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yes, I hate help vampires
and idiots
Is it not possible to create a boolean method/function (a function that returns a boolean value) in JQuery?
3 more games! And I will own the entire atari 7800 library
Basically, I want to check execute specific code if a function returns false, so the function must return a boolean right?
@DemCodeLines Sure, it's possible.
Hey dudes
@Loktar is it a total of 3 games :P
lol no, 59
function foo(conditon) {
  return condition;
foo(2 > 1); // true;
now lets make it jTastic
$.foo = function(condition) {
  return condition;
i'm amazing.
@Gacnt how long have you been here?
@rlemon If you call that the identity function, it might look like you're doing some CS theory clever thing :P
You someone else that did a name switch?
@rlemon is that a response to me?
@Loktar XCritics IIRC
ooh ok
no, Banana needed help with the exact same issue.
yesterday, by SomeKittens
user image
I can't figure out this golf
@Shmiddty Link?
4 character gap
between 0mg and myself
Yeah, you're stuck on it for 2 days
@rlemon you know android?
@nomad Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
stackoverflow.com/users/2128168/gacnt @Loktar basically the lifetime of my account, why?
@Shmiddty no way to use Regex here?
@xcritics 80:9 is a bad ratio
@Shmiddty hate more
Some of us are here to learn x.x
@BenjaminGruenbaum for(a in r=readline(i=0))putstr(r.slice(~a)<'!'?' ':r.match(/\S/g)[i++]) is my current solution
!!s/learn/get other people to do our work for us/
@Shmiddty Some of us are here to get other people to do our work for us x.x (source)
@hanleyhansen haven't met him yet no
lol should've known that was coming
Gacnt has removed Shmiddty from the list of room owners
Is a LEFT JOIN always grouped by the field with ON
left join doesn't perform grouping
so, does document.createElement instantly add to the DOM even if you don't append it to anything?
@twiz nope
If we all answered more questions than we asked then this site would be pretty shitty if you ask me.
not sure if I entirely get the idea of createDocumentFragment
..ON t.LOGIN=u.LOGIN WHERE u.MODIFY_TIME > ? ORDER BY u.LOGIN the order by seems useless
@Shmiddty wait, nvm, I just got how your current solution works.
we need the question askers, as well as the question answer-ers
@rlemon Only if they ask good questions
I just need a sort of grouping not ascendant sorting
@rlemon didn't ask, too busy answering questions
@Loktar so u like it ?
I ask when I think of a question that has a public interest, or bounty (like on Zirak's question)
@KingLinux Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@twiz if you are populating say a list, and you don't want to cause reflow with each element you add you put them in a documentfragment then add that in one go at the end.
@xcx could you be any more vague?
@CapricaSix thanks a lot for the welcome!
@KingLinux does Linus know you have claimed this title?
I'm not sure "KingLinux" is the same as "LinuxKing"
ahh, good catch
@rlemon but how is that different than just appending to something created with createElement, if you don't append that main element until the end
ohhh nvm... its just if you don't have any container element?
that your appending at the moment
@twiz you only use it where it makes sense ;)
<3 document fragments
hahaha what?
Uhh how much on a scale of 1-10 do you all like javascript?
on a scale of PHP - Javascript, how much do you like javascript?
Which base are we talking here?
@twiz 42
@powerc9000 I like trains, do you?
@KendallFrey correct
@BenjaminGruenbaum trains are cool
I give it a Bananas out of Porcupine
@powerc9000 x
@Shmiddty I'm surprised he beat that.
@powerc9000 Which models of trains are you particularly fond of?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I dont know much about trains I just think they are cool. If that makes sense
@XCX :
ID    Value
1     A
2     B
3     C
4     D
5     E

ID    Value
1     F
2     G
3     H

FROM TableA a
LEFT JOIN TableB b on a.ID = b.ID


ID    Value    ID    Value
1     A        1     F
2     B        2     G
3     C        3     H
4     D        NULL  NULL
5     E        NULL  NULL
@powerc9000 You should learn more about them, expand your horizons.
@Darkyen looks pretty simple actually
@Shmiddty no but ok the order by is necessary
@Jhawinsss 0mg is a wizard
@BenjaminGruenbaum Maybe I should, I once had a model train as a boy. (dont know what kind of train it was) I also ride light rail to work everyday. It might be beneficial.
@xcx no what?
my vagueness, but too late
@Shmiddty Clearly. I'm interested in seeing the source.
@Jhawinsss that will never happen (the problem is "endless" so his solution will never be revealed)
@powerc9000 That's the spirit! I want you to have a favorite train by next week.
@powerc9000 light rail in what state?
@Shmiddty I know... Sucks.
@Shmiddty Utah, obviously.
@Shmiddty it is interesting ojly when tableB has duplicates for ID key
/* stupid stupid API design */
nlapiSearchRecord(); // returns array
nlobjSearch.runSearch(); // returns nlobjSearchRecordSet
@Shmiddty Utah I ride UTA Trax
I guess I could go write it up in PHP just because no one has done it yet...
@BenjaminGruenbaum yessir. If you dont mind my asking what is your favorite kind of train?
@xcx you aren't making any sense
@powerc9000 I hear they have lots of jello variety in Utah
@Loktar that fluid simulation you showed me using metaballs... he has a strange coding style. :/
@Shmiddty it's nice if you like jello shots
@Shmiddty a composite key for tableB (ID, foo)
@xcx please FULLY FORMULATE your ideas before posting again
Anyone here into fish?
they're much cooler than trains
@rlemon I like eating them
May 14 at 18:33, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Naa, I find owning a fish tank extremely homosexual.
@Shmiddty what was your solution to this? golf.shinh.org/p.rb?Fourteen+digit+number Seems pointless haha. I'm still interested in how small it can be.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what city are you in? close to the ocean? or the sea.
I guess asking you for your solution is stupid. Because everyone could just re-submit it...
@rlemon Israel has no ocean, just a sea.
@rlemon the sea is ~ 40 minute drive
You save one character by converting it to hex
it was a dumb question
@Shmiddty Haha, pretty damn small. I wonder how you got beat...
posted on June 05, 2013 by jakearchibald

How to squeeze more performance out of script loading.

@Jhawinsss I'm tied for first, I have other solutions in there as well
@lilwupster Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Shmiddty I saw that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum sorry switch ocean/mediterranean
@Shmiddty Wait... Doesn't print() actually print? As in, with a physical printer?
If you're interested, you should do this problem: golf.shinh.org/p.rb?Diamond+Knockout
I want some competition
@Jhawinsss not in the JS implementation used on the site
@VitorBari Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon There are no fish in the dead sea :P
@Shmiddty Care to explain?
I am one of those bastards who sees the sea as part of the atlantic
readline() takes input, print() prints a line, putstr() allows you to print one (or more, or none) char at a time (without a newline)
@BenjaminGruenbaum which is why I was asking which you were closer too
@rlemon The Mediterranean
@Shmiddty But using just "print(0x14)" doesn't make sense...
@Loktar Were you just curious?
@Gacnt you are formerly xCritics right?
just think of print as console.log
@Loktar yeah
I just didnt recognize your new name
and thought it was weird you were a room owner
@Shmiddty Alright, I guess I get it. But how is this golf useful in any way whatsoever when it doesn't even function like normal JS?
@Loktar oh lol
@Jhawinsss being useful isn't the point. It's a problem solving challenge
and it mostly functions like normal js
@BenjaminGruenbaum if you ever see any kick ass fish or critters < 2" snag em. if they are really nice I would pay for the live shipping ;) ;)
@Shmiddty "undefined" Logged: 20
@Jhawinsss it just has a few extra things to facilitate input/output
@CapricaSix huh. that's weird.
@rlemon Naa, I like my sea. I don't snag stuff out of it unless I intend to eat that stuff.
@ShotgunNinja no it's not
(the site also supports e4x syntax, and expression closures)
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's not always bad to snag it out, so long as you know what you are doing.
!!>console.log("Hello world!")
@ShotgunNinja "undefined" Logged: "Hello world!"
@Loktar once you start understanding them they are really simple :D
till morning i had this mis-conception
What's with the "undefined"?
fish generally are not an issue, for example they pull 40 million tetras out of their home each year and it's beneficial to them, as they tend to over populate an area
@ShotgunNinja the return value of the worker function
corals are not an issue so long as you frag them and leave the main body alive.
So why isn't 0x14 printing "20"??
@Jhawinsss it is?
Why would it print out 14 different digits? Please excuse my ignorance.
I also found it interesting to learn that aquarium fish tend to live twice as long as fish in the wild. I expected them to live longer, but not double.
@Shmiddty But the problem is printing 14 digits... Not 2?
I'm sorry, I'm really confused.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ahh, but I can show you ;)
@Jhawinsss lol... the solution isn't print(0x14)
In canada we have no nice reefs
iz no warm enough
it's like print(0xB3A73CE5B59)
the output is 12345678912345
each problem has 1-3 inputs (optional) each with a corresponding output.
yeah, it just converts the hex to decimal...
@ShotgunNinja 15degree waters... vs my 25 degree waters.... do you see my issue with canadian reefs?
no can do padre
@rlemon Oh come on, just get a wet suit and grow some balls.
@rlemon I was very surprised when I went snorkelling in a particular area of south english coast
It's not even 15 degrees outside here today.
apparently quite happy milling about in the harbour mud, which surprised me the most
I thought they were sensitive to dirt
@ShotgunNinja the ocean off the coast of bc is like 11-15 degrees.. my tanks all hold things that live in 23-26 degrees.
@ShotgunNinja I don't think he's referring to him swimming in the water
again, see my issue.
@KendallFrey oh right.
I have tonnes of these anyways
@Shmiddty I thought you said it was... Which is why I've been freaking out lmao.
pineapple sponges
@rlemon what's it attached to? looks green
@Shmiddty I completely understand now haha. I thought you were saying somehow that was the solution, which made no sense.
@rlemon These are the bastards that need torched? :D
!!/wiki aiptasia
@rlemon The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
@Jhawinsss I said print(0xthenumber) which I thought would imply that it was just the output converted to hex
!!/wiki aiptasia
@rlemon The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
@TomW The Wikipedia contains no knowledge of such a thing
Aiptasia is a genus of a symbiotic cnidarian belonging to the class Anthozoa (sea anemones, corals). Aiptasia is widely distributed tropical sea anemone of benthic lifestyle typically found living on mangrove roots and nearby hard substrates. This anemone, as well as many other cnidarian species, is found to contain symbiotic dinoflagellate unicellular algae of the genus Symbiodinium living inside nutritive cells. The symbionts provide food mainly in the form of lipids and sugars produced from photosynthesis to the host while the hosts provides inorganic nutrients and a constant and prote...
@Shmiddty I understand now. Ha. It was my fault for misunderstanding. I feel ashamed.
@CapricaSix you suck.
I'd do a PHP one, but I don't see the point. That is the smallest possible answer I believe.
@NinjaEcho find aiptasia
Aiptasia is a genus of a symbiotic cnidarian belonging to the class Anthozoa (sea anemones, corals). Aiptasia is widely distributed tropical sea anemone of benthic lifestyle typically found living on mangrove roots and nearby hard substrates. This anemone, as well as many other cnidarian species, is found to contain symbiotic dinoflagellate unicellular algae of the genus Symbiodinium living inside nutritive cells. The symbionts provide food mainly in the form of lipids and sugars produced from photosynthesis to the host while the hosts provides inorganic nutrients and a constant and prote...
@CapricaSix take that
Hi guys
@Jhawinsss the php solution is just the number
@Ell Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix I'm already reading it
Don't worry. I'm a regular in the c++ room, I know how annoying help vampires are
@Shmiddty Aw shit, that's true. I used echo. Mine was actually faster, but not smaller.
@NinjaEcho find Berghia verrucicornis
Berghia verrucicornis is a species of marine nudibranch in the family Aeolidiidae. Distribution Berghia verrucicornis is an inhabitant of the North Atlantic Ocean, present in the Azores Exclusive Economic Zone, the Caribbean Sea, Costa Rica, European waters, the Gulf of Mexico, Jamaica, the Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone, and the Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone. Description It has a maximum reported size of 18 mm. Habitat Minimum recorded depth is 0 m. Maximum recorded depth is 0 m. In the aquarium Species from aquaria eating Aiptasia anemones have been called "Berghia verrucic...
huhuh nudi
Do I have to use PHPs open and close tags for golf?
I want one of these
@Jhawinsss not always
@Ell Uh... @CapricaSix and @NinjaEcho are bots.
either those or peppermint shrimp
No need to answer them.
@ShotgunNinja ...oh :(
peppermint shrimp are scavengers and steal all the food from my corals.
I thought I was getting a hearty welcome :(
@Ell You are! We just automated it.
@CapricaSix I take it back. :'(
@rlemon what do you feed them?
@Ell because you aren't smart enough to recognize a boilerplate message. Bravo
also, welcome.
Now I feel like a newb :3
@NinjaEcho Introduce Ell.
!!/stat Ell
@Ell Welcome to JavaScript! Please read the FAQ.
I'm medium-into fishkeeping but never done marines
@Shmiddty Ell has 887 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 60 questions, gave 16 answers.
'nuff said
@Shmiddty I obviously had the exact same solution as Whoi, yet mine was a lot faster. What gives?
@TomW a variety of things. Reef Roids (google it) phyto water, then mysid shrimp, brine shrimp, blood worms, and some pellets/flake
not all at once ofc.
I must be pretty stupid if I can't recognise a bot >.<
@Jhawinsss run times will vary, I also think there's a difference between uploading the file and pasting it
@Jhawinsss was he first?
Oh come on, guys, I know @Ell from Lounge<C++>. (s)he(?)'s okay.
@BenjaminGruenbaum He was already there when I found the golf.
I also don't ask for genders online.
@ShotgunNinja "it" ;)
@Ell Oh, no. They're incredibly sentient realistic.
@rlemon I guess I'm surprised that corals and what I guess is a fairly large (?) shrimp compete for food
@ShotgunNinja The most surprising thing for people here is that BadgerGirl is a boy, and copy is a girl.
So, @Ell, you had a question for these folks?
If you're Shmiddty and you know it hate on newbs (Hate! Hate!).
If you're Shmiddty and you know it hate on newbs (Hate! Hate!).
If you're Shmiddty and you know it and you really wanna show it,
If you're Shmiddty and you know it hate on newbs (Hate! Hate!).
newbs to this room at least.
Everyone starts at 0
@ShotgunNinja Well. I don't yet have a concrete question so maybe I shouldn't ask. Basically I'm struggling to understand how user interface code should be decoupled with html. In .net or whatever, I'm used to having Controls - but with html I don't really know how to write code >.<
it's not hard to gain my respect
@TomW eh, they are just over an inch long. not huge.
but they do steal the food, how would you like it ?
I'm surprised they can even see it. Don't filter feeders take stuff that's like, microns
I gained Shmiddtys respect by letting him play with my girlfriend.
@rlemon Bow chicka bow wow
@rlemon it was actually your rugged good looks
@TomW depends on the coral. some (like soft corals, or feather dusters) eat phyto (filter feeders). Others (like sps corals or lps corals) can be carnivorous and eat larger meaty foods as well as small zooplanktons
hence the variety of foods.
aah, gotcha
bubble coral under moon lights.
he has tentacles that can collect small particles of food, as well as a large "mouth" in the middle so if he catches a small shrimp or fish he can suck him in and digest him
A: jquery function I believe is messing up php function

ShmiddtyI don't think this is a valid statement: $_SESSION['sessionCount']++; I think you need to set it like so: $_SESSION['sessionCount'] = $_SESSION['sessionCount'] + 1;

@Shmiddty you nub :P
here you can see my brain coral sucking down some mysid shrimp
they are fairly large as well
@BenjaminGruenbaum @Ell or angularjs.org
om nom nom
but never backbone.js
Corals are freaking weird.
@Shmiddty I like Angular, but I think it's harder for newbs to grasp, the fact it just 'keeps track' of everything seems magical until you read the source code.
@TomW that brains is fucking crazy. it doesn't have a mouth. these tentacles or "sweeper arms" stick out and pull the food to the surface, then it kinda of just pulls it into it's body.
after ~5 minutes it looks normal again.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Honestly, at this point, I've given up hope on bad programmers ever learning anything, so I'd rather have them not understand what's going while still producing readable code, than... what's the alternative?
@Shmiddty Learning, that's the alternative
next time I feed him i'll make a gif of him eating :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum but I gave up on them doing that already.
@Shmiddty It's our responsibility as a community to make the ecosystem better. If we want to have a good community, we have to do that. That's why I answer questions in SO.
@Shmiddty If someone reads one of my answers and it helps them learn, rather than just copy-pasta, that's a smarter potential co-worker.
Idealism is great and all
@Shmiddty If 10 less people are using jQuery.data because of me, that makes me happy.
I wouldn't call that idealism, I call it 'making the next generation of programmers such less'
@BenjaminGruenbaum problem is people are fucking idiots and I lose my patience after explaining it for the 3rd time to them.

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