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04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 20:00

1:03 PM
We are using IOS Classes NSURL CONNECTION so why we need to use AFNetworking ..so why we need to use ...it confuse me so i want to know @NitinGohel
AFN also use NSURLconnection
but that well managed
for example
yes @NitinGohel
we are create a constan class for some app we are create a NSObject class for ceraete all method an using+ method
we are called mathod with organize code
AFN create some thing like well organize class
so code show neet and clearn also AFN manage background task in seperat thread
you can get responce at particuler block withing 10 line of code you get responce of webservies
also AFN provide asynchronous class for load image in imageview from URL
without handing UI
When we use AFN we dont need to use All NSURLCONNECTION DELEGET MEthods
1:08 PM
didreceivedata,didreceive response n all
al all
see how to use AFN i explain
@iAnum So my question is "Is there any way to set the background image Aspect Fit to the View"?
Yes please
you need to download
afn from above link
after download
you find this folder structure
You need copy to AFNetworking folder and UIKit+AFnetworking folder
and past in to your project and add this two folder in to your project
after that
1:12 PM
for example you are trying to login
then #import
as par method need
then for get webservice you just need to call
for post
thats it
you can check its github all things are explain
no need to other delegates
and all that's why AFN is best
any other explanation you need?
well Explained
if i am calling one webservice and that return response in json and half of data i got but after some time network is not available so in this situation wht should i need to do when i get half part of the json @NitinGohel
you cant do anyting
aft return full json data
you get json data if success
success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
NSLog(@"JSON: %@", responseObject);
sucess block else fire
failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
having one more question
1:20 PM
so at failure you can show alert about what you get error return the reason
in ios if app in background after 10 min it will kill the app or someone in interview they ask me abt that after 10 min ios will stop services ...wht ios will do exactly can you please explain me so i could ans nexttime @NitinGohel
after ios7
that time is just 3 minit
@NitinGohel How do I set a background image of UIImageView or UIView Aspect Fit?
Currently I'm doing this:
myView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"shape.png"]];

I asked this already from iAnum but I guess he's busy.
So can you help me?
after 3 min application going to stoo mode
UIImageView having its content mode Aspect fit
and for uiview you need to scal image
@Darshan after 3 mint your background process going to bestop working application not running in background
So wht does actually ios do and what is it ?
1:24 PM
I need to Aspect Fit the background image.
background task means
ios will kill app ?
Not background task its background image.
stop means wht ios will do if my app in bg more thn 3 min ....
think about
your apple taking to much data
background web services
that that you app running in background then what about your device battry
your device hidden cellulor data use
if you can check if you are on location service in your iPhone
that taking too much bettery
so i think apple make this limitation for background application running for limitad time for this reason
YES some of services allow to running background app like music, VOIP service Location UPdate service
that up to apple how they provide :D
1:29 PM
if after more thn 10 min i'll tap on app and app will come in foreground
so it will call didfinishwithlaunch options
now forget about 10 mint my frnd
now 3 min only after ios7
@AtulKhanduri google.co.in/…
Q: ios: colorWithPatternImage , stretch image full screen

lee_zhouI have one view , and want set backGroudColor for this view by UIImage. The code as : self.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"backImage.png"]]; the problem is: the backImage'frame is small than the view. how to stretch UIImage to full my view. I konw use UI...

1:31 PM
didfinishlaunchwithoption will call after again when app will coming from background or it will call viewcontroller method in which view i was before going in to background @NitinGohel
didfinishlaunchwithoption called only when you are come from fresh app
if you are in background then you are at some viewcontroller
and tap on home button then after it open app that app in background that didfinishlaunchwithoption not called
but Apple provide API in .plist file
then each time app running from fresh
didfinishlaunchwithoption called
however you are come from background to forgraound
if AppRunningInBackground=Yes so everytime didfinishwithlaunch will call ?
however you are come from background to forgraound
or you are come from home to app
that by default YES
no not eveytime
1:37 PM
Thanks @NitinGohel
u welcome
where r u from
U cleared my basic questions @NitinGohel
interview ma puche che so aa badhu nathi khabar
1:39 PM
just start karyu che ios maa so concept clear naa hata so heran karyo @NitinGohel
its ok
al the best
but still thanks
haha ok bhai mare pan taju thai gyu
1:57 PM
Can anybody tell me how do i set the timeoutintervalrequest in alamofire in swift
@NitinGohel ?
2:13 PM
Thanks @NitinGohel this link, stackoverflow.com/a/14049250/2945616, worked for me. :)
4 hours later…
5:56 PM
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7:24 PM
04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 20:00

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