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12:36 AM
^ explicit lyrics, especially the intro
bringing me back to jr high days
1:07 AM
hello guys, anyone know if google's chrome emulator is buggy?
Cause of Stressful Situations
@m59 Hello again
@m59 I have a question about CodeHS
Can u help me?
1:32 AM
sure @user3790069
also, did you post it in the help tab?
@m59 No, I didn't, because it's a question about the website, not about an exersise : are videos subtitled?
@user3790069 as far as I can tell, no
There's just the automated youtube captions, which are hilarious.
By the way, you're welcome to ask anything in the help tab
that would have been acceptable :)
@m59 "which are hilarious" I have just understood it :/
One of them said "our sucking program" instead of "our second program" haha
1:48 AM
it's disappointing :/
Not strong English, I guess?
That's a hard thing about programming. English is standard. Kinda unfair advantage for native speakers.
@m59 I can red in English, but listening is really hard to me
Yeah, maybe you can find something else that works for you? Otherwise, if you want to still give it a try, the videos aren't too important. You could try to follow it as best as you can and then just try to learn from the samples.
It's ok to give it a try and get help from the tutors.
2:09 AM
I'm continuing to learn Karel on CodeHS, I agree, videos aren't really inportant + Youtube subtitles are sometimes ok
@user3790069 what's your name on codehs?
2:25 AM
John Lennon haha
@user3790069 by the way, the most important thing in all of that (in my opinion) is Top Down Decomposition
Try to understand what that means as fully as possible.
Looked at code HS to see if I should help teach - saw $10/hr, immediately closed tab, haha
heh, don't do it for the money
Have better things to do in my free time like help teach my actual friends, haha
I feels. I haven't been on in a while myself.
2:51 AM
@ZachSaucier like 30 minutes into 'generation'
Haha, nice!
takes a long time to find the correct images, but it works.
are the colors spaces that have not been found?
the white is spaces not found
and I think imgur just booted me
nvm, back up and running
they pause me every once in a while it seems
any idea why there are random reds and greens and such?
2:55 AM
probably a bug in my detection
function checkColour(rgb) {
    var inrange = function (a, b) {
        return a > b - tolorance && a < b + tolorance;
    for (var color in idata) {
        var _rgb = color.split(',');
        if (inrange(rgb[0], _rgb[0]) && inrange(rgb[0], _rgb[0]) && inrange(rgb[0], _rgb[0])) {
            return _rgb;
    return false;
ahh fuck
I 'm a copy paste whore
it's been running for like 40 minutes LOL
should be
if (inrange(rgb[0], _rgb[0]) && inrange(rgb[1], _rgb[1]) && inrange(rgb[2], _rgb[2])) {
stopping here. that is a horrible bug :/
good thing I caught it ;)
put the final product as a gist or something so I can keep it
or make a site just for it and actually profit :O
now it doesn't check the same random id twice
but i'm afraid of the memory consequences
I store every id checked in an array
@rlemon If you ever get shot up really bad, I would be honored to take your Buster Sword.
3:03 AM
(aka you're a legend)
gotta let this run for a bit and see if it is actually an improvement on the old one
so far it seems faster, but it is only a little ways in
could turn out to look like crap
@rlemon I wouldn't think this would be necessary. 1. it's completely random so it's very unlikely and 2. I would never be able to tell if who were alike in that image... Only when they take up more of the image would I be able to and there's even less chance then
@ZachSaucier well I am doing a shit tonne of requests
and it does seem to be yielding better results.
for instance, the image above is over 10K requests
3:07 AM
more than 5K were 404's
but even still
and it is only a 5 digit id
how many character possibilities?
I don't like how the eyes are turning out now that i'm comparing all three colours
I should set the tolerance on them individually I think.
@rlemon wolframalpha.com/input/… over 6 million options....
3:11 AM
@ZachSaucier I don't like those odds
do what you'd like :) Simply giving my opinion
!!> var i = 10000, conflict = 0; while(i--) { if(Math.random()*650 < 1) { conflict++;} } conflict;
@rlemon 16
@rlemon 18
3:28 AM
good article on SVG positioning and such if you'd like to learn more
with the new algo
I'm hoping once the eyes fill out they'll look alright
looks slightly better IMO
did you tweak the values individually?
not yet
no clue where the red comes from
def better overall though
original for comparison
3:38 AM
no yellow xD
it takes an average within a tolerance following no rules of color space
I suppose there aren't many yellow photos
so much bandwidth though
@rlemon I don't want to look at my own face, thank you
i request thumbs from imgur
so this
I'm requesting this
3:46 AM
if I had a local db, I could do it with node in no time at all
but I don't have the thousands of images I would need
gl downloading 6 million photos :D
I could re-work it to take a list of images, parse them, then insert them according to their 'best match' to the original
Mornings All
wouldn't always be accurate, but could be something commercial
3:49 AM
@SweetWisherツ morning
it is slowing down again
harder to find matches?
it sure does take a really long while
it's still outlining my head
Hey @ZachSaucier @rlemon I solved that :)
@ZachSaucier yea :P turn up the tolerance
3:50 AM
less clear of a picture tho
@SweetWisherツ I have no idea what you were solving :)
hehhehe :P
@ZachSaucier leave than :P
that binding click event issue
3:51 AM
cookies are easy, geese
eating ur brain :P
ya, I remember (totally don't, haha)
hw can u forgot :P
I don't know, I remember most things
must have been half asleep or something
should i copy the link O_o
3:57 AM
@rlemon Haha, that's it so far
probably tens of thousands of requests
I kinda wanna stay up until it finishes
but it is midnight already
have a sleep than :)
@rlemon When do you go in for work?
leave at 7:30
alright i'm going to bed :P
first broken algo for reference
@rlemon that's about an hour before me - I have another hour to stay awake now then :)
4:22 AM
something awesome happened today at the metro!
What's that?
Usually in the metro, the train starts only after the next station is free, but today (idk there was great rush or some other problem), we could see the train on the next station and so ours slowed down (literally stopped at one point in the middle of the tracks)
I had like the best place out of all the people to see it so I clicked videos :3
Sounds mundane :p
we have fully automated system (taken from Japan I guess), the train detects for any object obstructing it in front of it with quite some distance and stops by itself
That's pretty cool
4:28 AM
@SomeGuy -.- it's not everyday u get to see that
oh jus read the news, seems like yday the test run (taken early in morning before boarding the passengers), the train detected an object so stopped and alerted the control room and the object seemed to be a truck tyre bounced from a road accident o,o
5:04 AM
@TheDictator mornings
@ICanHasKittenz o/
our corporate website takes 10 seconds to load (coz of the preloader)
that's supposed to be bad right?
are you using it as a background image or until page loads?
5:17 AM
I'm displaying some text
nvm I removed it
sucked to have it lol, works just fine without it, silly me
the thing is I had some slider images which have bigger size than usual, so it's a bad idea to use it then
@ICanHasKittenz well, i have warning(s) from my boss that i will not use any type of loader in website :D
1 hour later…
6:31 AM
posted on July 22, 2014 by nlecointre

/* by Kiddae */

7:04 AM
posted on July 22, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.

7:23 AM
7:37 AM
@ObiWanWesabi o/
8:00 AM
posted on July 22, 2014 by nlecointre

/* by incentronauts */

8:16 AM
There is a very annoying fly buzzing around me
hey guys
hey lady
having a very odd problem. using $(this).hasClass("active"); but it keeps giving true, even when it doesn't have the class
I doublechecked if it's really selecting the right element, and it is...
any experience with this? is it somehow picking up the parent class?
@DarkAshelin Perhaps this isn't what you're thinking it is?
8:21 AM
^ +1
@SecondRikudo that's what I thought too, but I doublechecked and it really is the correct element
Do you have a live example?
check just for test this.classList.contains("active") @DarkAshelin
@ObiWanWesabi not enough jQuery x(
8:21 AM
@ObiWanWesabi gives true
try also this
this.style.outline="20px red solid";
I'm using $(this).toggleClass("active");, so even IF it would select the wrong element, it should still toggle... which it doesn't
is it the correct element?
8:22 AM
afaik, yes
yep, the border confirms it is the correct element
can we get an example. Its too hot to be guessing.
yeah lemme remake
8:23 AM
the chat was super quiet until a couple of minutes ago
then girls arrived
XD feel the power
so I'm a girl now too?
8:24 AM
need to change my nickname
i'd like to be Jessica
@ObiWanWesabi There are no girls on the internet.
alright here it is jsfiddle.net/Leedg
@ObiWanWesabi Exactly for that reason :D
so I have a list with items where I hide certain parts, and when clicking they expand
8:24 AM
@DarkAshelin use mousedown?
just my active state on the inner <li> isn't working out
@ObiWanWesabi I need click event
I have the exact same list and exact same code here reindeer.eu/dealers.html and it DOES work there :/
any idea's? :/
I need more coffee to get my head around that, sorry. Maybe someone else can help.
it's that buggy situation when the child's <ul> <li> is also getting triggered
@DarkAshelin because it's toggled twice for each click
I've used e.stopPropagation(); tho
8:30 AM
i haven't watched at the code, but shouldn't stopPropagation() avoid that?
Apparently it doesn't.,
hmm correct, it seems to trigger twice
I thought .stopPropagation() stopped the bubbling? not the double trigger?
Or is the double toggle caused by the bubbling?
8:31 AM
it seems to work just fine in the other live example.... ._.
Yes, I can confirm that both events are fired for whatever reason.
Seriously guys? we are not voting to close that pathetic question?
Oh, lol
ah, it seems the other live example is working because I'm firing it 3 times!
@Mr.Alien voted bitch.
8:32 AM
because it is farming some real dirty answers
Because the selector works for both
Hold on
@mikedidthis than it is @SecondRikudo who didn't voted yet
I downvoted too
Can you see what I did different, @DarkAshelin?
delete vote after a long time, feels good
8:35 AM
@Mr.Alien sadist.
the selectors, nice
@DarkAshelin use ev.stopImmediatePropagation();
And, exterminated.
@ICanHasKittenz you cannot, low rep users :p
@Mr.Alien more sadist.
8:35 AM
@DarkAshelin Yes, on the second click, both events would fire because both selectors match
jsfiddle.net/Leedg/2 @DarkAshelin
e.stopPropagation wouldn't stop that, they are two completely different events
That work on the same object
alright thanks
@SecondRikudo +1 for noticing the wrong selector xD
8:39 AM
@ObiWanWesabi Chrome Breakpoints are a real lifesaver
never used them, i'll check now :D
9:00 AM
anyone plats cs source?
got tired of starcraft already?
@ObiWanWesabi nah, need more things to spend my time, free this week
sc2 <3
9:03 AM
yea I will
does the different text-sizes make it look odd?
consultation is too close to the borders
and i'd use a narrow font
Its good @ICanHasKittenz
or make that circle 3px wide
@TheDictator more bigger?
also the border around FREE, maybe I should remove it
9:05 AM
only circle
yah that looks wierd
@ObiWanWesabi narrow enough?
for all texts
oh I use that font for captcha xD ok a sec
problem is not the font size tho, is that some look bolder than the others. you could add a 0.Npx stroke to consultation to compensate
9:08 AM
alright, I'll make all of them the same size except FREE
these three lines should have the same height
^ + 1
need to vertical center
@mikedidthis i was about to say "i'm being pedanting at @mikedidthis's levels now"
9:11 AM
the word free is horizontal off as well.
now that's what u call pro-front end developers! :D making the changes
uh. Took over a project that uses BEM.
Then has CSS like this: #footer .footer-meta a.footer-meta-item.
why? oh why?
I think I may need more bed rest.
@mikedidthis if i were you i'd take it this way: unlikely would be the worst code you will have to deal with
9:17 AM
that looks so much better!! thanks guys
can you make the flag taller in height? to give more vertical room to FREE ?
@ObiWanWesabi I know I know.
@ICanHasKittenz Is it just me, or is that NOW looks a bit off to the right?
free still isn't centered?
also consultation isn't centered :P
9:18 AM
One of them isn't centered
my spidey senses are tingling
@ICanHasKittenz Photoshop?
@SecondRikudo yup
@ICanHasKittenz Set two guidelines at either side of the shape, resize the text areas for all texts to match those guidelines, and center
That way all of them will be center across the same line
@ICanHasKittenz (very pedantic mode enabled) you see those little orange triangles that come out near the flag? i'd try to cover them to the flag itself
9:19 AM
@SecondRikudo okay:D
@ObiWanWesabi roger, in-progress
Do we all get a free consultation now?
rofl yes u do
action figures are way too nerd for me :D
9:28 AM
but.. but...
cross fingers
Cant u change that black ribbon?
to like silver or something?
i'd make the circle orangered, especially for getting more contrast for "GET YOUR"
@ObiWanWesabi u mean the outline?
9:33 AM
i mean the orange, replace it with linear-gradient(to bottom, orangered, red)
the thing is we have brand colors, if I use another orange it would not fit with the theme :/
anyways now that I compare to the previous the old feels so amateurish rofl I must improve :3
ah, i forgot to tell you. try yanone bold
oh they have bold too, cool I'll check it out
@ICanHasKittenz One of the best thing I can tell you that people like subtle symmetry, and obvious asymmetry.
That is, spaces between lines, spaces from edges, etc must all be nicely equal and symmetrical.
However, you can include design elements which are not symmetrical.
See how both bottom touch points and both top peaks are of the same height
The leaf is symmetrical but pointing sideways
And there's the obvious piece missing that's making it all asymmetrical.
9:39 AM
isn't the leaf the part that was bitten off the apple?
@mikedidthis Proportions don't really match
@SecondRikudo true, ty for the explanation
@SecondRikudo I know, would be a cool story though.
9:52 AM
@mikedidthis Why? Problem seems rather straightforward to me. Not too broad
Maybe "add your code"
> What header? Oauth? I don't found that. How can I see this variables? How can I get more information about API follower limitations?
For me, that is too broad.
Feel free to close it for another reason though.
Or not even close it. :D

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