« first day (1467 days earlier)      last day (3491 days later) » 

10:00 AM
Also, it seems fixed font does maintain formatting even after parsing. So, that's the way to do it.
Better to paste code that way anyways. Soo
Great, now let's work on running gists!
what's wrong with this though 0_o
It's great!
And really handy.
public class Test {
    public static String print() { return "Testing"; }
    public static String main(String[] args) { Test.print(); }
Execution completed, null or no output
10:01 AM
I mean this code
return statement?
public class Test {
    public static String print() { return "Testing"; }
    public static String main(String[] args) { return Test.print(); }
Execution completed, null or no output
public class Test {
public static String print() { return "Testing"; }
public static String main(String[] args) { return print(); }
startup failed:
UserScript: 1: expecting '}', found 'public' @ line 1, column 73.
print() { return "Testing"; } public sta

1 error
10:02 AM
public class Test {
public static String print() { return "Testing"; }
public static String main(String[] args) { return Test.print(); }
public class Test {
    public static String print() { return "Testing"; }
    public static String main(String[] args) { return Test.print(); }
Execution completed, null or no output
!!java: lol
!!java: aefhuwefhcaHADAsdASDasdADasd
!!eval: aefhuwefhcaHADAsdASDasdADasd
10:03 AM
No such property: aefhuwefhcaHADAsdASDasdADasd for class: UserScript
!!eval: System.exit(0)
You can't do that.
!!eval: new Runnable()
startup failed:
UserScript: 1: You cannot create an instance from the abstract interface 'java.lang.Runnable'.
@ line 1, column 2.
new Runnable()

1 error
Oct 22, 2014 6:03:17 AM com.gmail.inverseconduit.chat.StackExchangeChat sendMessage
WARNING: Could not send message. Response(400): Bad Request
I get this error sometimes. I think it's when the bot spams :p
10:03 AM
!!eval:"hi @Jan @Jan @Jan @Jan"
hi @Jan @Jan @Jan @Jan
public class Test {
    public static String print() { return "Testing"; }
    public static String main(String[] args) { return Test.print(); }
Execution completed, null or no output
Now he's seriously broken.
10:05 AM
public class Test {
    public static String print() { return "Testing"; }
    public static String main(String[] args) { return print(); }
Need to do message throttling to keep him from spamming
public class Test {
public static String main(String[] args) { return "Testing"; }
public class Test {
public static String main(String[] args) { return "Testing"; }
Execution completed, null or no output
I fix.
No such property: com for class: UserScript
10:09 AM
!!eval:field = Class.forName("com.gmail.inverseconduit.RunScriptCommand").getDeclaredField(user‌​Ids); field.setAccessible(true); field
!!eval:field = Class.forName("com.gmail.inverseconduit.RunScriptCommand").getDeclaredField(user‌​Ids); field.setAccessible(true); field.invoke();
@Unihedron You don't need any of that in groovy.
!!eval:field = Class.forName("com.gmail.inverseconduit.RunScriptCommand").getDeclaredField("use‌​rIds"); field.setAccessible(true); field
10:10 AM
!!eval: javaBot.getListeners()
!!eval: javaBot.getListeners()[0].userIds
[3622940, 2272617]
10:11 AM
public class Ha {
  public static String main(String[]args){
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
      buffer.append("hi @Jan\n");
    return buffer.toString();
I'll figure out whats up with that
public class Ha {
  public static String main(String[]args){
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
      buffer.append("hi @Jan\n");
    return buffer.toString();
Execution completed, null or no output
It's some kind of line problem
10:13 AM
!!eval: javaBot.getListeners().add(3763850)
!!eval: javaBot.getListeners()[0].userIds
[3622940, 2272617]
!!eval: javaBot.getListeners().remove(3763850)
Index: 3763850, Size: 2
10:14 AM
!!eval: javaBot.getListeners()[0].userIds.add(3763850)
There you go.
!!eval: javaBot.getListeners()[0].userIds.add(499214)
[3763850, 3622940, 2272617]
10:14 AM
!!eval: javaBot.getListeners()[0].userIds.add(499214)
Getting a cannot cast error
Not sure why it isn't displaying
Oh, because it's during runtime in another thread.
Bad :p
!!eval: javaBot.getListeners()
[com.gmail.inverseconduit.commands.RunScriptCommand@733321e2, 3763850]
!!eval javaBot.getListeners().remove(3763850)
10:21 AM
Index: 3763850, Size: 2
!!eval: javaBot.getListeners().remove(3763850)
!!eval: javaBot.getListeners()
!!eval: javaBot.getListeners()
[com.gmail.inverseconduit.commands.RunScriptCommand@733321e2, 3763850]
10:22 AM
reboot pls
10:22 AM
public class Ha {
    public static String main(String[] args){
        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
            buffer.append("hi @Jan\n");
        return buffer.toString();
10:25 AM
Execution completed, null or no output
I have a question about reputition: if I offer a bounty, can I loose privileges?
!!java:public class Ha {
public static String main(String[] args){
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
buffer.append("hi @Jan\n");
return buffer.toString();
startup failed:
UserScript: 1: expecting '}', found 'return' @ line 1, column 166.
buffer.append("hi @Jan\n"); } return buf

1 error
!!java:public class Ha {
    public static String main(String[] args){
        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
            buffer.append("hi @Jan\n");
        return buffer.toString();
startup failed:
UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.
public class Ha {

1 error
10:28 AM
sure or just guessing?
sure enough
aye, thanks
!!java:public class Ha {
    public static String main(String[] args){
        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
            buffer.append("hi @Jan\n");
        return buffer.toString();
<pre>startup failed:
UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.
public class Ha {

1 error
10:30 AM
thats a pity
but thanks for the answer! :)
@Unihedron might be able to give you a better answer.
!!java:public class Ha {
    public static String main(String[] args){
        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
            buffer.append("hi @Jan\n");
        return buffer.toString();
`startup failed:
UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.
public class Ha {

1 error
<code> test </code>
why dont backticks work
@Wavemaster yes
10:33 AM
privileges are "How much you have", when you go under the spot, you lose the privilege
@Unihedron thanks for the answer, still a pity :D
A true story of mine: I unlocked the full editing perks, then some of my previously point-awarded edited posts were removed, so I had to edit more posts to get my edit perk back
!!eval:"Hi @J.Musser"
Hi @J.Musser
`do we`
have to
`use backticks on each line?`
I don't understand why that never works.
10:36 AM
no, use fixed font altogether
Multiline messages
*are* _not_ ***FORMATTED***
Okay, figured out how to use that.
Have to put 4 spaces on every line, really?
printf %4.2fs
Except we can't use System.out for that
10:39 AM
String.format wouldn't work either.
It would just add 4 lines to the beginning.
You have to split the lines and do it for each line.
Or use regex
.replaceAll("(?m)^", " ")
Will that work?
@Unihedron hi
!!eval:"startup failed:
UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.
public class Ha {

1 error".replaceAll("(?m)^", "    ")
10:41 AM
`startup failed:
UserScript: 1: unexpected char: 0xFFFF @ line 1, column 17.
"startup failed:

1 error
!!eval:"startup failed:\
UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\
public class Ha {\
1 error".replaceAll("(?m)^", " ")
`startup failed:
UserScript: 1: unexpected char: '\' @ line 1, column 17.
"startup failed:\ UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\ public class Ha {\ ^\ \ 1 error".replaceAll("(?m)^", " ")

1 error
!!eval:"startup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("(?m)^", " ")
startup failed:
UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.
public class Ha {
1 error
10:43 AM
!!eval:"startup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("(?m)^", " ")
startup failed:
UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.
public class Ha {
1 error
!!eval:"startup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("(?m)^", "1234")
1234startup failed:
1234UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.
1234public class Ha {
1234 ^
12341 error
!!eval:"startup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("(?n)^", " ")
10:44 AM
`Unknown inline modifier near index 2
Nevermind me.
I dunno anything about regex.
m not n
What is m?
or magical
!!eval:"startup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("\\n", " ")
10:45 AM
startup failed: UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18. public class Ha { ^ 1 error
!!eval:"startup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("\\n", " ")
startup failed: UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18. public class Ha { ^ 1 error
!!eval:"startup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("^|\\n", " ")
startup failed: UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18. public class Ha { ^ 1 error
\n is the newline character
10:45 AM
!!eval:"startup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("^|\\n", "$0 ")
`startup failed:
UserScript: 1: illegal string body character after dollar sign;
solution: either escape a literal dollar sign "\$5" or bracket the value expression "${5}" @ line 1, column 124.
^\n1 error".replaceAll("^|\\n", "$0 ")

1 error
!!eval:"startup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("^|\\n", "$0 ")
!!eval:"startup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("\\n", "\n ")
startup failed:
UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.
public class Ha {
1 error
!!eval:"startup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("\\n", "\n ")
10:46 AM
startup failed:
UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.
public class Ha {
1 error
@Wavemaster Yes.
I think it's because the first line isn't matching
!!eval:"startup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("\\n", "\n ").replaceFirst("^", " ")
startup failed:
UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.
public class Ha {
1 error
10:48 AM
!!eval:"Curse @Uni!"
!!eval:"\nstartup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("\\n", "\n ");
startup failed:
UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.
public class Ha {
1 error
@J.Musser lol
!!eval:"\nstartup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("\\n", "\\n ");
10:49 AM
n startup failed:n UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.n public class Ha {n ^n 1 error
Why does it keep removing the space
`startup failed:
UserScript: 1: expecting EOF, found ')' @ line 1, column 22.

1 error
10:50 AM
!!eval:"\nstartup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("\\n", "\\n ");
n startup failed:n UserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.n public class Ha {n ^n 1 error
"\nstartup failed:\nUserScript: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 18.\npublic class Ha {\n ^\n1 error".replaceAll("\\n", "\\n    ");
Execution completed, null or no output
u need fixed font
I'll just do it with stringbuilder
10:51 AM
!!eval:" Hello\n World"
!!eval:" Hello\n World"
!!eval:"Hello\n World"
10:53 AM
!!java:public class Ha {
public static String main(String[] args){
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
buffer.append("hi @Jan\n");
return buffer.toString();
startup failed:
UserScript: 1: expecting '}', found 'return' @ line 1, column 166.
   buffer.append("hi @Jan\n"); } return buf

1 error
nope what?
10:53 AM
This message is for those who need practice exercising their starring privileges.
!!star 19550964
!!java:public class Ha {
public static String main(String[] args){
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
buffer.append("hi @Jan\n");
return buffer.toString();
startup failed:
UserScript: 1: unexpected token:  @ line 1, column 18.
   public class Ha {

1 error
10:55 AM
public class Ha {
public static String main(String[] args){
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
buffer.append("hi @Jan\n");
return buffer.toString();
Execution completed, null or no output
What's wrong with !!java:?
I think it has something to do with the main method returning a string
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
10:58 AM
public class Ha {
public static void main(String[] args){
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
buffer.append("hi @Jan\n");
startup failed:
UserScript: 1: expecting '}', found 'System' @ line 1, column 165.
   buffer.append("hi @Jan\n"); } System.out

1 error
public class Ha {
public static String main(String[] args){
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
buffer.append("hi @Jan\n");
return buffer.toString();
Execution completed, null or no output
/me thinks we need JavaCompiler
10:59 AM
keep pasting the wrong crap
public class Ha {
public static void main(String[] args){
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
buffer.append("hi @Jan\n");
Execution completed, null or no output

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