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7:00 PM
ever get stuck working on a project for 4 days because it's 80% done and the last 20% is boring
Anyone know why a content_script wouldn't run?
isn't that all projects?
	"content_scripts": [
			"matches": ["*"],
			"js": ["content.js"],
			"run_at": "document_end",
and the last 20% becomes the last 90% :P
Every time
content.js just calls console.log("Hello, world!");
7:02 PM
Check the highlighted code here
> can I post a screenshot?
> no
*posts a screenshot*
@ZahidSaeed starting with what line of code
Here I have created 3 different functions
Just ignore the commented code
And focus on the highlighted code
> self = selected_item
thank. you.
i snorted
what are you trying to accomplish?
some people just make my day with a single screenshot.
@Loktar every. damn. time.
7:05 PM
I want to filter content when user selects begin date or ending date OR when both of them are selected at the same time !
In an e-commerce website, is it a good practice to have a script specific for each page? (so 20+ different scripts) instead of 1 script? The loading for the main page is shorter, but I'm wondering what you can think of that?
form validation using some home-spun method of displaying error pop-ups and the like. it's nasty.
I don't want to use 3 functions
That's not a good practice
There must be a way to do it much better
@ZahidSaeed Why is that bad practice?
7:07 PM
I didn't have the extension enabled
Cause I think that's makes your code bigger
I have like 400 functions for my extension I just wrote.

Does 3 things
Lots of functions that do 1 thing
@ZahidSaeed I don't think you're in a stance to say what is and isn't good practice
@ZahidSaeed change your data from "filter_purchase_by_begin_date" to $('#whatever_your_form_is').serializeArray();
serializeArray() will take all <inputs> of your form and combine them into key:value pairs
then you pass all of this data to your php file, and do the logic to sort out the correct formats of data there
someday I'll learn how to program
7:11 PM
@JoshuaLonganecker define "stuck", "working", and "done"
rlemon.ca/index2.html new design. comments please.
pretty sure it's a friday link
not clicking
@akaRash clicked anway.
@rlemon fuck everything that is you
7:13 PM
haha knew it!
> I just finished school. I am now a programmer. What do I do to keep the learning curve going, to stay relevant ?
/asserts dominance
ok Second question.
If I use the "if else" statement in the filterByBeginDate() method then how can I determine which input field it was whose value is changed ?
^ lol how about you take your first step to becoming relevant xD
7:15 PM
instead of an anonymous function() use function(event)
and then inside that,
switch ($(event.target.id)){
case "idOfField1":
hmm, --disable-web-security doesn't seem to work on fetch calls :/ @Zirak here?
@akaRash you are him ryt
@argentum47 ofcourse you know ;)
Ugh I need to quit my shit job so I stop thinking about it at my good job
7:19 PM
:D .. miao ?
oh shit the turkeys are back
The body pillow makes it
the doritos got me
my beard is getting intense. I want to braid it when it gets another inch or so
Then I must shave for potential interviews :(
7:23 PM
I, pictured, will be doing a Reddit /r/programmerchat AMA tomorrow at 1pm PST, 4pm EST: http://www.reddit.com/r/programmerchat/comments/38ie6o/announcement_jeff_atwood_of_coding_horror_stack/ http://t.co/hbCpVwpgF9
this.selected_purchaser.on("change", this.test);
How can I pass an argument in the test() function ?
100k more until Boodstaned: Ritual of Night gets a vita port =D
I can't do test(agrument)
Cause it will run the function
7:27 PM
How do I do that ?
Can anyone tell me ?
!!afk google can
I can't find it :/
.. I need to stop clicking links, I hate you all
7:44 PM
This is the worst friday ever
Can anyone give me an opinion on my userscript?
@michaelpri it's terrible.
Want a second opinion? You're ugly, too.
@SomeKittens Well, I knew that already ;)
He's got a sense of humor! Can we keep him?
7:47 PM
Yeah, I uh... definitely didn't cry or anything
what kind of turtle is that
@michaelpri Check out querySelector and querySelectorAll
@BenCraig painted turtle
@SomeKittens Should I use that instead of getElementById?
Yup, use it whenever you need to grab something from the page
...though you may run into compatibility issues with silly browsers
Faster? Or just better?
7:54 PM
lot more readable, in my opinion
A more consistent API, let's say
That actually helps in a few places where I need to select a child
> Refused to set unsafe header "Origin"
... for a more civilized age
DOM API and "civilized" don't come in the same context.
7:58 PM
@SomeKittens I also have a jQuery version of it. Do you think I should use the Vanilla JS or jQuery one?
@GabrielTomitsuka Do you skype? add afonso1003
and hello everybody
@Catgocat Hey
hallo evil cat
@michaelpri snake_case_is_not_idiomatic_javascript
@Shmiddty he comes from python.
8:03 PM
@Shmiddty Should I use camelCase? (@akaRash is right, I'm user to snake_case)
I guess if spiders can browse the internet, so can pythons, eh?
@michaelpri depends on context
you didn't remove the settimeout hack :(
@akaRash Your version was giving me troubles
@Shmiddty it wouldn't be that hard to fix, is that a naming convention in JS?
variables are generally camelCase, class names are UpperCamelCase, file names should match the class name, generally, but some use lisp-case
@Shmiddty How about functions?
8:07 PM
@michaelpri same as variables, unless the function represents a class
Ok, that makes sense. I'm gonna change some stuff now.
and __private
What's __private?
wtf just happened
the door got hungry
8:18 PM
Microsoft is literally going to windows 95 era , or what ?
@Abhishrek Erm, that's called bandwidth efficiency
Indian humor, fails again.
not your bandwidth
They're focusing on the information. Streamlined UX. At cloud scale
Oh i see.
8:20 PM
next generation design; minimialistic native flat ui
beat that Google & Apple
> when your coworker with no design skills tries to make design suggestions:
"that's nice, dear"
@NickDugger and then the co-worker redeigns everything and kicks you out of job 3 months later, SHOULD OF KILLED HIM AT SPAWN
He can have my job, I'm looking
8:24 PM
squad goals
@Shmiddty Fixed the naming stuff: github.com/michaelpri10/SE-References
This is a really great example of why you should use WebGL: codepen.io/ndugger/pen/jPmWmL
"just a little"
s/a little/the tip/
oh god... if you go to my codepen profile page, it plays... codepen.io/ndugger
8:40 PM
!!> "foo.bar.baz".split('.').reduce((a,b)=>(a||{})[b],{foo:{bar:{baz:1}}})
@Shmiddty 1
[propName, ...].reduce((a,b)=>(a||{})[b], obj) -> inline deepget
why should Response.prototype.json be async?
Just because I'm incapable of socializing doesn't mean that you should make fun of me
8:51 PM
All the classics, yo
tater tot hot dish is bomb, guys
@rlemon this title is perfect
Whoa I totally forgot the link imgur.com/gallery/qOjumk5
@Mosho halp! I can't bundle with jspm. it says unexpected token somewhere but no line numbers... and exits.
@FlorianMargaine i.imgur.com/lwH3ecX.jpg help I don't get it
@SterlingArcher "cat sank" is pronounced like "quatre cinq", which means "four five"
Thanks Florian!
it's not literally pronounced the same way, but it's close enough
Can you record your voice saying that and link us? ^_^
I won't say your voice is terrible, promise :P
9:08 PM
I don't care about that, it's just too much hassle
fine. you are terrible.
@NickDugger I m not even mad
that was actually good
how to tell chrome to stfu and let me set the origin header :(
9:14 PM
@NickDugger I'm from MN, and believe it, or not I like it all, but have never tried Ludafisk (sp?)
hi @php
@php_purest u there?
9:47 PM
Hey guys,I have a problem understanding why they use the negation blocks [^(]* and [\^)]* because this ^function\s*[^(]*(\s*([^)]*)) works even if there are multiple (( after function
Oh. Its not called ES6 anymore, ES2015 it seems.
@thefourtheye That'll work just about as well as calling it ECMAScript
Version also matters, right?
They're taking version jumps to the next level
10:05 PM
google versioning is the best. ES0.0.0.6
@rlemon beats microsoft versioning ES360 -> ES One -> ES Next
that's hilarious
@Nolski That's not versioning, that's branding
@SomeKittens you are late. we have ipv6 addresses now.
!!tell royhowie woosh
@SomeKittens I didn't know that command! thanks
10:14 PM
@Shmiddty I would say the xbox 360 and xbox one are two versions of the same product.
they should just drop the name ECMAScript itself like IE dropped IE.
Does anyone know if functions should be ended with ;s in JS?
I didn't think so
10:19 PM
function foo () { no semicolon }
var foo = function () { semicolon };
if it's an anonymous function definition assigned to a variable, yes. If it's a named function definition no
also note that hoisted functions are allowed to overwrite variable declarations, no matter where they are placed
!!> function foo () {}; var foo = 'lol'; typeof foo;
!!> var foo = 'lol'; function foo () {}; typeof foo;
@akaRash "string"
@akaRash "string"
10:38 PM
should I use export let <filename> = { someFunction, anotherFunction } instead of module.exports = { someFunction, anotherFunction } for my libraries in node, if I'm using es6?
@Nolski I would argue that is true only if they share a majority of their components.
otherwise "Hammer" is a version of "Rock"
@royhowie former
@Shmiddty Angular 2.0 is a complete re-write
@Shmiddty I put all my routes relating to users in /routes/users.js
I'm just trying to switch from require to import
10:42 PM
live event
@akaRash pinging specific individuals with questions is usually frowned upon
just so you know
@Mosho I am awal garg :(
and I am queen elizabeth
not much I can do without more details
@akaRash still waiting for the github link
I am not sure what details to give since it is working in the browser.
10:46 PM
then how can I help
what is the output exactly
@FlorianMargaine I will work on it later :( sorry
@Mosho just a sec
so you lied to me
so, are we supposed to give the talk tomorrow? I haven't prepared anything, just letting you know
"just 42 minutes!"
did you lie about being Awal too?
que talk
10:47 PM
@Mosho your mom's
Building the single-file sfx bundle for static/js/handler...

err  SyntaxError: Error loading "static/connection/main" at file:/home/awal/Documents/myApps/src/ui/static/connection/main.js
     Error loading "static/connection/main" from "static/js/handler" at file:/home/awal/Documents/myApps/src/ui/static/js/handler.js
     Evaluating static/connection/so
	Unexpected token ILLEGAL
         at __eval (/home/awal/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/jspm/node_modules/systemjs/node_modules/es6-module-loader/dist/es6-module-loader.src.js:2854:107)
@FlorianMargaine I've heard enough of those already
@Mosho ^
> "42"
what do you expect
man robots are so cool...
yeah, error messages aren't the best
but it does give you what file the error is in
10:51 PM
@Mosho that file is 100% valid es6. I can post it here if you want, but will need to change some var names :P
you let systemjs-builder compile with babel/traceur?
you mean in config.js? Yep
in case I am utterly stupid, the command I gave was jspm bundle-sfx static/js/handler
doesn't work with plain bundle/bundle-sfx
that file passes the linter as well :(
in case you are utterly stupid, try jspm bundle-sfx static/js/handler bundle.js
same error
can you build anything? like, a file with let derp = 'fwop'
10:57 PM
I have some stuff blacklisted from babel, does that count?
@Mosho I can
some stuff is basically all the es6 that firefox supports
can't hurt to try without it
but if you say it works in the browser, idk
@FlorianMargaine ok pushing to github now. live in 10 minutes (no jokes this time)
maybe transpile with babel outside of bundling and try to bundle that
@Mosho worked by emptying the blacklist :(
I don't want to transpile arrow functions wtf
I guess it has a transpiler of its own that doesn't know about es6 stuff
why do you care
about arrow functions in the bundled output?
11:06 PM
@Mosho FF supports them already. And this is for a userscript :/
@FlorianMargaine ok here is the thing. I can't figure out how to use it but it works. You have to do some real fisting to get it to work, though.
Florian loves fisting
you know I do
i'll write everything in a readme
I thought there was a rep limit per day on this site, am I wrong?
11:10 PM
@rlemon just letting you know: I haven't prepared any content for tomorrow. I'm not sure if I was intended to or if I could choose the time
you choose whenever
oh, more people are planning to talk tomorrow?
anyone here has tried combining React.js and Angularjs?
oh, ok. thanks!
@Zirak you missed a live robot fight
11:15 PM
Robot fight!?
live robot fight
Where're the fighting robots?
they're gone now
Where are the live robots?
although I'm lying, it's not robots fighting each other.
11:16 PM
Then why did you link me to it!?
it was robots having some kind of obstacle course
Q: How does this regex match into groups

vamsiampoluLooking at this regular expression from injector.js,I have been able to understand how the string _non_ is matched.The first capturing group consists of _,the second group consists of non and the reference to the result of the first capture group gets you an _.So,the first group is _,the second g...

but they were damn cool robots
it works! yay!
11:22 PM
Happy bouncy robot
is there a penalty for adding css rules in JS?
I love the awkwardness after announcing a fadeout, but before it happens
damn it
every time I come up with an idea, someone's done it before
11:30 PM
@FlorianMargaine github.com/awalGarg/chat dont kill after reading the readme :P
grumble grumble
!!afk for 5 minutes
@akaRash you suck
@FlorianMargaine :P

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