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2:00 PM
@Hans1984 what are you updating?
dog tinmad! I am not really wanting to do this, lol
@ChewbaccoCat :3
killy? why change your name on us???
@ChewbaccoCat OMG
2:06 PM
only allowed one name change, so I hope you like it...
@rabbitguy who?
kitty not killy
who am I to complain... I changed my nick here also
I think since kitty killed the cat, killy is a much better nick :D
oohhh ... ha haaa
2:06 PM
ok @rabbitguy i'll edited after 1 month :(
lol... I like the nick @ChewbaccoCat
@Hans1984 @rabbitguy bye all
ohhh TY @rabbitguy ha ha
chewbacco ha ha ha ha
android has many versions... so @ChewbaccoCat also has many versions i guss.... hitcat , kitty , ChewbaccoCat ;)
@Hans1984 Elizabeth also got up late today... of course, she still looks awesome even getting up late w/o a shower... me? I look like a bum
2:08 PM
@ColdFire @jafarbtech bye
Fuck that IDE
That crap keeps crashing and crashing -.-
2:09 PM
@geisterfurz007 shut it downnnnnnnn
buy a new box
got a case for my phone now... I won't put a screen protector on it, though
this will be the second phone I have had that I am not using a screen protector on
I only got this notebook and I think I know why it is crashing but I dunno how to fix this -.- And I always forget that I am not allowed to click certain things. Because why should one be able to click on things in a GUI builder?!
@rabbitguy so u r planning for a new phone now itself :P
^^ no shower, no makeup, 5 minutes just out of bed
@jafarbtech just got this one...
and my last phone I didn't have a screen protector on and it didn't get a scratch on it
my last phone didn't have a good screen protector option for it bcz it was the s7 Edge
2:12 PM
no screen protector makes it easy to get new phone, as the display goes off soo early
my current phone :)
no... personal
my company phone is the s6
nope... brand?
oh, LG
2:13 PM
the v20
it's a badass phone...
ha haaa
the fact that i think it is a better phone than my s7 Edge says a lot bcz that phone is a beast
2:14 PM
dont look at back :D :D
s7 really is a beast
yet gets slow on rough app user like me ;)
yeah... that Samsung bloatware is a killer
that's part of the reason I am enjoying this LG moreso as it doesn't have hardly any bloatware on it
but the bonus is that the LG v20 has one of the best cameras on the market right now, and the camera is the makeit/breakit point for me on any phone
2:16 PM
ha haaa... u are right
ohooo... any spl cam features?
dual cameras on the backside... one is a wide angle shot, the other is standard... a very nice manual mode for the camera, though, so if you are familiar with photography that will really get your juices flowing
I can control shutter speed and film ISO
@rabbitguy ohh... so do photography for hobby
I used to do it professionally in college
so now it's just a hobby of mine...
I have a really nice drone (the DJI Phantom 3 Standard) for taking aerial photographs
then what else u do with it nowadays
just for fun... sometimes ppl contact me to take photos for them...
I can't use the drone professionally, though... I can give away the photos, but I can't take any compensation for it until i get a special license
2:22 PM
@rabbitguy ha haa... that must be restricted at home areas right?
update went well
although im dead tired
@rabbitguy u do for friend's events also?
@Hans1984 c u cat.. (y)
2:23 PM
I don't have any good photography equipment, though (cameras, stands, lighting, etc etc)
you leaving us @hans?
yeah@rabbitguy women somehow can look good in 5minutes after getting up
@Hans1984 GJ! Then have a nice evening!
lol my brain is dead
you see?
wrote the opposit of what i wanted to write
honestly, if I find the woman attractive, they can be covered in dirt and crap and I'd still be like, "damn, honey... you fly!"
2:24 PM
@Hans1984 ha haa.... i got u on editing :D
not yet
@jafarbtech said cu
i thought hes leaving
i will stay 30 more mins though
how s the demo
client happy?
2:26 PM
at my first sentence
yeah@rabbitguy women somehow can look awfull in 5minutes after getting up
is what i wrote first
it's okay, @hans... we all know you're secretly gay anyhow
you like it in the ole poop shoot
2:27 PM
hey its not the right time for bad jokes
damn... you really are in a mood
ha haa... he already messed up
im soo tired
yeah no sleep makes me mad af
you know what will wake you up?
i was pissed from the point i got up today
well that wakes everyone up
2:28 PM
unlike you not everyone likes it
hey, I don't play catcher
and you don't have to like it for it to wake you up
i prefer an alarm clock
but to each its own
2:31 PM
well on the other hand staying longer is not a good idea
maybe then find some errors
well im just gonna play some hangman
!!hang 6
  |   |

!!hang s
  |   |
2:33 PM
!!hang o
  |   |
o, s
!!hang r
  |   |
  |   O
o, r, s
!!hang n
  |   |
  |   O
n, o, r, s
2:34 PM
!!hang losing
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
losing, n, o, r, s
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
g, losing, n, o, r, s
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
g, i, losing, n, o, r, s
2:34 PM
bye bye
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
d, g, i, losing, n, o, r, s
!!hang p
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
d, g, i, losing, n, o, p, r, s
2:35 PM
!!hang h
@geisterfurz007 Correct! The word is hosing.
that word doesnt exist
wtf is this
2:36 PM
dict.cc doesn't know it
It does! It means abspritzen in the sense of hosing a horse with a water hose
linguee does
dict.cc doesnt know it
so it doesnt exist
walks away in defeat
abspritzen wie?
ja dachte ich auch
@geisterfurz007 schäm dich
2:37 PM
ich habe auch einen schreck bekommen :D
> Important: Please use English
OakBot Online.
Hello @OakBot
2:40 PM
@geisterfurz007 Type /help to see all my commands.
/8ball will i sleep better tonight?
@Hans1984 It is certain
/8ball     Simulates a magic 8-ball.
/about     Displays information about this bot.
/define    Displays word definitions from the dictionary.
/help      Displays this help message.
/http      Displays information about HTTP status codes and methods.
/javadoc   Displays class documentation from the Javadocs.
/roll      Rolls a variable-sided die or makes a choice.
/shutdown  Terminates the bot (admins only).
/summon    Makes the bot join another room.
/tag       Displays the description of a StackOverflow tag (acts like a Computer Science urban dictionary).
i count on you
/javadoc java.swing
2:41 PM
@geisterfurz007 Sorry, I never heard of that class. :(
/javadoc javax.swing
@geisterfurz007 Sorry, I never heard of that class. :(
@geisterfurz007 Type /help to see all my commands.
/javadoc TableView
2:43 PM
Which one do you mean? (type the number)
1. javafx.scene.control.TableView
2. javax.swing.text.TableView
@geisterfurz007 javafx.scene.control.TableView: The TableView control is designed to visualize an unlimited number of rows of data, broken out into columns. A TableView is therefore very similar to the ListView control, with the addition of support for columns. For an example on how to create a TableView, refer to the 'Creating a TableView' control section below. ...
@since JavaFX 2.0 (1/45)
I take back everything I typed :D
you better do
This is actually pretty useful I think :D
2:44 PM
or Oak will hunt you in your dreams
/8ball am i right?
@Hans1984 Cannot predict now
maybe later
/8ball did you lie to be about Elizabeth before?
@rabbitguy Concentrate and ask again
/8ball are you full of it?
2:45 PM
@rabbitguy As I see it, yes
@VincentvanBeek You may write only with 20 reputation
Same goes for @ProgramAdmin
C U all... am moving
Oh I see. Those who may not write come without their avatar?
2:47 PM
@jafarbtech bye :)
no they are just twins
/8ball do you hate ppl without avatars?
2:47 PM
@Hans1984 When pigs fly
/8ball do you like your new avatar?
So yes...
@Hans1984 It is decidedly so
/8ball are you @OakBot?
@geisterfurz007 Type /help to see all my commands.
@geisterfurz007 Very doubtful
2:48 PM
I hate you @OakBot
@rabbitguy Type /help to see all my commands.
fu I won't do what you tell me!
i have seen a SO post and trying to find answer
2:49 PM
Q: post json string to restful wcf - The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request

Program AdminI have created restful wcf as : <OperationContract()> _ <WebInvoke(Method:="POST", UriTemplate:="/getlatestbill", BodyStyle:=WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare, RequestFormat:=WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat:=WebMessageFormat.Json)> _ Function getlatestbill(ByVal usrinfo As String) As String...

somehow I setup an alias in wamp to find a website at a specific location but I've forgotten how I did it :/
/8ball are you jealous of Capricas commands?
@Hans1984 As I see it, yes
/8ball can we believe anything you say?
2:53 PM
@rabbitguy You may rely on it
I call total bs here
@ErMayank how u expect a .net question's answer on a java room!!!!!
/8ball does Hans' avatar have a christmas cap?
@geisterfurz007 Without a doubt
/8ball is @rabbitguy smoking?
2:54 PM
@geisterfurz007 Better not tell you now
/8ball hai
@jafarbtech No way
thats right
@OakBot hello :P
@jafarbtech Type /help to see all my commands.
2:54 PM
I don't smoke... I vape
@rabbitguy see he knows O-O
/8ball will skynet exist at any time?
@geisterfurz007 When pigs fly
@OakBot can you eat?
@jafarbtech Type /help to see all my commands.
Should take its time I guess
2:55 PM
bs... I honestly believe in Terminator Syndrome
and I don't smoke... I vape. there is a difference
ok leaving
@rabbitguy it doesn't reply to our edits
bye ppl
boi @hans
2:56 PM
@rabbitguy wait for the first nuclear warheads flying. Pigs will start to fly and skynets time has come
@Hans1984 me too
@Hans1984 bye :) have a nice sleep
8ball believes in you
I honestly think that Terminator Syndrome is a valid concern we as a species should take into consideration when fooling around w/AI
2:56 PM
@jafarbtech bye :)
@rabbitguy Steven Hawking thinks so as well. And together with him a lot of other ppl. An AI from google that should try to get aroud a Man in the middle attack developed a new decoding algorythm
Or something like that. I will look it up give me a second
we gotta watch it
TS is a legit thing. It isn't something from a fantasy world
Here is an article I found
  |   |

  |   |
  |   |
  |   O
a, e
3:04 PM
/8ball you like @CapricaSix?
@geisterfurz007 Very doubtful
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, t
  |   |
  |   O
a, d, e, t
3:11 PM
!!hang r
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, d, e, r, t
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, b, d, e, r, t
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, b, d, e, r, t, u
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, b, d, e, o, r, t, u
3:15 PM
!!hang g
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
a, b, d, e, g, o, r, t, u
@γ‚±γ‚»γƒ–γƒ­γƒˆ You people suck. The word is photodecomposition
@γ‚±γ‚»γƒ–γƒ­γƒˆ cunt Derogatory term for a woman. Considered by many to be the most offensive word in the English language.
3:16 PM
!!urban bot
@γ‚±γ‚»γƒ–γƒ­γƒˆ [bot](http://bot.urbanup.com/210890) 1. Simple computer program used to perform highly repetitive operations, e.g. trawling websites to collect email addresses.

2. Computer program run concurrently with an online game to give the player an unfair advantage. Bots may alter the game environment, boost the abilities of the player's character or hinder opponents. Writing bots requires a great deal of skill; using them almost none.
@γ‚±γ‚»γƒ–γƒ­γƒˆ Caprica Scifi show on what is now the [syfy channel]. It is a prequel to [battlestar galactica]. Caprica Includes a matrix-like virtual night club where teenagers go to have group sex. Needless to say, its awesome.
!!urban caprica six
@γ‚±γ‚»γƒ–γƒ­γƒˆ No definition found for caprica six
3:18 PM
!!urban alaska
@γ‚±γ‚»γƒ–γƒ­γƒˆ [Alaska](http://alaska.urbanup.com/856773) The 49th state in the United States. A great place to live where the crime is low, and where igloos are void (not here). Not to be stereotyped by others, but to be appreciated. Truly a beautiful place.
--If it were the 47th state, we could call it AK-47, I mean c'mon! How cool is that!--
!!urban gudetama
@γ‚±γ‚»γƒ–γƒ­γƒˆ gudetama the suprememe egg aka ingrid liu
!!urban Russia
@Hans1984 @geisterfurz007 You left me alone :( Soooo lonely
3:22 PM
@geisterfurz007 [russia](http://russia.urbanup.com/989197) 1)Today Russia is the only nation in the world, capable to keep International Space Station running

2)Russian technology propells US Atlas carrier vehicles and in effect, puts many of US payloads into the orbit, including military.
@γ‚±γ‚»γƒ–γƒ­γƒˆ I am still here. Leaving in about 8 minutes though. Had to concentrate on work meanwhile...
But the stuff finally looks great now *-*
nice gz und schönen Feierabend!
Verdammich doch noch was entdeckt -.-
Danke und wünsch ich dir auch :)
^^ so ist das immer
wo wohnst du eigentlich?
3:24 PM
Kölle um genau zu sein
In the middle of fixxing the problem eclipse crashes. Every f*cking TIME
netbeans ftw
screw netbeans :D
oh well, I'll go fix my issues in netbeans and, oh look! It's fixed and it didn't crash! :P
I hate you :(
DONE! After 3 days of working on the Layout and chatting with random people I should be done!
And I do not care about error messages in the console about my layout because it works!
3:31 PM
And its time to leave as well! Wish you all a nice evening!
@rabbitguy IJ ftw I'd say
@γ‚±γ‚»γƒ–γƒ­γƒˆ hey, we can't all be perfect... just me
Hi I have a question
There are many possible ways to implement the queue ADT:

An array with front at index 0

An array with floating front and rear (wrap around array)

A singly linked list with front

A singly linked list with front and rear

A doubly linked list
Which method is best and why? thanks
there is no set "this is always the best approach" solution to your question
use an array when you know or can cap the size of queue
otherwise, use a linkedlist
or bonus, just use an actual Queue... there is such a class already in java iirc
3:49 PM
@rabbit guy thank you ... what about big O for remove and insert in an array and linked list .. does that influence the answer of the question?
@rabbit guy is your answer suitable for implementing a stack ?
@ColdFire HI :D

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