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02:00 - 05:0005:00 - 00:00

2:11 AM
@Byte @Owatch I'm back
Whats going on
quickly digging hole in the ground to hide
Trying to figure out the best way to store text
I have paragraphs of text for each object in game, they must be stored somewhere, as I don't want to hardcode them in. Started researching how to do that.
write it to text file, then encrypt it
the add salt, then encrypt again
2:14 AM
Your hole is not deep enough, I can still hear you.
We encrypt from a pin generated from the user's credentials.
I use key : "password"
then store that key in plist
The pin is generated as a hash (SHA256, etc) of username/password combination.
Then that pin is used everywhere as encryption key
What does this have to do with storing text?
As in, a description of a red ball
In that way, our apps (that share the session, that is SSO) they all have same key
@Owatch Because he wants to store the text encrypted in a file.
So the key to encrypt is important
2:17 AM
Oh, Byte does?
He does, but his way of encryption is weak
no that is for unimportant stuff. For important stuff I use randomly generated key to encrypt, and throw the key away.
that way it is very hard to access the file
If you throw the key away, how do you decrypt?
You dont, it is a one way encryption
2:20 AM
What does it mean? If it remains encrypted, what's it's use?
Usually you get a laugh out of it :)
For some reason you are taking it seriously...
Yes, because security is a serious topic.
2:43 AM
Now who's Hardcore, Byte
I've found a new fantastic little car
It's smaller than a Fiat 500.
does it come with a remote control?
How cute is that?
You're a sod Matt.
I'd run you down in one if I could. . .
2:47 AM
That's fine, I'd just step to the side
or blow in its direction
I'd just turn around
What do you drive Matty?
Drive? Ha. I don't drive, I have a chauffeur.
Don't play games with me Matty
totes serious
You have a chauffeur?
Is this chauffeur a relative?
2:57 AM
Specifically which relative?
Well, that isn't important.
Why don't you drive yourself?
IDK, reasons
Driving is more of a necessity than an option.
oh i know
Have you got a license?
3:01 AM
Should I stop asking questions about it?
I will stop asking questions about it.
I am hardcore because I randomly generated encryption key, encrypt the file, then dispose the key.
Try to hack my system!
You know 2-steps auth? well this is 0-steps auth.
going home now, ping me if u need me. I wont answer until tomorrow :)
that's not security, you're not protecting anything because a.) no one wants it and b.) you don't ever plan on retrieving it (or anyone else again)
it's the same as burning down the IRS building
3:06 AM
I can't think of a good way to get SpriteKit to play nice with screen rotation.
Everything rotates cleanly using UIKit
Nothing rotates cleanly using Spritekit
Things go all over, and the UI is a mess. I need to find a way to secure the buttons and other stuff.
what happens?
It's hard to tell.
Aren't most games landscape?
3:11 AM
Suddenly the sliderbar is in the middle of the screen
Buttons are nowhere in sight.
I guess.
The thing is, I've designed everything for portait.
so is your game portrait or landscape? ;P
It's portrait
Technically I could change it to landscape
Only one popup needs to be changed.
Then why does it need to rotate if it's portrait?
The UITableView would be pretty squished
It doesn't need to rotate.
most portrait games are portrait-only
3:13 AM
I just thought most people would expect it to.
It'll be in the reviews.
I'll have to send all complainers randsomware
As far as iOS games go, it's either one or the other.
Landscape-only (left & right) or portrait only.
I will lock it to portrait then.
3:16 AM
sets shouldAutorotate to NO
goes in game
turns phone sideways
screen rotates
God damnit
there's a better way, my child
In the project settings?
that too
- (NSUInteger) application:(UIApplication *)application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow *)window
Where do I put that?
Application Delegate
> If you do not implement this method, the app uses the values in the UIInterfaceOrientation key of the app’s Info.plist as the default interface orientations.
So yeah, project settings
Personally I don't trust XCode
So I would just write the code in myself
3:20 AM
What do I do with this?
The method? Read the link. You return your supported interface orientations e.g.: return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait;
Your link requires I scroll down and click on the right method
But I found it
hmm ok
Thanks, it works I think.
3:23 AM
Oh wait, NSException
Oh yeah
your view controller will also need to limit supportedInterfaceOrientations
Oh man.
I really want to finish this shit.
Only a bit more!
Enrico, don't chat from the bathroom
Supported Orientations has no common orientation with the applocation, and shouldAutorotate is returning FYOU
3:25 AM
I'm going to have to issue another arrest warrant Enrico
For indecent and unnecessary language.
Officer Owatch
"He's always on the watch"
I should write movie taglines
I actually issued an arrest warrant yesterday.
I should find that again
@mattsven LOLLLL
God damn it.
3:28 AM
no words
It's the 6th of March.
I can renew it.
Enrico is a mod...so technically he's a deputy
you can't arrest the deputy
Still getting Exceptions
Why. .
All VS's are set to return portrait mode
3:33 AM
paste the error
Yes I am a deputy.
You can't arrest me.
I can make Nil arrest you
Nil upholds the law
no, I uphold the law.
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'UIApplicationInvalidInterfaceOrientation', reason: 'Supported orientations has no common orientation with the application, and shouldAutorotate is returning YES'
Then arrest yourself
I know why
3:38 AM
G..go on?
Gudiya Paywall appears
That's because the orientations that you are returning from your VC aren't there in your plist's
Oh, then how can I fix this?
Do I go to the plist file and change it there?
With iOS 6.0 and later, you have to also specify the supported orientations in your info.plist file
There's only portrait in the plist
Portrait (bottom home button)
And what are you returning in your VC?
3:42 AM
AppDelegate returns portrait.
GameViewController returns Portrait
Is that Game VC a child of Navigation Controller or Tab Bar Controller?
It is a child of Navigation Controller.
Good. And I am assuming that it's crashing on landscape orientation, right?
I hate networking. >.<
The App crashes before it can get to first screen.
3:44 AM
Ok. Anyways - The point is, With iOS 6.0 and later, the child VC's don't decide the supported orientations. Their parents do.
So what's causing the crash?
Now - UIViewController returns portrait bottom home button, landscape left and landscape right by default. Since the parent is Nav, it's returning those 3 as supporting orientations.
But App Delegate returns only portrait home button down.
yeah she's right
portrait home button down?1
Well, I am subclassing UIViewController
I mean normal portrait
3:46 AM
But I am overriding the methods in them.
And returning portrait.
Still crashes
To understand Auto Rotations clearly - Read the awesome conversations given by me. Auto Rotations Part-1 & Auto Rotations Part-2
Overriding in which VC?
All of them.
I have two View Controllers
even in UINavigationController?
Even in the Nav VC?
GameViewController, and GameTableViewController.
3:47 AM
Like I said, Child VC's don't participate in deciding the supported orientations
No, I am not subclassing the Navigation controller
So it doesn't matter what you return from Child
Should I remove those methods, and try configuring the Navigation controller?
I'd recommend you to read the above two conversations
The answer is in there
Start a blog :P
3:49 AM
Who is the user Summer?
It was my name before
I keep changing my display name from time to time
I also used to be Terminatrix
50 shades of bytecode
I never change my display name.
Or maybe I did once long ago, (It wasn't the one I always use). I generally stick to the same.
Gudiya, what the hell is a NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust challenge and how do I remedy it. :3
To give you a short answer - Before iOS 6.0, every VC used to decide the orientation that they wanna support. But with iOS 6.0 and later, the Parent VC (Like Nav, Tab, etc) decide the supported orientations for ALL of their child.
Therefore, what you return from your child VC's doesn't matter
3:52 AM
that aspect was confusing when i started iOS
But there is way. The way is that - You subclass the Parent VC, override it's supported orientations method and call the current visible child's supported orientation from it.
This will make it behave like before.
Which ever child is visible, the parent will call it's supported orientation method
Got it?
what's another word for enclosing
duckduckgo is such a cool search engine: duckduckgo.com/?q=enclosing+synonyms&ia=thesaurus
@Owatch oh that's true
3:56 AM
<NSURLProtectionSpace: 0x7ff779ca1310>: Host:www.codekaufman.com, Server:https, Auth-Scheme:NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust, Realm:(null), Port:443, Proxy:NO, Proxy-Type:(null)
What does that mean? ^
I used Google. My english is weak. But I can talk English, I can walk English, etc.
>So how do all these 4 things get to work?
1. When device is rotated, the application's supported orientations (in the info.plist file) and the root view controller's supported orientations are used to determine whether the orientation is to be supported. If both of them agree, then the orientation is supported. Else the orientation is ignored. In simple words - The new orientation should be present in both the mentioned places to be supported.
So if i wanted to present something upside down in my App
I would need all the children to support upside down orientation?
3:58 AM
By default, upside down is not supported
So it will not agree with the Root VC
And the orientation will thus be ignored?
If you want to support upside down portrait, then it has to be in App Delegate (or info.plist) and also in the Root VC's supported orientations.
> As explained earlier - only application's supported orientation and root view controller's supported orientations are used to determine whether an orientation is to be supported. This means that if the root view controller is a container view controller (like navigation controller), the child view controller's don't participate in deciding the supported orientations. Yes, not even their own supported orientations.
And if that VC is not Root VC (like if it's presented modally) then upside down has to be in that VC's supported orientations and App Delegate.
Tell me, Is that Nav VC the Root VC of your app?
It is.
I'm still reading
Alright I'm done.
Then upside down portrait has to be in App Delegate (or info.plist) AND upside down has to be supported by the Nav VC. The child VC's of Nav DONT participate here at all.
4:02 AM
I already removed any methods pertaining to screen rotation in all my subclassed UIViewControllers.
Now the catch here is - The Nav VC (if it's not subclasses) returns all except portrait upside down by default.
And according to your link, and what you've said previously, I only need to set my root VC Nav controller) to support the orientations I want.
I only want portrait (No upside down). So this should be easy to configure.
(Button Down) portait is set inside the pList, but not in the NAV VC ( I assume).
Is there not a boolean I can set with the Navigation controller?
Rather than subclassing?
I guess not. .
You can create a category on Nav Controller and override those methods. But it's not a good way as Categories are not meant to override methods.
It works BTW.
I suppose it's not a big deal.
I'll just subclass it.
I've always wondered why categories work to override methods (albeit sometimes unpredictably) when they aren't supposed to be used for that
4:06 AM
They're supposed to add functionality only I assume.
So I guess "overriding" them is the unintentional side effect
Well, not I assume, I read that.
Owatch suddenly comes up with fascinatingly accurate assumptions about Categories
Hi All Gud morning
4:12 AM
And another exception
Navigation controller is returning portrait
The class in question could implement the method in question in a category too, and the runtime doesn't guarantee which implementation "wins" when two categories contain methods with the same name.
where from?
What that means is - The methods that we might try to override through categories might have been implemented in the Target Class via a Category too.
In any case, I've subclassed it.
I'm still getting an exception.
So in such a case, which one gets called isn't defined.
@Owatch Can you provide 4 things. The crash log, Your App Delegates supported orientations, The Nav VC's supported orientations and the VC's (where it's crashing) supported orientations.
4:17 AM
The ViewControllers have no supported orientations
But I'll get you the rest
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'UIApplicationInvalidInterfaceOrientation', reason: 'Supported orientations has no common orientation with the application, and shouldAutorotate is returning YES'
-(NSUInteger)application:(UIApplication *)application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow *)window
    return UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait;
AppDelegate Supported Orientations ^
Navigation VC
-(NSUInteger)application:(UIApplication *)application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow *)window
    return UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait;

    return NO;
Like I said, I've removed anything on the child VC's concerning orientation.
Since they apparently aren't needed.
Its fine, if you do that they will default to the default implementation
UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait ---> This is not the MASK
4:22 AM
I did see Mask options
Should be UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait
What's the difference between the Mask and just Portrait?
Those are enum values. So their values may be different.
Thats why the crash was happening.
So in AppDelegate and my Navigation Controller?
The one you incorrectly wrote is a single value. The MASK can be combined with other MASK's (with | operator)
You should be using MASK in all the newer orientation methods.
4:24 AM
Alright. Well it has fixed it.
Older is only shouldAutoRotate....
So would Portrait Mask be a Mask only containing Portrait orientation?
Should I see Chappie tonight or tomorrow morning? Debate!
4:31 AM
@Owatch With newer methods - we gotta return ALL the orientation we support in the same method. How would you do that if you have the possible orientations as enum values?
whats Chappie?
A movie.
About a robot in Joburg
Would sometimes go into Jo-burg when in South Africa.
It's pretty shady looking.
Im skeptical
Rotten Tomatoes has given it 20% approval. Don't watch it at all.
4:32 AM
I would be going to an IMAX showing, and then popcorn +soda its gunna be like $30 so... IDK if I should go
Its ether going to be awesome or suck really bad
Oh, those ratings are bad
Niel Blomkamp did a good job with District 9.
@Owatch So answer me. If the possible orientations are in an enum list, how would you return ALL the orientations that you wanna support in a VC from a method?
Elysium had elements of South Africa in it.
Thats sad:/
Im going to watch a video review from people I trust, if they say don't see I won't go at all
I don't waste money on movies. I watch it online few days after it's released.
4:33 AM
You would iterate through them all?
Well, you can't return an iteration
Actually, how would you return multiple enum values from same method?
Only one value can be returned from a method, right?
That's correct. You would need to return them in some sort of storage 'class'
Or object.
Well yes. But there is other way to do that if you wanna deal with primitives.
You can return combination of those enum values.
Ya, really bad they say:/
/r/Movies top comment:
> I hope Blomkamp stops writing his movies
4:36 AM
Like return (myEnumValue | myEnumValue2 | myEnumValue3)
What do you mean by a combination?
Bit-Wise OR is a combination.
Yeah, I've used that before.
4:36 AM
In my book.
I was going to suggest it, but I couldn't think of a justification to say it.
I don't use it enough I guess.
Well... shit
Ill have to go see another movie now:/
Watch it anyways Max.
You'll probably come back here and tell us it was great.
The other movie I am going to see also has 20%-_-
But then again, I like Vince Vaughn, so ill go see that
Inception is best movie ever
1.9/5 the guys I watch gave Chappie, and they gave Jupiter Ascending and Seventh Son higher scores, and I hated Jupiter Ascending
4:44 AM
I wonder
Can you wreak some havoc over a remote session on your computer that somebody else created?
I mean, they could likely see what you're up to.
But could you start it on a VM and isolate your session from the real one.
@Gudiya Might know?
No idea. It sounds interesting though.
Maybe I will go Go Karting tomorrow!:O
I applied for 2 hackathons soon
I hope I get into them
My company got listed in this year's Fortune 100 best companies to work for.
4:53 AM
Would you agree?
Actually, don't answer that.
It's our parent company actually. They acquired us recently.
The only problem with the VM remote session is that you wouldn't exactly get direct access to the VM machine from your normal session.
As in, it would be difficult to collect data secretly.
The reason I'm asking this is because I was just watching a video where a scammer calls a person who impersonated a victim.
He did not do anything veangful
self.collectionView?.insertItemsAtIndexPaths(NSIndexPath(forItem: self.data.count + 1, inSection: 0))
(Just called them out as scammers)
Why would the compiler tell me inSection is an extra argument?
And how the hell can I tell the compiler it's wrong?
4:57 AM
you're using ,
Not ;
I guess
There are sections in Collection View as is in Table View.
So when you're inserting a new Cell, you gotta pass section too
I am? I only have 1 section.
You have one section because you passed value 1 in the delegate method for number of sections. But someone might pass 2.
So for someone else, the section parameter makes sense, right?
As I was saying, I was assuming that if you were to impersonate a victim and call up some of these scammers with VMWare up, you could have them perform their remote session on it. And then gather information about their connection while they search the (empty) Virtual machine.
02:00 - 05:0005:00 - 00:00

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