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8:00 PM
stop please
we're trying to be more professional as a group
joking is fine, being trolly to new users should be stopped.
@PeeHaa you here?
posted on November 28, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} BLACK FRIDAY DISCOUNT AT THE SMBC STORE!

@rlemon new users shouldn't be trolling us
he's asking questions
he doesn't understand jsfiddle
he isn't trolling.
That's why I fucking hate it here. You told that dude how many times to read the errors? You pasted the errors, he repeated
8:05 PM
so walk away then
don't troll the user.
I didn't really troll him. More like insulted, because that's what I see that shit as. It's an insult to everyone here when someone comes in here and abuses the help like this haha.
!!afk not going to start shit
@SomeGuy It happened.
I got on tvtropes.
It's been 30 minutes save me
@Zirak lol
We're at EuroPub @PeeHaa
8:16 PM
I need a group pic @BenjaminGruenbaum
If that is near the dam i am close @BenjaminGruenbaum :)
Get here PeeHaa we're going to eat soon
They're the same guy @rlemon
8:20 PM
I knew it!
but seriously. get a pic of you all together
would be a nice pic
@BadgerGirl make it happen
@rlemon join facebook
no thankyou
you're saved!
quick! install it
Why you don't just use an IIFE is beyond me
Or skip most of the two function calls
I made a sublime snippet from a template I always used before
I will update it in the future
right now, you get that crap code
I'd rather die in tvtropes than run that
8:29 PM
enjoy your slow bitter death
I will!
so... we can't set pixel values in fractions, right? How come the box-model layout in dev tools then shows the pixel value in fractions sometimes?
!!tell Awal google subpixel rendering
probably should search subpixel rendering + css
8:34 PM
I did google this time, but I am asking why can't we set fractional pixel values?
where are you seeing them displayed as fractions?
lemme screenshot
I mean, according to spec you can set them as fractions. I remember browsers in the past wouldn't render on the fraction
but I assume theydo now?
^ spec
@rlemon ^ > 42.234
yeah, but when I try to set it at some fractional value, it is not set to that value.
ok then the browser is rounding it to the nearest whole
it's always been a grey area for me. the rendering engine doesn't like a lot of crap
8:38 PM
But if the browser can set those fractional values, is there any reasoning for why are we not allowed to set them?
(as fractions)
You can even see the difference when you zoom in
TIL : SourceMaps (My god they are so awesome), BrowserSync, GULP :-)
@Zirak I see. I am trying to set button width to 42.34 px, but it doesn't seem to be working. Lemme make a fiddle.
^see? It always translates it to some other value :/
Is it some limitation of sub-pixel rendering?
8:49 PM
or it is just that view is wrong
Having a 100% precision isn't guaranteed, especially when you go down the accuracy
(just in case you wonder why I want it to be exactly that value, I am doing this for science)
the pizel is a whole unit
how could it split?
Remember that 0.1 + 0.2 === 0.30000000000000004
8:50 PM
@AwalGarg can you use a percentage value?
user image
@darkyen00 not sure I can... lemme try
@Zirak lesson learnt: Don't write robots in JavaScript.
btw, Why does that weird thing happen only with 0.1 + 0.2 and not with other cases like 0.1 + 0.4 or something like that?
8:56 PM
@AwalGarg rounding
@Zirak XD
@KendallFrey elaborate?
What's 1/3 in decimal, to 5 places?
@AwalGarg - computers don't really understand numbers, they just try to, search for "why is floating point math broken" or something like that !
@adeneo Benji would have pounded you if he were here.
8:58 PM
@KendallFrey 0.33334?
uh, no
@AwalGarg Why 4?
he said rounding... so i did that.
round to nearest
The next digit is 3, so it's closer to 3 than it is to 4.
8:58 PM
ok 0.33333
banker's rounding in case of half way
ok, so what is 2/3?
@KendallFrey Actually, that one is 0.66667
@SecondRikudo and that is why he said it is a rounding concern
And it's mathematically provable that 0.999... === 1
9:00 PM
ok, so what's 1/3 + 1/3, and does it equal 2/3?
@SecondRikudo - maybe, but real numbers cannot be exactly represented using 64 bit representation
and what's 1/3 + 2/3, and does it equal 1?
@adeneo Sure they can.
It depends on how you use those 64 bits to represent the number.
@SecondRikudo I can mathematically prove you wrong
dec64.org << This is an example for a (bad) implementation of how to represent decimal numbers with 64 bits.
9:01 PM
@KendallFrey so you rounded the first two to five digits. Once you roundoff, you don't expect the precise result, correct?
@KendallFrey Obviously not all real numbers,
@SecondRikudo - no, real numbers can only be approximated
@AwalGarg right, floating-point numbers in computers are approximations
There's an infinite number of real numbers and a finite number of 64bit numbers.
@adeneo is 1 a real number?
@SecondRikudo That's what you insinuated
@SecondRikudo So is pi
9:02 PM
@KendallFrey Like I said, not all real numbers.
But PI is a special enough case that I can, for example, make a function that will calculate PI to N digits on demand.
PI is no special
@KendallFrey thanks, TIL
Second Rikudo: Real numbers can be exactly represented using 64 bit representation
Kendall Frey: pi is a real number
Therefore: pi can be exactly represented in 64 bits
But yes, irrational numbers like sqrt(2) cannot be accurately represented by anything with a memory limit (which is... anything, really).
@SecondRikudo - yes it is, and in 64 bits, where the number is stored in bits 0 to 51, the exponent in bits 52 to 62, and the sign in bit 63, the number 1 can be approximated very well, probably 100%
@SecondRikudo the number line!
9:04 PM
@SecondRikudo Not all irrational numbers, but that one is easy
@AwalGarg You cannot point to PI on the number line.
@SecondRikudo sqrt(2), I meant.
actually, I can do that with pi as well.
@SomeGuy tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnspokenPlanGuarantee ...but it is interesting to be stuck there
@KendallFrey Draw a number line, drop an infinitely small needle at random anywhere between 0..1
algebraic numbers can be represented in finite memory
9:05 PM
!!wiki pi
The number π is a mathematical constant, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, commonly approximated as 3.14159. It has been represented by the Greek letter "π" since the mid-18th century, though it is also sometimes spelled out as "pi" (/paɪ/). Being an irrational number, π cannot be expressed exactly as a common fraction, although fractions such as 22/7 and other rational numbers are commonly used to approximate π. Consequently its decimal representation never ends and never settles into a permanent repeating pattern. The digits appear to be randomly distributed; however, to...
There's a probability of 1 that the number you get is not accurately representable
@SecondRikudo ^
@AwalGarg That's not accurate.
what am I missing then?
9:06 PM
It isn't.
@AwalGarg The circle is not perfect.
Fact is, you can't make a perfect circle.
@rlemon That was fast
Remember, we're talking about practice here, not theory.
@KendallFrey twss
9:07 PM
@SecondRikudo ok.
@SecondRikudo ahh fair enough
I'm guessing you were planning on representing sqrt(2) as a the third line (not sure how it's called in English) for a 45:45:90 deg triangle with the other two lines being 1 and 1
A: Are "perfect" circles mathematically impossible (and do irrational numbers exist)?

MvG It occurred to me that while $\pi$ is an irrational number, it is nevertheless the ratio between the circumference and diameter of all circles. This seems like a contradiction. It is not: a number is only rational if it can be expressed as the ratio of two integers. This is not the case for ...

@SecondRikudo the hypotenuse, yea.
@rlemon I think that supports my point...
9:11 PM
> think
You cannot create a perfect circle in practice
You cannot create a perfect square either
I think that answer is not giving any conclusion.
> Would you also conclude that a square becomes impossible because its edge length and its diagonal are not commensurable? If so, then almost all planar figures would be impossible since irrational numbers pop up as distances fairly easily.
see I would disagree
but I'm not a math guy
and I'm generally wrong about this shit
wait for benji
We need Benji to return from Amsterdam to have this discussion XD
@rlemon that is correct. We can't make anything perfect.
9:12 PM
I make everything perfect.
but I'm the one who makes the standards
We can't make a perfect point, a line, a triangle, anything.
^My favorite math joke :P
github.com/darkyen/hipster-delorean can somebody help me debug this error ?
Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: _registerComponent(...): Target container is not a DOM element.
just run gulp , nevermind got it - devtools, mislead me
@AwalGarg - we can make a perfect point or line, but a perfect circle is impossible, both in practice and theory, as it would take an infinite amount of points to do so, and that's why even PI is just an approximation.
9:22 PM
@adeneo so would a perfect line ;)
perfect parallel lines are, a perfect line isn't
according to reading math.se
Promise Question :
@rlemon - you're reading swedish now ?
With methods like promisifyAll can, I somehow add a bunch of .then() by default ?
something like
@adeneo no, only finish
yup, two n's
9:30 PM
Nope, it's actually called suomi
@SomeGuy @Zirak my newly discovered subreddit reddit.com/r/IsJewBoyMarriedYet
req = Promise.PromisifyAll(requests).add_a_then( HTTPFilter, ErrorHandler );
// returns somethin so that i can do
// Basically the HTTPFilter performs some operations like storing to states etc,
// Do i have to wrap it ?
/cc @BenjaminGruenbaum , @FlorianMargaine
ugh. boss said we can leave at 4 (36 minutes ago) but got a phone call and I have to drive him home
gnight guys
9:49 PM
@Zirak you're never free
you'll be back
not usually a bruno mars fan but this song is just classy as fuck.
anyone knows where to get the files to get charts like these on my site? :P
@Gizmo Right-click -> inspect element
There's a descriptive desc tag near the root
10:00 PM
lemme look :$
@adeneo Don't just tell the answer
@Zirak - I was just guessing, did I win something ?
You won -7 internet points
ok where is that info
only thing I can find is lede_company_chart
10:01 PM
and googling that doesn't bring up anything
and thanks for the answer but now I want to know how to identify such things XD
lemme see ...
You don't see anything suspicious in the above picture?
ah you identified it by highcharts-* ? :P
it says <desc>Created with Highcharts 3.0.2</desc> right at the top, just like Zirak said, and it has a bunch of classes named highcharts_*
10:03 PM
hm good to know what to look for next time :D
it('should throw if score is too big', function testScoreTooBig() {
    Item.registerModifier(function() { this.score = this.score * 2; });
    should(testItem.runModifiers()).throw(/Got \d+ after running modifiers\./);
There's the highcharts prefix...and the desc tag saying that it was created with highcharts, specifying the version. That was a small hint as well.
the <desc> thingy is not unwrapped
so I missedthat
This is mocha + should, why does that not catch the Error that testItem.runModifiers() throw?
thanks guys
10:04 PM
And there's the fact that 95% of those charts that you see around the web is Highcharts
I expect an exception to be thrown, and it does. But the should doesn't catch it, and it fails the test.
@SecondRikudo Is it thrown synchronously?
well it seens it's a nice chart type to show the history of amount of players on the server :P
10:04 PM
Item.prototype.runModifiers = function() {
    this.score = 100;
    Item.modifiers.forEach(function runSingleModifier(modifier) {
        modifier.call(this, arguments); //Bind 'this' within modifiers to refer to the current item.
    if (this.score > 100 || this.score < 0) {
        var err = new Error('Item score must be in the range of 0..100. Got ' + this.score + ' after running modifiers.');
        err.item = this;
        throw err;
Then iunno
Maybe you need to specify the throw condition differently? Look at should's example on throw
since when does JavaScript support throwing? ;o xD I thought it was a C++/C# thingy
Since last week or so
throw new Error('fail');
So maybe without invoking the function?
10:06 PM
does it take the whole program with it if unhandled? :P
In fact, most major languages started supporting exceptions just last week
There was a party and everything
@Gizmo This is in test context
mkay :)
@Zirak testItem.runModifiers.bind(testItem).should.throw(/Got \d+ after running modifiers\./); seems to do it
@SecondRikudo Neat
10:08 PM
It looks ugly as hell though :|
will ['foo'].concat(arguments) do what I think it should do?
1 hour later…
11:19 PM
guys, I'm so bad
why's that?
trying to make phonegap do something really simple
11:56 PM
It took me 2 days to figure out hello world with phonegap, so meh.
dont be so harsh on yourself

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