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8:01 AM
@TheLittleNaruto lol am i wrong
fox and fire-cat
you eyes dont look healthy at all cat
yes fox is fox and eyes look cruel as fox
8:04 AM
good fox oc :)
@TheLittleNaruto oh....so filleruto ended....?
@DroidDev lol of course.
@DroidDev yeah filleruto ended with nasasuke
@TheLittleNaruto ok...I'll be going home this weekend....when I come back.....ITS TIME TO DOWNLOAD!!!!
@ColdFire i m getting Connection failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
8:08 AM
@DroidDev Yay
fuck filleruto
@AshuKumar that is php issue
@ColdFire lel, it'd have been better for filleruto if it ended with nakura ;)
8:09 AM
@DroidDev Man! Say No to Sakura!
@DroidDev lol yeah
typical anime chat :P
I dont like her
@TheLittleNaruto he means kurama idiot
8:09 AM
@TheLittleNaruto well....she never asked me out, so I can't say not to her :/
@DroidDev ok :/
sakura burn her
@ColdFire lol, nope, I mean sakura
@DroidDev nobody likes sakura
8:10 AM
@ColdFire who is nobody?
@DroidDev all people
hate her
@ColdFire oh....khool! ;)
oh i have to star this one
I am so tired of beeing tired.
8:11 AM
haha which one
not yours sry
@DroidDev khoooooooool
gooses can be very aggresive
as a kid i got "biten" by one
@Hans1984 so are hoomans. They killed most of themselves throughout their history
8:14 AM
oh so that was the time, you started liking cats
exactly ;)
thats when i started hating gooses and loving cats
Newb question: How do I make a new line / append the string etc for this line
passing "h:mm aa" in galaxy s6 edge will return time in format 13:49 p.m., while everywhere else (in documentation too) it returns 13:49 PM.
So, there goes parsing checks of mine for pm
@MaartenWachters ((TextView)findViewById(R.id.txtLabel)).setText(GebruikerInput + "\n");
it returns p.m. in my moto g2 as well. I guess it is dependent on locale
8:17 AM
Ohh. Surprisingly easier then I though. Derp. Thanks @DroidDev
not sure but for indian timezones, it returns p.m. only
isnt it hh:mm
aah i think that is 24 hours
Actually no doesnt work :(
8:18 AM
@MukeshRana hmm....this is bad though. I gotta parse the string character by character. So, now I have to create my own time :/
@DroidDev but for US, it shows PM. again not sure though
@MaartenWachters ((TextView)findViewById(R.id.txtLabel)).setText(GebruikerInput + "\n" + "ANOTHER_STRING_TO CHECK_IF_LINE_CHANGE_REALLYWORKS");
@MukeshRana so, useless for me. They should have maintained consistency. Not sure why the variation :/
@DroidDev welcome to android i guess
@DroidDev Yeah.. we are developers, we have no rights to ask for anything, we have to bear with it
8:22 AM
@ColdFire where we got buckets full of Spaghetti code and mass cludges of JAVA that doesn't work the way they are supposed to
@MukeshRana that remind me of something, lemme post
there you go
@DroidDev lol
@Hans1984 same here ^
I can find Info on how to concantenate 2 strings. But what if I only have 1 string and want to concantenate previous version of said string
Ex. Input "Test" -> Test
input "Test2" ----> Test
8:29 AM
@TheLittleNaruto GOT ?
@DroidDev - sama how r u
@TheFlash Naruto
it was boring...they took too too long....
@DroidDev hahaha
@MukeshRana Agree...! we r devs we have no life...:(
bro eng plz..
@TheFlash we make our own life :D
8:35 AM
:) I got 2-3 words
whatever you want it to be
i once read a line
Life is what you make of it. dont make excuses. make it happen.
Damn true..!
8:38 AM
@Hans1984 hans is a catmaster!
@Hans1984 hans is a catmaster
@TheLittleNaruto That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: hungry
@TheLittleNaruto That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
8:39 AM
@TheLittleNaruto hehe
dont be angry fox
@TheFlash great! how are you sama?
@DroidDev I am good too.
@TheLittleNaruto you spelled filleruto wrong
@TheFlash for what occasion?
@DroidDev My Apologies ^^
8:42 AM
@TheLittleNaruto Winter is coming my lord...don't get angry
@TheFlash never read that deleted message :(
read now
got it
8:44 AM
@TheFlash well....you are lucky....
@DroidDev seriously dude ?
8:46 AM
@TheFlash well....its difficult to explain how....
@TheFlash read about M82 galaxy. In 2010, radio signals were detected from that galaxy, travelling at 4 times the speed of light
> It has an apparent superluminal motion of four times the speed of light relative to the galaxy center
@DroidDev sounds interesting..let me read..share link if u have
Messier 82 (also known as NGC 3034, Cigar Galaxy or M82) is a starburst galaxy about 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major and a member of the M81 Group. It is about five times more luminous than the whole Milky Way and has a center one hundred times more luminous than our galaxy's center. The starburst activity is thought to have been triggered by interaction with neighboring galaxy M81. As the closest starburst galaxy to our own, M82 is the prototypical example of this galaxy type. SN 2014J, a type Ia supernova, was discovered in the galaxy on 21 January 2014,. In 2014,...
there's a para in there about "Unknown object"
Its 12 million light-years away............!!!
@TheFlash its all Big Bang's fault
> superluminal motion is the apparently faster-than-light motion seen in some radio galaxies, BL Lac objects, quasars and recently also in some galactic sources called microquasars. All of these sources are thought to contain a black hole, responsible for the ejection of mass at high velocities
four times the speed of light....wow but how?
I missed this news in 2010 .. :(
8:57 AM
@maveň ?
@TheLittleNaruto come there
@TheFlash lol, me too....
@TheFlash me too
This sounds like new sprinter 4 times faster than Usain Bolt..!!
@ColdFire client having error on login page , but i did not face that error :(
9:04 AM
@AshuKumar check the API response dude
not it is toolbar error :(
what error?
i solved that and sent files again :)
waiting for his response
@PranavBhattEqualsto_Kitty where are you cat?
9:11 AM
@TheFlash you must read about Quasars if you haven't already. These things are actually full of surprises
For example:
> From a distance of about 33 light-years, this object would shine in the sky about as brightly as our sun. This quasar's luminosity is, therefore, about 4 trillion (4 × 1012) times that of our Sun, or about 100 times that of the total light of giant galaxies like our Milky Way
wow @DroidDev galaxy guy
@ColdFire I'd say "Astronomy" guy, but "galaxy guy" sounds good too ;)
@ColdFire store no. is not showing as it should be
@DroidDev haha
@AshuKumar how are you storing it?
@Hans1984 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
time to eat something
@DroidDev yup don't know..let me read
9:52 AM
@ColdFire was on lunch
10:39 AM
You might spend 50 rs on a Samosa in the food court of a theater but would never buy a $0.99 app from the App store.
@ColdFire strange issues client having :(
@AshuKumar like what?
there is no toolbar in layout and error is coming mart/com.example.user.e_mart.MainActivity}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #2: Error inflating class android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar
10:44 AM
i also stare without a smile at times
am i indian now?
@Hans1984 nope you are cat
You play Football, Volleyball and Basketball with that one ball only.
lol :D
cat cat
@AshuKumar post code
When the shampoo bottle seems to be over, they pour some water in it, shake it, and use it for another bath.
hey i do that too
sometimes for 3more baths
@ColdFire layout
10:47 AM
hello every one , how to audio and video source in java restful web services
@ColdFire -->
in my case it is line number : 36
WHERE is toolbar?
there is no toolbar here?
i m on there is no toolbar niether in code nor in layout :(
but error is coming
for me and my dev no error :( but only for client:(
show your activity code
ok lunch time
fox fox
@AshuKumar clean n build
@AshuKumar Is it a TAG variable : String msg = "Home Page"; ?
@TheLittleNaruto yes
did many times on client pc :( not working
i m on client pc , and i m feeling i do not know anything :(
10:54 AM
@AshuKumar It should be more like this: private static final String TAG = HomePage.class.getName();
@AshuKumar Ohh
@TheLittleNaruto Why r u sad
@TheLittleNaruto but it should not create toolbar error
baby - fox
@AshuKumar Did you try invalidate/restart ?
@AshuKumar yes right
@TheFlash No Man! That music nice that's it
@AshuKumar is your client device below lollipop
sad - fox @TheLittleNaruto cc @TheFlash
10:56 AM
@TheLittleNaruto let me do and back to u
@ColdFire 5.1.1
@AshuKumar which theme are you using
i see a action bar on your homepage
android:theme="@style/AppTheme.NoActionBar" @ColdFire
@AshuKumar And what is there in AppTheme ?
i m not using AppTheme
11:14 AM
@TheLittleNaruto error solved it is dependency problem :) cc @ColdFire
@AshuKumar ok great
@AshuKumar Good that you figured that out.
@TheLittleNaruto now client will think good about me :D
11:16 AM
because he is going to give me another project :D
fox fox
@Hans1984 cat :D
cat o/
11:23 AM
One of the best theme in Naruto : youtube.com/watch?v=pI7Jc-fSQQ8 Pain's theme.
man there was some anoying bee
tried to sting me
Fuck that bee Man! Listen that music already.
cant right now
Gives some tissues to Hans-cat!
thank you fox
11:29 AM
cat cat
Hi! I am trying to do a minimax about connect 4. I understand well what is minimax, but my problem remains in the code, I don't know how to do it.
Man! I finally found this music: youtube.com/watch?v=4hR1KKt6HDQ Wow!
man i am listening to berserk music very nice
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens No idea what minimax is. Sorry!
11:33 AM
does it make you go berserk?
@ColdFire Watch and listen this one: youtube.com/watch?v=boB54WIB5B4 one of the best from berserk series.
may be NSFW!
@TheLittleNaruto that is what i am listening you fox
long lost brother
where have you been
@Hans1984 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
11:35 AM
@ColdFire IIRC @berserk played this one on his guitar too.
The new tricky way of drinking water and wasting at the same time..
..while staring at someone
so many NSFW berserk is
looks like a hentai series
11:51 AM
my weekends not gonna good :(
why cat?
@Hans1984 i m behind the schedule of project :(
maybe you put too much pressure on yourself?
you re a busy cat i cant see you beeing too slow
good news :)
@ColdFire :)
11:59 AM
@Hans1984 yes from last two week i m in pressure :(
back in 30 min
oh boy
it feels like my stomache is turnign upside down
this doesnt feel good
or you could drink like that
12:32 PM
hello guys
hello hans cat
can i have quick advice on SVG or vector drawable
@AshuKumar same i didn;t have a good sleep :D
you too?
@ColdFire there
im awake since 3am
now its 2.30pm
12:34 PM
@Hans1984 i sleep at 4 and wake at 10 and code all the time
i see
well atleast you had 6h of sleep
@Hans1984 yeah but i am a lazy cat i need more sleep
i understand
me too
i need atleast 8h to be functional
this week i had no night over 6h
last night 4h
what is the best data type(INTEGER,TEXT,REAL) to store date in Sqlite Android ?
define "best"
12:39 PM
Ok so best is something say use it in any situation so here would be store the date in such a way that you can use the value to sort and convert it to any format
for sorting, integers are easy, (since there are direct sorting classes for them). For conversion, strings are good, since they can store any values (int, float etc) and you can fetch then and convert into required format
it depends on your usecase
Has anybody worked with calendar API android ?
can't seem to find any link for creating all day event
@shadygoneinsane That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: 0, 1, 3, i, d, y, !, ^, π, ?
I would use date for sorting and converting date into any date format, so which would suit in here ?
It won't take Date as in java.util Date
12:44 PM
its only accepting date when passed from EventDateTime
if date's gonna have some format like dd-mm-yyyy, then only option is string. Sorting operations can be performed via Date.compareTo() function in collections. Not sure if database also provides sort-by-date thingy...
DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime("2016-10-01T00:00:00");
EventDateTime start = new EventDateTime()
This seems to be the only way
However that time zone is screwing me up
it takes +5:30 GMT automatically
even if i pass setTimeZone("GMT");
I am making a simple notes application when the user creates the notes each note title will display the date on which the note was created, if the user wishes to sort them by date then I am wondering which datatype would fit in here ? Hope you got it now? @DroidDev
Any one !!
12:49 PM
@WeirdNerd yea, I'd put them in string for database storing. When get'em out of database, I'd create a date object out of them and then use Date.compareTo() function of collections to sort them.
@shadygoneinsane I think you are setting timezone Asia/Calcutta there. Thats GMT+5:30
@DroidDev Thanks !

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