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8:02 PM
Chrome crashed the fuck out hard when I clicked that image, lol.
I don't use chrome, Safari handled it pretty smoothly
We all know you use Curry Shrek.
How else do you get your spicy memes?
8:04 PM
@Trasiva contrary to the popular belief, I do not enjoy the molten lava and burning coal style food. I'd pay 4x price to just get my hands on a chipotle, or even a dash of sour cream and guaco.
@Shrek Dishonor on your family!
@Trasiva I don't give an absolute fuck about them anyway.
@Shrek Well fuck them too then.
well jesus christ. that is a pain in the ass. got async/await working finally... but I have to manually edit the babel output to fix a few things
8:09 PM
@rlemon ?
I'm probably doing things wrong, but the 'right' way wasn't working due to version constraints.
so I have to move the regenerator-runtime call to the top of the module, and I have to change some _interopRequireWildcard BS because it doesn't know when to .default :(
Would it be possible to make a new window but stay connected to the node js server without the use of cookies or sessions?
like, is there something I need to do to get regenerator-runtime to work without changing the babel output?

my babelrc is super simple right now.
	"presets": [
	"plugins": [
		["transform-async-to-module-method", {
			"module": "bluebird",
			"method": "coroutine"
8:17 PM
hmm... should I use babili-webpack-plugin instead of webpack's uglify js plugin?
import blah from 'blah';

import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';

async function bar() { .. }
in the output the async function is pulled to the top, before the regenerator include.
and is an iife, so it errors
@rlemon why not just import 'babel-polyfill'? Does that not work?
babel-polyfill isn't installing
so I'm trying to use regeneratorRuntime directly.
there is also a preset that doesn't compile to regeneratorRuntime
babel-preset-es2015-sans-regenrator or something
8:18 PM
why isn't it installing
node 0.8 npm 1.2
it just chokes
pay me my salary, and sure.
I meant me
8:19 PM
Why use es2015 as a preset? Isn't env generally preferred?
@rlemon you can't use async
/deal with it
I can.. I just have to do some shitty stuff
try running it with harmony
and I'm wondering if it's something I can automate without some gulp-replace crap
you are already shitty for using 10 year old node
8:20 PM
@Mosho I have 500+ devices out there with node 0.8 and I'm not remote-upgrading them.
^ reason why I chose electron for a similar project, free autoupdates, even UI :D
then play it safe and don't use latest features
@Shrek electron wouldn't solve this
I know :P but an auto-updater will
thanks tips.
8:21 PM
anyway for your current problem
I'll get right on that.
Man. Node was actually pretty undercooked <0.10. 7.5 feels so much more full-featured. When modules are added, all will be right with the world
you might be able to compile for it
on your device
I can use gulp-replace to manually move it
or add it rather.
but meh.. that's hacky.
just a sec
why can't you just import the runtime from babel-polyfill
8:21 PM
just use promises
give up
let it go
@rlemon was babel-polyfill its own package at that point or do you need an old 6to5 package that supports your node better?
Oh I get it
@rlemon hush
it might be that regenerator runtime depends on shims provided by core-js
@ssube I'm writing a new version, want to use modern features because it'll be supported on node 6 and node 0.8, and am just trying to setup a build that will support that (and ofc I'm limiting myself to node6 stuff)
@rlemon or maybe try to get generator support
and use coroutine
8:24 PM
@Shrek the ONLY problem right now is babel places the async/await functions at the top of the file before it imports the runtime and therefore doesn't know about it
how is async/await "node6 stuff"
manually moving the include to the runtime fixes it
@rlemon babel should put regenerator runtime on top
regardless. (in my experience)
@Mosho it isn't. I'm avoiding node6 stuff all the same.
@Shrek and it isn't. hence my fucking asking
jesus man. keep up
I'm on a repeat loop now :P
Are you compiling on node > 0.8 ?
8:25 PM
node 7
ok good.
I need a datepicker, I'm using react. What should I use?
@rlemon what do those functions look like
omg there's the longest broken train ever going by
can you inject something globally
8:26 PM
Or lemon?
@Vap0r <input type="date">
@ssube How do you know it's broken? Are you keeping track of it?
@Trasiva The horrible shrieking noise.
@Shrek have to support IE11
Shim/Polyfill it and or wrap it
8:27 PM
@ssube Maybe it's just wheelie having issues with the wheels?
I'm 1/4 mile up hill from the tracks that must go to some kind of repair depot.
there are always broken sounding trains going by
@Vap0r In my experience I've found 3 selects
to be the perfect replacement for a date-picker
@Shrek good idea. Appreciate the help
so, manually moving that line does solve it.
@rlemon are you using webpack?
8:29 PM
@rlemon put it in a module loaded before that one
import 'runtime';

import './your-app';
so like app.js => runtime, actualapp.js
@Mosho beat me to it :(
@rlemon yeah it injects it globally
8:30 PM
how are you building it? You could do something like node -r regenerator-runtime ./somescript, no?
it can be anywhere
still seems like babel is doing that wrong.
just before where you need it runs
why would it pull the async function above the require?
probably its hoisting it or something
8:31 PM
@rlemon something there is definitely off
  "devDependencies": {
    "babel-plugin-transform-async-to-module-method": "^6.24.1",
    "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.24.0",
    "del": "^2.2.2",
    "gulp": "^3.9.1",
    "gulp-babel": "^6.1.2"
  "dependencies": {
    "regenerator-runtime": "~0.10.0"
and my babelrc is:
	"presets": [
	"plugins": [
		["transform-async-to-module-method", {
			"module": "bluebird",
			"method": "coroutine"
if you make a repo I can play with it and see what's what
lol. install node 0.8 and npm 1.2.4?
well, no
you said the build is off 6
I lied
8:34 PM
even better?
just reproduce the thing
I like how the MLS doesn't show you listing date
> No compatible version found: bluebird@~0.3.5
npm install --only=dev
just ignore the "client" crap
build-device doesn't do anything
no build folder :\
so make one?
it works for me
8:43 PM
I believe you
ohh jesus christ.
async functions can't be top level
or something like that
wrapping it in a module works..
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';
import Promise from 'bluebird';

function doSomethingAsync(value) {
	return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

(async function foo() {
	const value = await doSomethingAsync(123);
also works.
they sure can be "top level"
that's dumb
@Mosho I mean they can't be top level in this scenario
ohh well. wrapping it all with a boot.js worked.
moving on (also, almost 5pm)
8:46 PM
@rlemon huh? Example?
Will the react framework monopolize the javascript market?
@patko Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon making it a function expression works too
still weird af
probably to spec. we're just stupid
8:47 PM
@rlemon Weird, it should work. Probably a bug, remember you're using an ancient version
I doubt functions should be hoisted over import statements
@patko no
@Zirak I'm compiling on node 7
with modern babel
it pulls the regenerator require below the async function definition wrapped in an iife.
That sounds...weird
ignore the deps, just grab the dev deps and compile it. you should see something like this: gist.github.com/rlemon/14ce7b68da726a0ceba6ee7949ee15c4
	var _ref = (0, _bluebird.coroutine)(regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee() {
8:49 PM
@rlemon it's a boot time
is called before regeneratorRuntime is loaded
/me been working on my Canadian
@rlemon come to think of it
it should still work
because you don't use regenerator until you call foo
@Loktar you apologize for that
foo's value is an IIFE
8:50 PM
oh nvm
	var _ref = (0, _bluebird.coroutine)(regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(
ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined
@KendallFrey so-ree
@Loktar way to go bud
8:51 PM
@Loktar you hockey puck.
@rlemon I'd remove the bluebird dependency, clean the package.json up and write a bug report
Or look at regenerator+babel examples to see if you went wrong with configs or some shit
bluebird is for knucklheads
As raw, unadultered and unfiltered js it should work
So either it's a bug or a misconfig
@Zirak all the ones I've seen just say "use babel-polyfill"
which is a problem for me
alrighty. I think I'll just walk away for today and write a bug report tomorrow maybe. even if I'm fucking it up, the babel repo people should be able to tell me that definitively
9:19 PM
@rlemon Is developing chrome extensions hard?
Or is it pretty much on the level of, say, developing an electron app?
It's the same as anything else, just gotta learn the APIs
@jake Something like that
Probably even easier
It's normal HTML/CSS/JS, you just need to learn the chrome APIs.
And figure out the odd structure of the manifest :P
the chrome apis are pretty easy to figure out, they just are not self-consistent imo
so you can't assume much
I just want to customize this plugin. Seems pretty easy now that i'v read through the source.
10:06 PM
@jake basically just clone extension repo, load it, customize and debug developer.chrome.com/extensions/getstarted#unpacked
@FilipDupanović I worked it out. Very fun.
I'm forking that fuzzy searcher for chrome.
I hate how chrome handles URL search
meh, FF used to be perfect a decade ago :D
nowadays I mostly get results I don't care about :\
10:34 PM
@KendallFrey remember when KSP was about rockets? gfycat.com/MammothDifferentGhostshrimp
we wanted to give the user access to run heartbeat checks on systems they support..but in order to run each test a valid set of credentials for that system is needed.

And each system has a different credential set not linked to the user, the only thing that links the user to the system is their support email..if that makes a lick of sense
11:34 PM
airbnb so expensive
@rlemon I can't find a place to stay :\
this shack is over $2k
come to Europe

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