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12:24 AM
@Benjamin look at that repetition of memberA and memberB, and my code does not show an update / re-assignment of these, rather, a list of two values, which the second one, with index 1, is taking out... And the second one equates to 10 * 20 :)
1:09 AM
@HatterisMad hexakill is zzz
1:44 AM
@littlepootis youtube.com/watch?v=q4sQNaPeAek /cc @AwalGarg @SomeGuy
angular@one-way: do you think the following is a bug? jsbin.com/rovadewaxu/1/edit?html,js,output
what would you expect to be the displayed value?
@SomeKittens I think this one is from a real job description: "Yes you’ll get all the usual benefits, but if you’re really going for perks, Google is your best bet! If you want to make an impact, then please apply."
@SomeKittens might want to add "American" in there.
2:04 AM
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^?
2:21 AM
> SyntaxError: report.js: Line 2: Namespace tags are not supported. ReactJSX is not XML.
damn.. i want to use JSX as a templating language for xsl-fo..
3:00 AM
15 hours ago, by Appeiron
its like putting in console foo: {a: 1} is returning 1 and i cant get what the fake
@Abhishrek LOL
This one's too funny: youtube.com/watch?v=Sqpf9bPRSCk
i have an npm module i have created.. after finding it work well on my terminal screen.. i want to convert that module to be a web application.. is there any guide i can use for that?
What does the module do?
Do you want to use the module on the client-side?
it has some algorithim that creates a certain json based on some inputs
i want to convert now the whole thing into nodejs web application
Oh, a nodejs application.
You can import it (or require) and then use it to create a web application.
ok, any guide that would help in that?
3:13 AM
Any nodejs guide will teach you that
tutorial or something close? or what should i actually google?
thanks i'll look into this
@littlepootis That is exactly why I asked
@littlepootis The software engineer one is funny.
but sad :-/
3:44 AM
@Abhishrek I used it once when writing a lexer for a toy language
I'm trying to use jQuery & jQueryUI to make a div draggable, but when I do this: hastebin.com/anusutefen.js I get a 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'defaultView'
and then rewrote it without labels
I actually forgot that they exist in JavaScript.
of null*
@Abhishrek same. They are almost never used
3:45 AM
I've looked around for answers, but none work
4:39 AM
Evening everyone. Is this site misleading "micro apps" with their product image, by implying an email link could open a fullscreen web app? famous.co/#home-demo
4:53 AM
After reading this article, I have to say that I think their screenshots are entirely fraudulent, because they imply going from an email ad or etc., to a fullscreen web app with an easy transition but... i don't think that's possible. techcrunch.com/2015/11/06/nopen-source
5:05 AM
@Shmiddty I played it when they had it last time but i dont remember the gametype now
6v6 twisted treeline
slow and boring
just got my mobo in for my build
been waiting on it for almost two months now with all the other parts sitting here
so no more 5 - 20fps during a 10 man fight anymore lol
@shmiddty sounds like a good opportunity to troll the crap out of people
5:08 AM
so i went racing tonight and the right front wheel snapped off the car while i was getting into the turn at ~90mph+
I didnt notice but my car did. it did a 360 degree turn and i made it another half of the track and spun again in the other turn before the track threw a yellow and came over and told me that i didnt have a right front wheel.
5:27 AM
@Luggage Yerp, that's the other one
5:50 AM
Yes, Its friday.
wait...nvm its saturday already :-/ friday why you no last?
Anyone knows of an open-source native Linux app (like gtk/qt/xcb/xlib based and not electron or some other thing) which has a sexy GUI?
6:31 AM
@AwalGarg GUI sexiness depends on your GTK theme, scrub
Look at this: midori-browser.org
Looks beautiful on Pantheon DE. Looks like shit on mine. (I use clearlooks).
someone active this morning
If it looks really beautiful, it's not native
where u guys donwload software from
I need v clone
but there original website is down
@Developer Distro repos or github
I don't know about Windows. Never used it seriously.
@littlepootis not that good looking at all :P
6:45 AM
@littlepootis No because apps don't have to rely on the gtk lib. They can interface directly with xlib/xcb
and there are libs like kivy/tk etc. too which are widely used
@AwalGarg they can. But is it worth it?
if gtk isn't capable enough for your app and GUI sexiness is an important factor for your app, then ofcourse
That'll make your design inconsistent with other GTK-styled apps.
your point?
Also, Steam client looks nice. Try it out.
6:58 AM
A: Interview coding test: Fizz Buzz

OldCurmudgeonI realize we are supposed to keep our comments about the code posted in the question. I am breaking a little from that because this is less a what's wrong with my code than a why did the interviewer not like my code. Here is my take on a FizzBuzz - see how simple it is? public class FizzBuzz { ...

fizzbuzz enterprise
why do I have libjs-jquery installed...
@littlepootis good call
is it opensource, though? I guess not..
It's on github it's just the issue tracker. ugh
/me has never used steam, only seen people use it and screenies
However, it serves DRM content
7:10 AM
@littlepootis right
> /usr/share/javascript/jquery/jquery.js
@littlepootis you probably installed wordpress or something similar from your distro's repos. I remember something similar when I installed a php based self-hosted web email client from Ubuntu's software center.
I installed mc, htop, steam and pv. One of them had this as dep
what distro?
7:15 AM
check apt-cache rdepends libjs-jquery?
bah what was the command. I forgot :/
It listed a few hundred packages.
pick one which looks reasonable and check rdepends on it. work your way back up to one of those 4 packages
alternatively you could do apt-get remove -s $package on each of those packages which would do a dry run and show the list of packages which could be removed altogether with that. one of those would show libjs-jquery.
pacman has spoiled my apt-fu :(
It was fish......................
Why does fish need it?
@littlepootis huh? what does apt-cache show-pkg fish show?
7:22 AM
erik@royall:~$ sudo apt-cache rdepends --installed libjs-jquery
Reverse Depends:
erik@royall:~$ sudo apt-cache rdepends --installed fish-common
Reverse Depends:
maybe without the hyphen
fish depends on fish-common, which depends on libjs-jquery
file a bug on launchpad, then. upstream doesn't specify that dependency, and neither does fish have it on arch
launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/amd64/fish-common/2.2.0-2 file one here. wtf it does show that dep
yeah, it does
> - jQuery is no longer included in the upstream tarball, so no need to repack (Angular is used in its place, but it is an unminified copy).
> Angular
@littlepootis probably for the docs but it shouldn't be installed as a dependency. wtf ubuntu
7:31 AM
yeah, it ships with html docs. but jquery..?
jquery is the assembly for all things web
lol true
Slightly related: today I am gonna try writing a barebones reddit like thingy using jshp. Checked w3schools for what they teach newbies about PHP and how to build apps, and I am gonna try using a subset of those techniques.
I already implemented a login system which works with pg, btw.
gist.github.com/awalGarg/7f8f74dd89cec6e82b059d8b724a0571 I can't fucking believe this worked as is. obviously vulnerable to xss but easy fix
8:07 AM
8:27 AM
guys why when i launch a new modal up to another one the first stacks ? Bootstrap 3.0
That's not a question
why not ?
why when i close the second one , the first stacks ?
i need the focus back to first modal
Do you mean, "when I open one modal from another, the former shows above the latter; what to do with it?"
No. When i open one modal from another all work fine. When i close the second, the first stacks and i have focus on background with grey font
when i scroll the first go up , down up down
8:48 AM
@Neil An error has occurred*
9:20 AM
@Abhishrek Not necessarily
Both forms are correct
Multiple open modals not supported
Be sure not to open a modal while another is still visible. Showing more than one modal at a time requires custom code.
In the middle of my project..
9:44 AM
Should regular prototypes still be used in ES6?
What for?
9:57 AM
I need a custom code to stack 2 visible modals
any idea ?
... code it?
10:31 AM
From today I'm user Linux (Ubuntu)
@MattewDeveloper Nice
Yesterday I'm join for first time in bios
Dual boot?
no, from usb
I've delete Windows
and all
Now I've only ubuntu
That's great!
Enjoy the freedom :)
10:35 AM
but why all say that LInux is free?
So, I don't see code source of Linux
@MattewDeveloper Linux is just the kernel. Ubuntu is a linux distribution. It comes with Linux kernel and thousands of other software. Here's the kernel source: kernel.org
Ok, but I don't an expert programmer
I don't understand much the code
I don't understand either :P
@littlepootis Now I study C
It's cool C for programming
@MattewDeveloper That's nice. Where are you learning C from?
10:38 AM
I know the basics of C/C++, but now I would go next
Now I must learn how to compile in Linux file C :)
Ubuntu doesn't come with a C compiler
Run this:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
@littlepootis you are good with sec informatic?
@MattewDeveloper information sec.? nope
I'm trying to exploit a site
@littlepootis :((
10:47 AM
@MattewDeveloper Don't exploit unless you own the site or have permission to test.
@AwalGarg :?
I'm prox
@littlepootis that meta package installs gcc IIRC. gcc in 2016. 2016.
with Tor + vpn
@AwalGarg and a whole lot of other tools necessary for building.
I use musl, but.. it's okay.
what is musl?
10:49 AM
install clang and add alias gcc=clang to your shell config
Ditch glibc
11:11 AM
anyone interested in doing something fun with neural networks?
@Zirak lol, I wish I could design :P All the design I know is hsla, the rest doesn't matter
and man, @AwalGarg, wtf (your college)
So you can just sign some papers afterward that say that you attended even if you didn't?
well, that's quite normal in India
but what I did isn't. pretty sure they'd be thinking I am on drugs
are you not?
oh wow @dievardump 0.o codepen.io/dievardump/pen/pyOMeN
11:30 AM
I had no idea it would have so much succes
I'm pretty astonished
no wonder, it's amazing!
@AwalGarg lol true
I have 2 hours of train later. I was thinking of doing a version with linked circuits, so electrons would "circulate" between them
the changes in the code would be pretty small
you could also make the circuits be 1-way only
again, not much change in the code
well if I was doing the linked circuits, the electrons would go one way from their start circuit to the end of the chain, and go back after
11:39 AM
@dievardump when they reach a dead end position them on some certain starting nodes
hey @MattewDeveloper. How old are you?
I'm 13, why?
just wondering
and you?
I was once 13
11:45 AM
Can you do multiple inheritance with JavaScript's ECMAScript 6 features?
and now?
Or some workaround?
@Krush you can do it with ES5 too. They're all workarounds tho
Yeah but using the "extends"
11:46 AM
for every property of the object to inherit's prototype, add the property to the final prototype
ES6 extends is a misleading workaround
Don't use ES6 classes, specially not the extends keyword. Your life would be a lot easier that way.
@Krush no, that's single inheritance only
@towc I've read that the expression that one can use infront of extends can be any, so in theory you can merge two? I think I've tried this but it didn't work
@Krush it would be a class extended by a class, which itself extends another class, but this is nested single inheritance (not sure it's the right terms), which is differrent
and again, don't use classes
11:48 AM
@AwalGarg Why's that? using class and extends makes my life a lot easier when I write es6
@towc I might not, can I use prototype chaining in this way (one second):
@dievardump explain how they make things easier compared to the ES5 equivalent
@towc actually nvm
It's more comprehensible, there is not more code to write, the use of super without using blabla.prototype.whatever.
It's just easy and natural to use
@dievardump primarily because they're misleading, not as powerful as the good old methods, and JavaScript doesn't really have classical inheritance
11:51 AM
I don't say it's better, but easier, for sure
It seems natural because you're used to it. :)
@towc actually still... can I make every function (that's a class) imbue "this" with a prototype, of the class's fields & methods, rather than literally assigning them?
@dievardump so primarily just aesthetics of the code?
@littlepootis hangouts
@littlepootis The fact that it's not really classical inheritance doesn't change the fact that it looks more natural to use. And no, I'm not really use to use classical inheritance since I don't code too much with languages having it ;)
2 mins ago, by little pootis
It seems natural because you're used to it. :)
11:53 AM
I'm probably the worst person to talk to about constructors. Anyone wanna take over?
@AwalGarg well if using class MyClass extends EventEmitter has the same effect has function MyClass() {}; extends(MyClass, EventEmitter); I prefer use te former
@littlepootis I just told you that i'm not used to it because I don't code in languages having it.
anyone know why my ::before doesn't work?
1 message moved to Trash can
@MattewDeveloper Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@dievardump Yeah, I agree that the syntax is nicer and more preferable and all. What I am saying is that that syntax is limiting and will come in your way sooner or later.
header > nav > ul > li > a > img.ubuntu::before:hover  {
  content: "Ubuntu";
  background-color: #000;
  color: #fff;
11:56 AM
That is possible
I was always for the use of those things. That's why I always liked MooTools more than jQuery when I was using those kind of lib
Can a function refer to itself within itself? and do you need to use it's name for this or some keyword?
@Krush yes. name.
@Krush arguments.callee ? not sure if it is not deprecated
@Krush "too much recursion"
> Warning: The 5th edition of ECMAScript (ES5) forbids use of arguments.callee() in strict mode. Avoid using arguments.callee() by either giving function expressions a name or use a function declaration where a function must call itself.
12:05 PM
Comments plz:
function classA(argumentA) { this.memberA = argumentA; } function classB(argumentB) { this.prototype = classA(10); this.memberB = this.memberA * argumentB; }
Ughhh this chat
+= 'is terrible'
I've been binding iso data strings(they come that way from the api) to data-date in elements in a week calendar, however it works fine when not in DST. I guess I have to manually bind them to the elements 1 hour ahead now if its DST?
If only Lua was less... scrappy... it would replace JavaScript... sighs
@Krush Nothing will replace JavaScript
12:24 PM
@littlepootis yet
who knows what the future brings.
@littlepootis If web assembly ever gets here, javascript should watch out
hi meredith
did you find the article about horn clause logic and PROLOG interesting ?
I actually forgot to read it
12:29 PM
Hi guys
Do you still have the link?
yeah, i bookmarked it. Maybe you can do that too: link
There is also a thing with PROLOG, combined with haskell: Mercury
Oh gosh that sounds evil
So a rule says
I once got scoffed by my professor because I answered " He was an iconic British singer, lead singer of the rock band Queen. He's famous of his memorable shows " on the question "What can you tell about Mercury"
12:33 PM
if p and p and p and p, then q
I was technically correct
Which is ofc equivalent to not p or not p or not p or q
What does it mean to resolve a horn clause?
Just to evaluate it as true/false?
hmm let me try to explain it with an example. But i need to lookup for the logic symbols
use ! for not, ^ for and, v for or
Or just write them out
Let's say that you have this logic rule a ∧ b ∧ c → result
Then HCL says that if you want to show result, you have to show a, b and c
thus in PROLOG
result :- a, b, c.
12:40 PM
Yeah I get that
Not sure what this sentence is saying
> If you resolve Horn clauses A and B to get clause C, then the positive literal of A will resolve against a negative literal in B, so the only positive literal left in C is the one from B (if any). Thus, the resolvent of two Horn clauses is a Horn clause.
That is if A is positive, that the outcome in C is determined by B. That implies that C is also a horn clause
HCL is very difficult to comprehend. Not many students has passed that course during my CS studies ;)
So if we let
but it helped me to understand logic based languages like PROLOG
A = p1 ^ p2 ^ p3 -> q1
and B = p4 ^ p5 ^ p6 -> q2
What does it mean to resolve them?
Are we conjoining them to get C?
no, A got resolved first. Then B
Not sure if it's an appropriate comparision, but see it as a tree
      /     \
   A          B
 /   \       /   \
p1   p2      p3   p4
12:49 PM
Ok so we are conjoining them
C := A ^ B
And it's saying
p3 ^ p4 ^ q1 = true?
@little pootis many languages will replace the majority of the uses of JavaScript

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