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2:00 AM
and I'm able to feel them with my tongue without pain
we both just had wisdom teeth removed
Yeah I've been doing that for awhile. I had that prescription mouthwash since day 2 but I started using normal because the other one stains your teeth like a week ago
man, my dentist is a ripoff artist. I didn't get any direction from him.
@Shmiddty Oh man I hope you feel better soon
2:01 AM
I didn't get the irrigation syringe...
I didn't get one of those either
I have no idea what it is though
@Jhawins Care to take this one? haha
lol I got one.. I think it was pretty necessary
I think I may have had food in there for a couple of days extra because the fucker didn't tell me anything what to expect. And I still don't know how to find reputable medical information on the web... WebMD?
2:04 AM
Idk I just google it a lot and decide based on what I see most pretty much
And use some common sense lol
You got food in your holes?
It seems to happen a lot to me
There was food in there quite often for me lol that's why I had the syringe
You're not supposed to eat solid food until it heals
2:06 AM
I can get water in and out of there with my cheeks. I got skeelz when it comes to mouthwash
No they told me to eat solid food as soon as 3 days went by and it didn't hurt
@Meredith It's healed. There's no longer an open wound
Idk man I ate nothing but jello and pudding for like a week
And 3+ weeks till the holes heal.. I had eggs for breakfast the next morning with my girlfriend and I had to clean out lol
Yeah, we're both like 2+ weeks in
2:07 AM
Oh ok then
I was pretty cautious for the first week. didn't even smoke for 10 days
which was rough
Yeah smoking would be pretty bad
I was cautious with food for awhile.. It seemed like my next teeth that were still there didn't have support or something and it hurt to use them
@Shmiddty vape
Did you get all 4 out?
2:08 AM
I smoked after 90 hours. Got mad about something lol.
@rlemon It's the suction :P
I got all 4 out.
@rlemon I guess I should get a mjpen... But I really prefer the herb
get better airflow
spend $300
do it
@Shmiddty they have better ways for that as well
@Jhawins Ouch :/
2:09 AM
@Jhawins I smoked next day. not recommending it. but just saying
they do have herb vaporizers. That was actually a pretty good high
@Meredith I was in more pain the day before the surgery than after..
Jaw pain?
And 3 of them were surgical not just getting them pulled lol
My face swelled up. I could only open my jaw halfway and my hearing got all funky.. I called off work and took the person who cancelled slot for surgery at 7:30am haha
2:11 AM
9 hours surgery for me, worst experience of my life thus far.
@Jhawins Oh wow
I got billed for the 0-30 minute of anesthetic option so mine was fast.
I didn't know it could get that bad
I got mine out super early tho, insurance was going to run flat so my mom decided to get em out
I just had some jaw soreness for a while
2:12 AM
@Jhawins you are 20?
@Meredith Me neither. I was fine the day before. He said it had started problems with a sinus but on the oposite side and he said I should've been in pain from that already? I didn't ever have any issue with the other side lol
mine were decayed with large cavities for years. then my gums got infected
$466 of 0-30 minute anesthetic lmao
Yeah my gums got pretty infected on the one side...
30 minutes is pretty quick at least
Idk how long I was under, but it was way longer than that
2:13 AM
@rlemon till september
I don't actually know how long my operation took
@Shmiddty your bill probably says lol
@Jhawins imagine getting this done 5 years ago :?
I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow. What should I say?
my mom was cheap.
2:13 AM
Should've been a fuck ton easier 5 years ago
I honestly don't know where the bill is
I feel so in the dark here
@Jhawins cept they are still in the jaw bone
Dw idk how much my bill was either
not for everyone
2:15 AM
^ not sarcasm
4 mins ago, by rlemon
9 hours surgery for me, worst experience of my life thus far.
I was 15 almost 16
I know man
That sucks lol
yup :P
2:15 AM
Mine wasn't bad
I punched the dr
@rlemon Were they impacted?
@Meredith yes
Like, all of them
2:16 AM
I had 3 soft tissue impactions.. I bet you had bony ones lol
all 4 had to be shattered
I was awake the entire time
You're insane
laughing gas is fucked
2:16 AM
He broke my bottom two but I think the top both came out whole.
that shit is amazing and horrible at the same time
Yeah 2 of mine had to be shattered
But I was unconscious so whatever
Dude fuck that. My insurance is only covering the cost of laughing gas but hell no I wasn't gonna do laughing gas haha
it is like the most beer you've ever drank but you don't feel sick
I would've cried if I had to do laughing gas
2:17 AM
you are super fucked and don't care about anything
problem is almost as soon as the mask comes off... you feel shit...
and codeine does jack all for me, they didn't know that.
I had surgery before (when I had that screw put in my ankle) so I knew how wonderfully simply the local anesthetic is so I went with that.
Yeah once my anesthesia wore off I was in sooooo much pain
Idr what medication they gave me but it did nothing
I still have like 9 pain killers left they gave me 30 norco lol
They did IV sedation for me
I hate IVs.. The girl was really nice and made me laugh about shit while she did it tho and this time I pretty much didn't notice haha
2:19 AM
vodka (or something with more alc.) and store it on the part of the mouth as long as you can, will numb you good enough, but tongue another story
IVs scare me
so the mask is off, I'm hanging over a bowl with blood spewing from my mouth and i'm crying from the pain (last time pain made me cry that I remember) and the doctor asks "how do you feel?", I thought he was being smug so I swung at him. I was half fucked so I couldn't have hit him hard. the nurse as I remember told him "ignore it"
@CSᵠ in an open wound... Which you aren't even allowed to get mouthwas in because if you dissolve the blood clot your jaw bone can end up exposed to the air and spit and everything else lol
Would sure dry you out good tho lol
no, fuck man
why diod you put that image in my head
2:21 AM
Sorry that's dry socket
That's why you don't smoke lol
That was the worst part of the entire thing I was just paranoid to shit about getting dry sockets
that vodka stuff works for tooth pain, no open wound
Vodka is great for emotional pain
gargle warm salt water
sucks, but works
2:22 AM
@CSᵠ Oh we were talking about our tooth removals
vodka's bettr
@Jhawins well i did the vodka stuff after a day or so after the extraction
Yeah the salt water never hurt when I did it and I did that like 6-7 times a day for the first 2 weeks to be clean. I had already had an infection sp
damn thing hurt for more than a week
@Jhawins :(
stubborn roots
2:23 AM
I got off so easy lol :)
Still waiting for my reimbursal tho lol the way the payments work for that in all of Indiana at least is jacked.
lol, dentist moved me with the whole chair rig, awesome to be awake when that happens
Pay deposit -> insurance mails you check -> dentist gives you the difference if it's positive or you pay if negative
that is why mine came out early.
Mine should've come out when I was like 16
2:25 AM
mom was getting divorced. ex's insurance would pay for it. she took it
I want to do something for X amount of seconds, then do something else. W3schools isn't helping.
My parents just never offered or brought it up lol
mine came out 4-5 years early according to the doc
I was trying to find this instragram of a local tattoo artist with blood pouring out of an IV hole... but their web interface is shit.
Can I download a higher internet speed plz
2:26 AM
you went through all of that but no answer? :(
I offer no support or docs
@carb0nshel1 o_O
After my ankle surgery I asked if I could pull my own IV out while I was still all high from the anesthetic. She let me lol
2:28 AM
Wow, its really too complicated to just use vanilla JS, no plugin?
@rlemon real men don't need those
@carb0nshel1 it's not. just use setTimeout :S
@carb0nshel1 Look at his code and see how he did it.
@carb0nshel1 if you read the source code of what I linked you ...
thats what i'm doing buddy
2:29 AM
Idk man your previous statement contradicts that
there is noone called buddy here... who are you talking to?
oh..nvm. AFK
@rlemon If you fall I will catch you. I'll be waiting
Who is carb0nshel1
Your RAM is now downloading...
2:29 AM
He was on my ignore list
We're all pals here
probably some young person
@carb0nshel1 "when i say AFK it just means i'm coding" how the hell do you code without your keyboard?
After my picture fades and darkness has
Turned to gray
@david afk just means you're not paying attention to the chat
no one uses afk literally anymore
2:30 AM
no it doesnt :S
it means you're not at your keyboard
@carb0nshel1 he's not your buddy, friend
like... it literally stands for 'away from keyboard'
anyway, thanks @rlemon, If i improve your source code in the process, I'll be sure to give you a ring.
@david yeah but no one uses it literally
EVERYONE uses it literally
2:31 AM
I accept pull requests and bits of string
Watching through windows - you're wondering
If I'm OK
except idiots
NO ONE uses it literally
fucking stalker
idiots don't count as real people
2:31 AM
Shit dude idk
fuck we're old
who am I kidding, i don't know wtf i'm reading. K i'm skipping this part of my app. Moving on.
@carb0nshel1 use setTimeout
and stop being weird
if at all possible
2:33 AM
@carb0nshel1 do you know javascript?
!!afk nerdy stuff
I know alot of stuff. JavaScript i know probably like .0001% of though.
!!>"afk".blink().split('').map(function(s){return s.blink();}).join('');
@david "<blink><</blink><blink>b</blink><blink>l</blink><blink>i</blink><blink>n</blin‌​k><blink>k</blink><blink>></blink><blink>a</blink><blink>f</blink><blink>k</blink‌​><blink><</blink><blink>/</blink><blink>b</blink><blink>l</blink><blink>i</blink>‌​<blink>n</blink><blink>k</blink><blink>></blink>"
I know enough JavaScript just to know i really don't know s***
2:35 AM
Which is alot.
So learn more
if you don't know about setTimeout then...
setTimeOut is working BTW!
Thanks :)
I think he's struggling with the object notation
2:37 AM
I actually think I am a pretty good programmer with what I know.
I could probably make some advanced app without ever using a single object.
Oh boy
!!>"[tag:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua]".split(/[\s,]+/).join('] [tag:')
@CSᵠ "[tag:Lorem] [tag:ipsum] [tag:dolor] [tag:sit] [tag:amet] [tag:consectetur] [tag:adipiscing] [tag:elit] [tag:sed] [tag:do] [tag:eiusmod] [tag:tempor] [tag:incididunt] [tag:ut] [tag:labore] [tag:et] [tag:dolore] [tag:magna] [tag:aliqua]"
Speak English or get kicked. Last warning.
2:39 AM
Oh boy
@carb0nshel1 hmm... this sounds like a challenge, but you can't in JS
Aspice et hædum lusoriae minae.
rule #1 in JS there can be only objects
I don't use objects
But I use JS
2:43 AM
why don't you use objects?
@CSᵠ that depends on your interpretation
I use arrays for everything.
arrays are objects
2:43 AM
You've been using objects this whole time!
It can't be.
It is
2:44 AM
!!> typeof []
@david "object"
My whole family line is a lie!
!!> [] instanceof Object
@KendallFrey true
@carb0nshel1 your family line is cake?
2:44 AM
You know what I meant CS
I don't create my own objects
in js, everything is an object or primitive
you are being smart lol.
@carb0nshel1 you don't create your own arrays? where do you get them?
!!>(function(){var a=5; return a.toString()})()
2:45 AM
@CSᵠ "5"
I create arrays, but not objects wtf
how old are you @carb0nshel1?
everything inherits Object.prototype
you lose
@carb0nshel1 wrong: ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-4.2 paragraph 3
@carb0nshel1 as just demonstrated, arrays are objects
2:46 AM
is this some plot to get me to hate JS because ive been using objects this whole time, therefore I quit JS, in turn quitting SO, then no more troll in JS chat for good? It's working.
You should stick to assembly languages
        .MODEL  TINY
        ORG     0100H
        DB  'HELLO WORLD$', 0
        INC DH
        MOV AH,9
        INT 21H
I know arrays are technically objects, but you wouldn't tell someone you created an object by typing ary = [];
what ASM sorcery is that?
@carb0nshel1 No, everyone would say that
Because that's what you did
2:48 AM
@carb0nshel1 you wouldn't tell them, because they prolly already know
ok Mrs. Meredith. Then why not do away with calling arrays arrays?
Because an array is a different type of object.
arrays are arrays
Precisely my point.
squares are squares
they are also rectangles
2:49 AM
@KendallFrey Javascript arrays really aren't arrays
@carb0nshel1 actually, not in js
they are hash maps
BTW I should have said this 50 lines ago but I don't really know what an object is.
@Meredith Except when they are, because that's how compilers store them
you can't say sparse without arse
2:50 AM
you can't say spenis without penis
What is that?
A penis? Hang on, let me take a picture...
2:51 AM
@SterlingArcher you know
The other word.
!!urban spenis
I don't want to type in google images plz tell me.
2:52 AM
well... i didn't need to know that
Why do guys find talking about spenis's and what not funny. I enjoy talking about boobis's
2:53 AM
!!urban boobis
@KendallFrey boobi Nickname for boyfriend or special person in your life.
...you even made "boob" gay
who said anything about gay?
why is gay bad?
2:55 AM
who said anything about gay being bad?
Gay is only bad if you are not gay and a gay man makes moves on you
its happened.
^ that is bad
but really that's a special case of the general case of rape
what if you're not gay, and a gay man DOESN'T make moves on you? does that mean you're ugly?
I've work retail. I've been hit on by men. If you say you are not interested to a man vs a woman, the outcome is not different.
2:56 AM
Gay is bad when you find out the girl you just did it with is actually from Thailand, not Japan.
@david yep, but I'd rather be ugly
i don't think making moves implies buttattacks
@david ok, harrassment then
Gay is bad when you just got sentenced 50 to life.
I can't even say harassment with a straight face anymore
2:57 AM
@carb0nshel1 hwa?t
Jan 15 at 18:51, by Kendall Frey
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Harassment who?
Harassment a lot to me, but I didn't like when she filed charges.
Gay is bad when the human race goes extinct from no babies getting made.
you can stop with examples now
2:59 AM
Do you want a list of when gay is good? @KendallFrey
no, you can just stop
@CapricaSix now is not the time

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