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4:00 PM
Android 2.3 or whatever version you're developing for :p
lol 4.0+
this app is
I have no idea
i dont even see 2.3+ crashes
4:00 PM
kittens :)
even if they occur
I hate jenkins wtf
I can open our box, open the terminal, type adb wait-for-device and we're all good
I put that sh command in our groovy file and it's like 'lol no fuck you adb command not found'
4:06 PM
check if you have multi instance of AS or eclipse open
It's not that. Honestly if I'm executing it from here I might need to fully qualify it. sh "..../platform-tools/adb wait-for-device"
let me try that next
That did it. whoo!
what did it?
gotta love googling a problem and hitting one of the SO links and finding that you've already upvoted the question and answer
I had to fully qualify where the adb thing was. I was trying sh "adb wait-for-device" but in this particular case, probably due to it being run via script and not terminal, I had to do sh "Users/blahblahblah/sdk/platform-tools/adb wait-for-device"
ohh i see nice
4:13 PM
I accepted his answer, because I commented because I wanna try to go just one step further. adb wait-for-device waits for the emulator process to show an actual device, which is great, but it stops there. What if I want to wait for the emulator to be /booted/?
Because right now, I'm banking on the fact that the emulator can boot faster than my project can clean and build, so it's booted before I call the tests to run, but the best way to do it would be to ensure the emulator has booted before I do that.
I hate this platform so much sometimes
I am making 6 ImageViews INVISIBLE at the same time, 4 of them hide, the other 2 remain showing
are you sure you are doing it correctly
I literally cannot make the other 2 hide, even removing them from the layout isn't working
that is the only relevant code
it has something to do with animations I think. But it makes no sense that 4 of them are un-affected by it
they were all code and instantiated the same way. The same animations is being applied to all of them. Hell they are all showing the same image
which animation are you using
Welcome dan
4:23 PM
xml animations
shrink and grow back to back to make the image "pulsate"
@Reno Hey, thanks for the welcome
calling setAnimation(null) and then removing the view from layout works
but setAnimation(null) and then setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE) does not
you tried stopping animation?
so I guess I'll just remove and then re-add the two problem ones and hope that it doesn't cause a different issue.
back at home
make them gone foamy
gone is love
gone is life
4:26 PM
can i turn off embedded images in this chat?
Each image has a hide button, I know that for sure, but idk if you can set them to hide by default. Hopefully yes, but I'm unsure.
use lemons extension
f12 - add css rule - img {opacity: 0;}
you could make some javascript that continually looks for them and hides them
Can lemon get rid of the rainbow colors? Pls? :(
4:27 PM
adam i dont see any hide button
I don't think you can do it within the interface though
i wanted to decrease data consumption, not hide them.
mark ping rlemon
rupin you cant
but you can disable the sites that has these gif
so it wont load
4:29 PM
ah, if the goal is to prevent them from laoding in the first place you'd probably need a browser extension of some sort
wish i could turn images off for a tab in chrome.
Much love for any assistance with this, will be bountying tomorrow if still no luck... basically have a top layout which has two framelayout, one which holds fragments and one which holds a progessbar - some fragments have async tasks so I want to hide the fragment holder and show the progress on async start then reverse it on end... but accessing the main layout from within a fragment is proving troublesome!
Q: Android dynamic fragment loading progress bar visibility won't set

DanI'm using Android fragments to load the code in my application. To create a simple loader I have LoadingFragment extends Fragment and then my fragment classes extend that, for example: MyFragment extends LoadingFragment. The LoadingFragment has hideLoader and showLoader which theoretically my su...

i'm sucking your bandwidth
user image
that gif is insane
4:44 PM
I...I don't even know what to think of that
Guys, don't hold it against me but I may be moving to more of a PM role, at least "for the short term".
so, penguin or panda
Not completely sure how I feel about it
could be positive so you can exhaust yourself much less during the day
and work on your important stuffs at night
well all you need is a sharp knife, a stick and a shovel
4:45 PM
but you'll be bound to excel sheets / tons of emails and lowering your head in front of your customer / and people managing :D
time to go home~~ :D
cya pleople!!! x3
bye womp
It would be kind of interesting especially if it means more pay but I don't know if it will. And ya I would still work on my stuff at night so I'd still be programming
see ya
no pleople
4:46 PM
Mehdi, ya none of that is very exciting
People, yuck
it's spelt ple-o-ple
hahaha yes
lol cM
on my projects there are usually 2 PMs
Technical PM and Functional PM
We don't really have much for PMs on our projects. ha
4:48 PM
awww Cm as PM
the technical one is like an architect who assists the functional one on grant diagrams estimation pushing against clients etc...
sounds too good to be true
and the functional is the one who gets notified of resources vacations
Well, now that we have a VP of tech he is for basically everything. But handed the iOS port over to me and said he thought I did a good job. Damn me for being so good
putting pressure etc...
4:48 PM
Can't you move to architect?
why are so many in this room moving to iOS when there's nothing happening there
I guess I would kind of be both?
Reno, our clients (some potentially huge ones) want it. A lot of restaurants and such already have iDevices for doing other things at their stores
i want to learn swift but no time :(
I guess I'll just have to wait and see. My boss just talked to me about it and wanted to know how I'd feel about it. He's not completely sure that's what he wants to do but sounds like a good possibility
4:52 PM
well PM also means increment in salary right?
I told him I'd probably much rather code but I would be fine with it if that's what he wanted
CF, I don't know. If I am doing a good job then probably. Not sure it will do anything right away
IMHO, I think if they give you the title of architect, it could be better for you and for them.
they'll be reassured as you will be technically managing teams and helping the management but you'll be at the core of technical decisions.
And architect is very well sold on the market (that's for you).
what is the average salary in your area i heard its around 150k$/ year
Makes sense, Mehdi
Not sure for that role.
So it seems that some samsung devices don't actually turn off
4:54 PM
which device?
I have a tablet that I can turn off (hold power button choose power off). and it turns itself back on after some period of time
But it may only be a short term thing for a few projects and not a full career change. Not sure yet
they blast they dont turn off
that is turn off forever
I've never seen that, Foamy, and I've got quite a few S word devices
I'm about to turn it off with a fixing hammer because that shit is creepy
4:55 PM
I have S2, it wouldn't blast. ever.
What is it?
it's a 10 inch tablet
I don't recall the specific model
throw it away sounds like its gonna blast soon
Oh, I was wondering why you wouldn't just tell us what it was. Lol
4:55 PM
it's got some kind of MDM management thing on it, though maybe that is driving the behavior
it's from canada
yes that must be it
Found yet another bug with MPAndroidChart
thats still creepy though
MDM can be disabled, is it office tablet?
because that means the OS is capable of lying to the user about being off
4:56 PM
Time to roll out your own charting lib mark
not exactly
it's a long story
I've spent more time investigating bugs than I have spent configuring this library. It's a mess.
The whole bar chart moves halfway across the screen when the only thing I change is the data set.
The only thing I change is one value in the data set.
fork it fix it
I'm gonna clone it and tear out everything I'm not using and fix what I am using
but I don't have time for that
or for this fucking about right now
well if you have a issue you should just dig the source
4:59 PM
Whenever I go back to the old dataset after clicking another button, the graph wont move back to the old position
from the start
helps a lot
I did that for a previous issue and the solution was the most fucking dumbest thing ever, setting configurations which shouldn't have affected it
i usually start with the source if a issue occurs
Oh my fucking word, of course this is what is wrong
@MarkOSullivan94 check the license before you do, it might not be allowed
5:01 PM
> Licensed under the Apache License
Is that the one where if I fork it, I have to make my code changes public?
Apache 2 gives you full freedom
Free for commercial use?
which version
5:02 PM
GPL is kinda restrictive
MIT also gives you full freedom
LGPL is somewhere between APACHE 2 and GPL
There's a configuration set which is setting the offsets, I have it set to 10, it seems to double it, when I set it to 0, it still moves it :D
Do note that most people don't give a shit about a license, and just do whatever they want
but might need to check with your boss to be sure
It's the terminology in the licences which makes me not want to read them
Okay so listen to this hilarious solution: I set the offset when I first create the chart, I then have to set another offset whenever I update the chart so it moves it back to the position it is some reason being moved to
5:06 PM
sounds good, commit and push, never look at it again
There's something really messed up with this library
the problem is that you can't roll out something of your own, because it will take you a year to make it
and mine would have even more bugs than this
Time to head home
Gonna work from home on this for a bit
5:32 PM
Oye, I got a question. I have a handler.post() in a fragment in ViewPager. This handler runs itself after each second(as a countdown timer). If i move to different fragment(far enough from this fragment) and then, come back to this fragment again, I see two handlers refreshing each second. and they keep increasing every time i move.
I tried a static boolean to prevent re-running a handler. But, that just makes first handler go away too.
well you have answered yourself
        // if task isn't ran, run it once

            // don't do this again
            MainActivity.contactTaskRan = true;
10$ says you don't kill the handler when you move away from the fragment
5:35 PM
yes, I don't. I should?
that is obvious isnt it
Depends. Do you want to restart the handler when you move back to fragment?
Or do you want the first one to stay alive
and not start a second
no, I just want it to keep running it in one usage session, but never get started again.
what is a usage session?
when does it start/end?
The user opens app, uses it, closes it.
5:36 PM
Tim if the fragment is gone there is little point in keeping handler alive
except some cases
if that is the case, you should not tie the handler to a fragment which has a different lifecycle than the app
run it in a background service or something
Its a contact form. I want to prevent number of times a user can contact me. So, when they contact once, I start a handler to wait for 4 hours. Everything works perfect even if user relaunches app. But, with every shifting to this Contact Fragment, number of handlers increase.
Suggest me what should i do? A service then?
Just ditch the handler and store a timestamp instead
keep it simple
I store a last_contact_millis already
and use it to display time difference to user
why do you need the handler then?
5:40 PM
to show seconds, ---> 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5. every second.
time left. countdown timer.
is that necessary?
I don't think it is
never saw someone spending 5min on a contact form
:( i spent shoo much time
let alone 4h..
5:42 PM
I would show the user a message that says "you can contact again at 17h25" or something
if you really need the countdown, you can still use a handler, but be sure to correctly manage the state
start it when you need it, and stop it when you don't
I am thinking about onPause and onResume
Updated FCM not working
i added thru AS plugin
i am receiving notification but not getting in service
any change in code ?
that's an option I think. But remember that onResume will get called before the fragment is visible
after onViewCreated()?
It's not a problem in your case I think, since the handler is just counting seconds
try onpause and onresume, it can work
5:45 PM
alright, thanks
@ArthTilva try to use sentences. It's hard to follow what you're saying..
problem: handler.post() is calling handler.postDelayed in itself. How do i stop handler? Is there any way other than setting a boolean and checking it before calling postDelayed()
you could use handler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null);
got you.
@TimCastelijns didnt understood
5:59 PM
@ArthTilva :
Updated FCM not working
i added thru AS plugin
i am receiving notification but not getting in service
any change in code ?
Rephrase it as it doesn't make any sense.
If you store something in sharedPreferences, will it be saved whenever there's an app update?
Awesome :)
@MehdiB. I have added FCM through AS plugin, when i send message from Console i receive notification, but i have log in MyFirebaseMessagingService class but it is not getting there
in old versions it is working fine when i used to add it manually
6:13 PM
The console sends a "notification" payload and not a "data" payload which means you will receive the message in your service if your app is in the foreground, but not if it is in the background
ok.. and now as firebase is updated which key Web developer need to use?
Server key
or legacy server key?
and the JSON file that it provides has the fourth different key
previously it was same api key
I don't know
why don't you read the documentation
documentation is same , no any update
6:29 PM
Is 'no any update' a double negative?
I don't think so...?
I mean, it is but that's probably not what he meant
I was asking if its like saying "never have i ever not laughed." which is totally a double negative.
or "I don't never make jokes."
I think he meant not any update which still isn't very good english, but it's not a double negative
I think so too. But that's not that bad of English for a non-native
I was curious, people around me use this line, like "I got no any cookies for you" "I have no any plans for that". and, I am always correcting them. Maybe they are right?
6:39 PM
Anyone here have rest api development experience?
I have
(using Java though)
I have 1 request handler that is sometimes called in the context of a session, and sometimes not
because of the session, I don't have to include a resource id in the url, so the url is like /organisation/users
but in case of no session the id must be provided in the url so it becomes /organisations/:id/users
does it make sense to make 2 handlers with 2 urls that basically do the same?
I don't think so, we usually unify URLs
do you work with web sessions?
Nope, only with tokens
REST Apis should be stateless
so whatever you use cookies / auth-tokens / bearers
the urls stay the same
6:46 PM
@rupinderjeet No, they are not right. I wouldn't say it's a double negative but just bad grammar
Imagine in your case, with the tokens, one of the urls should also be publicly accessible. What do you do?
alright, thanks.
i would flag it as non-secure
which means that the filter that intercept the request
won't check for the token
and will forward to the service then return the resource (HTML / json)
but the token is used to identify the resource
the client doesn't know the id of the resource
but in the case where it is publicly accessed, it does know the id
yeah this sounds super strange. I'll try to redesign some stuff
how do you expose your public urls ?
6:49 PM
what I meant by publicly accessible is that the client should be able to make a request without an active session
yes, but he needs to locate it on a context
example :
oracle here is the id, so we get docs from oracle
that is without a session, yes
but with a session, it is just /organization/docs
because the server knows my organization is oracle
yes, but since the rest is supposed to be stateless
all urls should be the same
without assuming the identity of the client
does it make sense?
yes, but right now I don't see how I can use 1 url for both use cases
what language are you using on the backend?
6:53 PM
so in Java let's say for ex the framework jersey
in the top of each service you want to expose
you annotate it with something like :

@Path ("filters")
public class DynamicFilteringService extends AbstractService {

@Path ("/agents/{uuid}")
@Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
public String getAgentsVisibleIds (@PathParam ("uuid") String userId) {
so here it's unified, you have only 1 service representation
that always takes the ID
so the path will be : /api/filters/agents/agent-1
now imagine the path is /agents/{uuid}/contract
but uuid is not always passed
because the calling client doesn't know it
6:59 PM
then I guess, you'll have to visit the url and inject the uuid from session stored in your cache
and redirect to the appropriate service?
well god damn
that makes a lot of sense
that's perfect, thanks!
but ideally the services urls / and the client urls should be unified (that's one use case of templating on the web front)

that also fixes the problem I foresaw that would occur at the time we have to make the api available to our apps
take this virtual token of gratitude
haha! you're welcome! (never tested that approach of injecting the id though)
I'll be sure to add a comment that says it was your idea
So you will get in trouble and not me >:D
7:15 PM
posted on December 15, 2016 by Android Developers

Posted by Andrew Ahn, Product Manager, Google Play We're constantly working on ways to make Google Play a great place for users to discover apps and games they'll love. We know this is crucial to most developers ongoing success. There are steps you can take to ensure your app is primed for success – that's why we're sharing a reminder of some of our top tips for getting your app discovered on

Hahaha :D
I'm stressing to death, the customer is about to start performance testing on my API and the customer doesn't like me very much
The specs say that the API should support 100 parallel connections but i expect them to test with 1000 at least :D
If it works with 100, but not with 101, you did a good job :)
specs are binding
yeah, that's if you have a good PM
who protects the team
the one we have doesn't understand the dev etc.. so we have to stand in front of the customer for our parts instead of him, otherwise I wouldn't be on the blacklist of the customer XD
7:40 PM
@murleepatle you need 20 rep to talk in chat and this room requires 80 room-15.github.io
Same for me, I have direct contact with clients
I think it's good since you learn how to discuss with the customers etc.. but it's bad when things go wrong :D
i just saw a crime case on TV , the criminal where so stupid i cant imagine it
How so?
they left their daughter at some place and then reported their daughter were missing in police
7:52 PM
o/ dave
idk what the fuck that gif is from rupinderjeet but I feel obligated to star it
lol true wtf is that gif
and as the saying goes " go with the crowd"
Penguin panda, duh
8:19 PM
@murlee you need the reps
Cm no chat speak please
cM please read the room rules room-15.github.io
8:35 PM
What part of that is chatspeak?
Maybe that's why I'm not a RO anymore
everything cM, chat speak is defined as "something cM would say"
I think we need take a long hard look at terminology here. The more interesting question is, can you "speak" in chat? Do you "speak" in a letter?
Anyway, Christmas party to go to
See ya
8:40 PM
good, go away
see ya cM
Tim i got a nice discount on SSD so ordered one
9:34 PM
posted on December 15, 2016 by Android Developers

Kacey Fahey, Marketing Programs Manager, Google Play The upcoming Android Wear 2.0 experience will introduce standalone apps, expanding your potential reach to both Android and iOS audiences with Wear devices. Users will be able to search, install, and use apps without ever leaving their device. See how other developers are enhancing their user experience with standalone apps for messaging,

9:53 PM
apparently DDR4 i couldnt get in india
compatible with my laptop
i need to contact hp for that
10:15 PM
you can't get this in India?
1 hour later…
11:36 PM
Hah, 40k AA miles coming up
I can upgrade to business for my trip back to the US in January!
11:52 PM
not worth it :P

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