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12:00 PM
@BenFortune Try adding that in the title of a question...
Ohhhh, you're only checking titles?
Thought you were checking content
yes, sorry, I would love analyzing the content but fetching the SO database content is slow as hell so I took as little as possible
I have a mild case of selective reading :p
Did you ever finish downloading that torrent?
@DenysSéguret Right? ugh. Querying SO, and SO is like "no, fuck you"
@DenysSéguret Take top 100 frequent words, and then sort them by BAS
12:03 PM
Best seeder eu
Jun 24 at 17:03, by Florian Margaine
My son Robin was born today at 2.40pm, is 49cm long and weighs 2.9kg \o/
we need one more star
not 2?
@AwalGarg @KendallFrey loves 69.
I see 68 stars :/
12:04 PM
me too
ahh lol
!!urban 69
@KendallFrey [69](http://69.urbanup.com/385099) Simultaneous oral sex. Can be practised by M+M, M+F or F+F.

The reference is that the numerals 6 and 9 are inverted versions of each other, reflecting the physical position that the couple must adopt when engaged in this sexual practice.
That's so wrong, considering the content...
surprisingly sfw
12:05 PM
lol rolling the dice on that one kendall?
!!urban 69 1
the problem is that object.onclick is working on IE, but object.onload doesn't
!!urban tmi
12:05 PM
Wait what.... i was supposed to stop making jokes about it after the first time?
@Neoares TMI Too Much Information - way more than you need/want to know about someone.
!!urban 69 3
@AwalGarg 69 The highest number you can do as factorial on a standard calculator. 70 causes mathematical eroor.
this is the right definition
12:07 PM
420 is the highest number of anything, period
@CapricaSix eroor
I imagine a tiny calculator roar
!!>var x=1;for(var y=70;y;y--)x*=y;x
@JanDvorak 1.1978571669969892e+100
how short can you implement a factorial?
Standards calculators usually reach to 1e100
12:09 PM
@JanDvorak How is she a factorial or standard calculator?
@Gemtastic she is your momma :D
!!>var f=n=>n===1?1:n*f(n-1); f(5);
@MadaraUchiha 120
@MadaraUchiha Depends on if it's the Standard of 2015 or 1995 ;P
@JanDvorak ^6
12:10 PM
@AwalGarg You can me my momma! Wait--
!!>f=n=>n==1?1:n*f(n-1); f(5);
@FlorianMargaine "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable f"
@FlorianMargaine Runs in strict mode :)
12:11 PM
@MadaraUchiha yeah
forgot that bit
@MadaraUchiha nice
escape it then:
!!> (0, eval)(`f=n=>n==1?1:n*f(n-1); f(5);`)
@AwalGarg 120
!!> "f=n=>n==1?1:n*f(n-1); f(5);".length
@MadaraUchiha 27
12:12 PM
Can cut another space, so 26
!!> var f=n=>!n?1:n*f(n-1); f(5);
@KendallFrey 120
that == is bloated
@CapricaSix nice
!!> "f=n=>!n?1:n*f(n-1)".length
@MadaraUchiha 24
12:13 PM
ah, crap, remove the !, switch the conditional
@MadaraUchiha 18
thought so
!!> "f=n=>n?n*f(n-1):1".length
@MadaraUchiha 17
12:14 PM
Any shorter? :P
!!> f=n=>n?n*f(n-1):1
@Neoares "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable f"
but it doesn't work
12:15 PM
try it in your console
then run it
> f(5)
@AwalGarg 🖗
12:16 PM
you're right
btw... f=...;f() should be (f=...)()
@JanDvorak If we're considering the test as part of the solution, then yes.
!!> "f=n=>!n||n*f(n-1)".length
@BenFortune 17
didn't know javascript hasn't a factorial function
12:17 PM
@Neoares which language has one?
let me think
product [1..n] -- Haskell
think === search on google
!!> var f=n=>!n||n*f(n-1); f(5)
@KendallFrey 120
12:18 PM
(1..n).reduce :* # Ruby
python math library
but it's a library
TIL "file" in Russian is spelled "fail"
@KendallFrey Here's the result:
|  #  |         Token        | Questions | Closures | Avg BAS |
|    1|python                |      83429|      4652|      3.7|
|    2|what                  |     126264|     12142|      3.6|
|    3|string                |      97923|      4889|      3.5|
|    4|between               |      53627|      3101|      3.3|
|    5|does                  |      98237|      4471|      3.3|
|    6|type                  |      51733|      1647|      3.3|
@JanDvorak that's reduce, not factorial
If only Javascript had ranges...
12:19 PM
!!urban til
@Neoares [TIL](http://til.urbanup.com/4190243) T.I.L. (Today I Learned)
Often used as a space saver on websites such as Reddit or DIGG when writing the titles of links to interesting things the submitter has learned that day.
@FlorianMargaine it's a factorial
I think it should be n..1 though
factors !== factorials
@AwalGarg ligaf
jk, what now?
Same thing, but makes more sense to me
12:20 PM
!!urban ligaf
@AwalGarg ligaf "like i give a fuck"
@Mosho I dunno :/ just gonna use webpack instead
12:21 PM
Speaking of reddit, what the balls is going on on reddit
what isn't going on on reddit
I just wanna look at cats mang, why they gotta be dramatic
@AwalGarg but what do you "give up" on
!!urban mang
@KendallFrey Mang This is how Tony Montana says MAN, but in a comradery/get outta my face way.
12:22 PM
@Mosho handling jspm's tantrums :(
such as
some urbandictionary entries should be deleted
many of them are written by trolls
12:23 PM
like it choking on disabling anything from babel
still funny
Are you aware of what urban dictionary is
@Neoares "many"
a troll dictionary
and the super super long stack traces
12:23 PM
@AwalGarg a bigger man would have made a PR
just sayin'
take that, Awal
@Mosho It's not that simple. I'd have to create an entirely new dependency resolver for system js
Mosho 1 - 0 Awal
It would be simpler to implement a flat dependency system for webpack than doing that
!!afk I fucking hate MSIE compatibility
12:25 PM
so if I made a PR, that'd be with webpack not jspm
@AwalGarg it's hardly just that
12:26 PM
@Gemtastic I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Gemtastic
with webpack you don't get a loader
Cap's self aware, just ignore it
which is what systemjs is really about
I just wanted to try it
12:26 PM
or a part of it
@Mosho but the es6-module loader can be easily plugged into it :)
But I suppose we don't know each other well enough yet, me and Caprica...
@Cereal Just don't give her any arms
@AwalGarg I highly doubt that
@Mosho o.O why?
12:31 PM
@BenFortune Sadly that was pure and simple human error.
Like pebcak
between robot and arms
Sick of command prompt, what's the best alternative?
failing that, Linux
atlast stable atom.io released
checking now
Does it still not support international char sets?
12:37 PM
@Mr_Green remember to tell that to @monners
@AwalGarg actually, I guess it could
maybe it would be easy to make webpack use jspm packages too
@Mosho the es6-module-loader shim is independent of jspm, so I don't see why not :/
you can just include that shim in your page and get the system loader
@BenFortune Linux :P
I need windows :(
12:44 PM
Source - @BenjaminGruenbaum
@AwalGarg if it can load what webpack outputs, don't see why not
I had 8 yes's and 5 no's, haha
@SomeGuy So easy I died.
I think it's a neat way to show most people what they do wrong, though
12:46 PM
Maybe I was just lucky
@uselesschien lol, read the article
lol ._.
@BenFortune lol
They said "make sure you're right" and there was no penalty, so yeah, I tested a lot :p
I tend to look for an equal number of positive and negative test cases
12:51 PM
Yeah, it's what makes sense
or rather, I tend to look for test cases that have the greatest chance of rejecting my working hypothesis
@SomeGuy I knew the answer before I did anything, I only put in the sequence to unlock the answer button
Haha, you've probably seen something similar before
@SomeGuy Can't find it, but I'm pretty sure it was on Scam School a while back
in C#, 3 mins ago, by Sajeetharan
12:58 PM
So I calculated factorial of 1337 using javascript
what is it
wait let me screenshot it
that ^
I confirm
1:00 PM
lot of 0z
it's accurate, I did it mentally and the results match
@argentum47 you can't do a factorial without multiplying a lot of 2 and 5
@afonsomatos better solution: google...
@DenysSéguret I didn't actually did it mentally though
Oh, I'm disappointed
1:03 PM
I mean I get all confused with the 7's and 8's and 9's I just can't do it
OK, my turn, I had only verified the first five digits when I said "I confirm"
ah you lazy whore
@DenysSéguret @afonsomatos ^
it took 1 minute to calculate that (in javascript)!!!
Oh my, that flag
1:10 PM
They don't look bad
assuming it's authentic
@FlorianMargaine does lisp have like a number limit or something?
@afonsomatos ^
Might try getting into go again, it's such a nice language.
@afonsomatos not really, it has built-in bigint
1:11 PM
@DenysSéguret you might like the number part here: gigamonkeys.com/book/numbers-characters-and-strings.html
@FlorianMargaine that looks like the reaonnable thing
Hey guys can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Can't parse this JSON jsbin.com/ginokeconu/edit?html,js,output
That's because it's not JSON.
@Billy ew. Can't you embed the data in javascript rather than HTML?
1:25 PM
Nope, back end say they can't put it in a file, we can't echo into a script because it will pollute the global namespace, and don't want to AJAX it in
My message wasn't star-worthy.
If you can embed it into the HTML, then you can add it to a JavaScript variable.
this also pollutes a global namespace, just a different one
NCG: Wreckfest has been updated! nextcargame.com/blog cc @rlemon
@KendallFrey That game is so much fun
1:27 PM
Weird that they're emphasizing the handling so much. It's already cargasmic.
They really should improve the AI
What is the proper way to encode my JSON, I think that's the problem
utf-8 for all things web
By not encoding it?
How are you adding it to the html?
by doing document.body.textContent = '[object Object]'
Using a sublime plugin, tried doing JSON encode and html entitize (separately)
I have RAW json as I am developing locally to be integrated with back end later
1:33 PM
so I'm just trying to paste it into my HTML
@AwalGarg Using Angular?
@uselesschien yes sir that is code in the angular programming language only
updated with the Raw JSON I have: jsbin.com/ginokeconu/edit?html,js,console,output
@AwalGarg In angular programming language, [[Node]].textContent is object only.
1:36 PM
@uselesschien nah it is a jquery object stored in the [[$]] internal slot
The shitstorm on reddit is impressive. I can't even get how it took those proportions so fast...
@uselesschien Never say those three words together again
@DenysSéguret ikr
@DenysSéguret ?
@DenysSéguret Never underestimate keyboard warriors
1:36 PM
@JanDvorak which 3 word Jan sir???
@DenysSéguret ?
@uselesschien "angular programming language"
y I no mention?
@JanDvorak an important reddit employee was fired, biggest subreddits have been put in private mode
all the mods contesting
oh. That's... suspicious
1:37 PM
@JanDvorak you mean AngularJS 2 programming language?
@FlorianMargaine link?
@JanDvorak @AwalGarg I'm not knowing enough to tell a lot but in all subreddits, people are acting as if they were really leaving and were looking for a new site
Angular Programming Language Version 2.0 still beta so no don't use @AwalGarg
I'm not using Reddit and, seeing this, probably won't be.
my teacher has told me to use it shutup
1:39 PM
desugaring function?
@StevensHaen Yes
@DenysSéguret so we can write a reddit clone and earn a bucketload of money?
@AwalGarg Well. If you master buzz, marketing, and all the essential tools of a startup, then yes.
@AwalGarg Lots of people are moving to voat.co
You could always roll your own though :p
1:42 PM
@BenFortune Looks amazing
@BenFortune TIL reddit is OSS
@DenysSéguret nreddit.com looks available. we can book it, and post it here: reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/3bymfo/… and become billionaires
@AwalGarg Did you hear about trademarks ?
I am deaf.
BTW I already receive my part of mails from people who have an idea for a new social network better than Facebook and offer me to build it against some shares of the company...
1:51 PM
@DenysSéguret I am not interested in that crap. Can we just quickly become billionaires so I can sue you and laugh hysterically in front of a lot of people and an old judge?
@DenysSéguret lol
I love the article I read in the newspaper today (that reminded me of it) where a girl had the most awesome way of stopping the swedish consumption of polish and danish pork. Tax them! She felt so smart about herself with that idea.. Only one issue... The EU
@DenysSéguret lol
@AwalGarg Hey Saverin.
sup bitch
@AwalGarg Nothing much
Thinking of dropping out
go munch
2:13 PM
Q: What is Node.js and how can I take advantage of it?

shenkwenI started learning javascript several months ago and know HTML/CSS pretty well, and have some knowledge of PHP/APACHE. In my javascript life, every now and then I come across node.js. I go to their site and read the documents, tutorials but still can't connect it with what I've already learned an...

@BenFortune he seems very confused
> and have some knowledge of PHP/APACHE
^ Why he's confused.
"3)What can we use node.js to do? If it just allows you to edit and debug javascript files, why can't we just do it in a text editor?"
@Gemtastic What's wrong with the swedish consuming polish and danish pork?
@MadaraUchiha not kosher
2:19 PM
@FlorianMargaine Pork is not kosher by definition... Am I missing a joke here?
@MadaraUchiha yes :)
!!s/polish.*/the polish/
@Cereal That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Cereal @Gemtastic What's wrong with the swedish consuming the polish (source)
@MadaraUchiha They treat the animals horribly poorly and only barely lives up to the low standards of the EU. Sweden has very strict laws about how animals are to be kept and you can't just pump them full of antibiotics just because you don't want to keep their pens clean and safe.
@Gemtastic Well, the way to solve that is to raise the EU standards bar
2:21 PM
We can't stop the import with taxes because the whole deal with EU is free trade
@MadaraUchiha That or leaving the EU...
The latter is way easier funny enough
Yeah, although I don't think anyone wants that...
Actually, a lot of people do
But.. as long as we keep buying the cheaper meats the stores will keep importing it. I wish I could just slap people over the head and tell them to stop.
Yes, with a hammer!
2:25 PM
Lots more have gone private
askreddit has almost 9m subscribers and has paid for over 30 years of reddit server upkeep, they gone and dun fucked up.
@BenFortune today I learned seems open :/
@BenFortune Reddit is burning
r/sexwithbears? tf is wrong with people?
> 13,515 subscribers
2:38 PM
And that's why you save the dearest ones offline. (lol)
@BenFortune are we allowed to provide links to cross-site [non se] posts giving answers in comments?
@AwalGarg I don't see why not, not in answers though.
Comments are meant to be temporary
I really feel sad for that guy. He has legit questions. Perfectly valid confusion points for any beginner. And it is indeed true that there aren't good resources answering those questions.
The SO link I posted answers most of them, if not all though
The only two resources one needs to answer that question are patience and time.
2:44 PM
@uselesschien Compared to how fucked up people are... That's innocent
@Gemtastic ikr
@BenFortune seriously? That answer will most likely confuse him even more.
is there any conventions for naming files that are commented?
If someone has time, explain what nodejs actually is. Explain from a PHP perspective.
(almost every line)
2:46 PM
@uselesschien But that shouldn't be so. He needs a good write up giving the answers to his question in an "FAQ" form. Every beginner needs it.
like name.comment.js
Those are basic questions which every beginner faces but it is difficult to put those questions in words. I am so glad he did it. Alas his question was closed.
@AwalGarg If he asked his questions separately then he might've got some answers, but he had them all in one post making it way too broad.
@BenFortune I am not objecting to that. I understand that. I just feel sad because of the current situation of resources catering beginners.
I agree. It was too broad.
2:48 PM
Things are much more convoluted than they need to be.
While I do agree that there's not much information on Node's website, there are a million other resources on the internet.
Which are very easily found with any search engine
Even bing :p
So, I have a pen drive. Is there a way to get an array of the processor architectures of the most recent computers the pen drive's been connect to? Using JavaScript and/or Nodejs.
@BenFortune you can prove me wrong right here :)
@uselesschien Do usb drives even log anything?
@uselesschien No.
2:51 PM
You've have to execute code on every computer the drive was plugged into which is usually considered pretty rude behavior
> An important thing to realize is that Node is not a webserver. By itself it doesn't do anything. It doesn't work like Apache. There is no config file where you point it to you HTML files. If you want it to be a HTTP server, you have to write an HTTP server (with the help of its built-in libraries). Node.js is just another way to execute code on your computer. It is simply a JavaScript runtime.
Also, glot.io
@BenFortune actually nice. better than most of the stuff. I would be very happy if it advised to learn core JS first though, and explained what a runtime and an API mean to JavaScript, why we need a runtime with JS, and explained how everyone thinking "document.something something" is JS is wrong.
@phenomnomnominal happy birthday bro!!!!
@AwalGarg Then write one ;)
2:57 PM
Hard sell
@BenFortune :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum Where's that?
Anyone wants to see a WTF face after someone heard a 30 minute talk about observables :D ?
@BenFortune ngconf Israel, one of the smaller venues I spoke at, was fun though.

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