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12:11 AM
@towc pretty cool
it selects text when I scroll though with it
@Loktar yeah, call it a feature?
yeah it's cool regardless
"haven't you always hated when you have to select something for great y-differences of a page and had to press arrow down continuously? Towc-scroll fixes that and many other non-existant problems! Buy towc-scroll now, for only 0.99c before the discount slips you!"
@towc Google "CSS user-select"
I'd know how to fix it
"user-select: none" if the scrolling was going on
add a class with it to the body, and remove it when the scrolling stops going on
but meh
12:30 AM
@KarelG that is insane
Guys, is there a way to hide the URL in window.open() ? I googled around but didnt find a reliable resource.
12:44 AM
A dude on my team keeps using the term "syntactical sugar" wrong, and it bugs me.
@RahulDesai No; it used to be possible, but now it's an IE only feature
I see.
I need to show the following link in an iframe/popup/things-like-that and it isnt working.
@towc a solution to your problem might be to make the "scrollbar" have a tabIndex of 1... not sure if that will work, though
@ndugger user-select would work just fine
nah, it didn't work anyways
1:07 AM
@towc jsfiddle.net/vxn71h7L + codepen.io/rlemon/pen/WbbLEN would probably make your scrollbar easier ?? you can also set the background to the track for the drag effect
then you only need to render to the two canvases and not worry about positions
the original scroll functionality will handle that
you also benefit from all the event shit
well, I mean, it is a scroll bar
instantly better :D
not sure about ie/edge support for canvas as a background css image, but it works in chrome and ff
ignoring codepens new cors rules
    background: -webkit-canvas(noise);
    background: -moz-element(#canvas);
1:23 AM
Gud Morning
@dinesh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
sure @CapricaSix
@rlemon too bad there is no support for custom scrollbars outside of webkit :/
yea sucks
but still. probably a better approach
you get all of that out of the box event support
13/02/2016 ["10:00"]
14/02/2016 ["10:00"]
15/02/2016 ["09:00"]
16/02/2016 ["07:00"]` this is my dynamic array how can i sort it in angularjs, FYI: the dates are keys
1:27 AM
var sorted = arr.sort(function(a,b) {
  // compare a and b dates, return -1,0,1 depending on earlier,even,later
and if dates are the keys, and it is in strings, you don't want an array you want an object
at which point sorting is not an issue, you can't sort objects
im collecting the date and its values from another object so i stored as array
const store = [];
then you have an array of objects you can loop over and sort
yes it can but I need date as key
arrays in js don't work that way
is it possible coz I spend lot of time on it.
1:34 AM
that is an object, and you can't sort objects
Ok thank you for your valuable share...
var arr = [];
arr['10/10/10'] = 123;
really, you are not utilizing the array, you are adding properties to the resulting object
the array itself doesn't change in length, and no itteration is viable
` [Object { start="08:00", date="16/02/2016"}, Object { start="09:00", date="15/02/2016"}, Object { start="10:00", date="14/02/2016"}, Object { start="12:00", date="12/02/2016"}]`
wrong syntax, if that's supposed to be javascript
looks like java
this is my obj i wants to collect data by date wise so i ll got '12/02/2016




its angularjs @ndugger
1:45 AM
no it isn't
const sorted = arr.sort((a,b)=>Number(a.start.replace(/:/,''))>Number(b.start.replace(/:/,'')));
needs more whitespace
typed it in the chat input
whitespace is annoying
but normally, I agree.
i got err "sort is not an function". :(
then you are not dealing with an array
turn your data into an array
1:51 AM
@dinesh You're clearly missing some extremely valuable information. I suggest that you learn the basics of javascript before doing anything with angular. Please.
!!tell rlemon format
@rlemon Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
it is formatted
lambda is a one liner, if you want whitespace you can bite me
1:53 AM
okay, bend over
Bite you, eh? Zombie mode, activate: (x(x_(x_x(O_o)x_x)_x)x)
!!> typeof [].sort
@monners That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@monners "function"
Sorry. Bored.
1:55 AM
it is real nice when the extension gets the auto-language-select right
Oooh, where can I get that pimp theme?
chrome only atm
repo is kinda fucked
Is there any other browser?
you can manually install it for ff I suppose
it is some js and some css, so you'll need stylish and greasemonkey
There we go, now my eyes aren't bleeding as badly
1:58 AM
features include, "code mode" (ctrl+k, there aare some bugs), webm inlines, #f00 hex colours,
some other shit I can't remember
That's #bada55
I really need to work on it some more
but motivation is hard to come by
Discipline > Motivation
It pairs well with dark theme chrome dev tools. You can Google for that, I didn't make it :p
can i get some help with something?
2:10 AM
I've already got the dark theme for dev tools
this is the link to the codepen i use now i want that slider to keep going with out me pressing the left and right buttons i want it to be moving automatically here is the link to the codepen: codepen.io/dmi3y/pen/dCvkl
can anyone help?
look at the code in the .click handler
                    ul.css('left', -last.outerWidth(true)).prepend(last).animate({'left': 0}, dly);
@rlemon ok what would you like me to do with that?
(hint, this is just css applied with js)
you can do this all with css
but then you get no 'control'
so figure out what that line does, and you'll be half way to your answer
that is fine if i can do it with css, css and js either one or both would be fine
that line animates it
2:17 AM
I'm not going to just hand you an answer, I will however help you figure out your own answer
yes i have taken that code and pasted it at the top of my js page and still nothing
so what does that line exactly do? it does 3 things
what that line does is animates it left
yes, but how
there are three main functions involved. please break them down for me
it animates it then it prepends the last element
2:21 AM
not quite
1) move left negative to the size of the container
2) move the last image to the start
3) animate the entry into the first image
.animate takes a callback
and i do not know what outterWidth does sorry
how would you use a callback to repeat the animation for the next step?
@JackSmith that is what documentation is for
google jQuery + outerWidth
does it take the outter width of the element
2:23 AM
read the documentation
ok i will
> is told to use outerWidth
asks if it gets the outer width of the element
2:45 AM
maybe he meant otter width.
3.5 Otters long
Depends, Canadian otters are only 3.1 widths
Not so much fast food.. :p
> don't do this in the real world... but this is Russia
3:05 AM
@Loktar 10/10 would see
> Amazon Lumberyard is free, including full source code, so you can deeply customize Lumberyard for your team and your vision for your project today, and for future projects in years to come. There are no seat fees, subscription fees, or requirements to share revenue. You only pay for the AWS services you choose to use.
pretty fucking awesome if you ask me
Minor correction: not open source, they state this very clearly in the FAQ. You do get the source though.
> 57.10 Acceptable Use; Safety-Critical Systems. Your use of the Lumberyard Materials must comply with the AWS Acceptable Use Policy.
The Lumberyard Materials are not intended for use with life-critical or safety-critical systems, such as use in operation of medical equipment, automated transportation systems, autonomous vehicles, aircraft or air traffic control, nuclear facilities, manned spacecraft, or military use in connection with live combat. However, this restriction will not apply in the event of the occurrence (certified by the United States Centers for Disease Control or successor
dammit get online!
I'm excited and need someone to share with me
amazon released a game engine
rlemon's excited
@bleykFaust Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can you help me with this?
Q: Modal Pop Up validation AngularJS

bleykFaustI have my code and it validates the format of the entered input on button click but when I enter a value that is in the correct format, the modal still shows. What I want is that when the input is in the correct format no modal pop up will be shown. Here is my plunker link : http://plnkr.co/edit/...

3:20 AM
i cannot
owkay :(
thanks for your time
Seeing new angular questions that use $scope makes me sad :(
or $("")
3:38 AM
I want to send the local date time ' $.now() ' to a php server. but when sending it through ajax, it can be manipulated by the user. How do i get the local time of the user to my server via ajax securely without any tampering?
you can't
if they want to tamper with it, they can change their computer clock which is completely out of your control.
what would be the best way to achieve that then ?
i would not worry about it
because... there's not much you can do to enforce what timezone they have chosen.
You can use an ip2location service, but... that's not perfect either (and isn't free)
how do i keep the date time record of the users action then ?
base it on server time
3:42 AM
users are going to make purchases, in their purchase history, won't it be inappropriate to show a wrong time even thought they did not make the purchase at that time?
have the server time recorded, then convert it to their timezone client-side.
based on their location ? or based on a fixed number of hours or minutes?
based on Date
i dont understand what u mean by 'based on Date'
i understood the part to keep the server side time. when rendering to the user client side, what calculations do i do ?
Or you could just give server time with the UTC offset.
If a user doesn't understand what that means, well... Your users are stupid
3:48 AM
moment.js might help
yea i am familiar with moment js. but i think i'll put in the server side code and also put in the timezone, I'll let the 'stupid' users calculate their own time based on what i show lol
Thank you guys. really appreciate it
all time is utc, browser adjusts
4:30 AM
Your mom's UTC
4:41 AM
@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/foOvZLH.jpg
@rlemon SterlingArcher is afk: home
I need some help
on urgent basis
in Javascript and CSS
can anyone help me out please ?
i post my question in stackoverflow yesterday but i didn't receive any answer.
4:58 AM
wait longer
or go to a paid site if it is truly URGENT!
urgent in the sense that i was trying the things to do since last 3 to 4 days
but i am not able to do
and now after trying 3 to 4 days now my deadlines are coming more closer
I see your recent question, I don't disagree with the close on it
create a minimal example
what example you are asking ?
Q: how to do hover & active both functionality in a div by using jquery

moidul dargahiHere is my link that i am working on http://www.dwebworld.com/client_link/four_grid/index.html here is my code: Html: <div class="form_pricing"> <label class="price_grid"> <input type="radio" name="pricing" value="per hour" checked="checked">...

is not a minimal example
assuming this is what you are questioning still
what you need here ??
5:03 AM
read the text on the issue close notice
it links to here: stackoverflow.com/help/mcve
that explains everything
do objects get crushed smaller than plank distance in black hole ?
I don't know from yesterday, you guys are just blaming me for my question . They don't even see what i am asking.. I am also bit new to stackoverflow so may be my format is not like you guys those who were here since a long time..
not our problem
you have to adhere to the format of the site
I do
i edit my question two times
it doesn't isolate the problem
5:08 AM
ok thanks
the site isn't a debug service, it is meant to be a repository of knowledge. "here is my code, fix it" questions are not taken well.
it is real simple
nobody is gonna wipe your butt for you
we can give you toilet paper and tricks on clearing your butt but we wont do it for you
i know
but u don't even give me the idea
how to fo it
and abhishek please don't try to act like a PRO
5:27 AM
@moiduldargahi this really isn't constructive.
Is there any way to get any help from Stackoverflow or should i need to repost my question using simple words which you guys can easily understand !
I need some help with FooTable jQuery plugin, i'm not able to use custom breakpoints.. I've asked a question here!!
@moiduldargahi you should post a minimal, reproducible example of the problem in simple works.
5:48 AM
6:09 AM
@phenomnomnominal o/
6:41 AM
hey did you guys checked there is new technology out there which is powerful than redux
hello @Sarah
that was pinned here 2 days ago @Mr_Green
nifty little tool
yeah evil
all my commits now belong to Captain Geordi La'forge
I will name steve jobs
6:48 AM
not fun enough
Steve Wozniak will be better
then the last commit from Jobs : "Okay now I can sell it"
does anyone know how i can create and alert() that complies with eslint? i keep getting " no-alert Unexpected alert. " in my build ....github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/master/docs/rules/no-alert.md
create an*
either add an ignore around it
or remove it from your lint config if you want to be able to have alerts
i want to keep the rule for other cases. so i guess i could place it on this one line. is it possible to create an alert using jquery for this situation: maybe teslint will alow me to create it using jquery...stackoverflow.com/questions/35308336/…
6:55 AM
Connecting with webrtc is simple when you are connecting the server directly x)
@Feeds eww
@moiduldargahi also I just read your question I don't think you even need jQuery for that minimal use case and even if you want just adding a class to the tooltip on click and on hover should solve the problem
7:15 AM
I didn't get that joke
yeah thanks
!!learn explainxkcd "<> explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php$0"
7:29 AM
@littlepootis Command explainxkcd learned
!!explainxkcd 1
390 more rep for 100K
7:50 AM
Would give you my but it isn't enough :D
sup guys
easy peazy checkin ma work and bang round ma notepad
I'm looking for your expert opinions on a work project >:/
I'm not an expert but I got experience in work projects :D
Good enough for me >:d
7:56 AM
Then tell me
I'm being asked to create an app that polls an email account, looking for specific email subjects and to perform actions.
I'm debating how best to tackle this
I was leaning towards some flow based programming solution, but it's not my area of expertise. I'm not even sure if that's worth doing
or #2 ) I'm thinking maybe just make the email a json feed
then build on that
I've been poking around Github, so let me know if you see any cool projects which may work @Maurice or if you have any suggestions
github.com/Newsman/MailToJson if I go the JSON route
@taco can you add filters to the subjects you're interested in action on to forward those mail to another mailbox
then read that mailbox only and perform your actions
Let me say this: Several paths head towards rom (is this right translated?) However the customer have to specify what he wants.
If he isn't precise find your easiest way to solve the problem.
@taco Android app for example: codejava.net/java-ee/javamail/…
8:03 AM
@CSᵠ Probably not. The emails might come from GithubStatus page, Iron.io, Akamai, NBA, who knows
@Maurice I'm betting this will be an Exchange account and not POP/IMAP... I wonder if that complicates things... I've only coded for POP/IMAP
@taco The technical part should be answered from @CSᵠ
I just try to say that should ask your customer how he wants it. And he should give you more details.
ATM we just know that he wants to filter incoming mails.
My customer is my manager. The requirements were "filter incoming emails"
Ha, this is awesome. BTW I did not learned programming. Sadly I've learned: Merchant in wholesale and foreign trade
8:08 AM
We have a BA on our team, yet a sysadmin is going to be the BA for this... smh...
Which languages? Java -> Android Studio? Javascript -> Cordova?
You have to use
Or do you decide for your own.
8:10 AM
Uh, well I'm the only software dev. Team is sysadmins and engineers
They know php, python and hack at javascript
and bash :d
Mate. Email Application. Which language do you use? Do you use cordova or android studio. Or isn't it about an android app and I got you wrong?
Sounds like a python jobbie, make them do it :P
@Maurice we are the customer of this internal app.
its to make our jobs "easier"
Whatever happened to adding filter rules to your Exchange server?
Why would you reinvent the wheel :o
@RoelvanUden I have 209 emails in the last 24 hours that were not filtered. This is after our filters
8:16 AM
Add more filters?
Good idea
I work in a Digital NOC, though, so if we miss something we could lose ad revenue
I just logged in but I just saw you talking about creating a piece of software to filter emails and thought that's way roundabout to do things. Need to block spam? Add a spam plugin. Need to filter other e-mail? Add filter rules. o_o
Then don't filter :D
you need regex filters, that's a fact :D

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