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2:00 PM
Secure Shell is a Beta release and has known bugs.
@FlorianMargaine your move
I'm using it without bug...
@rlemon Everyone is retweeting my lorem pizza tweet today :)
@FlorianMargaine :-> nice
we need a sublime implemented in javascript !!!!
that'd solve all the problems
javascript is not really a great language
@FlorianMargaine so that it can natively run in browser
c9.io/site/features <- how about this btw ?
2:03 PM
I prefer vim...
@BenjaminGruenbaum I thought you'd never come back!
C9 is nice but it gets frustrating
@BenjaminGruenbaum why ?
2:04 PM
@AbhishekHingnikar Try it
Google's logo is 2 times larger than what they show, I assume it's for the best quality possible, is that right?
or only for those retina displays?
Or for people who zoom
visit google.com and open their logo on a new window
my logo is kinda crisp, so I wonder if I have to do a 2x larger image then resize it with CSS for a better quality
@LucasB its plain so even if in small size it will be compressed also google has done shit in past like setting attributes without " so maybe they felt that few lines of code just to support non-retina on 1 image on a webpage is stupid. I mean it sounds like a premature optimization
just to enable retina display
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha cl9 doesnt support java !
2:09 PM
I see. So my second option is to instead of using transparent background, make the it opaque and match the texture on the background
does that makes sense? It's vector -> web image, so the transparency is as good as can be. But I wonder if that's what's making my logo crisp
@BenjaminGruenbaum test
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you trying to rip off the chat ?
Trying to make "control" to automatically reply to the last message pinging me
@AbhishekHingnikar the chrome terminal is actually nice
2:12 PM
It is !
@AbhishekHingnikar test
Someone ping me
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hi Ben!
@BenjaminGruenbaum boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom boooooooooooooooooooooooom .... pow ? are u happy now ? :D
I'm changing the text in the textarea
but it's not updating hmm
btw var username = $("#active-user img").attr("title").split(" ").join("");
    if(e.which === 17){
        var m = $(".message").filter(function(_,eq){
            return ~$(eq).find(".content").text().indexOf(username);
        var ping = ":"+m.find("a").attr("href").split("#")[1];
        var $input = $("#input");
        if($input.text().indexOf(":") === 0){ // test if already ping
            $input.text(ping + $(input).text().split(" ").slice(1).join(" "))
Does anyone use a mobile framework for building native mobile apps excluding PhoneGap?
2:21 PM
@Joe jQuery mobile maybe
lemme try val
@AbhishekHingnikar test
@qwertynl Does that allow you to compile your HTML5 into native code?
yay - it works!
var username = $("#active-user img").attr("title").split(" ").join("");
    if(e.which === 17){
        var m = $(".message").filter(function(_,eq){
            return ~$(eq).find(".content").text().indexOf(username);
        var ping = ":"+m.find("a").attr("href").split("#")[1];
        var $input = $("#input");
        if($input.val().indexOf(":") === 0){ // test if already ping
            $input.val(ping + $(input).val().split(" ").slice(1).join(" "))
@Joe Eh? No...
it does my friend
2:23 PM
@qwertynl I'm looking for a tool that allows compilation into native mode. Not a wrapper like PhoneGap
@dystroy why u no try node-proxy ?
@jAndy lol!
@AbhishekHingnikar Maybe because I didn't know it ?
@Joe I have no idea.
2:24 PM
@dystroy google for node-http-proxy
its used at nodejitsu
so its pretty damn solid
+ since its IN node you can tinker with it have fun with it :3
i am going to be using it for my next madman project !
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't think this would have helped on my problem
@dystroy what was ur problem ?
i just read you are switcing to ngnix from apache 2.
I'm assuming most people prefer native development for mobile apps then
Is this really true? I thought there was a way to pass by reference in JS, no?
Alt+P to reply to last ping:
2:25 PM
@AbhishekHingnikar Make some node or other applications available on port 80 while keeping my other web existing applications (some of them PHP based) on that port
By the way, my chat is now persisted
var username = $("#active-user img").attr("title").split(" ").join("");
var altKey = false;
    if(e.altKey) altKey = true;
    if(e.altKey) altKey = false;
    if(e.which === 80 && altKey){
        var m = $(".message").filter(function(_,eq){
            return ~$(eq).find(".content").text().indexOf(username);
        var ping = ":"+m.find("a").attr("href").split("#")[1];
        var $input = $("#input");
@dystroy yes it can
@qwertynl no. You can only pass primitive values or object references
its just a proxy dude :P
@AbhishekHingnikar works
2:26 PM
@JanDvorak Hmmm. Ok.
you can run the php and node application on other ports
!!afk test
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hurry back, ok?
@CapricaSix shaddup :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum I thought you'd never come back!
2:26 PM
and just proxy them ... also since it goes hand in hand with express and node.js
it can be really awesome cause you can do custom proxy logic in JavaScript
@AbhishekHingnikar Don't it need to be in front of the other server ? I trust nginx more, as a front server & proxy, I don't want my other applications to be proxied
@copy regex be damned!
@dystroy thou be your wish
hopefully that works like it's supposed to :)
@dystroy @AbhishekHingnikar I'd use nginx over node-proxy too
^ that too
> Most likely broken for users without a diamond. But I don't care. :)
but that just sounds like a proxy on proxy => too much overhead
such a minority...
2:28 PM
easier is to learn ngnix and use its proxying
@AbhishekHingnikar "over" = nginx, not node-proxy
well, the point is to see who flagged/counterflagged messages - that information is not sent to non-mods (or at least i'd expect it to be like that)
and in english, an exclamation mark doesn't take a space before it
@ThiefMaster store the flags in firebase - it's very easy to do and it'll give you trivial persistent storage.
nginx is battle-tested.
@FlorianMargaine nodejitsu uses node-proxy
one company is not "battle-tested"
hmm so can ngnix do all the cool stuff as shown by node-proxy ?
on the page i linked ?
if yes i'd really like to know how !!!
I don't know, I just know that I'd use nginx as a proxy.
a node app needs the overhead of clusters if you want it to scale
nginx doesn't
2:31 PM
@Shmiddty The fuck
"overhead" -> code it yourself
I don't want my proxy to do cool stuff, I just want it to behave fast and well enough so that my applications do the cool stuff
@FlorianMargaine true story.. I mean.. Youporn is like the ultimate battle for a webserver
nginx -> passed !
@jAndy can't deny that
2:32 PM
they're one of the most visited websites in the world :P
true true
what does google.com
use ?
@FlorianMargaine that's a statement that can start a flame-war
85% traffic comes from a specific person located in india
2:33 PM
@Joe no, it's true
@RyanKinal That is so cool!
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't have the same competencies available in house, I won't even try to run the same things than google...
Its reallity *
2:33 PM
@Joe single-thread only gets you so far
@RyanKinal wow nice
google doesn't use any of the publically available webserver technologies. They probably built their own
node gives flexibility , ngnix is robust and battle tested
@FlorianMargaine He says he ripped off pretty much everything from Loktar's tuts.
@Joe and soon will launch in open source :P
@Joe building a webserver is fairly easy.
2:34 PM
> Google Web Server (GWS) — Custom Linux-based Web server that Google uses for its online services.
@RyanKinal which one?
@FlorianMargaine So you're placing Node.js on top of Nginx? that is what most smart developers would do.
@dystroy is your server really in need of ngnix ?
and can anybody teach me ngnix ?
i'd like to use it aswell :-> :->
@AbhishekHingnikar There's no need anymore : it runs on nginx now
2:34 PM
And part two, I would assume
@Joe that doesn't change the fact that nodejs needs clusters to run over multiple threads if you want to scale
@dystroy haha
@BenjaminGruenbaum Unless you need to scale the way google does, then it's not so easy.
and you have to code it yourself
@FlorianMargaine iirc node-http-proxy does that
nope nvm
2:35 PM
@FlorianMargaine I thought nginx had it's own multi-thread tool baked in though. Are you exclusively building I/O apps?
whats the best way to use nodejs/websocket connection with a nginx-server upfront ? Just reverse proxy on ports or is there any "module" based plugin for node or something ?
thats btw a thing I really appreciate on Apache ..
@AbhishekHingnikar yes, you can, using clusters. Coding them yourself.
@jAndy Do you want my config ?
2:36 PM
@FlorianMargaine read that
@Joe it sounds like we're not talking about the same thing.
the plugin's, like Perl oder whatever can just hack into the server
@jAndy apache doesn't do websocket proxying very well
no in that specific usecase it indeed sucks
2:36 PM
I was just curious if nginx also offers some plugin options
or do you just have to proxy by port to another instance
or however you do that...
@jAndy dystroy.org:8204 runs on port 8204 on node. I made it available on dystroy.org/miaou using nginx
@AbhishekHingnikar this is what I'm talking about: rowanmanning.com/posts/node-cluster-and-express
2:37 PM
@FlorianMargaine quite possibly, but then again, who really understands anything about anything :P
@Joe obviously
@jAndy Here's the related config :
server {
	listen 80;

	root /var/www/dystroy;
	index index.html index.php;

	server_name dystroy.org www.dystroy.org;

	location / {
		try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

	#error_page 404 /404.html;
	# redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
	#error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
	#location = /50x.html {
	#	root /usr/share/nginx/www;

	# pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on
	location ~ \.php$ {
		try_files $uri =404;

		fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
The hardest is to get a recent version of nginx in Ubuntu...
is that all build in ?
the "proxy_pass" directions
@jAndy yes, if you have a recent version
2:38 PM
@Joe ... I do :>
yea thats nice
@jAndy The Game
rewrite too is much simpler than with apache
@RyanKinal fun game that, except the screen jumps up when I press up
@qwertynl cv'd
2:39 PM
I could add a rewrite rule instantly, while it took me... some time... on apache
@C5H8NNaO4 thank you.
I'm pretty much a fan of a direct node-server using http-proxy modules and/or Express
@Joe It's his first game, give him a break :-P
depends on your usecase tho
2:40 PM
yeah, that's a lot of code.
I'd say node/http-proxy is also pretty much battleproved so far
compared to some nginx config.
@RyanKinal Those small green aliens drop from the sky fast
Really Florian ... I mean really ?
@Joe He's having timing issues, I think.
2:41 PM
but they all cluster at the bottom, so tell him to make them sit on the level they're on, or randomly fall down only 1 or 2 levels
@RyanKinal hah nice man
@AbhishekHingnikar Yes. Nginx config is easy to read/write.
@FlorianMargaine Hooray!
2:42 PM
@RyanKinal moar levels!
proxy.web(req, res, { target: 'http://mytarget.com:8080' }, function(e) { ... });

vs (not the same ... i am just saying)

location /miaou/ {
		access_log off;
		proxy_pass dystroy.org:8204;
		proxy_http_version 1.1;
		proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
		proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
@FlorianMargaine You couldn't get the last coin either?
@FlorianMargaine I'm sure he'll be working on it.
ps i got what you are saying ngnix keeps the proxy thing a distinct stuff
nothing to have to do with node and is higher performant then node-http-proxy by far
hi, does someone had used FlowType.js ?
2:44 PM
the user case of node-http-proxy would be something where you actually wanna execute some logic (say add auth headers to internal ips?) ?
I amma use it for a fun project and then port the whole thing to ngnix lets see how goes it
I don't know if he's picked it up yet, but I also plugged @SimonSarris's book :-D
@dystroy can i execute some custom logic here

        location /miaou/ {
		access_log off;
		proxy_pass dystroy.org:8204;
		proxy_http_version 1.1;
		proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
		proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
@AbhishekHingnikar Depends on what you mean by that. But nginx is presented as having a very limited set of features but as having them fast and right
So I guess most of the fancy things you want can't be implemented there
for example connect to a mongo db get user info and add it as header (simple token) or just reject with a 401
@AbhishekHingnikar I wouldn't mix the layers like this
2:53 PM
teach me why ?
@Joe yeah
or better yet teach me how would you then have a common authentication server ?
@FlorianMargaine how will that actually ensure for say x.y/some_endpoint ?
i will have to write the logic for checking it as a middleware ... in every instance of my app
besides you are awesome, you can sniff that i am kind of clueless on it and most likely will drop it :P learning loads about proxy and web-servers
@AbhishekHingnikar I prefer not to teach anybody about proxying, nginx, and stuff, as I just learned today how to configure them...
3:04 PM
@dystroy where is your chat's code ?
My chat uses nodejs+express+socketio+jade+posgresql+nginx. From that list I knew only nodejs when I started a few days ago
so I'm not on the teaching level...
@AbhishekHingnikar github.com/Canop/miaou
Hi, I am trying to understand $.when. Is there a method which will run when ajax has actually got the data not just when the request was sent successfully? Take a look at my simple example if you like: jsbin.com/akoQirE/2/edit?js,console . My question applied to the example would be: what method could I replace .done with to make the console log "done" after the url is logged (instead of before)?
BTW I just learned that there's one QA site on which I'm an expert : tripadvisor.com told me I'm #23 for Restaurants in Lyon (I rated 49 of them, it seems)...
I didn't knew there was a ranking on tripadvisor...
@jonahfree I'm surprised it acts like that
is it possible to interface with the local file system via a web interface?
3:08 PM
@JanDvorak hi again, I have been reading up a lot on .when, deffered and promises
@hunterc security...
@JanDvorak I understand them a bit better now, but still not completely
@Jan ?
@JanDvorak I assume it is acting this way because the request has been sent successfully. What do you think?
jQuery in your PS4: scei.co.jp/ps4-license
3:10 PM
@jonahfree umm... you're not returning the promise from getRedditLinks, so the outer $.when gets undefined as its argument
@dystroy whoever is making a website these days please somehow try to make they look okay on 1980 px monitors with 15" dispaly
@mikedidthis not surprised
jQuery is shipping in the PS4: http://www.scei.co.jp/ps4-license/ (thx for the tip @sgricci)
@dystroy thats a 15" monitor
@AbhishekHingnikar what's the problem (apart the fact it's not terribly pretty) ?
3:13 PM
@jonahfree oh, and... you're calling the console.log immediately, then passing the results to then
The text appears extremely small :-|
All my windows app's show it just fine
@jonahfree check out the bin now
Does anyone here use OSX? I need a hand with a few things
@AbhishekHingnikar the purpose is to have more text on screen. But I'll make it skinnable I think, as different rooms or users may have different needs or tastes
3:15 PM
@dystroy whats the font-size ?
@AbhishekHingnikar #windowsnoob
@AbhishekHingnikar probably 3px, as usual for me
@BenjaminGruenbaum System Hard-disk space = 93GB free
@dystroy 13px *
@AbhishekHingnikar no
Damn... must work...
body {
    font-family: Helvetica, arial, freesans, clean, sans-serif;
    font-size: 14px;
make that
3:16 PM
@JanDvorak the bin looks them same... did you update it?
body {
    font-family: Helvetica, arial, freesans, clean, sans-serif;
    font-size: 16px;
ffs okay am going to work on the chat tonight
@BenjaminGruenbaum why?
would u mind if structure the project a lil bit ? i mean just make directories or stuff :D
@JanDvorak i assume you're saying that would be a giant security issue?
@BadgerGirl Logs into Analytics
3:17 PM
@FlorianMargaine that's a very unuseful start menu that doesn't have any useful shortcuts. If you click start you can use the arrow keys to select. The metro apps are pretty useless and @AbhishekHingnikar doesn't utilize that
@hunterc yep. You can only access files and directories the user explicitly lets you in
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah
woo bump of 50 hits :P
@dystroy btw for time
ejohn.org/files/pretty.js this is pretty handy
3:19 PM
@mikedidthis this is the one time so far your gravatar has perfectly lined up with your post.
@JanDvorak well that use would select the file to open and where to save, just wanting to know if it is currently possible to open a local file in a web app and then save its result to the filesystem if the user approves both
@hunterc user cannot "approve" an access. He can only "choose" a source/destination
!!buy a ps4 or upgrade my pc setup
@rlemon buy a ps4
3:21 PM
@JanDvorak That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
feature request: reroll should repeat the previous choose
Can anybody suggest a good array shim (forEach, any, every, etc.)?
@RyanKinal pull from MDN
!!ps4 or xbone or pc
3:23 PM
@eazimmerman ps4
@rlemon you mean the expression?
it's rigged
!!pc or ps4
@mikedidthis pc
@RyanKinal also has Array.prototype.find and Array.prototype.findIndex shims
3:24 PM
@CapricaSix clever girl
@FlorianMargaine Hmmm. I'll give it a look.
@RyanKinal the code is simple.
I'm not using require on this project, but I'll probably just rip out some of your code :-P
@JanDvorak so now with the correct use of .done it seems that the return url; is unessesary, is this correct?
@RyanKinal it's for browserify, not requirejs
3:26 PM
@jonahfree who would get that URL? Return values from promise resolution handlers are ignored
@FlorianMargaine Still, I'm not using any sort of require function.
y'all, I have a noob question; how do you make a page go to a hashtag url on click?
@Crowz href="#somehash"
@Crowz <a href="#somehash">go to hash</a>
would this work on something which is being added to the dom in js? I have a table that is generated in EJS and added to the page, I want it to hashtag down to it on click
3:29 PM
Should, yeah
@JanDvorak ok, I understand. the promise just returns whether it is resolved or not and no data from inside correct?
@jonahfree the promise passes some arguments to the handlers depending on how it was resolved, and ignores what the handlers return
I create the function for change automatic letter to number but I use Jquery
$("#foo").keypress(function(evt) {
not sure what you mean by "promise returns". The promise is an object, not a function.
how to change in pure javascript?
3:32 PM
@dystroy you know, I'm usually not into the facebook jokes.
@JanDvorak ok thank you, I understand now. would you like me to upvote any of your answers?
document.getElementById("foo").keypress(function(evt) { ?
@MirkoCianfarani addEventListener. If you want to support IE8, add a fallback to attachHandler
!!tell mirko mdn addeventlistener
3:33 PM
@jonahfree no need to, thanks
thx @JanDvorak
@MirkoCianfarani oh, and the native AEL does not support event delegation
@MirkoCianfarani in your case, .onkeypress= would probably do, too
now I try with onkeypress but the ´addEventListener´ work only with event's CLICK or onClick
3:40 PM
@MirkoCianfarani it works with any event; just don't include the on
@MirkoCianfarani on is for IE
TypeError: document.getElementById(...).onkeypress is not a function
	document.getElementById("foo").onkeypress(function(evt) {
I back
@Jhawins There goes the neighbourhood.
3:43 PM
also with keypress
@MirkoCianfarani .onkeypress = function(){...}
@MirkoCianfarani What is this? I see the codes, but why are you having all the zeros piling up.
@Jhawins I write the answer in this question stackoverflow.com/questions/20074478/…
and please not answer also you
and now I have to changhe
3:47 PM
Welcome to our forum!
Your username is : <username>
Your password is : <Password>
You can now click <here> to log on!
Hate those
I should really start sniffing all POP3 traffic in my area
and HTTP
how do people not understand by now
@rlemon better: don't store plaintext passwords
3:50 PM
Good morning y'all
@hunterc these are independent
I not finish @Jhawins
Honnza - killed by falling downstairs
Beerware is a somewhat tongue-in-cheek term for software released under a very relaxed license. It provides the end user with the right to use a particular program (or do anything else with the source code). Description Should the user of the product meet the author and consider the software useful, he is encouraged to buy the author a beer "in return" (or, in some variations, to drink a beer in the author's honor). History The term was invented by John Bristor in Pensacola, Florida on April 25, 1987, and the first software distributed using the Beerware licensing model was uploaded to...
Scheduled Delivery:
Thursday, 11/21/2013, By End of Day
3:55 PM
hmmm I can't seem to get this code to work
Question: last night we were talking about AJAX calls within an setInterval and how it's a dirty hack because the timing of the server could screw up the loop. So I was thinking, can you pause the interval while the ajax call is being run, and resume on success?
function foo() {
  ajax shit....
  .done( function() {
    setTimeout(foo, 10000);
  } );
@RUJordan yeah... use a sequence of timeouts
And before the ajax call, I'd do .clearInterval()?

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