« first day (2176 days earlier)      last day (2767 days later) » 

2:01 PM
  |   |

!!hang e
  |   |
!!hang a
  |   |
  |   O
a, e
2:01 PM
!!hang i
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, i
!!hang o
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, i, o
!!hang u
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, e, i, o, u
2:01 PM
!!hang y
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, e, i, o, u, y
!!hang hint
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, e, hint, i, o, u, y
!!hang c
2:03 PM
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
a, c, e, hint, i, o, u, y
I'm gonna die.
@littlepootis That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Hint obscured till 2 lives left
2:06 PM
Wrong bot :)
2:18 PM
!!hang I give up.
@zondo I will only accept alpha characters
!!hang Why do you accept words
!!hang Did I just find a bug
!!hang a
@zondo a was already submitted
@zondo That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
2:19 PM
Why aren't you responding?
!!help bugreport
@zondo Command bugreport does not exist.
!!hang x
@zondo You people suck. The word is polyphone
That's a word?
  |   |

2:21 PM
!!hang e
  |   |
!!hang u
  |   |
  |   O
e, u
!!hang a
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, u
2:21 PM
!!hang o
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, o, u
!!hang d
  |   |
  |   O
a, d, e, o, u
!!hang r
  |   |
  |   O
a, d, e, o, r, u
2:22 PM
!!hang l
  |   |
  |   O
a, d, e, l, o, r, u
Why don't you respond?
!!hang l
@zondo l was already submitted
Slow poke.
!!hang t
  |   |
  |   O
a, d, e, l, o, r, t, u
2:23 PM
!!hang p
  |   |
  |   O
a, d, e, l, o, p, r, t, u
!!hang m
  |   |
  |   O
a, d, e, l, m, o, p, r, t, u
!!hang n
  |   |
  |   O
a, d, e, l, m, n, o, p, r, t, u
2:24 PM
!!hang i
  |   |
  |   O
a, d, e, i, l, m, n, o, p, r, t, u
!!hang c
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, c, d, e, i, l, m, n, o, p, r, t, u
!!hang z
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, c, d, e, i, l, m, n, o, p, r, t, u, z
2:25 PM
!!hang s
@zondo Correct! The word is departmentalisation.
That isn't a word, is it?
  |   |

!!hang e
  |   |
2:26 PM
!!hang a
  |   |
a, e
!!hang i
  |   |
a, e, i
!!hang on
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, i, on, s
2:26 PM
!!hang o
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, i, o, on, s
!!hang n
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, e, i, n, o, on, s
!!hang l
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, e, i, l, n, o, on, s
2:27 PM
!!hang u
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, e, i, l, n, o, on, r, s, u
Why did it just give me a free "r"?
!!hang t
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
m, t
What did it just do?
@CapricaSix: Your hangman command is full of bugs.
 |   |
- - - t - -
2:29 PM
/hang e
 |   |
- e - t e -
/hang d
 |   |
d e - t e -
/hang defter
 |   |
 |   O
d e - t e -
2:30 PM
/hang r
 |   |
 |   O
d e - t e r
/hang x
 |   |
 |   O
d e x t e r
Success. Don't you have work to do ?
 |   |
- m - - -
2:36 PM
/hang e
 |   |
 |   O
- m - - -
/hang a
 |   |
 |   O
a m - - a
/hang ameba
 |   |
 |  \O/
a m - - a
2:36 PM
/hang i
 |   |
 |  \O/
a m i - a
Why do they always choose words that aren't in /usr/share/dict/words?
/hang g
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
a m i - a
/hang b
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
 |  / \
a m i - a
Game over.. The word is amira
2:37 PM
 |   |
- o - - - - - - - - - - -
/hang e
 |   |
- o - - - e - - - - - - e
That isn't in my dictionary.
/hang l
 |   |
 |   O
- o - - - e - - - - - - e
2:37 PM
/hang i
 |   |
 |   O
- o - - - e - - - - i - e
/hang u
 |   |
 |   O
- o u - - e - - - - i - e
/hang y
 |   |
 |  \O/
- o u - - e - - - - i - e
2:38 PM
/hang a
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
- o u - - e - - - - i - e
/hang f
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
 |  / \
- o u - - e - - - - i - e
Game over.. The word is counterstrike
 |   |
- - l - - -
2:39 PM
/hang e
 |   |
- - l - - e
/hang a
 |   |
 |   O
- - l - - e
/hang i
 |   |
 |   O
- - l i - e
2:39 PM
/hang o
 |   |
 |   O
- o l i - e
/hang p
 |   |
 |   O
p o l i - e
/hang t
 |   |
 |  \O/
p o l i - e
2:40 PM
/hang c
 |   |
 |  \O/
p o l i c e
Success. Good going, can you reach the top?
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Commands: Super Admin only: /ban /unban
Admin only: /awake /suspend /learn /forget
Games: /hangman /hang <letter> /hint /t3 (tic tac toe) /jumble /jumbleHint
Trusted: /kill /annoy (needs permission)
/welcome /welcomeishwarstyle /greet /search /wiki /youtube /stats /usercommands /help /info /hateyou /breakmyscreen /flip /middlefinger /boo /cleanup /cleanupHindi (gifs) /g_agree /g_omg /g_hi5 /g_i_awesome /g_dance /g_scare /g_userious /g_whut /g_fluffy /g_sorry /welcomezeinstyle /declineforever /byeishwarstyle /@chaaruu_pitai /samrtshubhank /g_givePresent /g_disapointed /@GurpreetKaur /noobque
2:41 PM
/wiki zondo
Raymond Mnyamezeli Mlungisi "Ray" Zondo (born 4 May 1960) is a South African judge who currently serves on the Constitutional Court of South Africa. == Early life == Judge Zondo was educated at St Mary's Seminary in Ixopo, the University of Zululand and the University of Natal. He was admitted as an attorney in 1989 and practised as a partner in Mathe & Zondo Inc. == Judicial career == In 1997 he was appointed a judge of the Labour Court, and in 1999 he was appointed to the Transvaal Provincial Division of the High Court (later the North Gauteng High Court, now the Gauteng Division). In 2000 he...
Welcome to Tic Tac Toe. To play a solo game with AI use /t3 solo. If you want to challenge a opponent use /t3 challenge @<username>.
/t3 challenge @Rishav.
Duel initiated. @Rishav., zondo has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
2:43 PM
/t3 solo
Initiating game between zondo and Kamini. zondo mark is X. zondo goes first! Each player gets 60 seconds to make a move. Not responding will lead to the other player win automatically. Game ON!
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 moves
/help t3
@t3Commands: Super Admin only: /ban /unban
Admin only: /awake /suspend /learn /forget
Games: /hangman /hang <letter> /hint /t3 (tic tac toe) /jumble /jumbleHint
Trusted: /kill /annoy (needs permission)
/welcome /welcomeishwarstyle /greet /search /wiki /youtube /stats /usercommands /help /info /hateyou /breakmyscreen /flip /middlefinger /boo /cleanup /cleanupHindi (gifs) /g_agree /g_omg /g_hi5 /g_i_awesome /g_dance /g_scare /g_userious /g_whut /g_fluffy /g_sorry /welcomezeinstyle /declineforever /byeishwarstyle /@chaaruu_pitai /samrtshubhank /g_givePresent /g_disapointed /@GurpreetKaur /noob
/t3 tl
/t3 solo
Sorry, zondo failed to respond in time. Kamini wins the game!
2:45 PM
I don't know how this works.
/t3 solo
Initiating game between zondo and Kamini. zondo mark is O. zondo goes first! Each player gets 60 seconds to make a move. Not responding will lead to the other player win automatically. Game ON!
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 tl
/t3 0,0
/t3 1 3
Sorry this game is b/w zondo and Kamini. Please wait for the game to finish to play!.
/t3 0 0
2:46 PM
u wot m8
/t3 1 1
Sorry, zondo failed to respond in time. Kamini wins the game!
> wait for the game to finish to play!.
/t3 solo
Initiating game between zondo and Kamini. zondo mark is X. zondo goes first! Each player gets 60 seconds to make a move. Not responding will lead to the other player win automatically. Game ON!
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
2:47 PM
/t3 1 1
What am I supposed to do?
/t3 1,1
/t3 11
Sorry, zondo failed to respond in time. Kamini wins the game!
I responded plenty.
@Kamini: You need help messages for individual commands.
@zondo Stay away!
@zondo It's /t3 0-0
Ah, thank you.
3:13 PM
/t3 solo
Initiating game between zondo and Kamini. zondo mark is O. zondo goes first! Each player gets 60 seconds to make a move. Not responding will lead to the other player win automatically. Game ON!
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 0-0
|| O |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
|| O |   |   ||
|| X |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 0-0
Sorry this game is b/w zondo and Kamini. Please wait for the game to finish to play!.
3:13 PM
/t3 1-1
|| O | X |   ||
|| X | O |   ||
||   |   |   ||
|| O |   |   ||
|| X | O |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 2-2
|| O | X |   ||
|| X | O |   ||
||   |   | O ||
zondo won the game.  i can't believe it :(
/t3 duo
Welcome to Tic Tac Toe. To play a solo game with AI use /t3 solo. If you want to challenge a opponent use /t3 challenge @<username>.
3:14 PM
/t3 challenge @zondo
Duel initiated. @zondo, Sulaiman Majeed has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
/t3 accept
Initiating game between zondo and Sulaiman Majeed. zondo mark is O. Sulaiman Majeed goes first Each player gets 60 seconds to make a move. Not responding will lead to the other player win automatically. Game ON!
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 1-2
||   |   |   ||
||   |   | X ||
||   |   |   ||
3:15 PM
/t3 0-0
|| O |   |   ||
||   |   | X ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 0-2
|| O |   | X ||
||   |   | X ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 2-2
3:16 PM
|| O |   | X ||
||   |   | X ||
||   |   | O ||
/t3 1-1
|| O |   | X ||
||   | X | X ||
||   |   | O ||
/t3 0-1
|| O | O | X ||
||   | X | X ||
||   |   | O ||
/t3 1-0
3:16 PM
|| O | O | X ||
|| X | X | X ||
||   |   | O ||
Sulaiman Majeed won the game.  shameful defeat of zondo by Sulaiman Majeed
I thought x was first, not y.
/t3 challenge @Sulaima
Duel initiated. @Sulaima, zondo has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
/t3 accept
@SulaimanMajeed You are not Sulaima. Back off!
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
3:18 PM
/t3 challenge @SulaimanMajeed
Duel initiated. @SulaimanMajeed, zondo has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
/t3 accept
Initiating game between Sulaiman Majeed and zondo. Sulaiman Majeed mark is X. Sulaiman Majeed goes first! Each player gets 60 seconds to make a move. Not responding will lead to the other player win automatically. Game ON!
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
3:18 PM
/t3 0-0
|| X |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 1-1
|| X |   |   ||
||   | O |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 2-2
|| X |   |   ||
||   | O |   ||
||   |   | X ||
3:19 PM
/t3 1-0
|| X |   |   ||
|| O | O |   ||
||   |   | X ||
/t3 1-2
|| X |   |   ||
|| O | O | X ||
||   |   | X ||
/t3 0-2
|| X |   | O ||
|| O | O | X ||
||   |   | X ||
3:20 PM
Holy shat
/t3 2-0
|| X |   | O ||
|| O | O | X ||
|| X |   | X ||
/t3 2-1
|| X |   | O ||
|| O | O | X ||
|| X | O | X ||
3:20 PM
/t3 0-1
|| X | X | O ||
|| O | O | X ||
|| X | O | X ||
Nobody wins. You both suck. The end
It should have filled that in automatically. There was nothing else you could do.
/t3 challenge @Dsafds
Duel initiated. @Dsafds, zondo has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
Too late.
/t3 challenge @CapricaSix
Duel initiated. @CapricaSix, zondo has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
3:23 PM
/t3 decline
@zondo You are not CapricaSix. Back off!
/t3 cancel
Welcome to Tic Tac Toe. To play a solo game with AI use /t3 solo. If you want to challenge a opponent use /t3 challenge @<username>.
/t3 challenge @SulaimanMajeed
A challenge has already been initated. Please wait for it to be declined to initiate a new one.
3:23 PM
/t3 challenge @SulaimanMajeed
Duel initiated. @SulaimanMajeed, zondo has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
/t3 solo
Initiating game between zondo and Kamini. zondo mark is O. zondo goes first! Each player gets 60 seconds to make a move. Not responding will lead to the other player win automatically. Game ON!
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 1-1
Sorry, Kamini failed to respond in time. zondo wins the game!
3:25 PM
/t3 solo
Initiating game between zondo and Kamini. zondo mark is O. zondo goes first! Each player gets 60 seconds to make a move. Not responding will lead to the other player win automatically. Game ON!
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 1-1
Sorry, Kamini failed to respond in time. zondo wins the game!
/t3 challenge @its_notjack
Duel initiated. @its_notjack, zondo has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
3:26 PM
/t3 accept
Initiating game between its_notjack and zondo. its_notjack mark is O. zondo goes first Each player gets 60 seconds to make a move. Not responding will lead to the other player win automatically. Game ON!
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 1-1
||   |   |   ||
||   | X |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 1-2
||   |   |   ||
||   | X | O ||
||   |   |   ||
3:27 PM
/t3 0-0
|| X |   |   ||
||   | X | O ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 2-2
|| X |   |   ||
||   | X | O ||
||   |   | O ||
/t3 0-1
|| X | X |   ||
||   | X | O ||
||   |   | O ||
3:27 PM
/t3 0-2
|| X | X | O ||
||   | X | O ||
||   |   | O ||
its_notjack won the game. its_notjack owned zondo
Nice bot :P
Yeah, when it has you win :)
I think you bribed it.
Hangman limit exceeded currently... Next game playable in 7 minutes. Try the /jumble game till then
3:29 PM
I don't know how to play jumble.
Failed to solve word in time. Booo
I wm in French class no2
I'm busy sorry
That's okay. It isn't the end of the world if I can't play tic-tac-toe.
3:52 PM
@zondo Today's my day off. Can't it wait?
@zondo I don't get it.
Oh, I forgot to register that command.
@zondo When do I get a vacation?
3:55 PM
test: It didn't work.
help: Syntax: `help` or `help <cmd>`. If cmd supports arguments, `help <cmd> <cmd-args>` may be possible
>>help test
@zondo It didn't work.
>>help help
@zondo Syntax: help or help <cmd>. If cmd supports arguments, help <cmd> <cmd-args> may be possible
3:56 PM
>>help unknown-command
@zondo Sorry, I can't help you with that.
>>help help with unknown arguments
@zondo Syntax: help or help <cmd>. If cmd supports arguments, help <cmd> <cmd-args> may be possible
>>help help
@zondo help: Syntax: help or help <cmd>. If cmd supports arguments, help <cmd> <cmd-args> may be possible
3:59 PM
*test*: It didn't work.
*help*: Syntax: `help` or `help <cmd>`. If cmd supports arguments, `help <cmd> <cmd-args>` may be possible
Oh, I forgot that markdown doesn't work in multi-line messages.
Let's play ttt @zondo
/t3 challenge @Dsafds
Duel initiated. @Dsafds, zondo has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
4:04 PM
/t3 accept
Initiating game between Dsafds and zondo. Dsafds mark is O. zondo goes first Each player gets 60 seconds to make a move. Not responding will lead to the other player win automatically. Game ON!
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 1-1
||   |   |   ||
||   | X |   ||
||   |   |   ||
Y comes before X.
/t3 0-2
4:04 PM
||   |   | O ||
||   | X |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 0-0
|| X |   | O ||
||   | X |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 2-2
|| X |   | O ||
||   | X |   ||
||   |   | O ||
/t3 1-2
4:05 PM
|| X |   | O ||
||   | X | X ||
||   |   | O ||
/t3 1-0
|| X |   | O ||
|| O | X | X ||
||   |   | O ||
/t3 0-1
|| X | X | O ||
|| O | X | X ||
||   |   | O ||
/t3 2-1
4:06 PM
|| X | X | O ||
|| O | X | X ||
||   | O | O ||
/t3 2-0
|| X | X | O ||
|| O | X | X ||
|| X | O | O ||
Nobody wins. You both suck. The end
>>help: Syntax: `help` or `help <cmd>`. If cmd supports arguments, `help <cmd> <cmd-args>` may be possible
>>test: It didn't work.

My commands always start with >>. For example, >>test is a command that will respond to you with some random messages. Try `help <cmd>` for help on the other commands.
Lol ok
4:07 PM
What do you think of that help message?
Cool cooo
@zondo Test yourself, and see how you like it.
Interjection: Hello yourself, and see how you like it!
  1. (offensive, but now often humorous) A response to being greeted with "hello"....
Just in case you were wondering.
4:10 PM
Adding new commands is just too easy on here. You do bot.register('my-command', command_function, help_string_or_callable). The help argument can be a callable so that things like >>help kill me can be different from >>help kill you. Don't ask me why that's the example I thought of.
Oh I don't do that
I just use if statements but I will implement that in a function l8r
I'm trying to make it so that new commands can be added easily by people who don't know my code very well. I intend to have a commands folder so that anyone can add a new file with something like:

def die_command(event, room, client):

def hello_command(event, room, client):

commands = {'die': die_command, 'kill': die_command, 'hello': hello_command, 'hi': hello_command, 'hey': hello_command}
4:36 PM
>>test: It didn't work.
>>search: Search for item on the web (using Bing)
>>help: Syntax: `help` or `help <cmd>`. If cmd supports arguments, `help <cmd> <cmd-args>` may be possible

My commands always start with >>. For example, >>test is a command that will respond to you with some random messages. Try `help <cmd>` for help on the other commands.
The big test.
>>search zondo
@zondo Oops. That's an error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find_all'
Well, I'm glad you told me the error.
Now let's actually display the whole traceback at home.
>>search zondo
@zondo Oops. That's an error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find_all'
4:41 PM
Oh, I know the problem.

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