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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

11:01 PM
@HostileFork The feeds are hosted on rebol.info—down until it's running again.
Anyway, it all gets back to the usual of "dialecting isn't as well understood as it should be". And it would have been, I think, if people took more time to really do these "apples to apples" comparisons and say "how can this get full coverage AND be better". CMake shouldn't be hard to beat.
But that means a cookbook. "They have filenames with envrionment variables in them, we have..." FILE! But it doesn't work, so...
rgchris, can you get in touch with me privately on google chat or Altme ?
11:22 PM
If you're emulating something that has a lot of options, have people done command-name [{argument} /option1 "setting" /option2 "somethingelse" /option3 no ... ] with refinements in a block?
Hm, it seems a /SAFE or /STRICT option for COMBINE might be useful also...where it won't run any evaluations, just get values out of words.
11:40 PM
Hm. You can't put environment variables into FILE!, but you can put wildcards?
Rebol's path notation starts to get very buried and mixed up when it's among a lot of mostly filename values. :-/
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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