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5:03 AM
5:57 AM
!!tell google @cj
@CJRamki Command @cj does not exist.
!!give me a lick
@CJRamki Mmmm! you taste just like raisin
6:09 AM
!!/^give (.+?) a lick/
@CJRamki That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
!!/^give (.+cj) a lick/
@CJRamki That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
!!tell me your laws
@CJRamki Command your does not exist.
6:15 AM
!!tell me @CapricaSix laws
@CJRamki Command @capricasix does not exist.
!!tell me listcommand laws
@CJRamki Command listcommand does not exist. Did you mean: listcommands, findcommand
!!tell me listcommands laws
@me 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, findcommand, github, google, hang, inhistory, jquery, learn, 5318008, aliens, format, fa, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, joystick, fools, cake, cool, vengeance, ln, protip, slidepoop, zirak_naked, loktar, artisticpoop, crustypoop, buttstuff, poopkittie, daybreak, rfc, man, ಠ_ಠ..., getit, resources, html5unleashed, jspattern, ajax, xhr
happylemon, concernedlemon, guesswhat, amazon, ihazbukkit, bewbz, unimpressedlemon, solution, sandbox, f
6:17 AM
!!tell @CapricaSix google how to search
@CJRamki Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
!!tell me cool
6:19 AM
!!tell @cjramki user
@CJRamki Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
!!tell cjramki user
!!tell asr kumar
@asr The most handsome guy in this universe
6:29 AM
@CJRamki Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
13 hours later…
7:41 PM
Bot ready. Type >>help for help on the chatbot.
An unknown error occurred. Bot restarted.
Bot ready. Type >>help for help on the chatbot.
@BenjaminGruenbaum type >>listcommands to list all commands, or >>help COMMANDNAME for help on a specific command
@DoorknobChatbot type >>listcommands to list all commands, or >>help COMMANDNAME for help on a specific command
@BenjaminGruenbaum listcommands, help, eval, welcome, goodbye, welbye
7:44 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum Usage: >>welbye (on or off)
>>welbye 0
@BenjaminGruenbaum Usage: >>welbye (on or off)
>>welbye (on or off)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Usage: >>welbye (on or off)
>>welbye off
7:45 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum Welcome and goodbye are off
>>welbye on
@BenjaminGruenbaum Welcome and goodbye are on
>>eval 1+1
@DoorknobChatbot 2
No echo?
>>echo "Hi"
>> help
it's off because I gtg
will turn on in ~1.5hr
7:52 PM
3 hours later…
11:17 PM
Bot ready. Type >>help for help on the chatbot.
>>welbye on
@DoorknobofSnow Welcome and goodbye are on
Welcome, SomeKittens Ux2666! Type >>help for help on the chatbot.
>>eval while(1);
Error in eval: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected $end
@SomeKittensUx2666 it's Ruby :P
11:19 PM
@DoorknobofSnow Why would you do that?!?!
infinite loop in Ruby is loop{} or while 1; end btw, but it won't work (I have a max time limit)
@SomeKittensUx2666 because Ruby is bettar! :P
11:33 PM
[citation needed]
@DoorknobofSnow listcommands, help, eval, welcome, goodbye, welbye, disablecommand, enablecommand, admins
@DoorknobofSnow List of admins: 1223693
>>disablecommand admins
11:34 PM
@DoorknobofSnow Disabled.
>>enablecommand admins
@DoorknobofSnow Enabled.
@SomeKittensUx2666 hence the :P
>>disablecommand disablecommand
@SomeKittensUx2666 You are not an admin and do not have permission to use that command.
11:43 PM
@SomeKittensUx2666 Unknown command makesomekittensanadmin
>>sudo disablecommand disablecommand
@SomeKittensUx2666 Unknown command sudo

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