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11:00 AM
Why do we need java compiler?
You seem confused about Groovy is
... ?
the bug has nothing to do with groovy
it's something to do with the html parsing and new lines and random crap like that
Every java class is 100% compatible with groovy
There is absolutely zero chance of it failing to compile, or anything else weird happening.
public class Ha {
public static void main(String[] args){
11:05 AM
public class Ha {
public static void main(String[] args){
Execution completed, null or no output
!!eval: javaBot.getListeners()[0].userIds.add(1803692)
I'm sure that worked fine
@Vog ^
11:06 AM
public class Ha {
public static void main(String[] args){
Execution completed, null or no output
!!java: System.out.println("Test");
!!eval:"Hi @Vog"
Hi @Vog
!!help java
11:06 AM
Execution completed, null or no output
feature request: make it answer ;)
sings the "waiting for a fish" song
public class test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
Execution completed, null or no output
11:10 AM
Execution completed, null or no output
!!eval:function () {
  return "Test"
startup failed:
UserScript: 1: unexpected token:  @ line 1, column 14.
   function () {

1 error
yay fixed font
!!eval:Object a = null; a.getClass();
11:10 AM
class org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.NullObject
package com.gmail.inverseconduit
public class test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
would throw NPE in java..
@Vogel612 I have no clue how groovy works either.
well it seems that null actually has a Class now...
11:11 AM
To run a Java class, use !!java, or !!eval to run a Groovy script
Is it program to print what happens in the methods you send it? Or what is it programmed to do?
package com.gmail.inverseconduit
public class test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
Execution completed, null or no output
It passes your script into a script engine (Groovy) and prints the output.
If there's no output it displays that italic helpful message.
public final class Test {
    private static final String TEST = "Test";
    public static void main(String[] args) {
11:13 AM
package com.gmail.inverseconduit;
public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
Execution completed, null or no output
!!eval:String Test = "test"; Test;
11:14 AM
So how does groovy take the input?
@Gemtastic I bet the message gets parsed for the content, that gets put into a file, and then standard command-line procedures kick in
could it be that the JVM console catches the outputs when running java programs?
@Vogel612 Negative.
@Vogel612 Catches what output?
It's not written / read from a file. It's parsed and loaded directly into a classloader (or groovy shell)
and System.out does not redirect to chat.
String Test = "asdf";
return Test;
11:17 AM
Execution completed, null or no output
public final class Test {
    private static final String TEST = "Test";
    public static String main(String[] args) {
        return TEST;
^ public static String main(String[] args) @vog
until out acts as a proxy properly
Let's try something
11:18 AM
No such property: something for class: UserScript
Nope, doesn't work out. :P
public class Test {
   public static Object run(Object[] obj) { return "Test" }
What?! But it doesn't even end the statement with a semicolon properly!
11:20 AM
It's valid groovy
It really doesn't matter
public class Test {
public static String run(Object[] obj) { return "Test" }
I've changed it to call "run" instead
the Object[] can be useful for accessing some references to the javaBot and things like that.
I'll change it at some point if I need to, but this seem to be what works.
how can I import it into eclipse??
It did not like returning a string from main, atleast I think that's what the problem was.
11:23 AM
@Vogel612 Fork the repository, then clone it with git.
that's how far I got already ;)
Use Import Existing Projects... then Maven then Existing Maven Project
how did I miss the pom T.T
Just one question... Just why does "pom" read so close like "porn"?
and why does the name "Maven" sound like a porn star?
11:27 AM
that aside... I get 3 errors..
2 are: "duplicate field: TRIGGER"
does this even build??
Change the configuration class to your bot account stuff and gitignore it so you don't push your credientials on committing.
Then get rid of the duplicate. :P
@eval: javaBot.threadPool.getDeclaredFields()
!!eval: javaBot.threadPool.getDeclaredFields()
oaky doaky
11:32 AM
No signature of method: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getDeclaredFields() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
You can't do that.
Well that's good.
@Unihedron srsly... 11 inbox messages???
11:32 AM
how does "ACCESS_TOKEN" work??
@Vogel612 It's the OAuth access token from StackAuth.
@Vogel612 It's for OAUTH, none of that is implemented yet. You only need username and password.
@JanDvorak ?
11:33 AM
only thing left is: `ScriptBase cannot be resolved to a type
!!eval:"If you're happy and you know it ping Dear @Jan!\nIf you're happy and you know it ping Dear @Jan!\nIf you're happy and you know it and you really want to share it if you're happy and you know it go ping @Jan!"
If you're happy and you know it ping Dear @Jan!
If you're happy and you know it ping Dear @Jan!
If you're happy and you know it and you really want to share it if you're happy and you know it go ping @Jan!
at least loop it..
!!eval: "Test"*3
11:34 AM
@Unihedron srsly... 11 inbox messages???
@JanDvorak all from me? :D
11:35 AM
that shouldn't even ping once..
great...now you've caused my computer to thrash...
!!eval:" @Justin"*2
and I'llblamemy brokenspacebaron you,too
11:36 AM
We should prevent the bot from posting messages that would ping people, :P
"Strip @'s"
Oct 2 at 17:45, by Awal Garg
250 this message is far more star worthy, I think xD
okay how do I get eclipse to correctly use groovy??
@Vogel612 What's groovy?
um.... nevermind that..
it works..
11:39 AM
There's no groovy in the codebase anymore.
##eval: test
@Unihedron It's a ruby-like language that compiles to JVM
##eval: "test"
client ID is supposed to be the bot's user account id?
@JanDvorak Thanks! I have no clue how ruby works.
@Justin there is: ScriptBase.groovy
11:41 AM
@Unihedron It's a compact but readable scripting language with a slightly unusual set of keywords
@Vogel612 You're on the wrong branch.
you do know that's master??
Like I said, you're on the wrong branch.
Justin's branch is the one we're working on atm.
@Unihedron Gonna add output throttling. What is it like 1 message per second or something?
11:44 AM
The rate limiting?
I'm merging into master. Things seem relatively stable.
hang on lemme just grab java8
11:49 AM
!!eval: javaBot.getListeners()
[3763850, 1803692, 499214, 3622940, 2272617]
!!why isn't caprica complaining?
11:51 AM
I ignored her a long time ago, because she insists on pinging me constantly.
@KendallFrey Our Java made Caprica recieve an AwesomenessOverflowException.
you should change your invocation pattern
You should change yours.
caprica was here first
It's a sandbox.
11:52 AM
I can't, it's not my bot
if you want to be a dick about it, fine
Yes. people care
She's not just here in the sandbox
nobody is required to use the same invocation pattern...
I'm not upset, it's just a small request
And we denied that request
11:54 AM
@KendallFrey Can you suggest a viable new invocation pattern?
It's not nice to copy another bot's command syntax, because that leads to spam
@Unihedron you can have the one I don't use anymore, $
That's so... "bash" though.
Maybe python? >>>
@Justin I don't understand why you wouldn't just politely change it
Technically speaking, isn't it good to have bots use the same invocations for user-friendliness?
Nobody wants confused responses from bots that think you were talking to them
actually, we use the sandbox for working on cap
11:56 AM
This is the sandbox; noone cares. These bots aren't supposed to be used at the same time in the same chat in any other places.
And we use it to work on our bot
and if both bots are running at the same time, that makes useless spam
it's 10 seconds of work for 10 seconds of more happiness, up to you
okay guys, calm down
You two need to visit:
something seems to be missing..
@Unihedron mind running a test with ##invocation
@Vogel612 Justin is hosting the bot instance atm.
12:03 PM
I am also hosting one...
response (404)...
um.. do I need to change the CLIENT_ID in BotConfig??
!!ban 2272617
@KendallFrey 2272617 added to mindjail.
that should take care of that for now
12:10 PM
okay I am running against a 404 here.
@KendallFrey \o/
next try:
okay so much for that...
@KendallFrey I'm not dead! Honest!
beer!help learn
@KendallFrey learn: Teaches me a command. /learn cmdName outputPattern [inputRegex [description]]
why beer!?
dev mode
12:18 PM
either way what's wrong with posting against http://chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/1/messages/new
because we're nice enough to change the invocation pattern for other instances
no comment..
This room is so crowded, JavaScripters and Javaors trying to get bots to work
beer!learn explode explosions .*.*.*.*.*.*foobar
@KendallFrey Command explode learned
12:19 PM
which is why having the same invocation pattern is annoying
beer!explode everything
@KendallFrey explosions
but some people just wanna watch the world burn
@KendallFrey Command explode learned
beer!explode Mars
@KendallFrey Input not matching /.*.*.*.*.*.*foobar/. Help: User-taught command: explosions
@Justin why would I ignore my own bot?
To get to the catastrophic backtracking quicker you can wrap .* in *s, like ((.*)*)*
12:20 PM
"ignore the bots"
beer!learn explode explosions (((.*|.*)*|(.*|.*)*)*|((.*|.*)*|(.*|.*)*)*)*foobar
@KendallFrey Command explode learned
@Justin ignoring things doesn't fix the problem for other people
@Vogel612 Negative
beer!explode yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
@KendallFrey could you do me a favor and try the same?
12:23 PM
@Justin why so brash about things?
> I just don't have any tolerance for people that act conceited.
he asked you change a command
you responded with brash comments
imo you sounded like the conceited one.
no, his reasoning is sound. in a single room bots with the same invocation pattern is annoying.
the only problem I see is the attitude.
lol, point proven
ohhhh jeeeses..
26 messages moved to Trash can
well that was fun
stop being a dick please and thankyou
someone asked a simple request. you've got a serious attitude problem dealing with requests.
@rlemon just.. let it go,..
12:31 PM
and you're calling Kendall self entitled? that statement reeks of self entitlement?
he's not gonna move, you're not gonna move..
@Vogel612 eh, waiting on a build script. I've got 15 minutes to burn
can't everyone develop in peace??
sure. I'm just asking that you do the same.
@Justin don't...
12:32 PM
google "brash", the way you're communicating is coming off as rude
in Trash can, 34 mins ago, by Justin
I like people who think everyone should honor their meaningless requests. As if they're so much better than everyone else? I really don't understand.
if you kids can't play nice in here I'm going to have to start handing out timeouts.
I was mostly jesting, but now i've kick muted Justin
12:35 PM
gj @rlemon
lifts hat, bows in awe
Meh, wouldn't say I didn't expect it.
that being said, I don't know what's wrong with the POST url..
I really don't care what his invocation pattern is. Cap already ignores him. but he was being really rude
12:37 PM
one click
just one click
Someone is wrong on the internet.
test message
@Unihedron assemble your troops! this might be an all nighter!
lol, do you ever learn?
10 messages moved to Trash can
could it be that the chat only accepts messages from the respective host?
gives a 404, but exactly replicates what chat does...
12:53 PM
@Vogel612 ready to facepalm?
it's /rooms not /chats
> Request URL:http://chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/1/messages/new
would be interesting to try though..
I am already logging there...
rooms also gives me 404 ...
interestingly I am running on Justin's branch..
sooo when his bot works, mine should too,...

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