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12:11 PM
im back
man i hate summer
can it be winter already
It's winter here. No trade. I hate summer too
everything sucks about summer
theres not 1 good thing about it
Well... less clothing is 1 good thing. On you and others
no its not
i feel naked without a jacket
and all the sweating
and its only 26° but already terrible
26 and you complaining!?
12:17 PM
i like 10°
and i hate humans
did i mention that?
@Hans1984 :3
and to add up
ihave this stupid postgreSQl error with eclipse
1:10 PM
now its solved
thx to my advisor
hans couldnt solve it :(
SSL handshake aborted: ssl=0xaedae200: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error
yesterday it was working
now that's error
hans is just a j2ee newb
@Hans1984 Hey cat!
it only works when it feels like it
deal with it!
1:18 PM
its like caprica
she also does only what she wants
that error for lollipop and above
/8ball should i stick with this job?
1:23 PM
@Hans1984 Don't count on it
man every version of android
not support anything
and everything
/8ball what about android N?
@TheNightKing No way
@rekire That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
SSL handshake aborted: ssl=0xaedae200: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error
do you know about this
i'm getting lollipop and above version
1:31 PM
!!learn kick "Caprica kicks OakBot in his nuts"
@Hans1984 Command kick already exists
!!learn balls "Caprica kicks OakBot in his nuts"
@Hans1984 Command balls learned
@Hans1984 Caprica kicks OakBot in his nuts
1:33 PM
!!forget balls
@Hans1984 Command balls forgotten.
!!learn balls "Caprica kicks OakBot in his nuts"
@Hans1984 Command balls learned
@Hans1984 Caprica kicks OakBot in his nuts
1:33 PM
ok enough
@TheNightKing Caprica kicks OakBot in his nuts
1:34 PM
LOL what are you doing LOL
Google command
im spoiling caprica
so her mind will be as evil as mine
think about 8ball
/8ball do i have a dirty mind?
@Hans1984 Are you kidding? No!
1:36 PM
now he is afraid
@TheNightKing too less context for me sorry
1:50 PM
hahahahahah @Hans1984
@Hans1984 Hey cat!
now i have a way to punish oakbot if i dont like his answers
/8ball i hope you still love Caprica?
@Hans1984 Without a doubt
1:56 PM
two days of work, then I'm off until next Monday! :D
lucky you
well earn vacation
congrats though ;)
i see
1:57 PM
extra pancake
and should be, considering I'm dropping close to $2500 before we even hit the road! :O
i wish i had vacation too
although i havent earned it so far :p
tell you what... I'll simulcast some stuff from the show while we are there. you can tune in if that will help
1:58 PM
Is there any DJ's here?
/8ball do you like pancake?
@Hans1984 Without a doubt
good boy
who doesn't like pancake?
but i think hes scared of the !!balls command i invented
cant blame him
1:59 PM
Without a doubt!
@blahfunk Caprica kicks OakBot in his nuts
Hi guyz anyone has used github.com/mikepenz/MaterialDrawer
but now he hates you
2:00 PM
well, that's totally understandable
There's an app for that (ppl who hate me)
poor oakBot
gives OakBot some candy
!!learn candy "Caprica gives OakBot some candy"
@Hans1984 Command candy learned
2:01 PM
@Hans1984 Caprica gives OakBot some candy
ok enough bullshit commands added for today
try creating a command that opens a gif
no i dont have the time for that now
thats probably a little bit more complex
besides i cant go for gifs now anyway
@Hans1984 Command so learned
ah ok
@TheLittleNaruto I need your advice pls. I was creating material drawer using this library https://github.com/mikepenz/MaterialDrawer
In navigation drawer, I want icons image to be loaded via URL and switch content of the drawer like in gmail app. This was the main reason i was using this library.

But now i think it is little "restrictive". that is too much dependent on library function and method. Can i achieve the same using default navigation view
thats quite easy
!!forget SO
@Hans1984 Command so forgotten.
@Shubham I won't assure you 100%, But that is almost possible with NavigationView.
Again that depends on your UI design
2:09 PM
this is what i have created using this library github.com/mikepenz/MaterialDrawer/issues/1322
icons load from url and toggle switch the menu. @TheLittleNaruto
"Overridable method in call in constructor" -- I generally ignore this warning. Why is it there? What's the root reason for the warning?
@Shubham Man! if you have a header and list of menus, then dont go for a library
but library save me from hard time from following material specification
yeah main requirement are loading icons from URL and switching menu. rest is fancy(item animator and transition etc etc)
@TheLittleNaruto what you say should i continue with LIB or default framework's navigation view
> There are a few more restrictions that a class must obey to allow inheritance. Constructors must not invoke overridable methods, directly or indirectly. If you violate this rule, program failure will result. The superclass constructor runs before the subclass constructor,
> so the overriding method in the subclass will be invoked before the subclass constructor has run. If the overriding method depends on any initialization performed by the subclass constructor, the method will not behave as expected. - Reference
@Shubham again that depends on your UI
brb Going market
@TheLittleNaruto catch u later
2:13 PM
so, where do you do things like set the icon image for your program or "setLocationRelativeTo(null);"?
@Hans1984 Caprica gives OakBot some candy
@TheNightKing can you give me the domain name?
I guess I know what is going on, however with the actual domain I can might be tell you how to fix it
2:31 PM
/8ball do you know the domain name?
@Hans1984 Yes
@Hans1984 Caprica gives OakBot some candy
anyones gonna watch the european championship in soccer?
We are Asians :)
2:36 PM
i know
but thats doesnt mean you cant watch it
if your a football addict
/8ball do you like football?
@Hans1984 As I see it, yes
/8ball do you like soccer?
@Hans1984 Ask again later
@Hans1984 Caprica gives OakBot some candy
2:45 PM
/8ball do you like basketball?
@Hans1984 Chances are lower than skynet
no candy this time
3:04 PM
hey guy
!! candy
@ankitagrawal Caprica gives OakBot some candy
!! @TheLittleNaruto
@ankitagrawal That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: thelittlenaruto
!! @TheNightKing
You are going to die soon @TheNightKing
3:05 PM
!! thelittlenaruto
@ankitagrawal He is baby dev, Find more about him, here
too much candy for oakBot
@Hans1984 Caprica kicks OakBot in his nuts
3:07 PM
@Hans1984 Caprica gives OakBot some candy
love and hate
@Shubham I am back. Let me know if you have still any doubts.
!! kickass gn @TheLittleNaruto
gn @TheLittleNaruto1
@ankitagrawal gn
3:15 PM
i was just showing you the new commands
this one is sexy
!! @TheNightKing
You are going to die soon @TheNightKing
@Hans1984 Q(°_x)Q(-_-Q)
3:16 PM
@Hans1984 Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@Hans1984 help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :3, :p, </pissing>, ?, @thenightking, ^, ^5, abesnacking, abhi, abhishekpornfreak, acronym, adhd, ah, ahah, algosmarts
aliens, am, angryticks, answer_to_everything, apocalypse, appreciated, archerneat, artisticpoop, a
@Hans1984 o\\o\/o//o/
!! sarcasm
3:18 PM
@Hans1984 slaps 0 around a bit with a large trout!
3:19 PM
!!slap me
@blahfunk slaps @me around a bit with a large trout!
Hello guys, where can I learn Java Game Programming? i want to build a simple game "2D-3D Game"
it wont be simple at all
i can tell you that
even though the game might be simple
any website where can i learn game programming?
/me rolls his eyes
is it good?
i dont know
i just googled it
all i can tell you is if your a beginner at java programming games might be too difficult for you
I know that already but i dont read it coz i didnt know if it is good
3:24 PM
"Hey guys. I am new to programming. I want to learn to write a simple program to hack into my bank and transfer everyone's money to my account. Is there a tutorial on how to do this?"
dont be mean
Use Python
I'm not exactly trying to be mean. A little humor helps to learn sometimes
@CharlesCraft50 Have you ever coded ANY kind of game?
3:26 PM
@blahfunk Yes in JavaScript, its easy...
What game did you code?
@blahfunk random games just for fun :D
2d games
I mean, was it a role play game on a 2d board? Was it something complex like Go, or did you just make it up?
Our senior project in college was to build a board game, specifically Go, and we had to write the AI for it. It still ranks up there as one of the more difficult things I ever coded...
The AI was AWFUL#@!
But after a semester of working on it, our AI came in 3 out of 10 groups when playing head to head against other's software
@TheLittleNaruto not any right now. trying to make best of my capability on creating navigation view similar (more or less) to gmail app
Why to use Go?
3:32 PM
It was that or chess, and the class decided on Go
@Shubham then it's easy with NavigationView
99% of the program was the AI... the rest is rather simple for the most part
yes that i easy i know. but i have already invested a lot of time in Library @TheLittleNaruto
@blahfunk what grade are you?
I'm 39... That was years ago back in college
3:35 PM
Im too young :(
one of the groups got DQ'd and ended up in academic trouble because their AI was actually them sending the moves to an online site that played Go and had that AI do the moves for them. When it was discovered what they were doing they failed the class and put on academic probation for plagiarism.
when i was younger i also thought i could start with programming games
found out it wasnt that easy
when I was 10 and started to code, yeah, that's what I wanted to do, but honestly, I've never coded a game since college... There's far far far more money coding applications than games
im just a teen
3:37 PM
wow you started coding at 10??
My grandfather was a cheap bastard. He bought a (brand new at the time) Commodore 64/128, but wouldn't buy any software for it...
then you are already 20 years a developer
so I had to learn to code to make the computer do anything
yeah, and I'm awful at it! :O
3:38 PM
I learned: Jquery, JavaScript, Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, etc...
well me too
but i only code for 5 years
when I first started coding, it was in basic, and you had to use line numbers, and it was not object oriented
Anyone want to know my age?
probably below 20?
3:40 PM
Im Teenager
i thought so
if he's not 50, then his nickname is a lie and he should be perma-banned for all of SO
yes lifetime-ban
just kidding ;)
3:41 PM
Im just 13 years old, dont be shocked
I (of course) didn't code my lifetime-ban script correctly.....
I'm not, heh
well then its even more understandable
that you wanted to start with game programming from scratch
Charles, if you want my opinion, I would recommend that you try to code something simple like tic-tac-toe in java...
learn the language through osmething that requires very little AI
I already started game programming in javascript, and i just want to learn game programming in java
ok guys i call it a day
bye o/
3:42 PM
so pick a simple game and learn java that way
cu tomorrow
adios hans
tomorrow will be the last you see me this week unless I feel stoopid and decide to get on SO while on vacation :P
Now, Im developing my online website: oncollision.cf
yes coz im just a kid
i cant buy .com domain
3:45 PM
central african republic?
coz its free
and, yes, you can buy a .com... Why would your age limit you?
I dont have paypal
do you not have a bank account yet?
yes i can by asking my parents but im scared to ask them
3:46 PM
I had a bank account at 12, but I dunno... did the laws change for bank account ownership after 9/11>
If you were my kid and you wanted a bank account, I would be happy to help you setup one
the earlier one gets used to using one the better they will be with their money
you will deal with money differently when it becomes virtualized
I have savings in the bank but i dont have Credit card
my 13yo daughter has a bank account. Makes my life super easy bcz her allowance is automatically transfered to her account when I get paid
if you have a savings account then your bank should be able to help you setup a checking account w/o your parent's permission, but I dunno what the rules are where you live
I just need a Credit Card but my parents tell that im too young to have one
also, you can setup a paypal account using a savings account
you are too young for a credit card, yes, but not a debit card
just different parenting styles, I guess
Ill ask my parents about that
3:51 PM
have your parents inquire with the bank about services for helping teenagers setup checking accounts. maybe some of their worries (overdrafts, identity theft, etc) the bank already has services setup to help
I just have an ATM Card, is it different to Debit Card?
Q: Passing intent to onRequestPermissionResult

user 32394023I am checking whether a user has accepted a permission in Android (via. Cordova) and am wondering how I can pass an Intent so it can be used if the request code is correct. if(cordova.hasPermission(CAMERA)) { cordova.startActivityForResult(this, intent); } else { getCameraPermission(CAPTURE_...

4:09 PM
your atm card is a debit card, but you can get a debit card that has a visa or mastercard logo on it, so it is treated at the point of sale like a credit card, but your bank runs it like its your debit card....
@blahfunk yeah I think I had a bank account setup when I was like 5 or something
Probably not 5, but definitely really early on
4:24 PM
I don't recall what age I was (6, maybe 7), but I remember that I opened it bcz I won $200 in a contest... Blew $25 on 10 lbs of mint-chocolate-chip ice cream from a local shop, and saved the rest of it...
lolz :D
worth it
blew the rest of it on gas and weed when I turned 16
2 hours later…
6:13 PM
@TheLittleNaruto hi dropped the idea of the my own Navigation View. Library solve my problem.
@TheLittleNaruto My application is completely based on SOAP (api). But the problem in the application is it gives NPE (sometimes) in some cases where i haven't try catch properly.
can you suggest some links project methodologies where project mngt application mangement specially API's call try catch are managed. Hope you get what i mean.
and also pls check the app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.webkul.mobikulMP&hl=en
cya later from home
7:05 PM
posted on June 06, 2016 by The Scripting Guys

Summary: Use the Azure Resource Manager cmdlets to get the proper name for a virtual machine size. Is there a way to see the proper name for a virtual machine size without creating a virtual machine first? Just use the Get-AzureRMVMSize cmdlet, and filter on the Name property. You just need to supply a location... Read more

1 hour later…
8:33 PM
Hey there
I wanted to wire up my navigation drawer with some activities
and found this tutorial with fragments
very simple
the disadvantage of this is, that the back button doesn't work
how do I do that? is this even the right way to do that?
8:46 PM
i think you can override the onBackPressed check drawer.isOpen and close it @PomeGranate
I want to go back to the last selected fragment
do I have to push the selected fragment in an array and then onBackPressed delete those and show the last fragment?
all by myself?
i am not sure but you can out check like this
if (getFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() == 0) {
// close drawer
if (id == R.id.nav_test_layout) {

                    .replace(R.id.content_frame, new Test_Fragment())
                    .addToBackStack( "tag" ) // what is this "tag" for?

            getSupportActionBar().setTitle("Here is your TestFragment!");
at the moment I do this on select one of the menu items from the drawer
the "addToBackStack('tag')" line
now do I have to override the "onBackPressed" in the mainActivity or in the TestFragment Activity?
that a identifier AFAIK. something like naming your stack/group of fragment @PomeGranate
ok, so that I can later, if the user press the back button, to go to that state?
9:00 PM
you have to override in activity
    public void onBackPressed() {
        DrawerLayout drawer = (DrawerLayout) findViewById(R.id.drawer_layout);
        if (drawer.isDrawerOpen(GravityCompat.START)) {
        } else {
            // here go back to last Fragment
// here go back to last Fragment. I have this:

                    .replace(R.id.content_frame, HOW_to_Get_the_Name_ofLastFragment)
but how to ghet the last item from the BackStack ?
i am not much friendly with fragment.
to get last item from backstack
you can pop it until the count become 1
9:25 PM
hi guyz can anyone give me true advice i am moving my application from SOAP to Rest (simply http) which library should i go with, I cannot compare after reading most of the post describing pros and cons. retrofit or volley.... @TheLittleNaruto @berserk @neferpitou @AshuKumar @ankitagrawal

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