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8:06 AM
im getting tired of Android
so close to makign it back to iOS again
development, or general usage?
good morning all
i do both
Morning, @Will.
I've spent the last 8 years since leaving university forgetting everything they taught us about java.
I don't envy anyone who has to develop for android.
I like the platform but I wouldn't want to develop for it.
8:24 AM
I also do both
and I think developing for iOS is more easier and convenience for me :D
but I also like the challenge of android development
especially the device fragmentation
Working on Android is fun again thanks to Scala.
No more tedious Java bullcrap for me.
as your suggestion yesterday
I finally tried scala
but not yet getting grap of it
First time I tried it, last year, I didn't get it.
8:26 AM
Second time sort of clicked.
Ah I see
do you have any IDE recommendation?
right now I'm using eclipse
I want to try another IDE :D
almost all of my development is in eclipse
I use IntelliJ.
I tried to visit the website
but I don't think it's free isn't it?
It is for specific things and otherwise it's some price or other.
I got it during the end of the world sale.
Wow man!
really wow!
Unfortunately, I don't think there's going to be another.
ya maybe for now I'll stay with eclipse again :(
almost all of my development is done in eclipse
My stance on Eclipse is over in the starred messages list.
Java, Lua, Python, PHP, Ruby
yes I partially agree with you
8:31 AM
I do all my Lua/Ruby stuff in Sublime. I don't use PHP (unless absolutely necessary and I can't find a way to do it somehow else).
ah sublime!
OK noted!
Almost all of my company backend is done in PHP
before I used microsoft web matrix and notepad++
but now switched to aptana studio (based on eclipse)
Not sure what the first one of those is.
Either way, I can't use Eclipse for technical reasons.
I see
Sublime Text is fantastic
8:32 AM
It's broken as heck on retina MBPs.
But from what I see
in android studio and eclipse
Also, for some reason, it takes about 1-2 seconds to open a context menu in Eclipse, and I haven't been able to figure out why.
I think android studio will be better
Android Studio is meant to replace Eclipse.
and if I'm not mistaken android studio is based on IntelliJ IDEA isn't it?
8:33 AM
Yes. IntelliJ 13, anyway.
yes I think so
@CaptainRedmuff OK then I'll try there is two recommendations for sublime!
Good morning =]
@ScottBrowne Good morning scott!
I'm hesitant about actually recommending Sublime to people.
I use it and like it, but it's not for people who don't like customizing the hell out of their tools
8:37 AM
yeah eclipse is just plain broken, i lost hours yesterday just trying to import a project , it decided that the best thing to do was delete all the content of all xml files including the android manifest
hence forth come monday we are converting over to android studio
f u eclipse
f u .....
@Dev2rights Wow I guess your project is pretty big
no thats it we started 2 weeks ago
its tiny at the moment
Ah I see
eclipse was just broken
anyway dont get me started or ill be ranting all day
I'm pretty happy that my current project is almost finished and only ~3400 lines.
8:41 AM
Not counting the XML.
nice an small
last iOS one is well over 100,000 lines of code not including nibs or the server code
but lots of lins of code is a bad thing
should be as small as possible
so saying that means nothing if i was an inneficient programmer
and i did have to cut corners on that due to there ridiculous false deadline
I restrict my line in one file for only maximum 2000 lines
yeah im tryign to get these people to pay me to refactor a load of this project , but there stupid so i dont reckon it will happen
people wanting the world yesterday for nothing
8:44 AM
ah so you're modifying other people project right now?
I am doing the same :p
Except my coworker wrote it and it is impossible to understand
I always tell my coworker to write cleaner code
but they always reply
Has anyone heard of NaNoWriMo?
"ah it's OK, as long it can run"
Wherever I end up working is either going to have a coding style guide or will have one before I'm done with them
8:46 AM
I did NaNoWriMo one year.
no i wrote that project , im working on an android and iOS project atm and also putting a pitch togehter for an other iOS android project which we will do all the design and back end for aswell
which is how i like it
Well, finished one year. I'll probably do it again this year without the word limit.
Instead just force myself to write one to two poems per day.
Me too, 3 years ago, I've considered writing an app instead of a novel, and writing 50,000 characters.
8:46 AM
@nil but my company is small company and me as the leader have to create the guide and force them to follow it
which very hard to do
creating the guideline is not too hard
but make people follow it
this is the pain in the ass I think
I don't know with another people in another place, but soon or later I think my co worker can taste their own mistakes
I would say that just explaining the importance of having neat, efficient, concise code would be enough for anyone who actually wants to be good at their job.
If someone says its ok to write bad code, as long as it runs. Then you should hit them very hard, with a big stick until they change there ways.
or allow them a certain amount of time per day/week/month to go through their code and find better/cleaner way to do things.
I hope everyone thinks that way scott
just ask if he wants his app to crash a lot and be slow as ****(?).
8:51 AM
@Dev2rights the very easy example is they use variable like label1,label2,label3,label4,textfield1,etc
in registration page
when there is a bug and they can't find
also, ask how he would like it if another dev made a code similar to his and then he had to add/remove things later.
they come to me to ask for help
yeah id fail code like that
send it back to the dev and write an angry bug report
@nayoso As far as enforcing things goes, just keep a big stick around and hit people with it 'til they get it
OK then I think big stick is a good way though
Last time I create a clean code lecture
everyone always asking
why have to be like that?
that's not convenient to think about the name of everything
why don't you just write them like I write usually?
it's faster!
8:53 AM
yes it f.ing is as its unmaintainable liek that
they say like that
yes I already said it
if code isn't well documented, well named and formatted correctly then it is code, it doesnt pass the code review
thats my rule
and then it doesnt get checked in
Yes, beat them with a stick. Or fire them.
That behavior is unacceptable for a professional.
Btw, incase anyone sees any of my code, mine is not clean atm. xD But it will be, I'm just struggling to make it work atm.
8:54 AM
and the dev gets pissed off because he/she hasnt finished
I've been periodically documenting bits of my code.
the stick is metaphorical
No, it's literal.
good !
Sadly I can't just fire them
8:55 AM
i can
I'm only engineer leader
not the boss
and if its good enough for Carmack its good enough for me.
The last thing I can do is badmouthing them
8:56 AM
write bad code, meet my friend the basement incinerator
but I don't like that way
need to write code
Monkey see, monkey code
OK then!
I don't get this whole tanuki in hotpot thing..
This show makes no sense to me.
8:58 AM
what show are you watching right now nil?
The Eccentric Family
is a Japanese comedy-drama novel written by Tomihiko Morimi, originally published by Gentosha. A television anime adaptation began airing on July 7, 2013 and is being simulcast by Crunchyroll. Plot Yasaburo, a young tanuki, is close to solving the case of his fathers legacy. As Yasaburo often says, tanuki are carefree and easily distracted. He often visits a suspicious tengu, who drinks wine from the Electric Wine Factory. Wine also fuels his house, which flies when enough wine is poured into a pot at its center. Benten, a human woman who was taught to fly by a tengu, often helps Ya...
Problem solved in the first 4 words.
that's why you don't understand.
ah dorama
yes scott is pretty correct
right now I'm living in japan
and many things I can't understand
but the people is surely nice though
Most people are nice.
9:01 AM
it's good you find it that way
xD I just realised what your DP is @nil, I only recognise it because that bird has been plastered all over reddit this week lol
The infamous potoo.
Can't say I browse reddit though, so I'm not aware of that.
Don't start, it's terrible but I can't help clicking the bookmark every 5 mins.
I think I'll change my avatar to something special..
9:08 AM
Have to download a 222mb image for this.
9:26 AM
There we go.
9:43 AM
Nice =]
I'd be lying if I said I didn't reverse image search it.
I'd also be lying if I said I understand the original picture.
It's usually referred to as the Prince of Hell.
as i said before, it looks like it should be worshiped
I worship kittens.
I worship myself :p
I'm pretty sure kittens bring me more joy than myself.
9:47 AM
They have such fuzzy tummies that I can rub my face on.
And then they claw me.
10:00 AM
Dogs ftw.
Not a fan of dogs.
My family has 5. They're all terrible animals.
10:19 AM
When I'm using the Zombies instrument, in the list of instruments while the test is running it only shows allocations, not Zombies, is that correct is it not running properly?
it is correct, when there is a zombie a popover will appear in the graph.
Yep. A little flag at the top.
10:36 AM
lol the last 5 messages made me smile
phnegap belongs in the fires of hell along with all other misguided ideas, like raki and healing crystals
And Titanium
with only restarting my macbook air
now it's working as fast as my mac mini!
10:57 AM
I know @nil will like this one
Totoro, Totoro!
11:28 AM
Pretty sure I've seen that before
Also tonight is absurdly hot and I'm having trouble sleeping
@FreeGor Sorry, no access for you, I don't like your attitude to comments on your questions.
@DanielMartín @abizem Sorry i missed your replies, thanks a lot! =]
Abizern, I just realised I got your name wrong >.< Sorry
11:36 AM
Meh - worse things happen to me :)
Good afternoon peeps.
The kerning of the r and n is not okay in here.
Just skimmed through the messages... God I hate people who name variables label1, label2, label3.
One of the reasons why I don't feel like doing contract work again.
Currently I don't use variable names like label1, label2, etc. What I tend to do is use names like, currentCoordLabel, doneButton, saveLocationButton. is that okay/better? or is it just as bad?
I think you're on the right track.
11:53 AM
@Abizern Nice website. Very handy indeed.
Nothing on blocks though
looking at your examples I format quite similarly, I learned Python(basics) before objective-C just to get a feel for programming, and formatting is pretty important in python.
I asked yesterday if there was a naming convention when declaring a block
There are sort of conventions
I think if you watch the Earlier WWDC videos they prefer names which contain 'block' or 'handler'. I used anything that makes it clear what they do.
yeah, that is much better Scott.
Generally I use Block and Handler. It's all over my code.
12:02 PM
I've never had to define one of my own before so it feels a little odd.
I saw that but it doesn't mention blocks
I'm getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS after a certain point in my app, I've found the culprit and it's a class I've created to parse XML, to initialise it, I'm typing out XMLParser *parser = [XMLParser alloc] initWithURL:locationSearchURL, my code that does the job is within the initWithURL method, and Xcode is complaining that *parser is an unused variable, does it need to be "used" to be released automatically?(using ARC)
I think it may be that you aren't holding on to the parser. ARC will release parser once it's out of scope. It looks like you are creating it, but not using it straight away or assigning it to something that will hold on to it.
12:21 PM
Hi guys
Can someone confirm if the control that is shown in camera roll for sharing is UIDocumentInteractionViewController?
IS there any other alternative way to display same controls with our own application list instead of system registered apps
@abizern Thanks, I'll look into that.
@Sagrian UIActivityViewController is what you want to look up.
nice site Abizern
Thanks. I'm sure you've seen it before. I really need to update it though. Haven't posted in months.
yeah upkeep of blogs and sites is hard work, we are aiming to put one on our next site update. Given that we haven't finished that in 3 months kind of dictates a blog will also only fall by the way side
12:43 PM
I've tried using a standard init for my XMLParser and doing everything in an instance method straight after, still getting the same problem. :/ Also, checked again for Zombies and it's still all clear.
I've also renamed 2 variables that were named *parser (in different files) to something different just incase there was an overlap causing confusion.
I think I've my app 100+ times now. xD
1 hour later…
1:58 PM
anyone here use touch pad for developing?
specifically, anyone here use touch pad feature 3-fingers dragging?
Because click-drag and 3-fingers works differently in storyboard and it is really annoying.
if anyone knows how to fix it?
You should just do the 3-finger drag programatically.
2:16 PM
no idea what that means..
Im learning storyboard just for prototyping, if that is a concern. I love building elements in code but people who pays me wants something quick and dirty
2 hours later…
4:13 PM
hi guys
quick question
where to check what is the oldest os version for deployment target Apple will support?
@Dev2rights ?
4:37 PM
Not offical, but probably pretty accurate
4:53 PM
@JeremyBanks You have write access. Please read the rules gist.github.com/nilium/6269039
@nil you need to amend the rules. Number 8 is missing the word "If" from the start of the sentence.
need = should probably.
5:10 PM
5:24 PM
've one question
What is PD in terms of effort/estimation?
5:40 PM
hi @MichaelDautermann
hello insane.
can you please answer that question I asked
which question?
What is PD in terms of effort/estimation?
PD = police department?
psychiatric diagnosis?
5:44 PM
It's for estimation of projects
that sounds like black magic.
you better ask @CaptainMuff
I am sending an email, wait. brb
per day
per diem?
poor developer?
purgatory development
Abizern is here after long time
5:59 PM
he's too busy for peons like us
I got a call from a Germany company
They have asked me to share some of my sample codes. I am wondering what to share.
ja wohl, willst dü in Deutschland wöhnen?
She said salary would be 60k per year, then said 2600 per month
1400 is tax?
50% tax is very bad country
according to Wikipedia, maximum tax rate for income in Germany is 45%...
and I suspect that's only for really rich people. You should ask her for clarification.
looks like 45%, but why max for me
6:04 PM
you're special.
didn't your mom ever tell you that?
no i hate you
mom never said to you either.
6:19 PM
need to go to sleep
good night
wish me good luck for germany company
yes, I hope you get your goals
@MichaelDautermann Dude, I'm just too busy.
heh heh heh. it's okay if you feel guilty. I'm swamped with stuff to do, also.
today's challenge for me is to figure out how to determine the CGRect that contains characters from somewhere within a UITextField
6:36 PM
Oh, that doesn't sound like fun. Intrinsic rect?
I may be able to come up with some horrible solution using [NSString sizeWithFont:forWidth:lineBreakMode:] and calling it three times... once for the everything up to the character I care about, then the size of the characters I care about, then possibly also beyond. I have to draw "caps" to make a virtual text bubble.
3 hours later…
9:07 PM
9:32 PM
OS X 10.8.5 available now
i want mavericks
until late October or so
they are busy with iOS 7
:/ ya
people are idiots at my school
a girl asked whats the difference between the C, S and 5. so i said the C is a plastic phone like the 5 and said im getting a gold S, and some girl butted into the conversation saying "then why ya getting it then?" cuz she thought i called all iPhones a POS, people just dont get it
I don't know which one I'm getting, until they arrive to my country I have time to decide.
when do they come there?
9:44 PM
in December
I can import it from another country
Im going to ATT next thursday to see if 1) theres a line already, and 2) ask whats the earliest i can go in store and get my S. so if theres no line or a small one ill wait for next day, if no line ill go the next morning unless they can hold 1 off for me
Its down the street from my school, i cant imagine people waiting outside ATT's for it, Apples maybe (even though their in malls and dont open til 10 also) so i hope everyone is gone and i can get mine
+ people have work friday morning usually. I want the gold S
dont want to wait:/
they usually run out of the popular models very quickly.
well i expect most people to pre-order, half the people i know are in contracts, or dont even know there is a new phone and the people that do dont know the difference
if there is a line out the door of this ATT, i will be sooooo shocked. I Just dont know any apple people here. everyone is just get them because its the thing to get, but nobody like a die hard i need new iPhone people
I only see people line up for black friday:P
but if there is a line night before ill just wait with them. lol XD
the 5c at $99 on contract is attractive... How much is a typical contract in the US?
errr we dont pay for the contract?
we buy the phone and then just have to keep it for 2 years or use someone elseses upgrade and for a iphone on contract its $199 for 16 GB
also i think they wont sell out because people ive talked to dont like gold:P I do!!!
and only people with business accounts HAVE to go to ATT to get it, or order on the 20th. everyone else can go to best buy and apple stores
so eh, i hope not. just wanna walk in, ask for it and get it
9:57 PM
here the iPhone is very expensive to get. Carries put abusive contracts and most people choose Android.

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