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12:00 AM
Came up on my G+ stream.
I wish Stack Overflow would stop any user who uses the word "NullPointerException" in their question, and re-direct them to a page specifically designed to help users troubleshoot it...
ahh was just wondering
you could propose that maybe :)
12:27 AM
@adam you speak german?
I speak Google Translate. >_>
oh nvmd just read your response earlier
12:42 AM
Good day programmers :p
good day to you
12:56 AM
Someone I think here was asking how they could zoom a Google Map to include the current location and all markers. That sound familiar to anyone?
I think i recall that
I just figured out how to do it, so...
I got bored.
I like the background.
Always cool when a new feature works almost the first time.
1:02 AM
I should somehow steganographically add "it's your fault" to the file.
Wow, my Android 10 commandments is turning out to be one of my more popular pages...
that's nice nil
what did you make it with?
Now that I got the tool to work, I need to figure out where to put it. I suspect the Navigation Drawer, but for now... Sigh. Will have to look at the Android Design docs, and I'm just too lazy to do that tonight.
1:09 AM
hmmm Ham Finder update :)
Yep, mainly an added preference:-)
Should community post that picture @nil
haha that's great nil
hehe just got the update now pearson
Put it in the NPE tag wiki.
1:12 AM
I'd rather not.
It doesn't actually cover all cases for debugging NPEs
:( aww
1:25 AM
Certainly it doesn't account for cosmic rays, or gremlins, both of which are fairly common bug-producing effects.
i will make a NPE post and tag nil o.o
Speaking of NPE's, I'm getting server side logs which claim NPE, but I'm definitely populating all fields in the request object.
Someone elses code!
have to do some server side stuff now as well
This is nice:
git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
A lot better than git log
Ahhh shit. I put my request through Fiddler and it is my screw-up. Oops.
Um. Shit.
Q: Is an entity body allowed for an HTTP DELETE request?

HaackedWhen issuing an HTTP DELETE request, the request URI should completely identify the resource to delete. However, is it allowable to add extra meta-data as part of the entity body of the request?

Looks like maybe Volley is dropping the body when sending an HTTP DELETE?
1:37 AM
why would volley do that?
"The spec does not explicitly forbid or discourage it, so I would tend to say it is allowed."
(first answer on that Q above)
Perhaps, Volley has chosen to ignore it.
btw what is Fiddler?
got it
A: Is an entity body allowed for an HTTP DELETE request?

grzesThe latest update to the HTTP 1.1 spec explicitly permits entity body in DELETE request. Refer This

That + the comments
So the RFC linked says:
> Bodies on DELETE requests have no defined semantics. Note that
sending a body on a DELETE request might cause some existing
implementations to reject the request.
1:56 AM
I didn't know that
I once implemented a simple API that sent a body with a DELETE request
I thought it was fine :/
HttpDelete has no setEntity method, meaning I can't specify a body in this request.
The JavaDoc links to an old version of the RFC.
Yeah just checked that as well
Hmmm... actually, I don't know that the new version above has been ratified, so this one from 1999 is still the most up to date/official? And it doesn't mention body's in DELETEs at all.
2:01 AM
The one above isn't official
So it seems RFC 2616 is still in place
Mmm. It's been in our API since September of 2011.
Apparently no one has encountered this until today.
Potential solution, except not, because it doesn't work with HttpURLConnection
A: HttpDelete with body

Walter MundtHave you tried overriding HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase as follows: import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase; import java.net.URI; import org.apache.http.annotation.NotThreadSafe; @NotThreadSafe class HttpDeleteWithBody extends HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase { p...

I have a few activities which my activity calls, which aren't a main part of the app, but are related.
I'm thinking of putting these activities in to a Navigation Drawer. Is that the right use case for the Navigation Drawer?
These items won't be used heavily, and don't directly relate to the main part of the screen.
Not really - NavDrawer is meant to be for "top level" nav items. Those sound like they're sub-items of your main activity.
Of course, that's just a guide. If it feels right, go for it.
Where else would I put them?
Well, you said that you reach them from the main activity - so, that way.
2:12 AM
I could be reading what they're for incorrectly, though. If they're distinct parts on their own, rather than sub/child parts of the main activity, then they do make sense to exist in the nav drawer.
They are distinct parts.
Sounds good then :)
Hmmm. Okay, time to get to work then! Thanks!
We've decided to simply ignore the http delete problem for now :D
android:visibility="invisible"/> problem solved.
2:13 AM
for now
Yeah, the spec clearly says we're supposed to be able to delete these =\
We'll potentially have the same problem on iOS, but they're quite a bit further behind on the ticketing app.
Wow, NavigationDrawers are a bit tricky...
indeed they are hehe :P
To do this right, I might have to re-design a fair chunk of my app... Sigh.
    // TODO Show this again once we've figured out how to send a body with an HTTP DELETE. Ahaha oh dear.
2:20 AM
sounds about right lol
@BryanMuscedere Welcome. Please read the room rules.
@user3339691 Rejected, because of your default user name.
My terminal never crashed
I guess there's always a first time...
Hah. Working again.
And... crashed again, on the same script I was trying to run.
Clearly your terminal needs an update.
Ah I think I know why
Can you update the terminal? how?
I have to make a switch to iTerm2
2:32 AM
hey Ahmad what happened with Dortmund?
I know right?!
I couldn't believe it
So.. wow.
I was being sarcastic :( I'm too good at it though, apparently.
I should mock Warren with that
lol adam
Warren isn't a dortmund fan though afaik
he said he was
2:33 AM
Oh didn't know
I mean they lost for 8 games straight
fired their coach on the 8th
and won against the (one of the) strongest team
with the new one
look at Bayern Munich
haven't lost a game
look at my edit^^
yeah I know
I actually used Bayern Munich when I used to play FIFA
2:36 AM
I always placed with Manchester
Haven't actively played for at least 2 years
Only play occasionally when I'm at friends
yeah, I haven't play any video game in a while
ohhh the Counter-Strike days....
those were the days
I haven't gotten an answer to my question yet
You should post it on G+, some Google dev will find it
the Google Glass people that frequently answer were not in SO today
I really need to get my G+ game up
where should I post it?
2:42 AM
There should be a Google Glass developer community
Pretty sure there is
There's a developer community for everything
Oh they even advise, that they'll be on SO
I am going to start my project
The heart monitor?
first task will be to send my laptop's webcam video feed to Glass over ethernet
the second task will be to actually encode a video signal from an HDMI input and send it over ethernet
(no idea how to do that yet)
2:48 AM
There are a few streaming video projects I found a few weeks back
this will maybe help you
not sure if you meant something like this
well I already have an open source project that allows me to connect to my webcam
pretty easy API
but the big thing is the second task
getting an HDMI video feed and send it over
Hmm how is this video recorded?
so for example
lets say I connect my TV to my laptop using the HDMI port in my laptop
I want to send that signal over Ethernet
Sorry I'm lost
Ah no wait
I think I get it
So you want to stream the screen?
2:58 AM
shouldn't be that difficult, but I have no idea how to do it
that is basically what I have to do, once I can get that stream I can send it over to glass
either using Sockets or MQTT
Ah cool
MQTT is the protocol you used for your light switch as well, right?
@SuperUser Rejected for your super generic name and for spamming chat rooms with your question.
@SuperUser I already rejected you once.
I knew I saw the name MQTT before :p
3:09 AM
@SuperUser No, I won't join the room you invited me to.
he is getting closer and closer to the ban list...
wait for it......wait for it....
1 hour later…
4:21 AM
Heya, Everyone :)
Baby is back :D
What's up Ahmad ?
Nothing much, just writing code like always :p
@MansoorV.M Rejected, you've got no real SO activity, so I can't judge if I should let you in or not.
Just came office, having coffee :)
What did you do the last week? Haven't seen you in here
4:26 AM
I was in my home town.
spent some time with my parents
@MansoorV.M Work on your Stackoverflow activity. Your account is 2 years old and only has 2 questions. So, rejected again.
Cool :D
Yeah! :D
makes sure Ahmad never sees his account
So this doesn't have any Nexus One images. developers.google.com/android/nexus/images
Why was nils message just flagged?
Was probably MansoorV.M
4:28 AM
thats rough
there is even an image for the Nexus Q
That is a weird thing to flag.
A 4.4 image for the Nexus One?
I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge I've never asked a question on SO by now
Try XDA adam
4:30 AM
XDA: home of people who are way too obsessed with phones
Yeah, I'm gonna head there in a sec.
Pretty sure I took a backup of the factory image when I flashed CM on there though.
XDA is a horrible place
Just trying to find it.
4:31 AM
goodnight guys
Night, Foamy
K:\Android\Nexus One\Factory
This'll be it :D
Now... to figure out how to get this stuff all back onto it.
These people on XDA have 4.4 on a Nexus One wtf.
I had 4.1 on a LG Optimus One
It run surprisingly well
Was really surprised
I'm disappointed my other messages didn't get randomly flagged.
4:43 AM
After three days here
and I am after 8 days
Huh, that guide doesn't work, as ADB can't find it.
Buuuut I seem to be able to recover it from some custom recovery I have installed on here? I don't remember how this stuff works.
Copying the backup of stuff I made back on.
I didn't even realise Google did business quotas on their maps API.
Little naruto what do Google Maps API for business do?
is thier difference regarding on the normal google maps api?
4:57 AM
You can extend the per day limit
But I dont know how much to pay for it
And how does this billing system for Google Map SDK Work ?
Ah.. so it's about the usage of the maps per REQUEST.. I think 1000 request per day?
for google maps
so in business api you can extend the limit per day
I think you can extend it if you validate yourself with a google account
Yea :)
not sure though
No you can not
5:01 AM
I have voted for Raghav
let me vote
Ohh I was thinking of the Places API
so you meant to increase the number of results ?
The Android native Google Maps API doesn't have any quota
> The Google Earth API, and native Maps APIs for mobile platforms such as Android and iOS are not affected
no, if you validate your account for the Places API you get 100,000 requests instead of 1,000 per 24 hrs
> Users who have verified their identity through the APIs console are allowed 100 000 requests per 24 hour period.
^ on that there is no limit on the Google Map API
but I'm not sure what you mean of verifying the account ?
I never done so
5:10 AM
Naruto, are you using it for business or ap ersonal project?
and where is the option to verify the account ?
Emm already covered it
Ugh, trying to get 2.2 back onto this phone is awful. Do I trust this download? No idea. =\
Worst that can happen is not much, I don't plan on logging into any Google apps.
verifying the account is for the Places API
I think it is just signing in with your email
but I do not remember
It's a personal project Adam, was curious about business map usage. That's why throw here "The Topic"
yeah everyone do same, signing with their email
but never I see the option to verify google api console to increase that
Is it possible to scan the NFC tags after I press power button once ?
5:21 AM
Ok now there's a little Android with an exclamation mark on the screen. That probably means good things are happening and definitely nothing bad.
6:15 AM
Well it's been nearly an hour and the little Android with the exclamation mark hasn't disappeared. Guessing it definitely wasn't a good thing, then.
Not responding to attempts to power it off either. Joy.
Will leave it a while longer? =\
It doesn't boot up?
/barely knows anything about flashing ROMs
Pulled the battery, looks like it's booting fine.
This is such dodgy stuff. "Download this file, put it here"
6:36 AM
Attempt 2!
Script just finished running \o/
If this works I'll have a 2.2, 2.3, 4.0, 4.1 and 4.4 device readily accessible for testing.
successfully scraped ~1500 pages in 35:56 minutes
Your video conversion script? Nice!
/me is paying attention
No, that's the scraper
haha :D
Created a json file of all the scraped meta data: 244.961 lines long
6:38 AM
web crawl ?
Now I just have to download the vids and send them off to the server
I won't be converting that on my machine
That'll take too much time
Yes Williams
(No worries, it's legal lol)
yes, it is
My friend also did it once
It's covered in the license we are using. As long as the gathered data stays under the creative commons license and is not used to generate profit, it's fine.
did you make own web crawl ?
Yes, but it's not finished yet
can be found here
6:46 AM
Did in python ?
Ooooh I have Android 2.2! Look at it in all its ugly glory.
...tried to take a picture and my S2 is dead.
It was on 90% when I left work a few hours ago. Um.
6:50 AM
You could get an original battery from ebay for a few bucks
Seems like yours is pretty much dead
I think you mean I could "buy a new phone tomorrow" :D
That red Nexus 5 on TradeMe has gone :(
haha ^^
Oh :/
The one you linked to a few days back?
Looking good, battery chart.
Haha I love Google Drive for sharing photos
Post it on Twitter
Watch the viewer count increase in real timem
7:06 AM
There's a view count on google drive?
I always use Imgur
Top right
Yeah, but easiest way to share a screen shot is email to myself -> save to Drive -> share
I suppose I could just share directly to Drive, actually...
I've got this imgur app on my phone
and since when you take a screen shot it will be displayed in the notification center
along with a "share" button
Huh, that'd be handy actually.
Really it'd just be easiest if screenshots got uploaded to G+ like everything else.
I should probably go to sleep now
It's already 8AM lol
Good "night" I guess
Haha, night.
7:36 AM
Hey guys!
8:02 AM
Pfft, and people say I have a sleeping problem
The work makes you wake up early :)
8:24 AM
@ElhadiMamoun You've got write access on the condition that you read the rules and agree to follow them. You've got ten-ish minutes to do this.
Failure to display good chat etiquette when you're a newbie in the room will result in sanctions against your write access.
Such sanctions include loss of write access, clutches of spider eggs infesting your armpits, and 36 hours in the snake pit at a minimum.
Looks like everyone's trying to hop on board the 64-bit mobile CPU bandwagon now that Apple made it a marketing point.
@ElhadiMamoun You have three minutes left.
8:31 AM
I'll just say you have until I get back from brushing my teeth.
nice play from the running guy...
@ElhadiMamoun Revoked.
Night folks.
Also; so, Nokia.
8:44 AM
@AnkitaSinha rejected because you do empty pings!
But I'll leave that discussion for tomorrow.
@BalaPrasanna rejected. You spread the same question across multiple rooms but haven't even tried to ask on SO directly.
@ThuốcĐộc I personally dislike your about text and your ios facebook page. Anyway you have a chance to talk here. Read the room rules and follow them! Say within 30 minutes that you have read and understood them or I revoke your permissions...
thanks @WarrenFaith
God I really want a burrito
A mission burrito
8:50 AM
The huge kind full of deliciousness
9:11 AM
Warren, there ?
I lastly found that dialog box which show a list of NFC installed apps is bit different than others when NFC tag comes near to the device. I tested in two devices but showing same in one device that is rooted
I read the reason because of security purpose
did you manage to change that somehow?
for these kind of infos you can ping me :)
I am away in a meeting
9:29 AM
No we can not change it default behavior
If we really want to open our app by default when device comes near then we have to add the AAR first into the NFC tag

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