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4:01 AM
/about     Displays information about this bot.
/define    Displays word definitions from the dictionary.
/help      Displays this help message.
/http      Displays information about HTTP status codes and methods.
/javadoc   Displays class documentation from the Javadocs.
/shutdown  Terminates the bot (admins only).
/tag       Displays the description of a StackOverflow tag (acts like a Computer Science urban dictionary).
/urban     Retrieves definitions from urbandictionary.com
/wiki      Displays a one-box for a Wikipedia page.

mention   Sends a reply message when someone mentions the bot's name.
/javadoc StringBuilder.delete()
@CrazyNinja Sorry, I never heard of that class. :(
/javadoc StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
@CrazyNinja java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: Thrown by String methods to indicate that an index is either negative or greater than the size of the string. For some methods such as the charAt method, this exception also is thrown when the index is equal to the size of the string.
14 hours later…
6:23 PM
!!forget tutorial
@AwalGarg Command tutorial forgotten.
@Jhawins Command howtalk learned
!!learn chatfaq "<>Please see FAQ#$0"
@AwalGarg Command tutorial learned
@AwalGarg Command tutorial forgotten.
@AwalGarg Command chatfaq learned
8 messages moved from JavaScript
6:25 PM
!!chatfaq nice
Please see FAQ#nice
7:09 PM
!!forget chatfaq
@AwalGarg Command chatfaq forgotten.
!!learn chatfaq "<>Please see FAQ#$0"
@AwalGarg Command chatfaq learned
!!chatfaq nice
Please see FAQ#nice
7:11 PM
!!info foo
@AwalGarg Command foo does not exist. Did you mean: fox
!!learn foo "[$0]($0)"
@AwalGarg Command foo learned
!!foo bar
@AwalGarg bar bar
@AwalGarg Command foo learned
7:12 PM
!!foo bar
@AwalGarg [bar](bar)
!!learn foo "faq $0"
@AwalGarg Command foo learned
!!foo bar
@AwalGarg faq bar
7:17 PM
@ZahidSaeed try it here
@Zirak ^ why this no work? We need a command such that !!chatfaq foo links to chatfaqurl/#foo in the form of [chatfaq#foo](chatfaqurl#foo)
!!forget foo
@AwalGarg Command foo forgotten.
var parsed_data = $.parseHTML(data);
					for(var i = 0; i < parsed_data.length; i++){
oh man
@ZahidSaeed you did it! congrats!
Is it a sarcasm ? :)
nope :)
I mean it.
you can now safely post it the same way in the js room
7:25 PM
or don't, I did it for you
They kicked me off !
But you still haven't told me
@ZahidSaeed don't take it personally. it doesn't mean kick, it means please stay out for a while, relax, realize, and come back soon.
@ZahidSaeed haven't told you what?
Actually I'm new here
Is my code ok ?
@ZahidSaeed yes, but there are better ways to do this
7:28 PM
Like ?
like array.filter which I linked you earlier @ZahidSaeed
I tried. I really did
But I couldn't catch it
@ZahidSaeed I showed you an example as well, but see it again:
!!> [1,2,3,4,4,4,5,6].filter(function (x) { return x ===4; })
@AwalGarg [4,4,4]
Thank you @AwalGarg
7:30 PM
@ZahidSaeed sure. let us solve it on a higher level in english language terms, forgetting js for a while, shall we?
@ZahidSaeed you have an box of things. there are different number of different things in it, ok?
*a box ;)
yeah, now you are interested in a specific type of thing
what do you do with the box?
I will pick them out
7:33 PM
exactly. and what do you call this action in english?
and so is it called in javascript too!
Are you are a teacher ?
boxes in javascript are arrays, and they can be filtered
@ZahidSaeed no, why?
You teach quite well :)
7:34 PM
how the filter function works can be read in the documentation I linked you to earlier.
How many years are you working with js ?
3 months
wow !
How old are you ?
oh man
7:36 PM
Which programming have you already learnt ?
*programming languages
JS, PHP, Lua, a little bit of python, ruby etc.
Hat's off man
@ZahidSaeed you live in Pakistan?
(just asking)
Whisper: // ("And how do you get it ?") :)
7:39 PM
your name, greetings from across the border! :)
I am from India.
oh !
Nice to meet you Awal :)
nice to meet you too. I have to go for now, feel free to come back to the JS room and don't take the "kick" personally. It is just named badly, it is for the benefit of the room.
Is there anyway to add friends ?
Or can you give me your Facebook ID ?
7:41 PM
I don't use Facebook :P
Then ?
You can ping me in the JS room, I am there most of the time.
Which social media account do you use ?
Type @ and then my name.
I know but what if you are not here ?
How's that possible that you don't use FB ?
7:43 PM
@ZahidSaeed if I am not present, I will ask someone else to help you out :) they are quite brilliant people in there.
Have you worked on any projects yet ?
nothing substantial, I started programming 6 months ago.
And you already have learned quite a lot
:) you will get there soon, I am sure.
Where do you learn such things from ?
7:45 PM
the JS room helped quite a lot.
Nice :)
Most of my knowledge can be attributed to that room and the people in there like @rlemon @benjamin @florian etc...
I see
I am fairly a beginner btw, you should rather look up to those people, not me :P
Do you work on OOP in PHP ?
or Procedural Programming ?
7:47 PM
both ways
6 months...
@ZahidSaeed you don't wanna go to bed? 1:17 am :P
Have you also learned HTML, CSS, Bootstrap ?
It's 12:48 AM here :)
not bootstrap
I'm trying to make my PHP, js programming skills better
7:49 PM
nice, good luck :)
What about wordpress ?
Have you learned it ?
have to go to bed, cya!
Good Bye. Hope to see you again here :)
2 hours later…
9:25 PM
!!info foaas
@Zirak That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Zirak Command fooas does not exist. Did you mean: foaas, focus
@Zirak Command foaas, created by rlemon on Wed, 27 May 2015 22:35:01 GMT, invoked 1 times
@rlemon lrn2regex, \d captures digits
@Zirak rlemon is afk: there is a goose in my vacuum
!!learn foass "$1 $2" "(\w+) (\w+)"
!!foass foo bar
@Zirak Command foaas forgotten.
@Zirak Command foass learned
9:29 PM
!!foass foo bar
@Zirak 1 2
Or maybe not
@Zirak 12
@Zirak Command foass learned
oh you are already here, good
!!help foass
9:30 PM
@Zirak foass: User-taught command: (w+) (\w+) $1 $2
!!learn foass "$1 $2" "(\\w+) (\w+)"
@Zirak Command foass learned
!!foass foo bar
@Zirak 12
!!help foass
9:31 PM
@Zirak foass: User-taught command: (\w+) (\w+) $1 $2
I'm dead tired, will raise a local one tomorrow and check it out, probably something stupid
yeah. hah.
@Zirak don't die until you make her learn the command, ok?
9:53 PM
@Zirak you didn't look back far enough. The /d was a demo. Learn2read
10:04 PM
!!> self
!!> app
@TravisJ TypeError: cyclic object value
@SpencerRuport "ReferenceError: app is not defined"
!!> this
@SpencerRuport "undefined"
!!> Math.pow
10:05 PM
@SpencerRuport "TypeError: this is undefined"
@SpencerRuport "ReferenceError: document is not defined"
I can't do anything cool.
@SpencerRuport {}
@SpencerRuport "function pow() {\n [native code]\n}"
!!> new function(){ return this; }
@TravisJ {}
!!> (function(){ var s = ""; (function build(obj){for(var key in obj){ s += key + ','; if(obj[key] instanceof Object ) build(obj[key]);};})(this)return s; })()
10:07 PM
@TravisJ "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
!!> alert
@SpencerRuport "ReferenceError: alert is not defined"
!!> parent
@SpencerRuport "ReferenceError: parent is not defined"
!!> typeof this
10:09 PM
@SpencerRuport "undefined"
!!> (function(){ var r=0,s = ""; (function build(obj){for(var key in obj){ if( key == "document" ) s += key; if(obj[key] instanceof Object && r++<8999 && key != "global") build(obj[key]);};})(this);return s; })()
@TravisJ ""
!!> console
@SpencerRuport That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@SpencerRuport "SyntaxError: expected expression, got end of script"
!!> (function(){ return self; })()
10:10 PM
@TravisJ "undefined"
@TravisJ TypeError: cyclic object value
@SpencerRuport {"_items":[],"log":"function (){\n\"use strict\";\nconsole._items.push.apply(console._items,arguments)}","debug":"functi‌​on (){\n\"use strict\";\nconsole._items.push.apply(console._items,arguments)}","info":"functio‌​n (){\n\"use strict\";\nconsole._items.push.apply(console._items,arguments)}","error":"functi‌​on (){\n\"use strict\";\nconsole._items.push.apply(console._items,arguments)}"}
!!> (function(){ return Object.keys(self); })()
@TravisJ ["postMessage","onmessage","global","whitey","exec","console","setTimeout"]
10:11 PM
!!> (whitey + "").substr(50)
@SpencerRuport {"Array":1,"Boolean":1,"Date":1,"Error":1,"EvalError":1,"Function":1,"Infinity"‌​:1,"JSON":1,"Map":1,"Math":1,"NaN":1,"Number":1,"Object":1,"Promise":1,"Proxy":1,‌​"RangeError":1,"ReferenceError":1,"RegExp":1,"Set":1,"String":1,"SyntaxError":1,"‌​TypeError":1,"URIError":1,"WeakMap":1,"WeakSet":1,"atob":1,"btoa":1,"console":1,"‌​decodeURI":1,"decodeURIComponent":1,"encodeURI":1,"encodeURIComponent":1,"eval (snip)
@SpencerRuport ""
!!> whitey
!!> (function(){ var r=0,s = ""; (function build(obj){for(var key in obj){ if( key == "document" ) s += key; if(obj[key] instanceof Object && r++<8999 && key != "global") build(obj[key]);};})(self);return s; })()
@TravisJ ""
@SpencerRuport "[object Object]"
@SpencerRuport ""
@SpencerRuport "[object Object]"
@SpencerRuport {"Array":1,"Boolean":1,"Date":1,"Error":1,"EvalError":1,"Function":1,"Infinity"‌​:1,"JSON":1,"Map":1,"Math":1,"NaN":1,"Number":1,"Object":1,"Promise":1,"Proxy":1,‌​"RangeError":1,"ReferenceError":1,"RegExp":1,"Set":1,"String":1,"SyntaxError":1,"‌​TypeError":1,"URIError":1,"WeakMap":1,"WeakSet":1,"atob":1,"btoa":1,"console":1,"‌​decodeURI":1,"decodeURIComponent":1,"encodeURI":1,"encodeURIComponent":1,"eval (snip)
!!> (function() { var ret = ""; foreach(var key in whitey) { ret += key + ","; } return ret; })()
10:16 PM
@SpencerRuport "SyntaxError: expected expression, got keyword 'var'"
!!> (function(){
var result = Object.keys(self);
var viewed = Object.keys(self);
(function iter(keys){
for(var i in keys){
var val = Object.keys(keys[i]);
if(Object.keys(val).length && viewed.indexOf(val) == -1){
return result.join(",");
@TravisJ "SyntaxError: missing } after function body"
!!> window
@SpencerRuport "Array,Boolean,Date,Error,EvalError,Function,Infinity,JSON,Map,Math,NaN,Number,‌​Object,Promise,Proxy,RangeError,ReferenceError,RegExp,Set,String,SyntaxError,Type‌​Error,URIError,WeakMap,WeakSet,atob,btoa,console,decodeURI,decodeURIComponent,enc‌​odeURI,encodeURIComponent,eval,exec,global,isFinite,isNaN,onmessage,parseFloat,pa‌​rseInt,postMessage,self,undefined,whitey,ArrayBuffer,Blob,Float32Array,Float64 (snip)
@SpencerRuport "function postMessage() {\n [native code]\n}"
@SpencerRuport "ReferenceError: window is not defined"
!!> (function() { var ret = ""; for(var key in whitey) { ret += key + ","; } return ret; })().substr(150)
10:20 PM
@SpencerRuport "SyntaxError: expected expression, got keyword 'var'"
there was not a missing } wtf
@SpencerRuport "ty,JSON,Map,Math,NaN,Number,Object,Promise,Proxy,RangeError,ReferenceError,Reg‌​Exp,Set,String,SyntaxError,TypeError,URIError,WeakMap,WeakSet,atob,btoa,console,d‌​ecodeURI,decodeURIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,eval,exec,global,isFinit‌​e,isNaN,onmessage,parseFloat,parseInt,postMessage,self,undefined,whitey,ArrayBuff‌​er,Blob,Float32Array,Float64Array,Int8Array,Int16Array,Int32Array,Uint8Array,U (snip)
I don't think it parses \n
@SpencerRuport "angeError,ReferenceError,RegExp,Set,String,SyntaxError,TypeError,URIError,Weak‌​Map,WeakSet,atob,btoa,console,decodeURI,decodeURIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURICom‌​ponent,eval,exec,global,isFinite,isNaN,onmessage,parseFloat,parseInt,postMessage,‌​self,undefined,whitey,ArrayBuffer,Blob,Float32Array,Float64Array,Int8Array,Int16A‌​rray,Int32Array,Uint8Array,Uint16Array,Uint32Array,Uint8ClampedArray,DOMExcept (snip)
@SpencerRuport "rror,TypeError,URIError,WeakMap,WeakSet,atob,btoa,console,decodeURI,decodeURIC‌​omponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,eval,exec,global,isFinite,isNaN,onmessage,p‌​arseFloat,parseInt,postMessage,self,undefined,whitey,ArrayBuffer,Blob,Float32Arra‌​y,Float64Array,Int8Array,Int16Array,Int32Array,Uint8Array,Uint16Array,Uint32Array‌​,Uint8ClampedArray,DOMException,Event,MessageEvent,WorkerMessageEvent,"
!!> (function() {var result = Object.keys(self);var viewed = Object.keys(self);(function iter(keys) {for (var i in keys) {var val = Object.keys(keys[i]);if (Object.keys(val).length && viewed.indexOf(val) == -1) {viewed.push(val);result.push(val);iter(Object.keys(val));} }})(Object.keys(self)); return result.join(",");})()
10:22 PM
@TravisJ "SyntaxError: missing } after function body"
@TravisJ - I think it has to be on one line.
imma get a large fish and slap you with it
@TravisJ Maximum execution time exceeded
!!> (function() {var result = Object.keys(self);var viewed = Object.keys(self);viewed.push("self");(function iter(keys) {for (var i in keys) {var val = Object.keys(keys[i]);if (Object.keys(val).length && viewed.indexOf(keys[i]) == -1) {viewed.push(keys[i]);result.push(keys[i]);iter(val);} }})(Object.keys(self)); return result.join(",");})()
@TravisJ "postMessage,onmessage,global,whitey,exec,console,setTimeout"
10:26 PM
!!> (function() {var result = Object.keys(self);var viewed = Object.keys(self);viewed.push("self");(function iter(keys) {for (var i in keys) {var val = Object.keys(keys[i]);if (val.length && viewed.indexOf(keys[i]) == -1) {viewed.push(keys[i]);result.push(keys[i]);iter(val);} }})(Object.keys(self)); return result.join(",");})()
@TravisJ "postMessage,onmessage,global,whitey,exec,console,setTimeout"
!!> (function() {var result = Object.keys(self);var viewed = Object.keys(self);viewed.push("self");(function iter(keys,obj) {for (var i in keys) {var val = Object.keys(obj[keys[i]]);if (val.length && viewed.indexOf(keys[i]) == -1) {viewed.push(keys[i]);result.push(keys[i]);iter(val,obj[keys[i]]);} }})(Object.keys(self),self); return result.join(",");})()
@TravisJ "postMessage,onmessage,global,whitey,exec,console,setTimeout"
hm, doing this in textarea isn't working out so well
!!> (function() {var result = Object.keys(self);var viewed =[];viewed.push("self");(function iter(keys,obj) {for (var i in keys) {var val = Object.keys(obj[keys[i]]);if (val.length && viewed.indexOf(keys[i]) == -1) {viewed.push(keys[i]);result.push(keys[i]);iter(val,obj[keys[i]]);} }})(Object.keys(self),self); return result.join(",");})()
@TravisJ "postMessage,onmessage,global,whitey,exec,console,setTimeout,global,whitey,cons‌​ole"
10:39 PM
!!> (function() {var result = Object.keys(self);var viewed =[];viewed.push("self");(function iter(keys,obj) {for (var i in keys) {var val = Object.keys(obj[keys[i]]);if (viewed.indexOf(keys[i]) == -1) {viewed.push(keys[i]);result.push(keys[i]);if(val.length)iter(val,obj[keys[i]]);} }})(Object.keys(self),self); return result.join(",");})()
@TravisJ "postMessage,onmessage,global,whitey,exec,console,setTimeout,postMessage,onmess‌​age,global,whitey,Array,Boolean,Date,Error,EvalError,Function,Infinity,JSON,Map,M‌​ath,NaN,Number,Object,Promise,Proxy,RangeError,ReferenceError,RegExp,Set,String,S‌​yntaxError,TypeError,URIError,WeakMap,WeakSet,atob,btoa,console,decodeURI,decodeU‌​RIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,eval,exec,isFinite,isNaN,parseFloat,p (snip)
!!> (function() {var result = [];var viewed =[];viewed.push("self");(function iter(keys,obj) {for (var i in keys) {var val = Object.keys(obj[keys[i]]);if (viewed.indexOf(keys[i]) == -1) {viewed.push(keys[i]);result.push(keys[i]);if(val.length)iter(val,obj[keys[i]]);} }})(Object.keys(self),self); return result.join(",");})()
@TravisJ "postMessage,onmessage,global,whitey,Array,Boolean,Date,Error,EvalError,Functio‌​n,Infinity,JSON,Map,Math,NaN,Number,Object,Promise,Proxy,RangeError,ReferenceErro‌​r,RegExp,Set,String,SyntaxError,TypeError,URIError,WeakMap,WeakSet,atob,btoa,cons‌​ole,decodeURI,decodeURIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,eval,exec,isFinite,‌​isNaN,parseFloat,parseInt,undefined,ArrayBuffer,Blob,Float32Array,Float64Array (snip)

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