yes, that part is platform independent
posted on May 10, 2014 by fork

[Comment] Upon reflection, I wonder if a 2-arg UNTIL should put the condition as the first or second argument. :-/ It feels to me like it would be comprehensible as a first argument, and print a line in this case: x: 2 until-2arg [x = 2] [ print "condition not tested until end of loop" ] Though that would not match up with C's "do...while", and also be asymmetric with the 1-arg UNTIL put

10:17 PM
posted on May 10, 2014 by Brian Dickens

( Incidentally: the "word" I think you are looking for is noob or n00b or newb, for "newbie": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newbie ... RE:usage I think it's not intrinsically derogatory, though usually it's something people would apply to themselves vs. be called it by others.  "I'm a n00b so I don'

10:28 PM
posted on May 10, 2014 by Graham

All this sounds very nice and plausible .. but in my experience, people ( noobs etc ) want solutions, and don't care how ugly they are.  Look at the success of RoR, which is ugly as sin, and php. My suggestion is that if you want Rebol and Red to succeed, spend your time writing apps that people wil

posted on May 10, 2014 by Jacob

I think nub is fine as is(much like your proposal it communicates the idea instead of misdirecting the reader), as for the rest of the post, I agree.

@GrahamChiu it seems that the https problem is 64-bit only, my 32-bit build works fine
@ShixinZeng Is this an unpublished build? I only saw the issue on 32 bit before.
11:16 PM
@rebolbot search screen
@johnk would you wrap the httpd.reb script up for me inside screen etc? It's in /home/ec2-user/sochat/httpd.reb
@GrahamChiu yes, I am still testing
>> to string! read rebol.info:8080
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== {["altme-announce","announce","android","Cheyenne","curecode","databases","general","google-groups","parse","schemes","rebol2","rebol3","red","r3gui","sl4a"]}
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== {["r3gui",[7,8,9]]}
>> to string! write rebol.info:8080 [ PUT "class=r3gui&start=16380701&end=16380701" ]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== [
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== {"ok"}
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== {["r3gui",[7,8,9,16380701,16380702]]}
11:27 PM
some bug fixing needed ...
>> to string! read rebol.info:8080?class=r3gui
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== {"ok"}
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== {["r3gui",[7,8,9,16380701]]}
@grahamchiu wrapper script. Yep, will do

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