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03:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

3:00 PM
techie no.. 1x marketing guy 1x chef 1x civil engineer
but yea we all get along well
sounds like a good group
3:18 PM
@Markus sorry, just typed in quickly without thinking.. haha.. just got back btw, how's it going @Sean?
3:42 PM
@Maverik There's a girl like that called Lily in my friend's uni flat. She just gets bored with the mess and tidies it up
@MosesAprico You dragged me in here to ASK ME HOW I AM DOING?! HOW VERY DARE YOU?!?!?!?!?! Fine thanks, and you?
mercy, master, mercy smeagol voice
quiet sean, you aint busy
Totally amazing fun but kinda shit and slow: labs.dinahmoe.com/plink
3:57 PM
yesh, $2,500 to run wire from one side of my garage to the other.
and a possible felony
@Maverik Isn't this already on the star board?
Apparently not. Ignore me ^_^
4:14 PM
no i cleaned up 3 stars that didn't have proper description / links
these are replacements
I thought I had seen it before
4:52 PM
Is the syntax for a readonly dependencyproperty the ugliest thing there is?
I get loads of these:
System.Windows.ResourceDictionary Warning: 9 : Resource not found; ResourceKey='LightBackgroundBrush'
System.Windows.ResourceDictionary Warning: 9 : Resource not found; ResourceKey='LightBackgroundBrush'
System.Windows.ResourceDictionary Warning: 9 : Resource not found; ResourceKey='BreakpointToggleButtonStyle'
System.Windows.ResourceDictionary Warning: 9 : Resource not found; ResourceKey='BreakpointToggleButtonStyle'
Anybody know why?
They are resources that dont exist!
well if they don't exist, then that explains it
@Billdr what is your garage like a mile away from your house?
sounds like a cable TV felony
@Asheh could be that the designer fails to find them
do they work in runtime?
@NETscape Yeah, I don't know. Is it customary to get multiple quotes? $2500 seems like a lot for what I want.
5:08 PM
Im not using them anywhere
I dont use them and if I search for them,I cant find them in my project
Hence I cant get rid
@Asheh at least you can ignore "warning" :P
I can but the problem is it COMPLETELY slows down WPF Inspector!
It only happens whenI run this tool
maybe it because i never use any 3rd party app beside snoop so...
Trying it.
It splits out loads of exceptions
5:27 PM
@Billdr what do you want?
electric car charging station.
cord running to a deattached garage need to be 6 feet below surface i believe, so a trench has to be dug out which is usually done with a withcdoctor
then going through the foundation of house, all the supplies, labor, run through garage
I mean, you could probably rent it and dig it yourself, might be cheaper
rent the witch doctor. that's what my parents did
and call diggers hotline
it's not a detached garage.
The meters and whatever are down there
5:45 PM
1 hour later…
6:59 PM
Reed, are you around? I have a bunch of questions :)
7:29 PM
yes - but distracted at the moment
feel free to shoot them off - but it may take a while for me to answer
What does it take for BasedOn like this to work:
<Style BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type reactiveUi:TouchToolTipAdorner}}" TargetType="reactiveUi:TouchToolTipAdorner">
static TouchToolTipAdorner()
    DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(TouchToolTipAdorner), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(TouchToolTipAdorner)));
I have ^ but still errs in the designer
works in runtime so couldbe designer dumb
(reactveUi is my alias not the real ReactiveUi lib)
why are you using BasedOn @Johan?
I want to inherit all the stuff I don't set
dunno it it works without basedon
and wait, isn't it TargetType="{x:Type reativeUi:TTTP}"?
hmm, could be it
should work like that also though I think
7:44 PM
and everything that isn't set by the consumer, will be set based on what you define in the default style/template
looks like you are right, tried without the basedon
I believe you use BasedOn when you're inheriting from a different control
ty sir
I thought it was to inherit from the default style
that's already done
I do BasedOn={StaticResource Somestyle} often
7:46 PM
now if I wanted to style your control, then I would used BasedOn
if I didn't use BasedOn, it would inherit from Adorner, if I did use it it would inherit from your control
so when you're writing a custom control, the style you specify inside the resource dictionary are going to be the default for consumers.
@Johan that static constructor is saying "hey, the style in the resource dictionary is going to be the default style for my control. AKA don't use base class Adorner as the default style when someone consumes me."
in other words, BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type reactiveUi:TouchToolTipAdorner}}" is trying to look for the style of TouchToolTipAdorner during design time but it doesn't exist because it the style won't get loaded until runtime
it works for framework stuff I think
you could do BasedOn="{StaticResource AdornerStyle}" or something, but that is saying, use the defaults of Windows adorner, then apply my style. This is already what is happening though when you inherit from Adorner.
yes appear so ty sir
8:24 PM
<Button Width="100"
        Command="{Binding StartCommand}"
               TargetType="{x:Type reactiveUi:TouchToolTipAdorner}">
            <Setter Property="PopUpContent" Value="{Binding}" />
            <Setter Property="PopUpContentTemplate">
                    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type demo:ViewModel}">
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Condition1.Name}" />
Is ^ nice api
I used attached property to set the style for the adorner to enable it.
Workaround for the default ctor requirement
The button renders like ^ when not IsEnabled then. Should have used other colour for the popup
9:09 PM
I think this is the best code I have ever written.
The outside api at least
missing /// comments though
9:57 PM
@JohanLarsson why not just show an ellipse etc. when IsValid = false?
in the overlay or the conditioncontrol?
when IsValid = false, errortemplate is shown
you mena the overlay on the button?
it is not meant for validation really
10:00 PM
or are you doing more of a status reporting
was an idea I had for enabling something like mouseover for touch
oh yeah, now i remember
Idea is that when a button is disabled the overlay is clickable to show some help on wht needs to be done to continue
well the samsung galaxy's have mouseover, or hover, or whatever
MS doesn't?
dunno, I have not used touch much :)
the adorner is a small part of the project, just playing around
the conditioncommand and observablecommand is perhaps useful
The condition class has been extremely nice for us, we have huge trees with ~100 conditions.
Subclassing & IoC makes it sing, just compose how you want the tree and you have it.
I can't be very specific but we have situations like can we start an operation in the machine.
10:05 PM
is this WP?
nope win 7
we write code for a machine that will have a touch interface
Then maybe 20 criteria in the hydraulics, 15 in pneumatics, a bunch of axispositions etc must be met.
Then there are 20 operations that needs to check the same things and some additional things
doesn't that just treat your finger as a Stylus in touch?
dunno, have not used the hardware yet
the machine is not assembled yet
i'm pretty sure everything might be handled normally? they put my application on panel mounted Win7 machines and they work without any gesture handling
i.e. touching a button fires mouseclick
maybe the ToObservable() extensions are useful for you. They are for inpc classes. Features:
fuu.ToObservable(x => x.Meh.Name) // Refactor friendly
Tested for memory leaks
Handles nested subscriptions, unsubscries & updates.
10:11 PM
P.S. if you download the Telerik UI for WPF demos, you can either browse demos using the "mouse" interface or the "touch" interface. you might find something useful in there, like how they handle everything.
@JohanLarsson heh, if it wasn't a VB6 app then maybe :)
They have not decided on hardware for the screens yet, gonna get one as soon as they decide.
right. i'm just saying that win 7 should handle touch events like mouse events, maybe @ReedCopsey can correct me if i'm wrong
03:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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