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02:00 - 17:0017:00 - 22:00

2:19 AM
6 hours later…
8:07 AM
morning :)
8:22 AM
3 hours later…
11:12 AM
11:26 AM
Morning/Afternoon folks
11:38 AM
Hey Alex
Hey Maverik
hey hey
12:24 PM
hey aspx
12:44 PM
Hi *
slow in start - you can safely skip first half of it
Why is she sitting there with a Mac? o_O
xplatform >.>
must not use windows
1:06 PM
very cool stuff...
And yes, his editor very much reminds me of unity
Can't believe that's all happening on .net core.
also didn't know they had a mascot...
1:21 PM
Anyone using LastPass should read this: arstechnica.com/security/2017/03/…
if anybody follows our ramblings in channel and followed the lastpass one specifically - they shouldn't be on lastpass at this point :)
IMHO the biggest vulnerability with a password manager remains the end user
Password manager master password: Pa55word - boom.. everything else is now a dictionary attempt away
just ran into this nice little utility: password.kaspersky.com
everybody should at least have a clue about how secure their password is
its not as secure as you likely think
my most secure password can apparently be brute forced in 4 months on an average computer for example.
ok its not the most secure.. its the second most secure :)
follows all the guidelines of passwords.. length .. symbols.. capitals.. numbers.. and 4 months is what it earns me!
however, trying out one of the password managers passwords, it says it'll take 10,000+ centuries :)
sadly its hard not to be the weak link unless i can remember the same complex password!
(16 character full random printable ascii set)
hmm seems the worlds fastest super computer can still crack it in 10 years :)
but at least the best botnet will need 17 centuries :)
of course we're assuming that password is the only weak link in this chain which isn't the case! most of my information stolen was because of shitty developers doing 1 md5 - or not even that
lol here's a thought.. though this may not work for you non-gamers.. use a key gaming phrase from your favourite game as password!
in best case scenario it'd take 287 centuries for the fastest super computer to break this new password.. well I'm not the weakest link in my password managers chain anymore!
1:49 PM
@Maverik Ha. Got you. Mine's P@55w0rd.
Much more difficult.
My most secure password is (and has been for decades) the Sindarian translation of the Warcry from the game I used to play at the time
but apparently even it's pure english form is super secure
2:03 PM
hello people
Can anyone suggest me a browser UI framework? I've been using bootstrap for centuries . Is there a cooler kid on the scene today?
umm why do you want to change? just cos there might be something cooler? I'd look into bootstrap 4
you already have a solid framework - its in constant development and has ton of community support.. don't ditch it just yet IMHO
just checking actually
on the other hand someone like myself who has never really wielded bootstrap.. i've opted to stick with lighter stuff..
I'm personally favouring VueJS and thus the theming functionality that ties in with VueJS gets higher priority
but.. of course this only applies if you weren't already comfortable with bootstrap and did have one of the newer frameworks that have alternate options available
Actually I will need to completely customize the UI once the designer is done with it (designer=cousin. I pay by beer. So I don't want to wait for him =) ). Never done it before. I don't know how easy it is with bootstrap
So you are saying VueJS is strong on customizing?
you'd wanna speak to somebody with bootstrap experience I think - this is the wrong channel i'd say
no vuejs is completely different
so to make the comparison.. i guess you can say I'm following MaterializeCSS (i'm not but the framework in use does it internally)
bootstrap is a different mentality - its from the era when you'd style your entire thing in one go
VueJS/React - these frameworks are more component based and work at that level
while you can certainly get bootstrap working with these too.. you'd generally want something lighter / simpler for the individual components
2:12 PM
ah ok, I am using aurelia actually
the overall look and feel then just gets determined by how you've done your layout
yea so Aurelia is competing framework with Angular / React / VueJS
something that I remember telling you to stay away from
yup :)
you'll eventually reach the same conclusion.. but by that time you'd have a project already waiting to be maintained
while I haven't used these popular frameworks extensively (or in some cases at all) - i know all popular frameworks have their own bindings to css frameworks
you'd want to explore this in aurelia community
they're all opinionated.. so once you choose something.. you'll be stuck with it for duration of project
so do your research
alright, thanks Mave!
there's no wrong answer here.. so nobody can really tell you what's best to use right now - everything has a strength of its own.. whether that works for you.. well only you can answer that
having said all that - whatever you choose.. I'd suggest you pick something that follows Google's Material Design guidelines
if its bootstrap - then its themes will say if they're following the guidelines (or attempting to at least)
MaterializeCSS's showcase in case you're interested: materializecss.com/showcase.html (the framework itself was made to follow the material guidelines)
the biggest hurdle i've found in adopting any css framework is learning its layout system .. haven't overcome it yet so I suck at web design >.<
2:21 PM
Has anyone used Newtonsoft's JSON lib?
its easy in demos but once you start putting it together and making sure it works on everything that a user can browse on (and you support) - well then its a whole different ballgame!
Alex, if there's anybody who has used a nuget - they've heard of Newtonsoft
it's the first in the list
if they haven't - we may have to lift that rock they've been living under ;)
Is it possible to produce a string with " quotes around each value? My values are integers and I need them with quotes. So need this: ["1", "2", "3"] but getting this: [1, 2, 3]
feed strings to json
2:22 PM
Trying to
Give me a sec
yea but that puts a dependency on newtonsoft in a models library
if its not already there, i'd avoid the attribute approach
permitViewModel.PermitTenDay = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Constants.GetValues<Constants.PermitType>());
GetValues is this:
public static IEnumerable<T> GetValues<T>()
	return Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).Cast<T>();
2:24 PM
permitViewModel.PermitTenDay = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Constants.GetValues<Constants.PermitType>().Select(x => x.ToString());
I tried that
odd that it doesn't work.. it should
Let me try again
I'll fireup linqpad
I had it in the wrong place, I think. Give me a sec
2:26 PM
PS: for the newcomers - if you haven't yet explored linqpad.. you should :)
Got it!
Alex: JsonConvert.SerializeObject(((int[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Fruit))).Select(x => x.ToString())).Dump(); -> ["0","1"]
Because it's an enum, I needed to add this:
you're getting the enum names rather than the values I'm guessing :)
permitViewModel.PermitTenDay = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Constants.GetValues<Constants.PermitType>().Select(x => ((int)x).ToString()));
It's ugly, but it works :)
2:30 PM
mm nah i'd do .OfType<int>().Select(x => x.ToString())
OfType does an as cast
Let me try that
i also find it cleaner - if you really wanted a direct cast, i'd still do .Cast<int>().Select over your version..
but technically of course they're both correct
one of the biggest advantages of .OfType or .Cast - is that they can work off classes that aren't IEnumerable but do yield an IEnumerable once unwrapped
for example DirectorySearchResults will not let you work with it via linq unless you do a cast of .OfType<SearchResult>() on it
so .Select will fail without .OfType or .Cast
Hmm. I also have a .Where() on that LINQ. With the addition of the .OfType<int>() it's returning an empty string
well.. i'd say PEBCAK
Doesn't it always? ;)
2:38 PM
hmm indeed i get the same thing
change it to .Cast
but of course it makes sense!
you can't do an as cast on value type
my bad.. sorry..
No worries :)
sorry i do .OfType habitually now and didn't think about the value type in there :)
Can you elaborate on value type issue?
you can't say x = object as int;
only reference types can use as operator
value types can only use direct casts
x = (int)object
Oh, okay. Things we didn't learn in comp science
2:41 PM
unboxing and such :)
Or they didn't cover it
well i didn't learn this in comp science either.. just the curiosity of "why not"
and i think resharper or vs point this out when you try to do it
I'm happy when I learn something new each day :D
does that mean you'll hire me when i'm looking? :D
Hadn't used .OfType or Cast in this way... on a LINQ statement
Sure. But do you really want to come across the pond?
2:44 PM
where else do you use OfType? :) they're only meant for casting :D
eh sure.. i'm a world citizen not bound by geographical boundries
I'd never used that before, to be honest
if amazon delivers and there's 100mbps+ internet available.. i'll move :)
That's how we should all be... world citizens. Love all people
@Maverik You can do x = object as int? though, if you really want it.
Should work with a boxed int.
@WilliamMariager you've moved it from value type to reference type - so of course that'll work ;)
good interview question though! why object as int? works but not object as int
2:45 PM
Yeah, but it's still using the boxed value type. It does the Nullable<T> part automatically.
Evil interview question :P
without proper understanding of operator / casting / value & reference type - i think you can't answer that question
Just have them explain the difference between covariance and contravariance. :P
lol no
Yup, int? is a ref type
I still don't understand it fully. I'm sure I use it, but I can't put the right explanations to the words.
2:47 PM
in my last interview I asked what will be the value of x = new Apple() ?? null ... nobody could answer it >.>
and i thought that was a trivial question
A new Apple? Since new never returns null.
trivial right? yet you can't answer it without knowing how ?? works :)
I love the ?? operator. So perfect for default values.
void SomeMethod(DateTime? time = null) {
    time = time ?? DateTime.Now;
public string FirstName => _firstName ?? string.Empty;
no need to now worry about nulls
we must burn all nulls at the stake
Yeah, been using ?? now
2:54 PM
Guys have you heard of a software called Razer Synapse
Used to configure Rezer keyboards/mice/headphones/etc.
have it with my Tiamets
Do you think there is a way to recreate it somehow
recreate it in what sense? wpf ui or the functionality too?
also wrong question: anything that starts with "is it possible" - the answer is yes
2:56 PM
I don't like the 50 seconds load time when you want to change your equaliser or something
UI doesn't really matter, functionality is priorital
i don't remember it taking that long on my pc
You would need to reverse the communication protocol with the devices.
but i haven't run it in a few months
Also yeah that metro toolkit definitely convinced me that anything is possible
2:57 PM
It's performance is quite bad nevertheless
The UI would be the easy part.
of course.. given enough time and resources.. anybody can do anything
metro's performance is bad or razers?
aa - i was thinking metro performs pretty admirably when you consider how much its doing behind the scene
prntscr.com/epxux3 this happened just now trying to change a key on my keyboard xD
2:59 PM
I won't be able to reverse that protocol though I guess
I've never had that
but then there's not much to communicate with a headphone
Happens all the time, and the problem isn't from hardware performance
It also doesn't minimise properly
PS: Tiamat's plastic headband is of super shit quality - i broke mine just cos it got pulled slightly
3:02 PM
Goes to the bottom-left of the main screen and stays there as a Win95 style window
Yeah my fully functioning Kraken 7.1s were entirely destroyed when one earphone stopped working
krakens are virtual 7.1 or physical?
I bought them again but this time round the bass causes crackling and I don't think I'm getting Razer headphones anymore
Virtual I think
tiamats are physical 7.1 - so at least if something dies.. i won't lose the headphone (though nothing has happened to it in the years i've had it other than headband issue)
(there's 5 speakers on each side to deal with each different surround direction)
3:04 PM
Keyboard and Mice are good - had mine for 4-5 years (wow time flies fast) and they're in perfect condition (just a once-a-month clean to help with that)
yea though my Tiamats are great for gaming sessions - there's little else they're good at.. unless its an action movie
Are you guys using Razer because you are gamers? Or are there any considerable benefits for coding?
no i use AKG 7XX for coding :)
Yeah I heard about that but some other headphones with physical have bad reputation so I didn't want to get any
Tiamats are strictly for gaming
3:05 PM
I thought you were talking about keyboards
I don't see how a headset would ever improve coding :P
Razer isn't strictly for gaming, I just thought that they looked good I think that's why I bought them
Tiamat's are 7.1 physical surround headphones
Krakens, if memory serves are 7.1 virtual surround headphones
I like the look and feel of the Blackwidow and Naga
well i'd never consider a Razer headphone for musical stuff
3:07 PM
I wish I put the extra keys to more use though
heh i have the same feeling with my Logitech keyboard
Yeah good point, gonna try for some other headphones next time
if you have a decent DAC/AMP - get an AKG K7XX (if you can get your hands on this exclusive model)
By the way, how can I make a TextBlock with bullet points?
Sennheiser has some great headphones
3:08 PM
I know that feeling Mav :P I have a Corsair Vengence K95. 18 macro keys, nothing bound. :P
they suck without a proper amp as they're current heavy headphones but with my CEntrance, man.. the music.. i hate taking my K7XX off
@Aleksbgbg This might help: stackoverflow.com/questions/26258450/…
(but i keep the AKG K7XX in office with the DAC/AMP since i'm listening to music generally only in office)
I am quite happy with my ATH-M50x. I used them as monitor headphones
yea they're a nice pair too
i haven't tried them but heard good things for an all rounder headphone
3:10 PM
I want to punch people who use Beats
Not crazy about them either
still if you guys haven't experienced a DAC/Amp, I'd highly recommend getting one :) it'll change the way you think about listening to music and suddenly the awesome Beats headphones would sound sucky ;)
Seems like a waste of time to worry about what other people uses. :P
Of course, if they make stupid claims about their quality ... that's another story.
yeah second actually
well.. you can't help but feel sorry for what they're missing out on through sheer ignorance
i've tried to get two of my closest mates to listen to my AKG K7XX and insisted that they use it with the DAC/Amp i'm giving them.. they didn't - "nothing special mate.. I could do this with my much cheaper headphones"
and i was like.. right.. well let me not waste more of your time then!
If I lived in the US, i'd be a major customer of MassDrop.com - so many goodies there.. one of a kind stuff but man its expensive to import it "across the pond"
3:13 PM
You can lead a horse to water, as they say
You can drown a horse in water too.
It's not useful, but you can ...
yea people underestimate the power of DAC/Amp -- i was one of those ignorant souls for years.. "its a waste of my money"
Poor horse
but when i finally decided to import the K7XX and everybody was like.. don't do this without an amp.. i'm like ok.. fine.. have it your way..
i can't imagine using my headphones without the CEntrance (regardless of how sucky their driver is!)
I even considered powering the Tiamats through that - but they already have an amp in controller and I can't plug all the pins into the stereo amp unfortunately :)
You have DACPort HD?
3:17 PM
Dream headphone that I wanna get when i can afford it: massdrop.com/buy/…
nah I have its Massdrop exclusive version DacPort Slim
HD came after that and has higher frequency range - mine tops off at 192KHz - HD goes all the way upto 384KHz
(though even if I had the option, i wouldn't have bought it - no audio source to use that sort of quality)
Ah, ok
(of course i'm also assuming that they'll keep making drops for the exclusive purpleheart headphone)
it was $6xx+shipping+custom+vat last I checked
but whoever owns it.. loves it.. and folks with mahogany version agree that purpleheart sounds better
I'll likely need a better amp with that too but will cross that bridge when I'll get there :)
3:47 PM
By the way you know how you have properties
With backing fields, is the same data stored in both the variable and property? Or not, since it's cloned basically?
property itself doesn't store data - it's only returning from the backing field
What about properties which only have get; set;?
and it's not cloned.. property is basically a pretty syntax to create a function under the hood that returns value from backing field (for get of course and for set does the writer function)
Compiler generates backing field?
3:49 PM
Alright I see thanks
you're welcome :)
In a situation like this: http://prntscr.com/epylz6

Is the first comment correct? If I replaced the variable's name with the file getting statement in the if statement, would it be generated twice, or would the compiler generate a variable anyway?
umm.. i'm not sure about the question
if you call Directory.GetFiles() twice - of course it'll do the job twice
but if you said x = Directory.GetFiles() and then said x.Blah() and x.Blah() - no the fetching happens once only
.ToList() is redundant - .GetFiles() has already returned you an eagerly evaluated result in form of an array
Refer to MSDN when in doubt of what the function is returning (though VS could tell you the same thing if you hover your mouse over "var" bit of the variable that's accepting the result)
Oh wait I confused that actually you are right
4:00 PM
I know that list has .Count, but with an array you have to do .Count(), which needs processing
I thought the same about .Contains()
My bad
Also yeah it's better to store it in a variable since it won't be processed twice (or more)
only because you're not calling Array.Length
which does the same thing and internally .Count() calls the same.. it doesn't actually go though the list counting stuff (if it's processing an array or list)
LINQ methods have been given "common sense" in most cases and they do the right thing as you'd expect :)
02:00 - 17:0017:00 - 22:00

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