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1:04 PM
You can try jQuery. It solves all the problems! — Awal Garg 10 secs ago


why IE-8 standard not shows tr in the developer tools ?
caprica should have a meme generator.
!!do you have a meme generator?
1:17 PM
@AwalGarg All signs point to yes
It's called LeMeme :-P
how to invoke it?
@AwalGarg Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
!!do you hate memes?
1:18 PM
@JanDvorak Yes!
!!then why do you have a meme generator?
@JanDvorak Certainly
!!meme meme
@AwalGarg Sorry, I don't know that one.
1:19 PM
!!help meme
@JanDvorak meme: Return a simple meme link. Pass no arguments or list to get a list of known memes. /meme [memeName].
@JanDvorak deskflip, fuu, iseewhatyoudidthere, no, notbad, ohyou, okay, troll, trollface, youdontsay
@rlemon wtf happened to lemonmeme.com?
@AwalGarg I wasn't really referring to a command. Just a site that @rlemon wrote.
!!meme list
@AwalGarg deskflip, fuu, iseewhatyoudidthere, no, notbad, ohyou, okay, troll, trollface, youdontsay
1:22 PM
!! IE 8
@CustomizedName That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@AwalGarg the girl had 19 C luke warm water
!! Internet explorer 8
mine was almost perfect 0 - 5
.. the girl did it like 15 mins later :-/
1:23 PM
@RyanKinal down :/
it'll be the next one I put back up (give me like half hour)
Boo :-(
@rlemon Hey my friend how are you
it's static, I just need to find the files and figure out how to get the domain sorted on nginx
Right right
1:26 PM
i am feeling ill though
I shouldn't off did all the hard work heating myself up then taking a ice bucket, then take a hot shower
That sounds... horrible
Hot, then cold, then hot. What were you thinking?
co-worker sent me the most enraging article I've read in a while
the water on top floor was way too hot. @RyanKinal
@rlemon link?
1:29 PM
Yay! Enraging articles!
@rlemon fine dont reply then
seriously am disappointed in macleans for this
anyone used html5 shiv yet ?
I haven't watched a single ice bucket challenge video. If someone challenged me, I wouldn;t do the challenge, or donate. I'm a grinch.
I understand the overall point in the article, and it is a valid point, but almost every other sentence makes me want to stop reading it
1:30 PM
@rlemon As I just did.
Don't care. It's a good cause. And they were clever.
So, by his logic we shouldn't spent a cent in charity unless we're first feeding the hungry in africa and those who need it most?
sure we should not be a herd mentality and not all jump on band wagons, but fuck you - that is how society works, and guess what? some good cause is still getting a shitload of funding. how fucking dare you use death tolls to say one cause is better than another and if I donate to the cause you don't think is important I'm a bad person -- go fuck yourself with a rake.
@Neil basically
I love rake
@rlemon that's idiotic
1:32 PM
I love LAMP
We shouldn't be reading his blog, because there are people who need the attention more
that article made me so mad
@Neil lol... please tell me you posted that as a comment
@RyanKinal I love AWS
I read this as "screw ALS and especially screw the people that have it, it's not widespread so it's not profitable to do something against it"
@RyanKinal Nah, I'd be hypocritical if I went through the trouble of signing up just to do the very thing I said I shouldn't
in Sandbox, 10 secs ago, by Caprica Six
@AwalGarg Correct! The word is bioenvironmental.
\o/ I win without any wrong ones :D
Reminds me of some of the arguments I used to have with my old roomy. He thought medicine like tylenol and ibuprofen should be banned so that scientists could focus on cancer and the like
but aspirin stays
you know
I mean, yeah, if we all donated to the most urgent, most influential cause, then we'd solve some problems. But there are so many different organizations dealing with so many different causes. If I feel my local music school is important, then I'll donate . If I feel the St. Louis, MO Food Bank is important, I'll donate. If I feel feeding hungry children is important, I'll donate.
1:36 PM
@Neil Medicine is an area as corrupt as they get. Don't hold your breath :P
@RyanKinal try telling someone with lou gehrig's that "it isn't as important as cancer, so STFU we'll deal with you later"
@SecondRikudo Well that was my counterargument.. the drug industry would be practically non-existent without the type of funding that they get for "non-lethal" drug treatments
@rlemon But that's exactly what we did
With ALS.
We literally pushed everything else aside and put ALS at the center as if it were the only disease worth donating to.
no we didn't!
@SecondRikudo Did we? Because I feel like we didn't.
1:38 PM
I feel like we did.
even thinking that shows how out of touch you are
ALS is getting a lot of publicity, but I seriously doubt anybody's saying it's more important than any other cause.
@rlemon Have other organizations gotten more donations thanks to the ALS challenge?
All the ALS challenge did was bring awareness and cause them to earn a little bit of money for the cause.
@Neil Actually, a lot of money... but who's counting?
1:40 PM
Maybe cancer industries could learn from this too, don't you think? There's no reason why ALS should be the only charity doing this
I'm a firm believer of money for service.
I donate, don't get me wrong.
@RyanKinal Little money.. perspective, remember?
But I would have respected a Kickstarter campaign much more than this silly media stunt.
It's a lot of money for me, not so much when compared to the amount of money being poured into, say, cancer research
@SecondRikudo In order to have a successful Kickstarter, it basically has to be a media stunt anyway.
@Neil Yeah, fair enough
1:41 PM
@RyanKinal Yes, but then you offer a service in return.
@SecondRikudo do other organization benefit when I donate to the breast cancer walkers?
no, because that isn't how it works
someone thinks the ice bucket is stupid so belittles the entire thing is all i'm reading
@rlemon Hardly.
I think a little yellow arm band is stupid, so I donate and dont wear it
@SecondRikudo curing people isn't a service?
I'm a firm believer in the fact that I make well over the average salary for my area, I'm single, I have no children, and I can afford to make donations, because other people need my money more than I do.
helping people live and cope every day isn't a service?
1:43 PM
I do think the ice bucket is stupid. But I think that the fact that it swept the masses did more harm than good to other organizations treating potentially worse diseases.
I don't think it harmed other organizations.
okay, I think you're wrong.
Until we see data, we can't be sure
So until then, let's each hold on to their own opinions, and move on :)
yea, probably for the best. I'm not really respecting anyone who sides with that author right now
1:47 PM
@rlemon He does make valid points though
Especially that "You probably debate more on where to order your pizza from and what to put on it, than you do on where to spend your charitable money"
@SecondRikudo If donating money to ALS is hurting other charitable organizations, then by that logic, everytime I go to the supermarket and buy PET milk, I'm hurting Mayfield
Okay, on main... do you upvote the right answer, or do you upvote a good/smart/clever answer? Basically, if the answer is obvious, is it still worthy of upvotes?
@Neil No, but on many people's minds "Eh, I already donated, I won't donate again in a while".
Yeah, people do that.
@SecondRikudo Yeah, that's probably true. But, personally, that's because I basically donate whenever I'm asked.
stop hating IE
1:48 PM
@CustomizedName NO FUCK YOU Why?
@RyanKinal I often donate only to organizations where I know where the money goes.
@CustomizedName and start hating who?
@SecondRikudo sure he does, but he also could make those points without being a total douche bag
In Israel there are a lot of "charity" organizations that only fund Yeshiva students studying the bible rather then joining the workforce and enlisting to the army (which is mandatory for everyone, but not for them apparently).
"you are wrong for donating to a charity" <- yea go fuck yourself.
1:50 PM
@rlemon That's what I always say about Linus Torvalds.
@RyanKinal Got this weird problem
"hey, now that you've donated to ALS can you take a look at XYZ" <- what you should say
For some reason many people disagree with me.
cant even create JSFiddle
because it's IE-8
@rlemon +1
1:50 PM
@CustomizedName I'll stop hating IE when it adheres to actual standards.
Div + table
@Psychemaster ie11 is fine
adheres to standards and has nice performance ( I still prefer Chrome, but it isn't an issue to support IE11)
If you are bored of ALS, you can now donate for my wishlist which includes (but not limited to) a Razer Blade Pro 2014. Offer valid for a limited period only. :D
@rlemon The point he's trying to make is that the ice bucket challenge is stupid, with which I agree.
@AwalGarg Here. Have an imaginary dollar.
1:52 PM
Could he have been less obnoxious about it? Sure.
@rlemon am talking about IE-8
@rlemon Yea, I know that. CN specifically mentioned IE8, though... I can still hate that? Right? Right?
@SecondRikudo no, the point he's making is that donating to a cause that is getting 'hype' from a campaign is wrong.
@RyanKinal Say that to ALS. :D
he calls out more than just the ice bucket challenge. and he's a douche the entire way
1:52 PM
@rlemon so you agree that the ice bucket challenge is stupid?
But why is the ice bucket challenge stupid? Because it's popular? Because it's gotten tons of media attention? Because it's gotten millions of dollars in donations for research into the disease?
I agree it's a gimmick. and a silly one. but it isn't stupid because it worked.
I don't get that reasoning?
it did EXACTLY what it was set out to do
@RyanKinal I don't deny the result.
1:53 PM
go viral and raise money
What's wrong with gimmicks, if it's for a good cause?
@AwalGarg Biiiig difference between ALS and you getting a new lappy.
@AwalGarg childrens are dying around the world and no one gives a F, talking is a long way, why the heck would they care about awareness of a disease, they do it because everyone famous is doing it
I just lost respect for so many people
@rlemon Meh. You're a slide-pooping lemon.
1:54 PM
Meh. You're a dick.
yea i'm not even joking
Here's a thought: If you grabbed a random sample of people who did the ice bucket challenge, how many of them would know what ALS is?
The author of that article is being jealous of ALS.
@RyanKinal Umm, yeah. No.
btw, where is the article and who is the author?
1:56 PM
@AwalGarg Read up
!!afk leaving because I don't want to hate you all
And btw, what is ALS?
!!wiki ALS
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)—also referred to as motor neurone disease (MND), Charcot disease, and, in the United States, Lou Gehrig's disease—is a neurodegenerative disease with various causes. It is characterised by muscle spasticity, rapidly progressive weakness due to muscle atrophy, and difficulty in speaking (dysarthria), swallowing (dysphagia), and breathing (dyspnea). ALS is the most common of the five motor neuron diseases. In the U.S., more than 5,600 are diagnosed every year, and up to 30,000 are currently affected. ALS is responsible for 2 deaths per 100,000 every year. Median...
some syndrome I guess... uh no.
meh... lot of such things keep coming out every now. Why freak out on them?
@rlemon I'll just say this. I won't donate to any organization just because they asked, or just because someone challenged me to. I will donate to a cause I think is important to me and I think is worthy of spending my money on.
Going viral and making money is nice. I was not impressed, that's all.

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