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8:00 PM
@Loktar how do you spawn them?
the children components?
I dont do any umm inter component communication so I just register them all
and then use the tag within the component
@FlorianMargaine Let me see if I can work an example up
@Retsam no..
don't do it with callback in params
rather, show me a component that spawns children
so that children can communicate
that's what I'm interested in
not sure "component" is the correct word there... but you get the idea
not sure if thats helpful at all
but its all I can really find that would be related
yeah no, I'd rather inject a viewmodel in another
8:05 PM
I'm bored
lol nice @KendallFrey
@FlorianMargaine could you have an outside model that both view models reference?
@Loktar that's what I do with event emitters... but that's ugly
it's like a global variable
I'd rather inject dependencies...
@KendallFrey Oh! Kanada! Our Home and Kerbal Land!
It's just Kanada
uuhhh: chrome dev summit livestream youtube.com/watch?v=0b9ZE1V4uRk
8:08 PM
I think this'll be my flag from now on
@FlorianMargaine what is the event emitter telling you? (PS, pass it with DI)
Also, on mobile so there's that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I could only pass it with DI to the builder of all viewmodels... better than current state, sure, but not ideal either
someone on irc told me the right way to go I guess
<div data-bind="component: { name: 'child', params: { dependency } }"></div>
this way, single component per page, spawning all children like this
Boss caught me on imgur (not that I was hiding cause I don't have to cause he's cool) and he told me to click random a few times for him
He lol'd
I wish I had a boss like that
oh wait
is exactly what I want :D
8:14 PM
I don't think I've ever heard a boss laugh (except for a polite little chuckle at a polite little joke that isn't a joke, it's just one of the things you politely chuckle at)
Nobody even laughed when he accidentally said "pig shit".
my boss laughs all the time
(especially when I show him my results)
@SterlingArcher - Found some metalish dubstep youtube.com/watch?v=mjKzV9gl490
@FlorianMargaine well, the thing you learn from this is that you can't actually remove dependencies, they don't magically know about each other and you have to explicitly expose them through 'global' state, even if your globality is constrained to a single function in charge of the program, or it is the DOM itself.
Code is designed to have effects, otherwise it doesn't actually do anything :)
@FlorianMargaine This isn't ideal, but this gives the parent some level of control over their children: jsfiddle.net/Retsam19/k2snrz68
It uses the second argument of createViewModel to find the parentVM of the component to be created, then asks the parent to construct a VM for the child
8:24 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum no... if I could get a spawned component and pass it as dependency to another component, it'd solve my issue
i.e. the code would be clean
That's dependency injection, the configuration state or your global hook is in factories.
It's cleaner, but it's not gone.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ohai
TIL @Mosho's aunt holds a senior position at Docker @SomeKittens
So you should probably be thanking here, also, she is also a doge.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Neat
I even got a picture of her, lemme find it
8:32 PM
@FlorianMargaine You could also pass a component its viewModel as a parameter; though I'm not sure how you'd feel about that.
I think you can really see the family relationship.
createViewModel: function(params, componentInfo) {
    return params.viewModel;
also installing Android 5.0!
Cool, hope it sucks less than 4.4
@RyanKinal I linked someone certifiedrandom.net "that isn't random at all"
lol, buddy you way missed the point of that service
8:36 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum What problems did you have with 4.4?
so that's like 2pm my time?
@SomeKittens It's pretty nice. Only had a few hours to play with it, but so far so good.
@SomeKittens it was still laggy, ugly and inconsistent. Stuff still rebooted etc. It looks like 5.0 is really headed in the right direction though.
@Zirak Yaaaay
8:37 PM
what devices will it run on?
I have 4.4.4 on my N4 ( I hope they stop there for consistency )
@BenjaminGruenbaum Which phone? I haven't had much issue on the N5
@rlemon You should be getting it soon
I have the N5 as well
I played mostly with the N5 and some N4s and then some Galaxy S3s and S4s
I can just boot that up and pop my sim in
Nexus line is LTS for Android
8:38 PM
does it auto ship to N5?
or do I have to download a ROM and install manually
@rlemon N5s get it, I think N4s will too
N5s started getting it last week I think
kk I'll just boot my N5 and check it out
I just don't like the SMS app (native) on the N5 and I cannot seem to rip the N4 sms app out of the N4 :/
and the alternatives never sat well with me
huh, it's actually a bit laggier
(yes, I have a phone that is better and wont use it because of the SMS app)
8:40 PM
New buttons (back/home/recently used) are meh
@BenjaminGruenbaum I mean... I'd like var seResults = new SeResultsViewModel(); var seSearch = new SeSearchViewModel(seResults); or something like this
@Retsam what do you mean?
@FlorianMargaine Here's an example: jsfiddle.net/Retsam19/nywyb07t
@SomeKittens do you actually use recently used?
I don't think I ever have
I wish I could re-map it to something else.
But it ends up looking like <child params="viewModel: $data"></child>
@rlemon All the time
8:44 PM
all of the apps I frequent are on my first or second screens
Yeah, that's what he's doing with the createViewModel factory
I use it to close 'em
ahh, I use Advanced Task Killer
though also sometimes when I'm doing a lot of context switching
I also only have two screens (not counting Google Now)
@Retsam yeah... but I can pass fooVM to barVM
@Retsam ah wait... each child has to have the same VM
wait no, not necessarily
my bad
8:47 PM
The project for the challenge is so small I likely won't use components in it, I'm still wondering if to write it with ClojureScript, CoffeeScript or something else for extra fun. In real applications you'd have a separate whole layer and view models would just negotiate with UI and contain a very small portion of your UI's logic anyway.
it's a nice solution
I'll try that
@BenjaminGruenbaum the HTML I have is fun :)
Maybe I'll use RxJS, that's another option
@TravisJ that's not bad. I wish it had lyrics though
Hey guys, kind of a broad topic, but I was reading about Anonymous hacking the KKK twitter and was wondering how they are able to basically hack anything they want?
Do they use XSS attacks? Brute force algorithms?
Hacking (white hat of course) has always interested me, but it's all so advanced I get lost easily
90% sure it's social engineering + unpatched but known exploits
@SterlingArcher they hacked very little of what they wanted.
Source: I hanged out with those guys when they were more of the real deal back then.
From what I recall seeing in boards - it'd be tedious long work, lots of people would try to find exploits in lots of targets, sometimes they'd succeed.
8:53 PM
So they aren't just master computer programmers who can take a laptop and hack the FB server?
get 1000 really smart dedicated people looking for holes in presumably locked tight security and I'm sure you'll eventually find it
The people who are smart enough to hack FB servers don't go on telling everyone about it :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum I imagine they don't hack the FB servers at all
instead they have jobs as securities experts
They work for governments
8:55 PM
so what you're saying is, @Loktar can hack FB?
psh no
Please @rlemon don't out me ok
I still have my Top Secret Clearance dude! :P
but benji just said people who work for the government can all hack FB? I thought that meant it was public knowledge
my bad!
The scary ones are the ones we dont even know about
used to hear about those in the gov all the time after the fact (ofc)
I'm surprised we don't hear more about current shit that is a big deal. i.e. fukushima
just dropped off the radar from news sites. we have no reason to be optimistic yet
8:59 PM
@rlemon yeah the mainstream news is stupid
Ebola dropped off the radar too

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