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6:00 PM
@canon: what do you mean 'in production' ? private production or company wise ?
I will be using node.js in production soon
soon as I learn it that is ;)
Hurry up!
@jAndy pretty much just "not on your local test environment"
As of now you're being beaten by a 22-year-old with a silly name
@canon: I'm running node/express on typeofnan.com and any project/website there
6:02 PM
alongside http-proxy for running multiple express instances on different ports
ty ty
if i do this: $(this).next("ul").slideToggle(600);
to check visibiilty would i do this?
why would you check if using a toggle function anyway ?
I am trying to add padding to a div if the toggle is down
6:05 PM
but yea, I think ultimately slideToggle will hide the element
so $(elem).is(':visible') should return the correct thing
$("a.slide").on('click', function(e){
followed by if((this).next("ul").is(':visibile')) ?
or $(this).next('ul').is(':visible')
it doesn't really matter if you create an explicit if condition or just go by selector, jQuery will ease the pain
so $(this).next('ul:visible').something();
will just apply .something() on matched elements anyway
if ... that is the correct path for the query. I can't really figure your dom structure out here, just make sure that is correct too
@SomeKittens meh, I've been beaten repeatedly by 8 year old koreans. I'm ok with your one upping me
6:10 PM
but what if I want to apply a style to something that isnt toggled?
@jAndy yey ... its working .. now .. ty
@Charlie: $(this).next('ul:not(:visible)').something();
@NullPointer wth...
ok now i am super confused
^ should cheer you up
6:13 PM
@NullPointer: doesn't seem to work oh so well on webkit/chrome
LOL @rlemon thats great
@jAndy in firefox its wok like charm ..
@Charlie: maybe I got you wrong, I thought you want to act on all invisible nodes
jAndy if you want to take a look at what I am working on it is here: jsfiddle.net/VbQ6m
the stupid if statement in the js is very self explanatory
sorry if it is coded like a moron, I am new to this javascript stuff
6:16 PM
lol yeah lots of great ones
Ive always loved raver Arnold
ok i'll stop now
but this one is a chuck norris one
@NullPointer: change the pseudo :after class. Remove the margin and add left: 0 and top: 0;
@Loktar hey! you wanna walk me though attaching my Domain to my VPS :P
it's been a while. and I hate tuts :P
Ive never messed with a vps
only dedi/shared
oh wait
I lie, I use nodejitsu
I assume the DNS setup on a VPS would be the same on dedicated.
6:18 PM
they should provide you with name server ip's
go to your domain host and put those in
I'm so confused by the entire thing /me needs his basic webmasters course again
Hopfully I can get some deal with them for free VPS ^_^
who'd you buy your domain from?
web development !== web admin !== network admin

^ so many of my previous employers don't understand this
@Loktar both are godaddy, right @rlemon ?
6:19 PM
Rlemon's are?
your vps should of provided you with some nameserver ip's
most likely 2 diff ones
@rlemon I have told oh so many people...
6:20 PM
no thats your host ip
@rlemon That is not a nameserver... that is just a host...
domain ^
you can't really avoid to get pretty much into things like web-servers, linux, apache, nginx, etc. doing web dev, can you
@Loktar yea... one of my host ips
I have three
you need nameserver ip's
they arent exclusive to you though
theyd give them out to every person who hosts with them
like nameserver1.hostingcompany.com
@jAndy now its working fine ..
createjs.com <- thoughts?
@Neal i've been though those pages already and was confused.
probably shouldn't have been but I was.
appears to be javascript libraries that do not suck
6:21 PM
look through your setup emails they should have 2 nameserver addresses
@NullPointer: yes, thats it
@GGG ive heard good things about tween
@Loktar looking now
@Loktar it looks good from a quick look at the docs
@jAndy thankyou .. for heap and time both .. :)
6:23 PM
wow wtf.. I leave work in like 40 mins
I havent accomplished much arg.
story of my life
@NullPointer: welcome dude :-)
@rlemon :-\
my new favourite punishment for any trainee who screws up, is to let him setup and configure dovecot & postfix on a linux machine
idk why mail servers are so damn complicated to set up
6:25 PM
@Loktar ^ these ??
compared to say web servers or dns servers or pretty much anything else
My ignorance with this stuff is GREAT.
I don't get it either. It would be 1000 times easier to create a pretty GUI or any little auto-config script
instead of having 200k lines config files
make that 400k with comments
suffice to say I don't like doing it so I have upto this point avoided it at all costs.
@rlemon are you going with godaddy linux hosting for your nodejs server?
6:26 PM
Godaddy VPS CentOS6 + GoDaddy Domain
I haven't explored hosting options in a while.
i mean, i've set up apache and bind9 with config files with no problem, but mail servers are a nightmare for some reason
make sure to change those to whatever your vps host provided you with
@jAndy agreed - why isn't this a two click operation.
@Loktar 'vps' provided me... ok like you said I'll have some emails with 'name servers' now?
6:27 PM
checking out zunicore.com for hosting now, not sure if they're good yet... cheap tho
@rlemon: it could be, just some poor soul has to write a great script/app
I haven't used linux (directly) in like 10 years
@GGG b-webhost has been pretty good for a shared host package (and really cheap too!)
but, its not just the mail servers, in the linux world you of course come around little goodies like.. oh, you need to create encrypted user-files.. how on earth can I do that ? etc.
man everyone has all these recommendations
6:29 PM
most shared hosts I found have a easy to use GUI but are so shitty
^ largest shared hosting company
I've never had luck with shared hosting
blah, loktar
rage-quit the shared hosting
@Loktar Yeah, I've heard good things about hostgator.
6:30 PM
hostgator is for noobs ;)
@GGG any shared hosting is for noobs, or people wanting to minimize impact on profit
true, true
we use GoDaddy VPS at work (domainless) - so I could at least with some certainty know what I was paying for
using amazon aws now but it's getting expensive
b-webhost used to be 720 leap, but then they closed so everything moved to bwebshost. which has been pretty good so far :-) (they use cPanel though)
6:30 PM
There's only so much time I'm willing to commit to server config, maintenance, etc. I'd rather spend time on development.
@Neal checking them out now, thanks :)
@rlemon bahh. we have our own servers :-P
@canon Exactly. Pretty much the reason I haven't deployed yet.
'shared hosting' means, virtual machines managed by some easy-to-use managing app/server ?
kind of
it means you share an ip and server with thousands of sites
6:31 PM
yeah like cpanel or plesk or something usually, can't ssh in
but some let you ssh in and do more stuff
pleessskkkkk we meet again
hostgator lets you ssh to shared
yea, I had that too initially on typeofnan.com
@GGG ya. bwebhost uses cpanel. They are getting VPS soon aparently
6:32 PM
but the second I wanted my own mail servers/control and nodejs and any extra good
kiss byebye
right, exactly
go for your own server with 100% root access
yeah they are just more $$
Running your own server is a good experience
that's why i like aws, you set up as many virtual machines as you want, assign them static ips if you want, do whatever
6:33 PM
diff between $20 a month and >$100
no tech support to call, full root.
you just have to update debian from time to time.. lol
I forgot that for a quite a while
right it's running me like $100/mo right now =/
@Loktar: I'm on like 35 euros/month
on dedicated machine will full access
6:35 PM
@user1816679, my old friend
how are things
@GGG rofl
heh he didn't answer :(
oh hi :)
So, I added some other stuff to that fiddle extension... now it saves default external resources as well. The downside is... now I'm sick of looking at jsfiddle.
6:38 PM
OK... I cannot for the life of me find these IP's
no email contains them
would they be on the VPS if I SSH'd into it?
can I get them some other way?
fiddle extension?
yeah, it's for setting defaults
like "no wrap (body)" and "no library (pure JS)"
jsfiddle related user script
or whatever you want ^
hmm didn't know you could extend jsfiddle...
6:40 PM
you can extend any website
through browser extensions
ah gotcha
@GGG grab the edge of the browser screen, click (hold) and drag the edge outwards. This will 'expand' jsFiddle. ;P
was thinking it was a member only feature or something =p
@rlemon *sad-trombone*
@GGG I thought it was... that's why I registered.
alas, there was no such feature built-in
hmm... yeah nowrap-head+pure js would be nice
or one with body {whitespace: pre} in the css
nice, yours?
yeah, if something doesn't behave properly feel free to yell
heh, better name imo
6:43 PM
you're credited, sir!
I know i'm just poking at you
although, I should probably add the github link.
hmm... could it be made into a bookmarklet
I wrote mine with the intent on making it like yours... then got lazy
@GGG yea but why would you want it to be.
idea is to not have to click
6:44 PM
minimal interactions.
ahh, right
good point
@jAndy thats not bad
I don't know why I forgot I can just use document.querySelector(x) rather than document.querySelectorAll(x)[0]. I have to imagine the first is faster. TO THE BENCHMARK!
w00t blipit.net will soon be transferred over to register.com
then i will have all my domains in the same place
6:47 PM
Poor Kid. All he wanted to do was set himself up a little ol' website. Problem was he didn't know a damn thing about the DNS entries. Now look at him, sitting here talking in the bastion narrators voice alone at his desk. Used to be a smart cookie that kid. Now I supposed we'll never know. Shame.
@rlemon did you not get nameserver info?
It's a hot night in Sin City... the kind of night that makes people crazy. People like Mr. Lemon...
whos your host?
not in any of the emails. GoDaddy
German Office to US: Do you have any work for us? Can we help out on the Project? US: No, we've got nothing for you, everything's fine. * 1 Day later* US: Btw: We're moving the Deadline back by 2 weeks, too much stuff to do won't be done in time.
6:49 PM
^ ha!
Zynga you silly gooses you
> ReferenceError: err is not defined
not a management problem though, they're fine
Node's just making fun of me now.
ahh bot is dead because Ubuntu updated and borked itself and needed a reboot
@SomeKittens require("humilation")
6:50 PM
it's some people who just don't want any help, which are slowing everything down ._.
@IvoWetzel if you ever have communication with a guy named "Jason Davidson" let me know. He claims he's pretty high up in Zynga. I'm curious from an insider (albeit different country)
so yeah.. you use your ip address I guess... so weird
I'm still confused.. It would help if I understood what I was doing (like what in the fuck it all does in relation to eachother)
dude why didnt you go with nodejitsu!?
so easy to point names to lol
6:52 PM
well I didn't know this!
also $3 month
@rlemon Hm, not from the top of my head, but then again, there are so many people at Zynga. It feels like every team has at least one "Matt"
We would have do many many different things in retrospect - but that is why it is in retrospect. You never say "Hrmm, in retrospect had I done that the other way it would have been retarded". you only care when you have fucked up :P
If anything, this is forcing me to brush up on HTTP codes
just send 200 for everything
and call it a day
6:54 PM
@IvoWetzel ohh understandable. I've been in that kinda environment before (3000 employees for a old company) - but you know, when they boast about their positions you always wanna know how much is real and how much is BS
room topic changed to JavaScript: want to learn something? watch this: youtube.com/watch?v=v2ifWcnQs6M [ecmascript-5] [javascript] [not-a-tag]
they do let him work from home (in BC) - they wanted him in SF but he worked out somehow working from home.
should probably keep unrelated political propaganda out of the room description :P
he's also been with the company since it was VERY young.
@Loktar blame @jAndy
I would be posting Zeitgeist all over the place if I could
I used nearlyfreespeech.net for years.. now I realized they have been siphoning a lot of money off of me..
6:56 PM
Ill have to watch it in full at home, the vid from the prev room descrip
guys help with jquery and twitter bootstrap
i would like to close the popover when any body element (except for the popover it selfs) is focused
so i do
$('.popover').unbind('focus focusout focusin');
$(document).delegate('*','focusout focusin focus',function(){

it exist !?
6:58 PM
no, don't smile. it's dumb
omg thx
use them
going to try
using off it doesn't works on FF
@Badaboooooom do not use delegate. use .on(...)
on chrome the code is ok
ok delegate replaced
6:59 PM
dont just replace it lol. it is a different syntax!
yea, 18 seconds in and i'm already done with helping :P you're using deprecated code...
RTFD is the best advice I have now
also dont use "*", this is usually a bad idea...

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