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12:11 AM
How's Kotlin guys?
12:29 AM
@MehdiB. nothing really. I want to do more with python and haskell. And I am really excited about Architecture Components fit Android, not to mention, I need to learn Dagger, Retrofit, and a dozen other Android libraries.
Marques Brownlee just hinted to Android Oreo
And I just went grocery shopping and bought more food than fits in my fridge!
@TristanWiley or is he just trolling us?
12:56 AM
Freelancing is the best thing
So glad I found this one client who is giving me these cool tasks to work on
I need to find more people like that
I want to do more freelancing myself.
1:18 AM
There's also a package of Oreos at the end lol
I want Oreos
1 hour later…
2:38 AM
@CptEric It's been over a year since I've touched Wear. I want to do it again soon.
3:27 AM
@ImanuelPardosi This room requires at least 80 reputation. Give back to the community a bit more and request access again in the future - room-15.github.io
3:37 AM
@SargeBorsch in some languages it's much easier to mess up code, for example if you use eventbus in android, and a new developer comes in he will use the API to randomly send objects all around the place and so making the code really hard to understand.
And might even cause lots of problems for future Devs toi
The problems I Have with these modern programming languages is similar, they have all these freedom with types getting decided when assigned with no requirement for declaration. And passing around code blocks with no type association to them
4:02 AM
@Bhargav there is almost always a type associated with data. The primary difference is that some language require most types to be explicit in the code and others do not.
Implicit typing is not a bad thing by itself. Haskell is completely implicitly type. Declarations are optional.
On the other hand, implicit conversion is often the source of bugs.
@Bhargav and? it's possible to make everything of Object type in Java. or void* in C, for example.
it's possible to write fucked up code in even the most boring languages, and with Java it will be even more bad because it sometimes has to be extra verbose
A: Write program in your favorite language in another language

Sarge BorschHaskell in Java ("vanilla" Java 7, not Java 8) (Yes, I know that boxing ruins performance; and even trying to use higher order functions gets crazy verbose :D) Java has very rigid syntax, so instead of changing syntax I tried to make code semantically more similar to Haskell style. Edit — adde...

^ writing "modern" (Haskell is not modern but most modern languages take features from it) languages right inside Java
or a more extreme example of fucked up code — https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition/ (again this kind of code is obviously possible in any language)
are you trying to say that it's because language has too much freedom?
4:20 AM
@SargeBorsch why is Haskell not modern?
it's created long time ago as far as I remember… let me double check
Java appeared in 1995 btw
but in some sense it's more modern than Java even if older, yeah
5:22 AM
I would consider both Java and Haskell as modern languages. They are both used to write new software and both languages have been updated since their initial creation.
Hi all
good morning
facing a problem
I do not know how much the Haskell syntax has evolved. I do not think much. But its compile and standard libraries do.
5:34 AM
@IntelliJAmiya do not ask to ask. Just ask.
If someone is available to help, they will. You might get better response on the main site.
yeah that's right
it was more about this https://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/37180644#37180644
@Bhargav certainly didn't refer to Java as a modern language
all these concepts were there in LISP actually, there's nothing modern about them. they just were not initially implemented in C and languages "derived from C"
that's right, first-class functions and "lambdas" were already a thing in 1958
@IntelliJAmiya well the first most important thing to do when facing tough problems is to ask yourself: are you a doer or are you a don't-er?
5:51 AM
Your app has an apk with version code 23 that requests the following permission(s): android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE,android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS. Apps using these permissions in an APK are required to have a privacy policy set.
What should i do ?
@SargeBorsch yes, functional programming has been around for a long time
need your keen help
Does C have lambdas or any functional programming support?
@IntelliJAmiya first, read the message. It tells you what to do.
Is there any part of the message that you do not understand?
need to share a policy document ?
Yes, a privacy policy
5:55 AM
@Code-Apprentice okay
6:26 AM
AAAGH i need help
help with wearables
Q: SwipeRefreshLayout detect swipe down event before onRefresh() start

Jongz PuangputI want to detect when users are pulling down for refresh (refresh line in under ActionBar is starting expand to its UI width). I want to replace ActionBar with message ("Swipe down to Refresh") but, I don't know which event should I use to call my function.

Q: Unable to launch navigation intent from Wear 2.0 device

CptEricI am currently testing the wear 2.0 capabilities, and decided to go through the new maps implementation. I tried to launch a quite basic navigation intent from the info window click of a marker, but the app keeps crashing with an unexpectedly weird error. my code: @Override public void onMapRe...

opened a question
6:50 AM
should I separate RecyclerView Adapter and its ViewHolder in separate classes?
i don't. but then again i can't launcha fucking navigator, so don't trust me
I have made Base Adapter and Base ViewHolder for them, now I don't know which strategy to follow. Keep the holders in adapter?
I should do something for Wear too, he's so poor. I will try to donate an app soon.
donate an app?
well, i have two plans
a) keep with the navigator shit
b) poll some request directions web API for json/xml results and make my own navigation shit
b) is fucking tedious so i'd prefer google had my back on A)
7:09 AM
choose b)
but it's super tedious
and i'd have to have many different arrows
you have two b) options
and check distances betwen geopoints
the 2nd be is an assertion about b, not an option
Oh cool, I thought its a spelling mistake
7:16 AM
7:27 AM
7:39 AM
Sup guus
Guys rather
sup cj
I'm fine, just checking you guys.
8:06 AM
o/ Happy priday eberyone!
Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code. Its primary development is from a team of JetBrains programmers based in Saint Petersburg, Russia (the name comes from Kotlin Island, near St. Petersburg). While not syntax compatible with Java, Kotlin is designed to interoperate with Java code and is reliant on Java code from the existing Java Class Library, such as the collections framework. Kotlin is similar to Apple's Swift. == History == In July 2011 JetBrains unveiled Project Kotlin, a new language for...
@OcuS mew
hows mars ?
fine, I guess
I'll be better when you'll stop pinging me :x
sure sir
8:22 AM
@OcuS What about me?
Manish, what is "hows u"? Is that English?
Please do not make that a game or I'll ask to get back ownership of this room and happily ban the "players"
8:44 AM
Ocus 5/7 triggered
Sup Tim
staring at screen
waiting for motivation
Hmm, having the same problem here.
Alcohol on a thursday evening is bad mkay
on any night
alcohol is the devil
8:54 AM
alcohol abuse ;)
We all had that thought once, oh just 1 beer.
16 hours later you wake up in the middle of a park having no clue what happened
@Jordy it was not alcohol, we all know that
yeah Jordy, happened too many times to me too. Until I decided I go full sober ; which I did for 1 and half year ('till february this year) ; now I'm able to moderate my alcohol intakes :)
my life or health aren't better but my bank account feels much more happier, haha
9:07 AM
I don't get hungover when I drink
Just more tired than usual the next morning
also o/
same :D the more I drink the sleepier I get
on the night itself
it seems that Kotlin is fun, at least when you write methods
I'm fine on the night, though I can't drink vodka & red bull, makes me wanna vom everywhere
9:25 AM
@OcuS So what do you do now with the money you keep inside your wallet?
I just bought the last GeForce 1080 TI for example ^^
I play all game in ULTRA settings now :D
which games do you play
hots probably
Overwatch, Rocket League, and some other small Steam games
I just started to play again, I didn't play much during the past 6 months
I might soon use the GPU to finally have a go at AI programming and "heavy" computing too
So you bought a 1080 Ti
9:31 AM
For that games :D
I don't really know what are the top-hop games to play with this GC now
any recommendations?
GTA V, Witcher 3
Battlefield 1
Crank them settings!
I might
plus, my fiber optic connection has been activated yesterday, games will be fast to download now :D
9:36 AM
@OcuS you played Inside?
@OcuS Hahah I remember that feeling when my fiber got connected couple of months ago after having 8mbit for years (living in middle of nowhere).
nope, it's now added to my wishlist, thanks netpork
inside is really a "refreshing" game. really nice atmosphere.
Oh Ocus, try GenitalJousting
aha, I remember seeing this game, not sure I want to play, though
Trust me
It has several game modes, you will laugh your balls off
also, The Witness if you are into puzzle games
already finished the Witness, most profound game I ever played I think, loved it
9:44 AM
friday, time for some chill waveforms
10:10 AM
Notice there's some official Google examples using Kotlin now
I'm surprised Google used Dart for Fuchsia and not Kotlin
10:27 AM
dart is google's, kotlin is not
11:03 AM
are you using retro lambda and stuff?
11:18 AM
Someone gave me a tip for my RxJava based eventbus here, I can't remember who
ah, it was the good old @Blackbelt :D
11:43 AM
what's up?
nothing, found your BehaviourSubject message again
Why is scrolling still so crap on Windows
I just have some kind of loop when I replace Subject with BehaviorSubject
dunno, never had before.. Do you have any code?
12:02 PM
nothing I can share right now
it works with publishsubject so far, I have some small issues but no blocker, have to release asap so
12:17 PM
> have to release asap
lord have mercy on your soul
it is just a friday, and I have to leave in 40 minutes
so no pressure
hey ahmad
hey t-bro
wie gehts
12:23 PM
very tired
didn't sleep at all :|
but I have finally arrived at the venue in vienna
I sleep for 7-8 hours every night, and every day I grow more tired
i think that's just life
I find it very hard to have a regular sleep schedule regardless
it's just so hard
I wish I could sleep 8h a day and wake up at like 6 am
oh god
it's so hot and humid
how hot
it's 27C here
so pretty alright
-1 here
12:34 PM
28C but 73% humidity
and last week it was in the 10s
I'm literally dripping sweat and I'm just sitting
Kotlin syntax looks interesting
although I don't really get the point of var: Type over Type var
oh but it can infer types!
Where in the world are you Mister The Wanderer
@badalraina Chat requires 20 rep and this room requires 80 among other things room-15.github.io
Also, morning all
@AmmY Welcome. Please read the room rules before participating room-15.github.io
Pennsylvania, USA
and it's hot
12:49 PM
@BoantaIonut you don't yet meet the room requirements seen here --> room-15.github.io
Feel free to request again after contributing more and getting there
Someone else here is from PA. Maybe you can be friends
I'm up in Toronto. Same sort of temperatures. Was 22 degree outside at midnight last night, hardly slept at all
What the heck
I couldn't sleep in that unless I had air con on all night
luckily I did
but none of my classes have AC
@WarrenFaith you release on a Friday?!
1:05 PM
@TimCastelijns disappointed to see that your name isn't in the Realm SO Docs :(
Can someone call my office
and bait my boss away?
I need a 2 hour powernap.
I would not touch SO Docs with a 10 feet pole
We have a fan at home - but we live in a giant mansion and can't do AC by room. We can't afford to cool the entire house :P
Back from charity event. Feel bruised after dealing with Corperate (north) America and inner workings of multi million dollar charities.
1:16 PM
You can't do AC by room?
Giant mansion? Awh come on man, can't say that without letting us see ;)
How'd the event go?
Did your pick for the winner win?
@MarkO'Sullivan isn't it all copy pasted from the official docs anyway
@AmmY removed your access since we never heard from you. Feel free to request again
1:27 PM
ok, flagged.
I was hesitant since it points to a SO post
2nd from the right
@RaghavSood where is here
Right, I thought right away it was NAA, just not sure what others would think since that can be a touchy subject
I can shortly summarize NAA if you like
I'll do it anyway
I know what it is
I've read that post
1:32 PM
@codeMagic this seems to be the kind of thing that the new LiveData and related classes can help with. I want to learn more but do not have much time to work on it.
But I sometimes ask for opinions to make sure the flag will go through. Because not everyone else knows
I mean I can summarize what kind of NAA seeming posts normally don't result in declined flags
You do what you want, bff
I will listen
I am not even sure if the linked post is a dupe
1:34 PM
Possibly, CA, I hope to have time to play with it before long but who knows
BFF I hope I did not upset you by accidentally implying you do not know what an NAA is
lol, nope, we're good
@TimCastelijns yeah a lot of it is but it's good having extra examples
You guys are waaaaaay too sensitive
Can you use inheritance with Realm now?
1:34 PM
I apologize if I sounded like I didn't want to hear your summary
@Code-Apprentice XD
I noticed you don't have to extend RealmObject, you can just use implements RealmModel
soon, a new version of Realm will be released and none of the examples on SO Docs will be relevant anymore, yet nobody will update them
ah did you see my answer from this morning?
Just seen it in the SO docs
it was exactly about that :P
1:36 PM
+1 for you!
just found it :)
> all methods available on RealmObject are then available through static methods.
Can static methods cause issues like static variables?
this is just a proxy
internally it works the same
The behaviour is the same regardless if you implement RealmClass or extend RealmObject?
@Code-Apprentice if you haven't started on it yet, know that it's very cool and starting from 0
this guy EpicPandaForce is a developer for android, he also has a blog, may be worth to check out mark
@MarkO'Sullivan don't think so. This RealmModel has been around for a long time already
@codeMagic you don't have to apologise to a common room15 peasant like me
Okay, going to switch, probably a lot more flexible and will probably mean that in the future you'll be able to use inheritance for model classes
1:43 PM
not sure about that
might be a waste of time to switch now, based on assumptions
Yeah, I've just created some new Realm models so I'll use RealmModel for them and then if there's greater benefits to switching I can do that in the future
It looks like they're wanting to have inheritance / polymorphism so I'm guessing it'll come eventually: github.com/realm/realm-java/issues/761
yeah I am reading that right now :)
I personally would not mix them. Use either realm object or realm model, but it's up to you
It's what I originally wanted to do with my models because I have 2 which could easily extend from a parent class
Yeah, will probably switch 100% to RealmModel gradually
o/ morning
Go Square!
1:49 PM
1h10m left
Jordy, for the weekend?
@Code-Apprentice wut?
@TimCastelijns Don't be so hard on yourself. You've moved up to room-15 middle class
JW is doing a presentation at IO
1:50 PM
@MehdiB. I started it a while back but never finished. One more thing on my back stack.
@Ramona you don't meet the rooms requirements. Access denied
cM I am honored :) I told my mom and she said she is really proud of me
Mac, I got it
CA - he said we won't be using Python yet though
hi everyone! can you tell me the best way to open a pdf/doc url?
1:51 PM
Tim - XD
@MehdiB. who?
the instructor of the course
1:52 PM
he said, we'll be focused on a software called Octave
@Ramona see my next message. And know that if you request again before meeting the requirements in our rooms I linked to previously, you will go on the ban list. Never to return
1 min ago, by codeMagic
@Ramona you don't meet the rooms requirements. Access denied
I don't think I even got to any of the coding assignments or projects
@Code-Apprentice still not as high as 3 days ago. I should invest in some Square shares
a lot of work for you today cM. I see we can totally not rely on raghav's bot
Or @McAdam331
1:54 PM
@MarkO'Sullivan yeah, it is down some fun earlier this week, but not much
yeah adam just comes here to praise kotlin. I don't think he knows he is a RO
@MehdiB. I also started a big data class on udacity or edx. That one used python and pandas.
@MehdiB. Weekend ofcourse ^^
@MarkO'Sullivan you can get similar functionality with composition
1:57 PM
Nice! I'll finish this one to get a good idea of when to use what algos then switch to the ones with Python for practice
Like instead of Dog and Cat inheriting from Animal, you can give Dog and Cat a AnimalBehavior field
which would be a separate realm object
Would composition work with Retrofit as well though?
if the json-pojo mapping is correct I would not see why not
I'm not even sure if inheritance / polymorphism would work with Retrofit as well just something I want to try out
I cannot imagine it would not work
2:01 PM
in Python, 21 hours ago, by Kevin
If life gives you a breeding stock of bitter oranges and citrons and the hubris to play God, make lemonade
Tim, I disagree
The person is asking for an outside resource and the answerer is giving one
@codeMagic LOA + question == NAA on every SE site I've visited
2:07 PM
The question is off-topic and the answer is poor but it is still an answer to the question
wtf is LOA?
link-only answer
you are right cM. I judged the answer without looking at the question
No because if you take away the link and just have the text, it is technically answering the question
resists the urge to star a post saying I'm right
you're an RO, you can't be right
2:10 PM
I star messages that say I am right, but only if CF said it
Wando (that's what I call you now because it's too much work to type it all out) I think that's the is why I'm right
sounds like something raghav would say
oh no...I take it back!
that meta post about the new mobile app has a score of -188...oops
in case anyone is wondering which one meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/349255/…
2:14 PM
Nov 5 '16 at 17:41, by Raghav Sood
@codeMagic Raghav is always right
best example possible
New app?
yes, exclusively SO
but with less features than the old app
2:15 PM
haha, Tim
When you link to something and someone immediately asks what you're talking about...
I haven't down-voted the meta post just by respect to the developers efforts
I did. Not a bash on them but if we don't like it, they need to know
My meta suggestion is now +6, yay!
@MehdiB. weakling!
it was not for the company, but for the developers who worked on it for months :D
2:19 PM
they get paid well. No need for compassion :P
Good point, getting paid is enough :D
I agree with the general sentiment that resources should go toward the existing app.
I only have the SE app so I get notifications from chat
^ these desk break down so fast
2:27 PM
We had a couple of these
3 of them died within 30 mins :d
from this same company?
The motors die really fast
oh, thanks for telling me this soon!
any good company you're aware of, for desks? (except ikea)
2:32 PM
Tim, same here
Well, chat and comments on posts but I don't get much of that
Apparently piracy of Windows is rampant in China which left many companies and government agencies vulnerable to WannaCry.
anyway I am near my PC almost always. The notifications are nice when I am in the bathroom or something. Ah! A notification! I must poop faster, somebody needs me!
I now know more than Tim than I have every every wanted to know.
I use the app quite a lot and mobile chat, too
2:35 PM
Um... https://t.co/D0Jx40r5RL
@TimCastelijns with the app, you can help and poop at the same time
Just take your phone with you
true but I really do not like typing more than a few words on my phone

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