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2:03 PM
@AwalGarg the official Debian public key is hardcoded
Then you can add other ones with add-apt-key or something similar, don't remember the name
That said, the signing is more for the whole repo usually
A Release.gpg file is the signature
@FlorianMargaine ah
got it, thanks
alot, Hyperbole and a Half: hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/…
For @JanDvorak
I know that one
It's a shame she doesn't write much any more.
2:15 PM
It's a pure text site, I'd be more surprised if it wasn't fast
what database is most widely already installed on nix systems?
~the file system db~
Telnet, which you can use as a Google Drive client
my guess is mysql, if you mean relational DBs.
though I personally find Postgres more sexy.
2:29 PM
src/test.rs:434:17: 434:56 help: consider using a `let` binding to increase its lifetime
src/test.rs:434                 let parent = p.unwrap().get().unwrap();
Oh, ok
@Luggage yeah I just need to serve a single user, and need a database with a couple of key-value tables. int keys, mapped to UTF8 text < 10k chars. was hoping for sqlite.
sqlite might work.
How about a JSON plaintext?
so you mean 'alreadyy installed by default' not 'installed on people's production servers'?
and yea.. @JanDvorak has a good point. even sqllite could be overkill
2:35 PM
already installed by default with a distro
@JanDvorak no I need to insert and remove records dynamically and fast.
well, sqlite binary could be distributed with your app
@Luggage that's what I wanna avoid ;D
how about a bunch of JSON plaintexts?
in fact, i think the sqlite binary is in the node sqlite npm package.
wait, what
is it? o.O
2:37 PM
don't avoid. it's 'better' to distribute it. it's small and that way you know have the right version
never rely on something you don't install yourself
That's an advantage of sqlite. it's lightweight enough to just bring it with you
and since it's often used in-process, you need to strictly control the version
if it's strictly key-value (no indexes automatically managed by the DB) then using the filessystem could work, too
yeah just gonna use filesystem for now
+memory, ofc
won't the OS cache a bit?
2:42 PM
a bit
Not sure about the API, but an OS should be able to give you a memory-mapped file access
that's useful if you are making a DB out of one big file
can you?
me? maybe if I tried..
I wouldn't. I'd use someone else's work for that.
An alternative would be: on start load from file and parse; on write update memory and async stringify and write to file; on read just peek into your in-mem hash
2:45 PM
@JanDvorak that + optimizations = redis
you mean one memory mapped file per key? no. that's overkill
does redis satisfy your needs?
redis is all in ram. only use it if your entire db will fit in ram forever
it's more of a cache, session store, etc.
@JanDvorak very well. I'd love working with redis here, but it is not required here.
@Luggage redis is disk-persisted.
it's backed up to disk
but ALL of it is in ram all the time.
2:48 PM
@AwalGarg well, then, how about a home-baked tinyRedis? ;-)
redis is not a db for long term persistent data.
@Luggage why not?
mostly the fact that's is all in ram.
and if you want it that reliable you have to turn on the feature that writes to disk for every operation (redis normally just makes a snapshot every one in a while)
and that can slow it down, since common use of reic is lots of tiny writes
frequent writes + synchronous writes = bottleneck. Having to write 100MB instead of 10B is a real bummer, but other than that it's still a bottleneck.
tell us how your data is used.
How big are the values, how often do you change them
100's times per second, a couple times a day..
2:52 PM
couple times a minute, persistence is not required
ok, that doesn't rule out FS, yet.
approx size?
per key and total (if you can guess)
max 100 kb per record. few thousand maximum records (no indexing required either) so a max total of like 15megs.
one file per several records + an index file?
Yeah... I love overengineering.
I vote filesystem or sqlite.
if filesystem, redis might be a decent cacheing layer to add later, if needed
well already started with fs :-P
2:54 PM
anyone used iron-node with gulp?
15 MB several times a minute sounds like something a decent hard drive should be able to handle. And if not, shard.
I don't think he meant that ALL keys get updated several times per minute
I know, but the stupidest implementation will have to write the whole file anyways
one file per key
much simpler than making a file format
stupidest = just stringify the entire DB and dump into a file.
2:57 PM
then only a handful of 100kb files updated
how about 10 records per file?
1 record per file or all record per file are the simplest
chunking is useful if you have lots of tiny records which the FS may be wasteful storing
I dare you open a 1k-file directory in any file browser ;-)
well, if the keys include /s then you can manage that
I thought the usual sector size is 1.4 MB? Wait, no, that's a floppy disk capacity.
2:59 PM
i've use FS to store many many terabytes of data before, but the structure was a UUID, split into like: aa/bb/aabbccdd-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
which is similar to how git stores objects (before they are packed)
And if that isn't uniform enough, hash the key first to determine the directory
but then it's arguable if it's simpler than just packing several records per file
in my case I migrated out of MSSQL into FS
those were images and ranged from 50k to a few mbs
When a Twitch streamer finishes a stream, they sometimes organise which streamer gets visited next, and then a bunch of people greets the same chat room at once. Should the JS room also organise such a raid every once in a while?
it was simpler for us becasue we could more the files around to 'shard' the db without opening the files and reading contents
like all jump into the php room and hurl insults? There might be some rule against that, but I like the idea
!!s/'(\w+)' the (\w+)/$1 the '$2'/ 24830770
@Luggage sans the insults part, ofc
3:09 PM
what else could we hurl?
don't hurl, just greet
they should be greeting US if we are arriving. :)
ok, i'm done being a dick. gotta eat.
what does doug crockford have to say about jquery?
Hail, that's what :P
Can anyone recommend a good book series in fantasy of sci-fi genres?
3:24 PM
Discworld series for Terry Pratchett.
The first couple books read a bit more like young adult books but they quickly change.
that's firmly in the fantasy category.
3:39 PM
@tereško Mistborn by Sanderson is one of my favorite.
All of Sanderson's work is quite good.
@tereško ask @SomeGuy
He made a book club
@Retsam hmm .. I had Mistborn in my "read later" list
maybe I should pick it up
@Lalaland Yeah. Mistborn is just the best starting place, imo.
@FlorianMargaine I looked at that list: "artsy" and "pretentious"
3:43 PM
@tereško Do you remember any books that you enjoyed? It's sorta hard to recommend novels without context. There are so many different types of stories.
lets go with series: "Dresden File". "Old Man's War", "Downside Ghosts", "Lots Fleet", " Shoal Sequence", "Alex Verus"
If you want "basically more Dresden Files"; I read the first Iron Druid book this week; it's basically "Irish Harry Dresden".
those ones that I both remember and remember actually liking
@Retsam read it .. got bored at 4th book
I think I will just give "Chasm City" a try, because I was kinda unsure after the first book of whether I liked it or not
4:45 PM
Cortana doesn't hear me
my mic is working
Works on mine...
yes it worked when I upgraded
but since I did the fresh install, it's not working
is it possible to autostart voice part? It is annoying to click on the Icon every time
maybe your Drivers are not installed correctly
start + C
or say "hello cortana"
but you have to activate that option
4:48 PM
a to-scale map of the solar system if the moon were 1px joshworth.com/dev/pixelspace/pixelspace_solarsystem.html
that procrastination...
@neoares currently searching where the Option is to find
click on cortana button, then select the "book", then config
hi i have a simple question it is necessary to include jqurey while using bootstrap like that <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script‌​> means i have to download it not to host from CDN??
you can load it from the CDN
@neoares worked fine, thank you!
4:55 PM
easy peasy
@Neoares yeah thats what i tell you i don't want to load it from CDN
so download it
@Neoares can you send me the link
what the what
u trolling :(
4:58 PM
it is a smiple question that what happen if the net link is down.. so that's why i want to download it rather host from CDN @Neoares @Lalaland
I don't think the link is going to get down
but as you want
You already have the url: ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js. Just go there and download it.
yup, ctrl+s
ohoo thanks alot @Neoares @Lalaland
@SajjadKhan chances of it being hosted at google
mean 2 things
5:02 PM
1, impossible
1. The chances of it going down <<<<<<<<< Chances of you going down
lol nice xD
2. It will be already cached on most of the users computers, and if not it will send data at a rate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can. also for free !
true, never thought about that
There are tons of arguments for and against.
5:03 PM
@Lalaland the only argument i count as valid is if you are using it in an offline app
I think the best argument for using Google's CDN's is that it will already be cached.
The best argument against is that you can bundle it to reduce the number of requests if you host it yourself.
@Lalaland it is a request to a different server
not yours.
it's a request to your server, which is worse than the google one
5:05 PM
What's the most efficient/random-looking shuffling algorithm?
Even bundled thats mamoth js code going through your pipe synchronously
@Callum it depends
blocking all your other js code.
though chances are the person using jQuery has less than < 2kb of useful code
@Neoares I've got an array, width*height in length. Random-looking is definitely more important than it actually being random.
thus jQuery must be not used, i find it wonderful nobody bit him for using jQuery yet.
5:08 PM
yes, better use a jQuery framework called javascript
AKA vanilla.js
@Abhishrek I'm awaiting the prime moment, just when he tries to justify using jQuery.
@Neoares it's more efficient to do one request than two, is what people are saying
@Neoares since he is using 1.11.x of jQuery I am sure he wants IE 8 support, where jQuery is still userful
@Abhishrek he uses bootstrap, so he needs jQuery
5:09 PM
Bootstrap? But whoi?
but than react > jQuery (tehe)
I use react-bootstrap fuck jQuery
Vanilla > *
@Callum Depends on what you are doing.
any help with this: codepen.io/Feners4/pen/EjONEe?
If you are just enhancing a page with some animations, then React is not a good option.
5:15 PM
why isnt my data displaying!
@Lalaland React is the most terrible option for that case
But if you want to build a full client side application, then React (AngularJS, etc) really starts to shine.
its just wrong to use react for animations, they really need to comeout with .cssx for animations
jQuery is also a decent option if you just want to add some animations.
jQuery is great
5:17 PM
its not
pure js + some polyfills + some css 3 is the best option when you want to do animations
old browsers do not deserve animations
jQuery animations are buggy as hell
If you're using it for animations, you should rethink your life
@Lalaland enter gsap.js if you really want to be serious with your animations
ohhh greensock?
I use that pretty much every day. great for canvas work too
I kinda think that greensock is completely unnecessary
you know, I hate pretty much every library, but there's always a reason
implementing a keyframe system is soooo easy
this is what I did: very casual but the system is very easy to use and understandable I think codepen.io/towc/pen/jPxPqd
you have an array indicating the tick durations of each phase, an array indicating thefunctions to run at the beginning of every phase, an array of the functions used to update every phase and one for the renders!
@Zirak does du -hsc /pkg/installed/foo/files work for you?
5:29 PM
it's fairly easy to put that in a [ Phase( duration, init, update, draw ), Phase, ... ] array
then the system to interpret that is easy AF
@towc nice work
function loop() {
  window.requestAnimationFrame( loop );
  if( tick >= waits[ phase ] ){
    tick = 0;
    if( phase === waits.length )
      phase = 0;
    inits[ phase ]();
  steps[ phase ]();
you're right, animations aren't really complicated
@ʞɔᴉN I was inspired by the night we had
but gsap has a variety of easing options which is nice
@towc ooh I can tell
5:31 PM
@ʞɔᴉN easing is soooo easy aswell
assuming we have a tick value and a targetTick value which is when the thing should end...
ease-in-out = Math.sin( tick/targetTick * Math.PI / 2 )
and multiply that to everything instead of the linear tick/targetTick
and for others you can do in your head
or just look a sin or cos plot
sincerely, I don't think I'll ever use a library for any of those
and I don't think anyone with a small amount of maths knowledge should
pfft math
what are other cool development environment features such as hot-loading?
ES6 features through transpilation tools like browserify. Type checking through flowtypes. Linting. Sourcemaps.
Module systems.
yeah, got all those covered until flow since I', on windows
but I think hot-loading is a notch above that, maybe except flow
5:36 PM
Automatic compilation on file changes.
my gulpfile is my life
I'm wondering about something less mainstreamy
like using iron-node, which seems like an incredible tool though I haven't gone into it yet
ease-out = Math.sin( Math.PI / 4 + tick/targetTick * Math.PI / 4 )
ease-in = 1 - Math.sin( Math.PI / 2 + tick/targetTick * Math.PI / 2 ) // a bit more complex, but it's really easy to figure out if you're familiar with the functions
linear = tick/targetTick
steps(n) = 1 / ( tick/targetTick * n ) | 0 )
I'm done showing off. If you need bounces or bezier timings, just tell me
they're all fairly easy
Not to give you any ideas, but towc.js - the new animation framework.
@Callum but then I'd hate anyone using it
That'll give you loads to hate, then.
5:48 PM
Nick.js - the new jQuery
btw, here's some music
Nightcore is shit music. All it is, is preteen kids speeding up music to sound like chipmunks
Nick, I made you Nick.js hastebin.com/icuguworah.js
@Nick Nick.js! Lets you slow down pageload by a chosen amount! Wohoo!
Nick.slow(-1) Time travellin' an shit
5:51 PM
@Nick yup, but I enjoy that
get better taste, scrub
@Nick I'm going to put it at max volume tonight, just for you then
so you can concentrate on what's important when we're in bed: me
Can I just stand in the corner, again?
@Callum you can join in if you want
only if he brings coffee cake
5:52 PM
Meh, I have nothing to lose but dignity.
I only have carrot cake :(
@Nick point is: I first listened to the original songs a lot and I reaaaally like them, then it just happens that they got nightcored, and that's just heaven
or hell, depends on your preferences
@Mosho lisp can let you change the class of an existing object
Damn, quite a nice website, Towc.
5:54 PM
@Callum hmmm :/
How badass is that
@Callum thanks
Or restart code execution from a debugger breakpoint, in another frame of the call stack after recompiling the function
another damn nice video. Nova is great stuff !
5:54 PM
Or restart code execution from a debugger breakpoint, in another frame of the call stack after recompiling the function
@FlorianMargaine isn't that a bit of a security problem? === bad language design?
@towc uh?
How is that a security problem?
@Abhishrek I've seen that one. Wanted to send him few bricks through the mail.
other than making the code potentially extra-unreadable... yeah, security isn't involved much
@FlorianMargaine and how would that help me?
5:55 PM
I mean, how is that even related to security?
@FlorianMargaine I was overthinking it
The best security is unreadable code **fact**
@towc np
in any case, I've never even used lisp, so...
@Mosho dunno, you were looking for exciting stuff such as hot loading
5:57 PM
that I can apply at my job :|
I can't use lisp
@Callum why ?
Ah. Express your requirements correctly then
you know you can mail Brian Greene right ?
5:58 PM
Still, read the blog post :)
JS ecosystem stuff
Hes one of the good ones
For physics questions please contact:
@Mosho sweetjs might be fun

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